Atty. Joe Nicks Of Godfrey & Kahn Advised General Tribal Council To Vote For Oneida Seven Generations Corp. To Continue Lawsuit Against City Of Green Bay Over OSGC’s Rescinded Conditional Use Permit For Waste Incinerator Project Linked To OSGC Partner Ron Van Den Heuvel’s Expansive Green Box NA Fraud Scheme, While Godfrey & Kahn’s Client Dr. Marco Araujo & His Co-Plaintiff Wisconsin Economic Development Corp. Are Suing Ron Van Den Heuvel’s Waste Incinerator Company Green Box NA For Fraud; INSTEAD, GTC & The City Of Green Bay Should Sue WEDC & OSGC & OSGC Subsidiaries Green Bay Renewable Energy LLC & Oneida Energy Inc. For Enabling And Perpetrating Ron Van Den Heuvel’s Fraud Scheme Which Is Under Investigation By The Brown Co. Sheriff’s Department And No Less Than Five Federal Agencies


Due to people having difficulty finding these court documents from Cook County IL Case # 14-L2768, ACF Leasing LLC, ACF Services LLC & Generation Clean Fuels LLC v. Oneida Tribe of Indians of Wisconsin, Oneida Seven Generations Corp., Green Bay Renewable Energy LLC. Oneida Energy Inc. & Oneida Energy Blocker Corp.  which were referenced during the August 10, 2016 GTC Special Meeting presentation by Frank Cornelius, Sr., which Oneida Eye’s Publisher travelled to Chicago to purchase copies of and posted on this website in October 2014:



See also Oneida Eye’s ‘Documents’ Page for an archive of filings & exhibits regarding Cook Co. Case No. 2014-L-002768ACF Leasing, ACF Services & Generation Clean Fuels vs. Green Bay Renewable Energy, Oneida Seven Generations Corp. & Oneida Tribe of Indians of Wisconsin, which includes:

Here are some of the main items GTC members should carefully consider:



At the August 10, 2016 General Tribal Council Special Meeting Attorney Joseph Nicks of law firm Godfrey & Kahn advised GTC Member & con-man Dan Hawk of Oneida Small Business Inc. on the wording of a motion to direct Oneida Seven Generations Corp. to continue litigation against the City of Green Bay:

Having been lied to and kept in the dark for years by the Oneida Business Committee about the fraudulent nature of the waste incinerator schemes of Oneida Seven Generations Corp. and OSGC’s partner Ron Van Den Heuvel, General Tribal Council foolishly took Atty. Joe Hicks advice and voted for Dan Hawk’s motion as seen in the August 10, 2016 GTC Special Meeting Action Report Draft, which says:

Amendment to the main motion by Dan Hawk to allow Oneida Seven Generations Corporation to continue litigation with the City of Green Bay. Seconded by Sherrole Benton. Motion carried by show of hands.


Instead of suing the City of Green Bay, the Oneida Nation of Wisconsin’s General Tribal Council should join with the City of Green Bay to sue the Wisconsin Economic Development Corp. for funding Oneida Seven Generations Corp. and OSGC’s subsidiaries IEP Development LLC, Green Bay Renewable Energy LLC, Oneida, Energy Inc., and Oneida Energy Blocker Corp., which helped enable those companies to perpetrate facets of Ron Van Den Heuvel’s expansive fraud scheme against the General Tribal Council and the City of Green Bay…

…as well as sue OSGC’s executives & officials along with those of OSGC’s subsidiaries for having perpetrated Ron Van Den Heuvel’s fraud schemes against the General Tribal Council and against the City of Green Bay…

…and GTC should also sue OSGC’s partners Ron Van Den Heuvel; Artley Skenandore dba Swakweko LLC; and Abdul Latif Mahjoob dba American Combustion Technologies Inc. (ACTI) / American Renewable Technologies Inc. (ARTI) / American Renewable Energy Inc. (AREI).


Also at the August 10, 2016 GTC Meeting, OSGC Managing Director Peter King III of King Solutions LLC claimed that he – and not John Breuninger as Tribe members were previously told by the Oneida Law Office – made the decision to use Tribal money to pay a secret multi-million dollar settlement (that looks more like an extortion shakedown) to settle a $400 Million lawsuit filed in Cook County Illinois against OSGC and its subsidiareies by Evanston-IL based Generation Clean Fuels, ACF Leasing & ACF Services.

As Oneida Eye has reported, on October 21, 2015, Oneida Tribe members received a letter in the mail from the Oneida Business Committee (which was dated September 23, 2015) stating that the OBC had declined a settlement offer by the Plaintiffs which would have allowed the Oneida Tribe to settle the matters described above for $9 million:

The OBC’s letter clearly stated regarding the latter lawsuit:

The Oneida Business Committee received a request from the plaintiffs to consider settlement. The complaint alleges $400 million in damages; the settlement offer was $9 million. We discussed this settlement in Executive Session on August 26, 2015, and rejected this offer. We believe that the Tribe has not damaged ACF in any way and was not a party to the contract. As a result, the settlement offer is too high to be considered. We do not make a counter-offer as we continue to believe that the Tribe will prevail in this matter. However, if a settlement offer is presented which we think fairly represents the risk and cost of continuing versus concluding this matter, we have committed to bringing that to the General Tribal Council for action.

After ignoring several previous requests by Oneida Eye’s Publisher for updated copies of the lawsuit’s court filings, OLO Dept. Chief Counsel Bittorf finally provided Oneida Eye’s Publisher with a copy of the Order for Dismissal when she went to his office in person with GTC Member Michael Debraska on February 22, 2016, Mike relates in the video above:

Howver, Oneida Eye’s Publsiher and Mike Debraska were told by Oneida Law Office Deputy Chief Counsel James Bittorf that Tribe member John Breuninger had been made Managing Director of OSGC’s subsidiaries – although Dept. Chief Counsel Jim Bittorf refused to say by whom – and that it was John Brueuninger – – not Peter King III – who had agreed to pay the undisclosed multi-million dollar settlement amount using Tribal funds because there was no insurance coverage for the loss. [John Breuninger’s wife, Jeri Bauman, is the Senior Paralegal for the Oneida Law Office.]

Notice that in the video clip above, neither Peter King III nor OBC Chair Cristina Danforth acknowledge the letter that OBC sent to GTC and they both say that GTC will not be informed how many millions of Tribal dollars OSGC’s subsidiaries paid to settle a lawsuit that looks more like an extortion shakedown.

Note also that neither OSGC Managing Director Pete King III nor OBC Chair Cristina Danforth dispute the range of the secret multi-million dollar settlement paid with Tribal funds being in the range of $9 to $15 Million. Perhaps it was more than that. How will GTC ever know?

Given the OBC’s letter to the GTC stating that GTC would be the body to take action on any settlement agreement…

HOW WHY were Pete King III or John Breuninger allowed to make that major decision using Tribal funds as Atty. Bittorf claimed, which is believed to have cost the Oneida Nation of Wisconsin’s GTC between $9 TO $15 MILLION ON TOP OF THE $5 MILLION WASTED TO NATURE’S WAY TISSUE CORP. and ANOTHER $5 MILLION WASTED ON OSGC-subsidiary GREEN BAY RENEWABLE ENERGY – ALL LINKED TO THE FRAUD SCHEMES OF RONALD VAN DEN HEUVEL – rather than bringing that very important & costly matter back to GTC for discussion & action just as the OBC plainly told GTC in writing that they would?

It’s ALL MORE PROOF of the OBC’s LIES and VIOLATIONS of General Tribal Council’s authority & Tribe members’ rights…



Compare and contrast the two cases involving WEDC, Ron Van Den Heuvel, OSGC, and Godfrey & Kahn:

  • Brown Co. Case No. 2015CV769, Dr. Marco Araujo, Cliffton Equities Inc. & Wisconsin Economic Development Corp. v. Green Box NA Green Bay LLC

In that suit, Godfrey & Kahn sued Ron Van Den Heuvel’s waste incinerator fraud scheme Green Box NA Green Bay LLC on behalf of Green Box investor Dr. Marco Araujo.

But in the following suit, Godfrey & Kahn sued the City of Green Bay defending the waste incinerator scheme of Ron Van Den Heuvel’s business partner Oneida Seven Generations Corporation and OSGC’s subsidary Green Bay Renewable Energy LLC, which were funded by WEDC:

Think about that…

Godfrey & Kahn are suing Ron Van Den Heuvel for defrauding their client Dr. Marco Araujo as an individual investor who was misled by Ron about the Green Box NA Green Bay LLC waste incinerator scheme that was funded by Dr. Araujo’s Co-Plaintiff WEDC…

…yet Ron’s claims of owning patents and having the right to license technologies to other companies forms the very basis of the business model of Godfrey & Kahn’s clients OSGC and GBRE which were funded by WEDC and had their Conditional Use Permit rescinded by the City of Green Bay due to the Green Bay Common Council feeling misled about OSGC & GBRE’s claimes about their WEDC-funded waste incinerator project.

Despite the polluter-friendly decision of the Wisconsin Supreme Court…

…it now turns out that OSGC’s & GBRE’s waste incinerator project was far more misleading in many more ways than those which resulted in the City’s recision:


By the way, WEDC’s Chief Legal Counsel is Atty. Hannah Renfro, formerly of Godfrey & Kahn.

Seeing a pattern, yet?

If not, you can use this handy guide on how Native American tribes can be used for use their tax exemption status to build trash incinerators which they can supposedly later sell to non-tribal businesses, brought to you from the law firm of … you guessed it!


For your consideration: 

Heavy-hitting law firms…will together pay $77.5 million to settle a class action that accused them of aiding a $900 million Ponzi scheme. …

The class said that [the law firms] created “a facade of legitimacy” that allowed the Ponzi scheme to continue.


Oneida Eye will post further analysis on the August 10, 2016 GTC Special Meeting & updates about the evidence regarding criminal charges filed & pending against OSGC’s business partner Ron Van Den Heuvel and his various schemes, such as:

These consolidated cases are calendared for a special session commencing on August 15, 2016, in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Pursuant to a Court Order, the parties filed issues memoranda on May 27, 2016. On June 24, 2016, petitioners filed a motion in limine regarding new issues allegedly raised in respondent’s issues memorandum. On July 1, 2016, respondent filed a response to petitioners’ motion in limine. On August 3, 2016, the Court held a hearing in Washington, D.C., on so much of the motion in limine as regards the substantiation of the $90 million in claimed loans. The parties appeared and were heard.

The primary issue in this case is respondent’s disallowance of deductions in taxable years 2004 through 2013, excluding taxable year 2005, for partially worthless debt. Petitioners contend that advances to the debtors were debt based on all the facts and circumstances. In the alternative, to the extent the Court finds that petitioners’ advances were not debt, petitioners argue the advances are deductible as ordinary expenses under section 162.[[All section references are to the Internal Revenue Code in effect for the years at issue.]

Petitioners contend that respondent’s issues memorandum raises the new issue that petitioners have not provided substantiating documents reflecting the $90 million in loans petitioners claim were extended to Ronald H. Van Den Heuvel and/or his entities. 

At this point, it cannot be determined whether petitioners have substantiated their position. Absent agreement between the parties on this point, the question remains to be decided by the Court after consideration of the evidence presented at trial, not before.

Premises considered, it is ORDERED that so much of the motion in limine as regards the substantiation of the $90 million in claimed loans is denied.

Kathleen Kerrigan, Judge


From U. S. Bankruptcy Court, Wisconsin Eastern District Docket No. 16-24179-beh, Chapter 11, Green Box NA Green Bay, LLC:


From U.S. District Court, Eastern District of Wisconsin Criminal Case No. 16-CR-64, U.S.A. v. Ronald H. Van Den Heuvel, Paul J. Piikkila, and Kelly Yessman Van Den Heuvel:



See also:


Posted in Artley Skenandore, Business, Court, Economy, Environment, Fmr. OBC Chair Cristina Danforth, Fmr. OBC Sec. Patty Hoeft, General Tribal Council, Godfrey & Kahn, Green Bay Renewable Energy, Health, Incinerators / Pyrolysis / Gasification / Waste-to-Energy, Indian Civil Rights Act, Law, Nature's Way Tissue Corp. LLC, OBC Chief Counsel Jo Anne House, Oneida Business Committee, Oneida Constitution, Oneida Energy Inc., Oneida Law Office, Oneida Nation of Wisconsin / ONWI / Oneida Tribe of Indians of Wisconsin, Oneida Seven Generations Corporation, Oneida Small Business Inc., Oneida-Kodiak, OTIW / ONWI, Resources, Ron Van Den Heuvel, Safety & Welfare, Sovereignty, Tribal Corruption, Wisconsin Court of Appeals, Wisconsin Economic Development Corporation, Wisconsin Supreme Court | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Comments Off on Atty. Joe Nicks Of Godfrey & Kahn Advised General Tribal Council To Vote For Oneida Seven Generations Corp. To Continue Lawsuit Against City Of Green Bay Over OSGC’s Rescinded Conditional Use Permit For Waste Incinerator Project Linked To OSGC Partner Ron Van Den Heuvel’s Expansive Green Box NA Fraud Scheme, While Godfrey & Kahn’s Client Dr. Marco Araujo & His Co-Plaintiff Wisconsin Economic Development Corp. Are Suing Ron Van Den Heuvel’s Waste Incinerator Company Green Box NA For Fraud; INSTEAD, GTC & The City Of Green Bay Should Sue WEDC & OSGC & OSGC Subsidiaries Green Bay Renewable Energy LLC & Oneida Energy Inc. For Enabling And Perpetrating Ron Van Den Heuvel’s Fraud Scheme Which Is Under Investigation By The Brown Co. Sheriff’s Department And No Less Than Five Federal Agencies