11/08/13 : Milwaukee Journal Sentinel:
Menominee offered Oneida inducements to support Kenosha casino

The Oneida tribe will collect at least $3 million annually in banking fees and has the “right of first refusal” to finance the first phase of a Menominee casino in Kenosha in exchange for its support of the project, according to the newly released agreement.

In addition, the Menominee [Tribe of Indians of Wisconsin / MITW] is promising not to advertise the Kenosha casino, which it hopes to build with Hard Rock International, north of Milwaukee. That promise is intended to protect the market for the Oneida tribe’s casino near Green Bay. The Oneida casino is in the middle of a $27.9 million expansion.

The Oct. 17 agreement was posted on OneidaEye.com, a small website maintained by Leah Sue Dodge, a member of the Oneida tribe and critic of the tribe’s leadership. As a tribal member, Dodge said, she obtained a copy of the agreement from the tribal secretary’s office.

The Oneida [Business Committee] announced its endorsement of the controversial Kenosha casino project on Oct. 17, the same day it signed its agreement with the Menominee. Details of the agreement were kept confidential initially.

Winning the Oneida endorsement was vital to the Menominee because Gov. Scott Walker has repeatedly said he would approve an off-reservation casino in Kenosha only if each of the state’s other 10 tribes also agreed to the project. Walker has unilateral veto power over the off-reservation casino, which the federal government approved in August.

Dodge, who disclosed the agreement, was critical of the Oneida for even considering participating in the loan arrangement, saying the tribe doesn’t have the funds to do so. “The elders are very concerned about this,” she said.

11/13/13 : November 13, 2013, Appellants’ Brief, Wisconsin Supreme Court Case No. 2013AP591, Oneida Seven Generations Corp. & Green Bay Renewable Energy, LLC  v.  City of Green Bay



11/18/13 : November 18, 2013 Letter from Oneida Tribal Zoning Dept. to Bruce King/Oneida Seven Generations Corp. re: discovery of an unauthorized “open flame device” being used in OSGC’s facility at 1201 O’Hare Boulevard, Hobart, WI, in violation of safety & zoning regulations and despite GTC’s May 5, 2013 Directive prohibiting Gasification on the ONWI Reservation

11/20/13 : AUDIO – November 30, 2013 ONWI Legislative Operating Committee Meeting

Fmr. OBC Member Vince DelaRosa said problems with the Tribal Audit Committee have resulted in the Tribe…

slowly spiraling out of control.

DelaRosa outlined the need for the Audit Committee’s independence from the BC, as well as the need for meaningful accountability – including for Tribal corporations – when misconduct or negligence negatively impacts the Tribe.

Audio Player

Vince DelaRosa noted that the OBC failed to establish a whistleblower’s law to protect conscientious members & employees who report mismanagement or misconduct and said:

We are in bad shape when it comes to audit work. We do as best we can as an Audit Committee, but if you knew, if you only knew what was going on underneath the surface here, as Tribal members you would be horrified. I’m promising you that.

[T]he Audit Committee should be able to report to General Tribal Council. At some point when this all blows up we’re going to wonder what happened, and then the audits will show certain things year after year, seven years – seven years – in some cases of people just failing to respond to audit work, and they’re still employed here! Or we show up on audit sites and tons of paperwork is missing. Do we find this acceptable as Tribal members? …

Right now, with the lack of control environments, we believe – based on the Candela advisory – y’know, it could be $20-to-40 million that is loose, not tied down properly. But we go to audit and there’s paperwork missing, we can never prove a case, can’t take anyone to trial, can’t prosecute anyone, and then this just goes on and on and on.

Fmr. OBC Member David ‘Fleet’ Jordan summed it up another way:

Such a lack of ethics in this entire organization.

Audio Player


11/22/13 : November 22, 2013 OBC Emergency Meeting Agenda

Present: Chairman Ed Delgado, Vice Chairman Greg Matson, Secretary Patty Hoeft, Council members David Jordan, Paul Ninham, Brandon Stevens; Not present: Treasurer Tina Danforth, Council members Melinda J. Danforth; Others present: [ONWI PR Director] Bobbi Webster, [OBC Chief Counsel] Jo Anne House, Wilbert Rentmeester, Larry J. Cornelius, Pat Pelky, Mary Jo Nash, [OSGC Pres. & Chair] William Cornelius, [Tina Danforth’s sister & OSGC Board member] Tsyosha?aht Cathy Delgado

A. Executive SessionIn accordance with provisions of the Oneida Tribe of Indians of Wisconsin Open Records and Open Meetings Law, Chapter 7, sections 7.20-1 and 7.4-1, the Committee will move into executive session to discuss confidential information or to obtain legal advice. After discussion, the Committee will move back into open session to take any action on executive session items discussed on this agenda.

1. Status report regarding zoning finding for building usage
Sponsor: Ed Delgado

Motion by Vince DelaRosa to recess until Nov. 25, 2013 at 1:30 p.m., seconded by Greg Matson. Motion carried unanimously:

Ayes: Greg Matson, Patty Hoeft, David Jordan, Paul Ninham, Brandon Stevens

Not present: Melinda J. Danforth, Tina Danforth, Vince DelaRosa

11/25/13 : 1:30 p.m. November 25, 2013 OBC Reconvened Emergency Meeting Minutes:

Present: Chairman Ed Delgado, Vice Chairman Greg Matson, Secretary Patty Hoeft, Council members David Jordan, Paul Ninham, Brandon Stevens; Not present: Treasurer Tina Danforth, Council members Melinda J. Danforth, Vince DelaRosa; Others present: [ONWI CFO] Larry Barton, [OBC Chief Counsel] Jo Anne House

1. Status report regarding zoning finding for building usage
Sponsor: Ed Delgado

Motion by David Jordan to adopt resolution titled Clarification of General Tribal Council Action Regarding Waste-to-Energy Activities with the noted change which is to delete the last resolve, seconded by Patty Hoeft.

Motion failed with three opposed:

Ayes:     Patty Hoeft, David Jordan

Opposed:  Greg Matson, Paul Ninham, Brandon Stevens

Not present: Melinda J. Danforth, Tina Danforth, Vince DelaRosa

Motion by Brandon Stevens for the [OBC] Chairman to send a memo with the current resolution language to the Oneida Seven Generations Board President [William ‘Bill’ Cornelius] and for the BC Liaison [to OSGC, which is Brandon Stevens] to have a scheduled meeting between the Board President, Tribal Chairman and BC Liaison, seconded by Paul Ninham.

Motion carried with one opposed:

Ayes: Greg Matson, Patty Hoeft, Paul Ninham, Brandon Stevens

Opposed: David Jordan


WHEREAS, the Oneida General Tribal Council is the duly recognized governing body of the Oneida Tribe of Indians of Wisconsin, and

WHEREAS, the General Tribal Council has been delegated the authority of Article IV, Section I of the Oneida Tribal Constitution, and

WHEREAS, the Oneida Business Committee may be delegated duties and responsibilities by the Oneida General Tribal Council and is at all times subject to the review powers of the Oneida General Tribal Council, and

WHEREAS, the General Tribal Council met on to discuss the opportunity of implementing a waste-to-energy facility on the Reservation, and

WHEREAS, the General Tribal Council adopted the following motion:

“…to direct the BC to stop Oneida Seven Generations Corporation from building any gasification or waste-to-energy or plastic recycling plant at N7329 Water Circle Place, Oneida, Wisconsin or any other location within the Oneida Tribal reservation boundaries.

WHEREAS, the discussion regarding waste-to-energy and other similar activities identified the General Tribal Council is of the opinion that this technology may result in causing health and environmental damage; and

WHEREAS, the Oneida Business Committee has identified a need to clarify the application of this action of the General Tribal Council to allow it to be fully implemented to meet the opinion of the General Tribal Council;

NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oneida Business Committee directs that all corporations, entities, and enterprises of the Tribe shall not engage in, or allow tenants or lessees to engage in, the business of operating a waste-to-energy, plastics recycling, or other similar technology on Tribal fee or trust property within the Reservation.

IT IS FURTHER RESOLVED that all corporations, entities, and enterprises of the Tribe who are engaged in, or who have tenants or lessees engaged in the business of operating a waste-to-energy, plastics recycling or other similar technology shall take necessary steps to cease those operations in a reasonable and timely manner.

12/06/13 : WDNR receives an air permit application from Pro CP1 by Daniel Guido for “plastics material and resin manufacturing” located at 500 Fortune Ave, De Pere, WI

12/09/13 : VIDEO – December 9, 2013 Oneida Tribal Community Meeting re: GTC Petition to Dissolve OSGC and OSGC’s refusal to provide basic information to the Oneida Business Committee which appoints and oversees OSGC’s Board, and Oneida-Kodiak Construction LLC’s partner Allied Construction & Design LLC’s refusal to provide access to financial records

12/11/13 : December 11, 2013 BC Regular Meeting Agenda

XV. Action in open session on items from Executive Session Discussion meeting of Dec. 10, 2013

A. Reports

1. Chief Counsel report – Jo Anne House

3. Legislative Affairs/Communications monthly report – Nathan King [ONWI’s Legislative Affairs Director who is also an OSGC Board Member]

4. Oneida Seven Generations Corporation – William Cornelius, Chairman [& President of OSGC and the ONWI Oneida Gaming Commission’s legal counsel]

On Wednesday December 11, 2013, Oneida Eye Publisher Leah Sue Dodge had a chance to review a copy of the McGladrey & Pullen financial audit & analysis of dissolving OSGC which was available for GTC members to view in a confidential manner in OBC Secretary Patty Hoeft’s office.

According to page 63 of the McGladrey & Pullen audit & analysis regarding the Tribe’s Standard & Poor credit rating:

With or without OSGC, estimated rating as of September 30, 2013: A-

Implied credit rating: A-

OSGC standalone implied credit rating: BBB+

According to page 68 of the McGladrey & Pullen audit & analysis regarding the impact of dissolving OSGC on the Tribe’s credit rating:

From a quantitative perspective, as of September 30, 2013 the proposed dissolution of OSGC into the Tribe has minimal impact on the Tribe from a creditworthiness perspective. The Tribe would maintain its ability to meet financial commitments.

12/15/13 : DECEMBER 15, 2013 GENERAL TRIBAL COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING  re: Frank Cornelius Sr.’s Petition for the Dissolution of Oneida Seven Generations Corp.

Here’s an excerpt of the meeting, starting with a poorly attempted defense of OSGC by one of their biggest cheerleaders, Cristina Danforth:


Audio Player


4. New Business

a. Petitioner Frank Cornelius: General Tribal Council directs the Business Committee to dissolve the Oneida Seven Generations Corporation based on the Law Office’s March 2013 finding that the OSGC’s corporate charter identifies that the shareholder (i..e. the Tribe), as represented by the Oneida Business Committee, can dissolve the corporation (petition submitted 7/9/13)

Motion by Cathy L. Metoxen to dissolve Seven Generations Corporation and for Frank Cornelius to assist and work with the Business Committee on the dissolution, seconded by Scharlene Kasee.

Motion approved by a hand count: 814 yes; 689 no; 69 abstained; total – 1,572







12/17/13 : December 17, 2013 Oneida Business Committee Work Meeting Minutes re: General Tribal Council’s December 15, 2013 Directive to Dissolve Oneida Seven Generations Corp. / OSGC

GAYLEN LACROSSE of ACF / GCF / GENERATION CLEAN FUELS registered the following entity two days after GTC voted to direct the OBC to dissolve OSGC:

  • BRUSSELS PROPERTIES, LLC registered w/ WDFI on 12/17/13; Delinquent on 10/01/16; Registered Agent GAYLEN LACROSSE, 1824 Brussels Road, Brussels, WI 54204; Principal Office: 630 Davis Street, Suite 300, Evanston, IL 60201, United States of America

12/18/13 : December 18, 2013 Oneida Business Committee Emergency Meeting Agenda

III. Executive Session

1 .  Dissolution Plan for Seven Generations Corporation per GTC directive
Sponsor:  Ed Delgado

IV. Open Session

1 .  [OBC] Treasurer Tina Danforth Notice of Recusal from work to carry out Oneida Seven Generations Corporation dissolutions
Sponsor:  Tina Danforth

NOTE: Cristina Danforth has claimed her recusal was due to to the conflict of interest which existed by the fact that her sister – Tsyosha?aht Caterina Cathy Delgado – was an OBC-appointed member of OSGC’s Board of Directors.

Fmr. OBC Vice-Chair Greg Matson

Yet Tina Danforth did not acknowledge that exact same serious ‘conflict of interest’ over the course of many OBC votes she participated in regarding OSGC while her sister was a Board Member, including a $700,000 ‘loan’ to OSGC from the OBC in order for OSGC to pursue litigation against the City of Green Bay.

Neither did Fmr. OBC Vice-Chair Greg Matson who is married to Victoria Delgado, who is the sister of Cristina Delgado Danforth and Caterina Delgado.


Found for sale on Green Bay Craigslist from Chandler, Arizona near the Gila River Indian Community:



12/23/13 :  December 23, 2013 Motion for a Preliminary Review to prevent the Oneida Business Committee from taking action in regard to Oneida Seven Generations CorporationOneida Seven Generations Corp. [OSGC]  v. Oneida Business Committee [OBC]

12/24/13 : December 24, 2013 Oneida Business Committee Resolution 12-24-13-A, ‘Reorganization of Oneida Seven Generations Corporation’


12/27/13 : December 27, 2013 Letter from Gene Keluche, CEO & President of Sagestone Managment to Fmr. OBC Chair Ed Delgado re: The Oneida Business Committee’s Appointment of Sagestone Mgmt. as the Managing Agent for Oneida Seven Generations Corp. in an undisclosed contract for $12,000/week

In addition to being the owner of Sagestone Management of COLORADO and having starred as ‘Old Bear’ in the movie ‘Little Bear and the Master’ – GENE KELUCHE is also an old business associate of ERNEST LLOYD STEVENS, SR. (not pictured)

Ernie Stevens, Sr. is the father of Ernie Stevens, Jr., and grandfather of Ernie Stevens III, as well as adopted-grandfather to Brandon Yellowbird Stevens

Gene Keluche was also previously part of an ONWI Commission that worked on issues related to land ownership and the OBC’s casino development aspirations in the State of New York.

Gene Keluche has also been involved in various iterations of the Indigenous Games, as has Artley Skenandore Jr.

On August 9, 2013 JUDGMENT was entered against Artley Skenandore and his company Swakweko LLC, and Indigenous Games USA Inc., in the amount of $275,653.60.

It seems Artley Skenandore booked an entire hotel facility under his company’s name…

(a) before he had officially established the company in any capacity, and

(b) without actually having the money to pay for booking an entire hotel facility.

The 2011 Form 990 for Indigenous Games USA which lists Artley Skenandore as Executive Director and lists his salary as $75,960 :

Former OBC Chair and Tribal Financial Advisors‘ Tribal Board of Advisors Chairman Richard ‘Rick’ Hill was also the Vice-Chair of Indigenous Games USA in 2011.

Artley Skenandore’s legal counsel was Atty. Andrew S. Oettinger of Godfrey & Kahn, where Rick Hill’s wife – Donsia Strong-Hill – is a shareholder.

12/31/13 : December 31, 2013 Oneida Nation of Wisconsin Appeals Commission’s Decision on Petitioner’s Motion to Dismiss, Docket No. 13-TC-132Bruce A. King & [Oneida] Seven Generations Corp. v. Oneida Business Committee


[NOTE: Joe Martin is the brother of current MITW Judge Mercedes M. Martin, and they are a nephew & niece of Fmr. MITW Tribal Attorney Rita Keshena]


McMinnville-based Evergreen International Airlines took a large step toward dissolving itself Tuesday by filing a Chapter 7 petition in federal bankruptcy court in Delaware. The filing followed by about two weeks an involuntary petition by a group of creditors.

The filing estimated the total assets of the Evergreen companies at up to $100 million and total debts up to $500 million. Evergreen said it has up to 5,000 creditors. The filing includes a 108-page list of creditors. Among them are founder Delford Smith and the non-profit Evergreen Aviation and Space Museum.

A former Evergreen employee relayed a Dec. 31 email from Evergreen’s director of human relations that noted that a trustee will handle all human relations and public relations functions. The director, Monique Gregory, did not identify a trustee and the bankruptcy file lists no information beyond the company’s voluntary petition. 

Gregory’s email read:

To: all employees

Unfortunately, there is NO Cobra options available.  Please visit www.coveroregon.com or the website that is specific to your state health insurance.  This will give you options for health coverage.

The 401k is managed by Heintzberger / Payne and you may reach them at …

Evergreen officials and lawyers did not respond to phone and email queries on the holiday. Evergreen’s website still contains a Nov. 8 note from founder Smith that insisted the company would continue to serve its customers. He said much the same in an interview with The Oregonian less than two weeks ago.

The bankruptcy filing lists seven entities as submitting the Chapter 7 petition: Evergreen Aviation Ground Logistics Enterprise; Evergreen Defense and Security Services; Evergreen International Airlines; Evergreen International Aviation; Evergreen Systems Logistics; Evergreen Trade; and Supertanker Services.

The filing appears to mark the end for a proud company with a history of providing cargo and passenger services to the U.S. government and other customers. Smith founded the company as Evergreen Helicopters in 1960. Last year, Evergreen sold the helicopter company to Portland’s Erickson Air-Crane for $250 million in cash and notes. Smith said later that money would be used to pay down debt.

Still unsettled is the fate of Evergreen’s non-profit affiliates, the Evergreen Aviation and Space Museum and the Wings and Waves Waterpark. The buildings are landmarks along Oregon Highway 18 on the eastern edge of McMinnville. The state Department of Justice has been investigating whether Evergreen’s for-profit operations improperly commingled funds with the non-profits.

01/06/14 : January 6, 2014 Default Notice from Wisconsin Economic Development Corporation/WEDC Chief Counsel Hannah Renfro to Oneida Energy Inc. Fmr. CEO Kevin Cornelius who supposedly left OSGC in August 2013 after signing contracts with Generation Clean Fuels / Arland Clean Fuels in May & June 2013 which resulted in GCF & ACF suing the Oneida Nation, OSGC and its subsidiaries for $397.7 Million

01/16/14 : January 16, 2014 Oneida Nation of Wisconsin Appeals Commission Decision in Docket No. 13-TC-131,  Racquel L. Hill  v.  Oneida Business Committee & General Tribal Council


01/18/14 : Milwaukee Journal SentinelGreen energy plan raises red flags in City of Adams; Controversy centers on charges of conflict of interest involving mayor, by Lee Bergquist & Thomas Content

The City of Adams in central Wisconsin is making a big push into green energy, but questions are being raised about whether the gambit will heap too much risk on taxpayers.

The controversy centers on charges of conflict of interest involving the mayor and details of the deal in which the city — with a population of just under 2,000 — gives big incentives to a company that says it will build a world headquarters and manufacturing plant in a local industrial park.

Adams’ mayor, JanAlyn Baumgartner, now works for the company, GEITS Corp., which has U.S. offices in Madison and lists other offices in Italy, Australia and Singapore. The city has also given GEITS office space in Adams City Hall.

One critic of the project estimates the city’s commitment will cost $22 million over the next 25 years.

City officials dispute this. With a local economy that has struggled with high unemployment, they defended their incentive package, which includes giving away industrial land and making a $1 million investment in a plan to turn garbage into electricity.

To date, Adams officials say they have spent more than $900,000 on wind-powered streetlights and wastewater treatment equipment from GEITS, even though the wastewater upgrades haven’t been reviewed by state regulators and might not be necessary.

Officials said last week that they are looking for more money, because other attempts to obtain state and federal funding for the wastewater project haven’t succeeded.

Last month, the state Board of Commissioners of Public Lands denied Adams a $2 million loan, marking the first time in nine years that Executive Director Tia Nelson declined to forward an application to her board for review, according to documents.

“Based on the representations we have received to date, and the facts staff has uncovered over the course of more than 3 & 1/2 months and 7 different loan applications, it appears to me that the community would be unable to obtain the additional financing necessary to complete the project as described,” Nelson wrote her board.

Adams’ foray into green power comes as cities are starting to look more seriously at renewable energy. Milwaukee has a single wind turbine on Lake Michigan. It’s also one of 25 cities aggressively pushing development of solar energy, according to the U.S. Department of Energy. Last week, Milwaukee County Board Chairwoman Marina Dimitrijevic said county officials should study installing solar modules at Mitchell International Airport.

In Adams, opposition surfaced as the deal on green power emerged.

Attorney Dennis M. McFarlin, who also serves as commissioner of Adams County Family Court, was asked by citizens to analyze the deal with GEITS. He concluded the value of expenditures and donated land could cost the city up to $22 million over the next 25 years. The outlay includes monthly lease payments of nearly $45,000 by the city to GEITS for infrastructure upgrades for lighting.

It raises a
very dark
red flag
McFarlin said.

City Expects Many Jobs

City Administrator Bob Ellisor took issue with that assessment.

More significant, however, Ellisor said is the city’s belief that GEITS will invest $100 million in Adams, including a hotel and education center. The company will create 200 jobs and provide a spinoff employment of an additional 500 or so jobs, according Ellisor.

“It’s a huge deal, conservatively estimated at taxable value of $70 million,” he said, adding that the increased tax base would be sufficient to pay city obligations.

GEITS stands for Global Environmental Infrastructure Technology Solutions, and according to its website, it specializes in renewable power generation, waste management, water management and urban renewal.

In an email, spokesman Tim Roby said the company has 10 employees in Madison and 50 consultants around the globe.

The company and the city began meeting last year after another idea the company was discussing with representatives of Adams County went nowhere. That plan called for GEITS to build large floating solar panels on Petenwell Lake, a flowage of the Wisconsin River.

On May 14, [2014] Adams and GEITS signed an agreement that a public finance consultant, Ehlers Inc. of Brookfield, described as a partnership in a report to the city.

The agreement committed the city to buying $2.9 million — later reduced to $2 millionin equipment for the city’s wastewater treatment plant and $91,800 in streetlights powered by wind or solar energy. The city says that the streetlights will be powered by “vertical wind turbine electric generating units,” a city document shows.

Under the agreement, the city also gave the company 66 acres of industrial land at two different sites for $2 that GEITS is using as collateral.

The deal also calls for a $1 million payment to GEITS to help fund a new enterprise, described in documents as a “waste-to-energy facility.” The $47 million project would take garbage from Adams and other communities — 48,000 tons annually — and turn the waste into electricity.

The city also would invest $4 million from tax incremental financing from the value of the waste energy business. Because of the commitments, the city says a downtown revitalization program has been suspended.

Baumgartner, the city’s mayor, joined GEITS as vice president of public policy and government relations in late November.

Baumgartner’s job at GEITS has come under fire in the community, and one member of the city council who voted in favor of the project says he is having second thoughts as details of the GEITS partnership emerge.

Roger Marti, who is serving his second term on the council, said he asked the mayor to resign after she joined the company.

The mayor declined and produced a document from an attorney hired by the city who says the arrangement is legal if Baumgartner agrees to stay out of deliberations involving her new employer.

Baumgartner said she is earning less than in her previous 26-year career helping women in shelters for Family Center Inc. of Wisconsin Rapids. She said she has not attended some city council committee meetings when issues with GEITS come up and has left one council meeting.

“It really means a lot to me to get this community going somewhere,” she said last week.

But Marti and others said the appearance of the mayor going to work for company in which the city has made a large financial commitment doesn’t look good.

“I don’t think it’s right that she is doing this,” Marti said last week.

“We now have a mayor who is working both sides of a contract, and that bothers me.”

Tania Bonnett, the Adams County district attorney, said she has been asked to look into the matter involving the mayor’s dual role, but her review is still preliminary.

Baumgartner and Ellisor tout the deal with GEITS as a “game changer” for an economically struggling city. The latest jobless figures for Adams County puts the unemployment rate at 9.1% in November — sixth highest in the state.

“Isn’t this the brass ring that every community goes through?” Ellisor said. “Let’s get a manufacturing facility in here — a clean operating firm that creates all of these jobs and creates a brighter future for the next generation.

“That’s exactly the background of this entire arrangement.”

The chief attraction to the city: GEITS’ plans to construct a headquarters and manufacturing plants in Adams’ vacant industrial park.

Among other products, the company would build floating solar panels, vertical wind turbines and proprietary equipment to remove phosphorus at wastewater treatment plants, Ellisor said. GEITS would use Adams as a model for the company’s capabilities with its streetlights, wastewater treatment and other projects.

As opposition surfaced, the city released its own three-page report touting the benefits of the deal.

“As the model for other communities, the city would be the demonstration case for how the waste-to-energy plant, vertical wind turbines and floating solar units can be integrated into and support the small urban community…,” the report said. “The jobs created as a result won’t be shipped overseas because the shipping label on the package will read, ‘Made in Adams.'”

‘The Smell Test’

Among the skeptics is Jim Gately, a retired lawyer who lives in Adams County.

“There’s a lot of things that don’t pass the smell test,” Gately said. “If they can do what they say they can do, God bless them; Adams County needs it.

“But I don’t want to see the city of Adams taken for a ride and become the first city in Wisconsin to file for bankruptcy.”

In his analysis for opponents, attorney McFarlin said the city’s contract with the GEITS revealed numerous deficiencies, including a failure to seek other bids for wastewater equipment and to obtain a performance bond to ensure the work will be completed.

When Julie Giese, a loan specialist with the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Rural Development program, was told at a meeting last year there would be no competitive bidding for the wastewater project, she said that alone disqualified the project from being considered for funding.

“Everything was real secret,” Giese said. “They provided no documents. I asked for copies of plans, or information on the technology, and the contract — and I’ve got nothing.”

Ehlers, a firm hired by the city to assess the implications of the project, warned in a letter that the city needed to take steps to minimize risk to taxpayers. It also suggested that Adams officials review GEITS’ corporate financial statements and financial commitments it’s received for the project.

Even though the city has already spent hundreds of thousands of dollars on upgrades to the treatment plant, the Department of Natural Resources hasn’t reviewed a proposal and must do so before it can be used, said Mike Vollrath, a basin supervisor for the agency in west-central Wisconsin.

Vollrath said an equipment purchase might not be necessary to meet new phosphorus-reduction regulations because there are other alternatives, including better management of storm water.

When the commissioners of public lands denied Adams its loan request, officials expressed frustration.

“It has been a challenging process for BCPL (Board of Commissioners of Public Lands) because over the last several months, so many assertions (by the city and GEITS) have been made that were subsequently changed, proved unverifiable, or have been found to be false,” Nelson, the commission’s executive director, wrote Ellisor.

Among the concerns she raised:

 • Baumgartner’s dual role as mayor and GEITS employee.

 • Adams’ inability to detail how much the wastewater system will cost.

 • The issue that GEITS technology has not been deployed elsewhere in the United States.

Several renewable energy consultants expressed concerns about the commercial readiness of some technologies slated for Adams. For example, the wind turbines have not proved to be efficient.

“Just call me skeptical,” said Carl Siegrist, a renewable energy consultant in the Milwaukee area.

“And the reason is there are so many field-tested, field-proven technologies that can generate renewable energy. It’s beyond me as to why anyone would want to be a beta tester of a new technology.

01/21/14 : GUILTY PLEA / SENTENCING – Sauk Co. Case No. 13CF208, State of Wisconsin  v.  [Oneida Housing Authority Employee] Spencer A. Cornelius

re: Spencer Cornelius’ physical attack on his fellow OHA employee during an official HUD-sponsored training in the Wisconsin Dells:

•  SUBSTANTIAL BATTERY–Intend Bodily Harm, Felony I


01/31/14 : Handwritten January 31, 2014 Defendant’s Answer to Summons and Complaint [with her own name misspelled TWICE] in Brown County Case No. 2013CV1838,  Oneida Small Business, Inc.  v.  White Eagle Sports Bar & Grill, LLC, Paul Danforth, and [then-Oneida Business Committee Treasurer] Cristina Danforth:

Defendents [sic] demands a trial by a jury of twelve.


02/02/14 : VIDEO – February 2, 2014 Oneida Business Committee Emergency Meeting excerpt re: Confidential records with Tribe member’s personal information from the Division of Land Management found illegally disposed of & left exposed in the Oneida Gaming Commission’s unlocked dumpster instead of being shredded as required

•  June 17, 2013 Voluntary Statement by EMHS Director Marty Antone re: stolen confidential Division of Land Management files found in Oneida Gaming Commission dumpsters

[Note: OSGC CEO Kevin Cornelius’ mother – Amelia Cornelius –  was a member of the Oneida Gaming Commission and Chair of the Oneida Land Commission]

02/03/14 : OBC Special Meeting approving Whyte, Hirschboeck, Dudek SC as OSGC Counsel for ‘OSGC Restructure’ and approving the amendment to October 2012 Promissory Note to OSGC; both to be funded by the ONWI Litigation Fund.

02/12/14 : February 12, 2014 OBC Regular Meeting re: excerpts re: scheduling of GTC Meeting to reconsider dissolution of OSGC, and OSGC Update Report by OBC-appointed OSGC Managing Agent Gene Keluche/SageStone Management LLC

Click to watch Part 1 on YouTube

Click to watch Part 2 on YouTube

02/13/14 : February 13, 2014 Letter from WEDC’s Vice-President of Credit & Risk to Becky Demmith at Oneida Energy Inc. re: January 6, 2014 Default Notice

02/19/14 : February 19, 2014 Plaintiff’s Brief in Support of Motion for Summary Judgment According to court documents in Brown County Case No. 2013-CV-1838,  Oneida Small Business, Inc.  v.  White Eagle Sports Bar & Grill, LLC, Paul Danforth, and Cristina Danforth:

On November 18, 2009, Defendant, White Eagle Sports Bar & Grill, LLC, delivered to Plaintiff [Oneida Small Business, Inc.] a Business Note for consideration. The Note was in the sum of $48,925.16. On August 18, 2006, Defendants, White Eagle Sports Bar & Grill, LLC, Cristina Danforth and Paul Danforth, signed a General Business Security Agreement pledging assets of the LLC as collateral on the Business Note and on August 18, 2006, Defendant, Cristina Danforth, married to Paul Danforth at the time, signed a Continuing Guaranty (Unlimited), personally guaranteeing the loans of White Eagle Sports Bar & Grill, LLC.

…As of November 13, 2013, the date of Plaintiff’s Summons and Complaint, there is owed the sum of $54,358.80, comprised of principal, accrued interest and late charges. Interest against the principal accrues at 4.0% interest.

Cristina Danforth, in her Answer to the Summons and Complaint in this case, did not deny she was in default on the note.

As a result of the defaults in payment, Plaintiff, as it is entitled to do under the note, has declared the indebtedness immediately due and payable and demands payment in full and surrender of the business assets which secures repayment of the indebtedness.

…In her answer, Defendant, Cristina Danforth, failed to state any valid counter claim or defense relating to her failure to make payments on the note as they became due.

02/21/14 : Oneida Law Office requests $150,000 for legal services by Whyte, Hirschboeck, Dudek SC as OSGC counsel for ‘OSGC Restructure’ using ONWI Litigation Funds as approved by the OBC on 02/03/14. On 06/04/14 OLO increased the amount to a new total of $400,000 (ONWI purchase order no. RDO-67350-14-PO).

02/24/14 : According to the Court Record of Events, Oneida Co. Case No. 13FA85, DIVORCE in re: the marriage of Wallace James Hilliard and Patricia Ann Hilliard

“Respondent Patricia Ann Hilliard in court. Attorney Todd R McEldowney in court for Petitioner Wallace James Hilliard. Court attempts to contact Mr. Hilliard in Nassau, Bahamas, but he was unavailable at 9:25 a.m. Court hears statements from Ms. Hilliard regarding distributions she indicates have been received by Mr. Hilliard from Hilliard Limited Partnership, which totaled in excess of $40,000 as of June 21, 2013, the most recent information available to the wife. Wife also indicates that husband offered to pay the $2000 for her to fly to the Bahamas. Court indicates that Wife needs legal counsel. Wife indicates that Attorney Garbowicz is willing to represent her, needs $2000 retainer. Attorney McEldowney argues that Mr. Hilliard does not control the money, he can only request it from the [Hilliard Limited] Partnership, but the decisions are made by his son-in-law, and it was they who would have paid for the airfare for Mrs. Hilliard. Court orders Ms. Hilliard to deposit $2000 to Attorney Garbowicz’s trust accout by week’s end. Ms. Hilliard also indicates her power is about to be turned off, and court further requires Ms. Hilliard to bring Ms. Hilliard’s WPS account current before her service is discontinued. Court advised parties that another temporary hearing can be schedule if necessary prior to the final hearing if the pressing matters cannot be resolved in the meantime. Court asks Mr. McEldowney to draft.”

02/26/14 : VIDEO – February 26, 2014 Oneida Business Committee Regular Meeting excerpts re: Availability of GTC Meetings Minutes, scheduling of GTC Petition Meetings, and OBC Travel Requests

02/28/14 : February 28, 2014 Oneida Personnel Commission Grievance Hearing Decision, Docket Nos. 13-TER-001 and 13-ADV-002, [Oneida Housing Authority Executive Director] Dale Wheelock  v.  [OBC Chair] Edward Delgado, [OBC Treas.] Tina Danforth, and [HR Dept. Director] Geraldine Danforth


03/06/14 : March 6, 2014 Notice of Defendants’ Motion for Substitution of Judge, Cook County IL Case # 14-L2768, ACF Leasing LLC, ACF Services LLC & Generation Clean Fuels LLC  [Arland Clean Fuels / GCF] v.  Oneida Tribe of Indians of Wisconsin [Oneida Nation in WI], Oneida Seven Generations Corp., Green Bay Renewable Energy LLC. Oneida Energy Inc. & Oneida Energy Blocker Corp.

March 6, 2014 Notice of Defendants’ Motion for Substitution of Judge, Cook County IL Case # 14-L2768, ACF Leasing LLC, ACF Services LLC & Generation Clean Fuels LLC  [Arland Clean Fuels / GCF] v.  Oneida Tribe of Indians of Wisconsin [Oneida Nation in WI], Oneida Seven Generations Corp., Green Bay Renewable Energy LLC. Oneida Energy Inc. & Oneida Energy Blocker Corp.

03/12/14 : March 12, 2014 Defendant-Respondent’s Motion To Dismiss Appeal As Moot in Appeal No. 2013AP591, Oneida Seven Generations Corporation [OSGC] & Green Bay Renewable Energy [GBRE]  v.  City of Green Bay

03/25/14 : March 25, 2014 WI Court of Appeals Decision in 13AP591,  Oneida Seven Generations Corp. [OSGC] & Green Bay Renewable Energy LLC [GBRE]  v.  City of Green Bay


03/26/14 : March 26, 2014 Quarterly Narrative Report by Gene Keluche / Sagestone Mgmt. as ‘Agent’ of Oneida Seven Generations Corporation/OSGC

04/02/14 : VIDEO – April 2, 2014 Oneida Tribal Budget Community Discussion excerpts

04/04/14 : April 4, 2014 ‘CONFIDENTIAL’ Letter from George Longo, Managing Director, Raymond James & Associates, Inc., to Ron Van Den Heuvel as Chief Executive Officer and Chair of Green Box NA Green Bay LLC re: Project financing

04/05/14 : April 5, 2014 Plaintiff’s Brief in Support of Summary Judgment, Brown Co. WI Case No. 13CV1065,  Tina Fritsch  v.  Generation Clean Fuels, LLC / GCF / Arland Clean Fuels  / ACF

•  Other Filings & Exhibits regarding Brown Co. Case No. 2013CV1065,  Tina Fritsch  v.  Generation Clean Fuels, LLC / GCF / Arland Clean Fuels  / ACF – 50 pages

•  Royalty Agreement between Generation Clean Fuels, LLC, and David J. Wolf, an exact copy of which was signed by Tina Fritsch

04/09/14 : VIDEO – April 9, 2014 Oneida Business Committee Regular Meeting excerpt re: OBC’s cancellation of Elder Appreciation Dinner due to Tribal ‘budget issues’

04/15/14 : April 15, 2014 City of De Pere Common Council Meeting excerpt

04/30/14 : April 30, 2014 Affidavit of Gene Keluche, Cook Co. IL Case # 14-L2768,  ACF Leasing LLC, ACF Services LLC & Generation Clean Fuels LLC  [Arland Clean Fuels / GCF]  v.  Oneida Tribe of Indians of Wisconsin [Oneida Nation in WI], Oneida Seven Generations Corp., Green Bay Renewable Energy LLC. Oneida Energy Inc. & Oneida Energy Blocker Corp.

05/02/14 : May 2, 2014 Motion to Dismiss Counts I, III & V of Plaintiffs’ Complaint, Cook County IL Case # 14-L2768,  ACF Leasing LLC, ACF Services LLC & Generation Clean Fuels LLC  v.  Oneida Tribe of Indians of Wisconsin, Oneida Seven Generations Corp., Green Bay Renewable Energy LLC. Oneida Energy Inc. & Oneida Energy Blocker Corp.

05/05/14 : May 5, 2014 OTIW / ONWI & OSGC Brief in Support of Motion to Dismiss for Lack of Subject Matter Jurisdiction, Cook Co. IL Case # 14-L2768,  ACF Leasing LLC, ACF Services LLC & Generation Clean Fuels LLC  [Arland Clean Fuels / GCF]  v.  Oneida Tribe of Indians of Wisconsin [Oneida Nation in WI], Oneida Seven Generations Corp., Green Bay Renewable Energy LLC. Oneida Energy Inc. & Oneida Energy Blocker Corp.

05/06/14 : May 6, 2014 OTIW’s Motion for Substitution of Judge, Cook Co. IL Case # 14-L2768,  ACF Leasing LLC, ACF Services LLC & Generation Clean Fuels LLC  [Arland Clean Fuels / GCF]  v. Oneida Tribe of Indians of Wisconsin [Oneida Nation in WI], Oneida Seven Generations Corp., Green Bay Renewable Energy LLC. Oneida Energy Inc. & Oneida Energy Blocker Corp.

05/09/14 : May 9, 2014 Order for Substitution of Judge, Cook Co. IL Case # 14-L2768,   ACF Leasing LLC, ACF Services LLC & Generation Clean Fuels LLC  [Arland Clean Fuels / GCF]  v.  Oneida Tribe of Indians of Wisconsin [Oneida Nation in WI], Oneida Seven Generations Corp., Green Bay Renewable Energy LLC. Oneida Energy Inc. & Oneida Energy Blocker Corp.

05/15/14 : May 15, 2014 Court Order for the 6-Month Suspension of the Illinois Law License of Joseph H. Martin beginning on June 6, 2014

[NOTE: Fmr. Menominee Tribe of Indians of Wisconsin [MTIW] Supreme Court Justice Joe Martin is the brother of current MITW Judge Mercedes M. Martin, and they are a nephew & niece of Fmr. MITW Tribal Attorney Rita Keshena]

05/29/14 : UpNorthLive.com
Multi-million dollar investment
lands jobs for Cheboygan
by Marc Schollett / WPBN – Traverse City, MI

Thu, 29 May 2014 00:33:33 GMT
More than 130 workers could be on the job at Cheboygan’s Great Lakes Tissue Company thanks to a $150 million investment. Green Box NA, LLC is investing close to $350 million dollars, split between facilities in Cheboygan and Detroit.

The project will take restaurant paper waste from around the Detroit area, and after some pre-processing, transfer the material to Cheboygan in the form of bails and pellets for final processing into both commodity and value-added, finished product components. This process is supposed to keep the paper from restaurants, which they probably waste a lot of, out of landfills and reuse the paper or it will be recycled. Chairman of Greenbox [sic / Green Box NA], Ron Van Den Heuvek [sic / Ron Van Den Heuvel], says they are looking to revitalize Great Lakes Tissue Company Mill by acquiring them and installing $150 Million in new equipment. The Cheboygan facility’s operation will include production of bath, facial, napkin and towel tissue products, as well as biofuels, fuel pellets and soil enhancements.

The project should be up and running in the next 18 months. “Today’s projects will help strengthen and revitalize these Michigan communities and help growing companies generate new job opportunities,” said [Michigan Economic Development Corp.] MEDC President and CEO Michael A. Finney. “We should all applaud these investments in Michigan’s future.”

06/04/14 : Oneida Law Office requests an additional $250,000 for legal services by Whyte, Hirschboeck, Dudek SC as OSGC counsel for ‘OSGC Restructure’ using ONWI Litigation Funds bringing amount to a new total of $400,000 (ONWI purchase order no. RDO-67350-14-PO).

06/05/14 : June 5, 2014 Order for Judge Margaret Brennan as Substitution, Cook Co. IL Case # 14-L2768, ACF Leasing LLC, ACF Services LLC & Generation Clean Fuels LLC  [Arland Clean Fuels / GCF] v.  Oneida Tribe of Indians of Wisconsin [Oneida Nation in WI], Oneida Seven Generations Corp., Green Bay Renewable Energy LLC. Oneida Energy Inc. & Oneida Energy Blocker Corp.

06/16/14 :  June 16, 2014 Oneida Nation in Wisconsin General Tribal Council Special Meeting excerpt re: OBC’s Litigation Update and Fmr. Vice-Chair Greg Matson’s refusal to allow GTC’s elected Dissolution representative Frank Cornelius, Sr. address GTC, and subsequent calls for Greg Matson’s removal  

06/30/14 : According to the Court Record of Events, Oneida Co. Case No. 13FA85, DIVORCE in re: the marriage of Wallace James Hilliard and Patricia Ann Hilliard:

Petitioner Wallace James Hilliard in court with attorney Todd R McEldowney. Respondent Patricia Ann Hilliard in court with attorney Steven C Garbowicz. Mr. Garbowicz alleges that Mr. Hillard has received money from his interest in Hillard Limited Partnership. Alleges that his client is working 3 part-time jobs and needs a vehicle. The parties only have one vehicle and Mr. Hilliard has arranged for Mrs. Hillard to use a borrowed 2008 Ford Taurus. Court orders that Ms. Hillard shall use the borrowed vehicle and if that cannot be utilized for any reason, she shall be provided with an operational vehicle. The court orders that Mr. McEldowney shall provide to the court and Attorney Garbowicz, within 48 hours, an explanation of the Hilliard Limited [Patnership] financial documents that list certain partnership draws as of 12-31-2013. As the financial information is very incomplete at this point, the court cannot make any orders regarding the finances of the parties. Attorney McEldowney states that the Social Security payments of Mr. Hillard have been seized by the IRS and that he has been notified that his pension payments will be likewise seized. Once the financial information has been further investigated by counsel, either party may request a further hearing on these issues. Attorney Garbowicz will draft an order regarding the decisions made at today’s hearing.

06/20/14 : According to Waukesha Environmental Action League – WEAL.org, Settlement Agreement End GEITS Gasification Incinerator Plan for Adams, WI by Charlene Lemoine





D.  WHEREAS, the Parties believe it is in their best interest to settle the Potential Claims, and therefore it is their intent to buy their peace to avoid the risk and expense of litigation, and to settle all matters, claims, issues, assertions and causes among them that have been alleged or asserted, or which could have been alleged or asserted, by and between such Parties (matters, claimes, issues, assertions and causes which have been alleged or asserted, or which could have been alleged or asserted are referred to collectively as the “Matters”), without any admission of fault, liability or wrongdoing on the part of the City or GEITS, or any admission on the part of the City or GEITS of any lack of merit in their respective claims and defenses; and

E.  WHEREAS, each Party has expended significant funds in an effort to fulfill the terms of the Contracts designed to construct buildings and improvements (“Projects”) in City Tax Increment Districts to further economic development and to provide jobs for area residents; and

F.  WHEREAS, despite sincere efforts on behalf of the Parties, due to circumstances beyond the Parties’ control, the varoius Projects outlined in the Contracts cannot proceed, and

G.  WHEREAS, GEITS has expended significant funds in reliance and in anticipation of proceeding with the Projects that were to be financed exclusively with tax increment funds in accord with §66.1105 Wis. Stats.

yadda, yadda, yadda

If to GEITS:

Attn:  Felicia Whiting
504A S. Rosa Road, Suite 201
Madison, WI 53719

With a copy to:

Eric J. Wilson
Godfrey & Kahn, S.C.
One East Main Street
Madison, WI 53703

Janet Baumgartner
Mayor, City of Adams

Roger Marti
Common Council President, City of Adams

Janet Winters
Clerk and Treasurer, City of Adams

Dr. Rahesh Nellore
President and Chief Executive Officer

Felicia Whiting
Executive Vice President 

It is what connections GEITS may have to:

  • Global Environmental Systems, Inc.; Registered w/ WDFI on 11/30/90; Administratively Dissolved on 07/06/94; Registered Agent Julie O’Keefe, Greendale, WI; Principal Office: 14905 W. Fenway Dr, New Berlin, WI 53151, United States of America


07/11/14 : July 11, 2014 Brief on behalf of Oneida Tribe of Indians of Wisconsin/Oneida Nation of Wisconsin & Oneida Seven Generations Corp.Cook County IL Case # 14-L2768, ACF Leasing LLC, ACF Services LLC & Generation Clean Fuels LLC [Arland Clean Fuels / GCF]  v.  Oneida Tribe of Indians of Wisconsin [Oneida Nation of WI], Oneida Seven Generations Corp. [OSGC], Green Bay Renewable Energy LLC [GBRE]. Oneida Energy Inc. & Oneida Energy Blocker Corp.

07/17/14 : July 17, 2014 Deposition of Gene Keluche, Sagestone Management LLC / Managing Agent of Oneida Seven Generations Corp. Cook County IL Case # 14-L2768, ACF Leasing LLC, ACF Services LLC & Generation Clean Fuels LLC [Arland Clean Fuels / GCF]  v.  Oneida Tribe of Indians of Wisconsin [Oneida Nation in WI], Oneida Seven Generations Corp. [OSGC], Green Bay Renewable Energy LLC [GBRE]. Oneida Energy Inc. & Oneida Energy Blocker Corp.

07/22/14 : July 22, 2014 Third Affidavit of Jonathan T. Smies in Support of Plaintiff’s Motion to Strike the Defendants’ Answer and For Default Judgment in Brown Co. Case No. 2013CV463,  Dr. Marco Araujo  v.  Ronald H. Van Den Heuvel & Green Box NA Green Bay, LLC which includes:

•  June 17, 2014 Deposition of Ty Christopher Willihnganz

•  April 10, 2014 Letter from Ty Willihnganz to Wisconsin Office of Lawyer Regulation re: Answer to Complaint Against Ty Willihnganz

•  May 28, 2014 Letter from Ty Willihnganz to Judge Donald Zuidmulder re: Motion to Quash Subpoena in Brown Co. Case No. 13CV463, Araujo v. Ronald Van Den Heuvel and Green Box NA Green Bay, LLC

07/31/14 : July 31, 2014, Plaintiffs’ Response in Opposition to the Motion to Dismiss for Lack of Personal Jurisdiction WITH EXHIBITS from Cook Co. IL Case No. 2014-L-002768, ACF Leasing, ACF Services & Generation Clean Fuels LLC  v.  Green Bay Renewable Energy, Oneida Seven Generations Corp. & Oneida Tribe of Indians of Wisconsin [Oneida Nation in WI]; 563 PAGES which includes the following:

08/13/14 : August 13, 2014, Affidavit of Bruce King with Exhibits (incl. Affidavits of Joseph O. Kavan and Kevin Cornelius).  Cook Co. IL Case No. 2014-L-002768, ACF Leasing LLC, ACF Services LLC & Generation Clean Fuels LLC  v.  Oneida Tribe of Indians of Wisconsin [Oneida Nation of WI], Oneida Seven Generations Corp., Green Bay Renewable Energy LLC. Oneida Energy Inc. & Oneida Energy Blocker Corp.

08/14/14 : August 14, 2014, Plaintiffs’ Supplemental Brief in Support of their Responses in Opposition to Defendants OSGC and the Tribe’s Motions to Dismiss for Lack of Subject Matter and Personal Jurisdiction, Cook Co. IL Case No. 2014-L-002768, ACF Leasing LLC, ACF Services LLC & Generation Clean Fuels LLC  v.  Oneida Tribe of Indians of Wisconsin [Oneida Nation of WI], Oneida Seven Generations Corp., Green Bay Renewable Energy LLC. Oneida Energy Inc. & Oneida Energy Blocker Corp.

  • August 14, 2014, Court Order re: Plaintiffs’ Motion Granted, Cook Co. IL Case No. 2014-L-002768, ACF Leasing LLC, ACF Services LLC & Generation Clean Fuels LLC v. Oneida Tribe of Indians of Wisconsin, Oneida Seven Generations Corp., Green Bay Renewable Energy LLC. Oneida Energy Inc. & Oneida Energy Blocker Corp.

08/21/14 : August 21, 2014, Green Bay Renewable Energy, LLC’s Reply in Support of its Motion to Dismiss Counts I, III, & V of Plaintiffs’ Complaints, Cook Co. IL Case No. 2014-L-002768, ACF Leasing LLC, ACF Services LLC & Generation Clean Fuels LLC v. Oneida Tribe of Indians of Wisconsin, Oneida Seven Generations Corp., Green Bay Renewable Energy LLC. Oneida Energy Inc. & Oneida Energy Blocker Corp.

08/27/14 : August 27, 2014 – FILED: Brown Co. Case No. 2014CV1245, [Oneida Housing Authority Executive Director] Dale Wheelock  v.  [OBC Chair] Edward J. Delgado, [ONWI employees] Barb Kolitsch, Jim Martin, Jr. & Bob Fresen

08/28/14 : August 28, 2014, Defendants’ OTIW & OSGC Reply Brief in Support of Motion to Dismiss for Lack of PERSONAL Jurisdiction,  ACF Leasing LLC, ACF Services LLC & Generation Clean Fuels LLC v. Oneida Tribe of Indians of Wisconsin, Oneida Seven Generations Corp., Green Bay Renewable Energy LLC. Oneida Energy Inc. & Oneida Energy Blocker Corp.

09/03/14 : September 3, 2014 UCC Filing Statement with Wisconsin Dept. of Financial Institutions (WDFI); Debtors: Environmental Advanced Reclamation Technology HQ, LLC & Green Box NA Green Bay, LLC; Secured Party: Crossgate Partners, LLC [7320 McGinnis Ferry Rd., Suwanee, GA]

09/09/14 : September 9, 2014, Clerk’s Status Order re: 3 Motions to Dismiss; Hearing set for Wednesday, October 8, 2014 Cook Co. IL Case No. 2014-L-002768, ACF Leasing LLC, ACF Services LLC & Generation Clean Fuels LLC  v.  Oneida Tribe of Indians of Wisconsin [Oneida Nation of WI], Oneida Seven Generations Corp., Green Bay Renewable Energy LLC. Oneida Energy Inc. & Oneida Energy Blocker Corp.

09/12/14 : September 12, 2014 Letter from Wisconsin Economic Development Corp./WEDC to Oneida Seven Generations Corp. [OSGC] requiring immediate payment of $161,654.00, along with two letters of previous attempts to collect delinquent debt

09/23/14 : September 23, 2014 Letter from Sanli Pastore & Hill Inc. to Ron Van Den Heuvel as Founder & Chair of EARTH., LLC re: Restricted Use Limited Appraisal Report Estimate of Fair Market Value of One Share of Common Stock in EARTH, LLC, assuming at only the first six planned sites in the U.S. and one planned international site in Ghana

09/29/14 : September 29, 2014 Letter by Estate Claims Assistant Julie Denny regarding Observations of Violations of the Oneida Election Law at the Oneida Health Center polling site during the September 27, 2014 Special Election of the Oneida Tribal Judiciary

09/30/14 : September 30, 2014 Complaint, U.S. District Court / Eastern Wisconsin, Green Bay Division Case No. 14-CV-1203,  Tissue Technology LLC, Partners Concepts Development Inc., Oconto Falls Tissue Inc., and Tissue Products Technology Corp.  v.  TAK Investments LLC

10/02/14 : October 2, 2014 Decision and Order of Judge Thomas Walsh in Brown Co. Case No. 13CV463,  Dr. Marco Araujo  v.  Ron Van Den Heuvel & Green Box NA Green Bay LLC

10/07/14 : October 7, 2014 Letter from Atty. John Petitjean [Hinkfuss, Sickel, Petitjean & Wieting] to Judge Marc Hammer re: notice of intent to file Motion to withdraw as OBC Chair Cristina Danforth’s bankruptcy attorney for her failure to file for bankruptcy documents as agreed

10/16/2014 : October 16, 2014, Defendants’ Motion for Illinois Supreme Court 304(a) Finding,  ACF Leasing LLC, ACF Services LLC & Generation Clean Fuels LLC  v.  Oneida Tribe of Indians of Wisconsin [Oneida Nation of Wisconsin], Oneida Seven Generations Corp., Green Bay Renewable Energy LLC. Oneida Energy Inc. & Oneida Energy Blocker Corp.

10/20/14 : October 20, 2014 Brief of Defendant-Respondent-Petitioner City of Green Bay in Case No. 2013AP591,  Oneida Seven Generations Corp. / OSGC & Green Bay Renewable Energy LLC / GBRE  v.  City of Green Bay

10/26/14 : VIDEO – October 26, 2014 Oneida Nation of Wisconsin General Tribal Council Special Meeting excerpt re: Addressing OBC vacancy wherein OBC Chair Cristina Danforth falsely claimed that a ‘Motion to Reconsider’ is the same thing as a ‘Motion to Adopt’ under Robert’s Rules of Order…

if the Motioner says that was their intent after the vote has already been taken.

(Yes, Tina Danforth is a lying, anti-democratic scumbag.)

10/27/14 : October 27, 2014, Judge Margaret Ann Brennan Order Making Rule 304(a) Finding,  ACF Leasing LLC, ACF Services LLC & Generation Clean Fuels LLC  v.  Oneida Tribe of Indians of Wisconsin [Oneida Nation of Wisconsin], Oneida Seven Generations Corp., Green Bay Renewable Energy LLC. Oneida Energy Inc. & Oneida Energy Blocker Corp.

11/07/14 : November 7, 2014, Plaintiffs’ Notice of Filing & Appeal to the Appellate Court of Illinois, First Judicial District from Circuit Court of Cook Co. Illinois,  ACF Leasing LLC, ACF Services LLC & Generation Clean Fuels LLC v. Oneida Tribe of Indians of Wisconsin, Oneida Seven Generations Corp., Green Bay Renewable Energy LLC. Oneida Energy Inc. & Oneida Energy Blocker Corp.

11/12/14 : November 12, 2014 Indictment in U.S. District Court Eastern District of Wisconsin,  United States of America  v.  Joseph H. Martin re: Possession/Distribution of Child Pornography via computer

[NOTE: Joseph H. Martin is a former Supreme Court Justice of the Menominee Indian Tribe of Wisconsin [MITW] Tribal Courts, and is the brother of current MITW Judge Mercedes M. Martin, and they are a nephew & niece of Fmr. MITW Tribal Attorney Rita Keshena]

11/15/14: November 15, 2014 Oneida Nation of Wisconsin General Tribal Council Metting excerpt re: Leah Sue Dodge asked OBC about ongoing FBI investigation of Oneida Housing Authority [OHA]’s lack of internal inventory & personnel controls resulting in possible theft/misuse of HUD funding/building materials/crew/improper work assignments/fraudulent billing/etc.

11/17/14 : According to the Court Record of Events, Oneida Co. Case No. 13FA85, DIVORCE in re: the marriage of Wallace James Hilliard and Patricia Ann Hilliard

“11:04 a.m. Attorney Steven Charles Garbowicz in court for Respondent Patricia Ann Hilliard. Attorney Todd R. McEldowney appeared by phone means for Petitioner Wallace James Hilliard. McEldowney statements to court regarding status. Garbowicz statements to status. McEldowney responds. Discussion. Court statements – back on 8/19 court signed scheduling order which included provision re: marital property being placed for sale and cooperation to sell premises, that is the order of the court, if she declines to abide by it McEldowney can seek relief. McEldowney questions court. Garbowicz statements. Court questions counsel. Court statements – once house goes, then have situation where lion’s share of everything else will be subject to tax lien which federal court will have jurisdiction over. Court questions counsel. Court statements – orders bifurcate issues, bifurcation would be simply divorce itself from all other issues (property division, maintenance, prenup, etc). Counsel statements – will set final divorce hearing, all other issues will be bifurcated and set for status conference after divorce, allows Patricia and Garbowicz to appear by phone. McEldowney to draft order. 11:27 a.m. Contested divorce scheduled for January 7, 2015 at 11:30 am.”

11/17/14 : November 17, 2014 Atty. John Petitjean’s Notice and Motion to Wihtdraw as OBC Chair Cristina Danforth’s bankruptcy attorney due to her failure to file documents in a timely manner as agreed

11/21/14 : November 21, 2014 Oneida Appeals Commission Appellate Body Final Decision, Docket No. 14-AC-004, Fmr. Oneida Business Committee Chair Ed Delgado, Human Resources Director Geraldine Danforth & OBC Chair Tina Danforth vs. Dale Wheelock

12/01/14 : December 1, 2014 Letter from Atty. Andrew Van Sickle to Judge Marc Hammer re: Atty. John Petitjean [of Hinkfuss, Sickel, Petitjean & Wieting SC] formally withdrawing as OBC Chair Cristina Danforth’s bankruptcy attorney due to her failure to file documents in a timely manner as agreed

12/05/14 : December 5, 2014, Joint Motion for Stay of Proceedings,  ACF Leasing LLC, ACF Services LLC & Generation Clean Fuels LLC v. Oneida Tribe of Indians of Wisconsin, Oneida Seven Generations Corp., Green Bay Renewable Energy LLC. Oneida Energy Inc. & Oneida Energy Blocker Corp.

12/19/14 : December 19, 2014 City Of Green Bay Response To Wisconsin Realtors® Association’s Amicus Brief,  Oneida Seven Generations Corporation / OSGC & Green Bay Renewable Energy LLC / GBRE  v.  City of Green Bay

12/22/14 : December 2014 GREEN BOX NA GREEN BAY LLC Issued Membership Units Owners List:

  • EARTH from RVDH-TTL-TISSUE DEPT-PCDI:  75,000,000

74,900,000 Units are agreed to be sold and are now held by RVDH DVLPMNT LLC, TISSUE TECHNOLOGY, PARTNERS CONCEPTS DEVELOPMENT and TISSUE DEPOT. These Units are to be transferred to EARTH at different time periods which are times to asset or debt transfers.

  • RVDH DVLPMENT, LLC:  7,550,000
  • CLIFFTON EQUITIES, INC.:  5,000,000
  • L S EQUITIES, LP:  3,000,000  [Lee Reisinger & wife Susan D. Reisinger, Registered Agent SDR Capital Inc.]
  • KYKH, LLC:  2,000,000  [Kelly Yessman Van Den Heuvel and children Kate Van Den Heuvel and Henry Van Den Heuvel]
  • RGEN SYSTEMS 2, LLC:  2,000,000  [Christopher R. Webb]
  • GLENARBOR, LLC:  1,100,000  [Stephen A. Smith]
  • GREEN ISLAND SPIRITS:  1,000,000  [Pedro ‘Pete’ Fernandez & Kim Yessman Fernandez?]
  • PINE RIDGE ENGINEERING:  800,000  [Daniel Platkowski]
  • AKS GREEN, LLC:  750,000
  • DR. ED LIN:  200,000
  • DR. MARCO ARAUJO:  600,000
  • GR LUMPY ENVIRO, LLC:  200,000  [Michael C. Byrne]
  • GR CHAS ENVIRO, LLC:  200,000  [Charles R. Albers]
  • GR ROW ENVIRO, LLC:  200,000
  • GR RB ENVIRO, LLC:  200,000
  • GR BH ENVIRO, LLC:  200,000

02/12/15 : February 12, 2015 Plea Agreement in U.S. District Court Eastern District of Wisconsin United States of America  v.  Joseph H. Martin  re: Possession/Distribution of Child Pornography via computer

Joseph H. Martin is a former Supreme Court Justice of the Menominee Indian Tribe of Wisconsin [MITW] Tribal Courts, and is the brother of current MITW Judge Mercedes M. Martin, and they are a nephew & niece of Fmr. MITW Tribal Attorney Rita Keshena. Joseph H. Martin is currently inmate #13419-089 in the Federal Correctional Institution Elkton in Lisbon, OH scheduled for release on January 3, 2020.

02/27/15 : According to the Court Record of Events, Oneida Co. Case No. 13FA85, DIVORCE in re: the marriage of Wallace James Hilliard and Patricia Ann Hilliard

“Attorney Todd Russell Mceldowney in court for Petitioner Wallace James Hilliard. Attorney Steven Charles Garbowicz appeared by phone means for Respondent Patricia Ann Hilliard. Respondent Patricia Ann Hilliard appeared by phone means. Court will proceed w/o Mr. Hilliard appearing telephonically 8:43 …. Listing contract was signed late yesterday …. Garbowicz request adj of final hearing until issue of federal lien get resolved in November. McEldowney statement – request divorce be heard but issue of property division be held open until after issue is resolved. Court statement – Garbowicz statement – Court will adjourn the final hearing until the federal lien issue is resolved – the 8-7-15 contested divorce hearing will remain – if the IRS matter is not resolved – it will be used a scheduling conference – If it is resolved – may be a stipulated divorce hearing.”

03/03/15 : HHKRK, LLC registered w/ WDFI; Delinquent on 01/01/17; Notice of Administrative Dissolution on 01/15/18 and 03/23/18; Change of Registered Agent on 05/09/18 to Kelly Yessman Van Den Heuvel; Restored to Good Standing on 05/09/18; Name changed to FORTY ENVIRONMENTAL AND SUSTAINABILITY, LLC on 03/27/19. Principal Office: 2303 Lost Dauphin Road, De Pere, WI 54115

03/05/15 :  March 6, 2015 Criminal Complaint & Affidavit in Support, U.S. District Court, Eastern District of Wisconsin, Case No. 15-MJ-1812,
United States of America  v.  Mao Peng  re: international multimillion dollar luxury cars ‘straw buyer’ & identity theft tax avoidance fraud schemes involving 20 or more Native Americans – including many Oneida Nation of WI members

See also:

•  May 29, 2015 Information / Background Allegations To All Counts, U.S. District Court, Eastern District of Wisconsin, Case No. 15-CR-113,  United States of America  v.  Mao Peng

See Oneida Eye’s reporting:

•  Oneidas Believe That Tribe Member & Oneida Casino Parking Valet Oakley Arnold Was A Straw Buyer In The Kenosha-Based Luxury Car Tax Avoidance, Wire Fraud & Native American Identity Theft Scam Run By Mao Peng; Questions Remain About Other Tribe Members’ Knowledge & Involvement; Driver Caught Via Green Bay Gas Station Drive-Off Theft Videos & Oakley Arnold Has An Active Warrant In Brown Co. For Operating While Revoked

03/12/15 : March 12, 2015 Counterclaim in Central District of California Court Case No. 14-CV-1888 CJC-DFM,  Blue Stone Strategy Group, LLC  v.  Nikishna Polequaptewa & [John] Does 1-5d

See Oneida Eye’s reporting:

•  Ernie Stevens Jr.National Indian Gaming Association / NIGA Chair & Spokesperson And Tribal Advisor To Consulting Firm Blue Stone Strategy Group LLC – Accused Of Receiving Kickbacks In ‘Racketeering Scheme’ With New Mexico State Auditor & Former State Senator Tim Keller Who’s A BSSG Principal & Trainer; FBI Investigating

03/28/15 : March 28, 2015 GENERAL TRIBAL COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING re: Petition for a Requiring a Permanent SEOTS Polling Site for All ONWI Elections

Following a presentation to General Tribal Council by petition organizer LEAH SUE DODGE regarding the OBC’s arbitrary, capricious, and politically-motivated inclusion / exclusion of the Milwaukee-area Southeast Oneida Tribe Services [SEOTS] facility, despite the OBC’s own OBC Resolution 03-13/02-O, which says:

The Oneida Constitution reflects an intent to promote the widest possible participation of Oneida people in their governance, and…the use of [the SEOTS] polling site is likely to increase participation in tribal elections[.]

…and reminding GTC of the ongoing history of skullduggery & r@tckufing by Oneida Election Board Chair Racquel ‘Rocky’ Hill and other OEB members to disenfranchise voters by publishing false election dates & wrong addresses for polling places in ONWI notices & the Kalihwisaks newspaper in order to favor certain candidates…

the General Tribal Council of the Oneida Nation of Wisconsin voted at the March 28, 2015 GTC Meeting to require the OBC & OEB to include the Milwaukee-based Southeastern Oneida Tribal Services (SEOTS) polling site in all future Tribal elections.

The hand-counted vote to include SEOTS in all future OTIW elections was 926 in support, 58 opposed.

Among the 58 disenfranchisement supporters & anti-democratic losers were these Oneida Business Committee members:

  • OBC Member Brandon Stevens
  • OBC Member Ronald ‘Tehassi’ Hill Jr.
  • OBC Member Jenny Webster
  • OBC Member Fawn Billie
  • OBC Secretary Lisa Summers – who was spotted crying after GTC voted to put an end to just one aspect of the OBC’s & OEB’s intentional disenfranchisement of Oneidas, among their other various intentional violations of the Indian Civil Rights Act.

See Oneida Eye’s reporting:

•  April Fooks! Oneida Election Board & Enrollments Department Mass-Mailed Flyer With Wrong SEOTS Polling Site Address Ten Days Before Unlawful OBC Election [UPDATE: Wrong Polling Site Address Also Illegally Published In March 19 & April 2 Tribal Newspapers]

•  Racquel Hill vs. Oneida Business Committee: Ol’ Rockhead Tries To Usurp General Tribal Council, Per Usual; FAIL!



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