On top of the $17 Million in tax problems that Ron Van Den Heuvel’s $90 Million in debt has caused his own family and their companies (see more below), on July 7, 2014, Wisconsin Eastern District Judge William Griesbach issued Certification of an $8 million judgment against Ron Van Den Heuvel’s Green Box NA in favor of Cargill Inc. in Case No. 14CV1733 regarding a lawsuit originating in the U.S. District Court in Minnesota.
Have all of Ron Van Den Heuvel’s boxes run out of green?
Will the Oneida Business Committee get away with trying to allow Oneida Seven Generations Corporation and Artley Skenandore to continue to endanger the resources and harm the reputation of the Oneida Nation in Wisconsin family?
From the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel:
- Jobs agency lent $1.2 million to businessman with troubled finances by Jason Stein, Mary Spiccuza & Andrew Hahn
Wisconsin’s flagship jobs agency failed to run adequate checks and gave two awards worth more than $1.2 million to a financially troubled De Pere businessman who had not disclosed his problems to the state, a Milwaukee Journal Sentinel review has found.
Despite those omissions in 2011 and 2012, Gov. Scott Walker’s administration kept working with Ron Van Den Heuvel and [Green Box NA] into 2014 state records show.
The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel incorrectly refers to Green Box NA as a “clean energy company.”
It is nothing of the sort.
Instead, Ron Van Den Heuvel’s Green Box NA is just another fraudulent waste energy scheme built on lies and misrepresentations, just like Oneida Seven Generations Corporation (OSGC) and Green Bay Renewable Energy (GBRE) which did not deserve the $2 million loan from the Wisconsin Dept. of Commerce, precursor of Republican Gov. Scott Walker’s Wisconsin Economic Development Corporation (WEDC) which then unwisely gave them (through OSGC-owned subsidiary Oneida Energy, Inc.) another $2 million loan.
- June 2, 2013: Wisconsin Economic Development Corporation & Oneida Seven Generations Corporation’s $4 Million Debt
Click here for a graphic which explains why some Wisconsin Supreme Court Justices might have ruled in OSGC’s & GBRE’s favor rather than allow the City of Green Bay to hold corporate polluters accountable for toxic lies.
Back to the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel:
There is no record so far of the Wisconsin Economic Development Corp. notifying the City of De Pere about the company’s money troubles even though Green Box was working with the city in an unsuccessful attempt to get tax-exempt bonds – in part to pay for the state’s loans. …
After allowing Green Box in September 2013 to renegotiate the state’s bad loan of $1.1 million, WEDC sued the company in Brown County Circuit Court in May for failing to make its payments and with two other creditors had the company put into receivership last month.
“Green Box and/or Van Den Heuvel have provided creditors with false financial statements showing inflated assets, “reads the lawsuit by WEDC and others. “…Van Den Heuvel appears to have other entities that he has a pattern and practice of changing the entities’ names and starting up new entities to escape obligations to creditors. Van Den Heuvel has been involved as a registered agent in 40 separate entities in Wisconsin.”
- May 15, 2015 Complaint in Brown Co. Case No. 15CV769, Dr. Marco Araujo, Cliffton Equities Inc., Wisconsin Economic Development Corp. (WEDC) v. Green Box NA Green Bay LLC
Click here for a sampling of Ron Van Den Heuvel’s companies in Wisconsin. Click here for a couple more.
Plus, don’t forget to include the companies listed under Ron’s wife, Kelly Yessman-Van Den Heuvel at WDFI.org, nor the cases (that we know of so far) filed against those companies.
The ‘Van Den Heuvel,’ ‘VanDen Heuvel,’ ‘Vandenheuvel’ game is fun! Do you think Ron might have intentionally accidentally used any misspellings? Like, say, Van DAN Heuvel? You betcha! Click here to see a his & hers of using the aliases ‘Ron Van Dan Heuvel’ and ‘Kelly Van Dan Heuvel’ at WDFI.org. (There’s always ‘Heuval’ left!)
Plus, there’s all of Ron’s companies with a Registered Agent that’s a variation on ‘E.A.R.T.H.‘
The latest of Ron’s many comapnies registered in Wisconsin seems to be GB-ARM, LLC, which was registered on February 23, 2015, and for which the Registered Agent is listed as Green Box NA Green Bay, LLC, for which the Registered Agent is now Atty. Michael Polsky acting as the Receiver following the ruling to put Green Box NA into receivership in Brown Co. Case No. 2015CV769 as explained below.
(We wonder if Atty. Polsky is aware of the Green Detroit Regional Center‘s rosy projections in their Green Box Project Update regarding “EB-5 projects in Detroit and included in the revised economic analysis dated April 1, 2015.”)
As for Ron Van Den Heuvel’s false financial statements?
Exactly the same way that Ron Van Den Heuvel’s good buddies at OSGC and the OBC have continuously lied to General Tribal Council in financial reports about OSGC being a ‘successful, profitable’ company when it has long failed to pay what it owes to various departments of the Oneida Nation in Wisconsin to the point that OSGC recently had to be threatened by the Oneida Casino with lease withholding for failing to compensate the Tribe for maintenance care charges for the Highway 29 Oneida Casino Travel Center facility that OSGC leases to the Tribe.
OSGC was so broke that they had to ask the Oneida Business Committee to borrow $750,000 from the Oneida Nation in Wisconsin so that OSGC and its subsidiary GBRE could sue the City of Green Bay after the Green Bay Common Council voted to rescind OSGC & GBRE’s Conditional Use Permit to build their commercial waste gasification project on Hurlbut St. in Green Bay.
OSGC is so broke that – due to the health & safety threats posed to Oneida Casino employees by OSGC’s negligence – the Oneida Casino is going to have to pay $208,000 to replace the roof on the Oneida Casino Warehouse despite the fact that the Casino has long paid over $15,000 per month to lease that building from OSGC. Even given the cushy arrangement OSGC had wih the Oneida Casino, it still failed to keep its building safe, just like it failed to keep the Travel Center free of mold which the Casino then paid to remediate.
Despite OSGC’s list of failures at basic commercial property management, the Oneida Business Committee recently hired OSGC’s fraudulent waste gasification scam Project Manager Pete King III’s company – King Solutions, LLC – to act as the ‘New Managing Agent’ for OSGC, replacing the clueless or co-conspiratorial Gene Keluche & Sagestone Mgmt.
Back to the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel:
Van Den Heuvel, a longtime donor to Republicans, and Green Box now owe $139,000 in state and federal taxes; delinquent property taxes for a De Pere property; and more than $1.2 million to WEDC for the 2011 loan and a $96,000 grant made in 2012, the lawsuit alleges. Other private creditors are owed millions or more dollars, it says. …
In forms given to WEDC, Van Den Heuvel…[c]ertified in 2011 and 2012 that neither Green Box nor any of its owners or officers had been involved in lawsuits in the previous five years or had outstanding tax liens.
Online state court records show Van Den Heuvel and companies associated with him have been taken to court repeatedly in the past 10 years, including by the state Department of Revenue for delinquent tax warrants and the Department of Workforce Development in worker’s compensation cases.
See Oneida Eye’s previous posts showing that Ron Van Den Heuvel still owes the people of the Oneida Nation in Wisconsin $1.2 million from the Nature’s Way debacle:
- July 5, 2013: Decision & Order: Peters, Van Den Heuvel & Skenandore vs. WI Dept. of Revenue (Spoiler alert: they lost.)
- July 6, 2013: Rabbit Holes: The Strange Misadventures & Misdeeds Of Artley Skenandore & Ronald Van Den Heuvel
Have you ever wondered why the Oneida Business Committee has failed to sue to get your money back from Artley Skenandore’s partner ‘EnRon’ Van Den Heuvel?
Maybe Ron Van Den Heuvel knows as much dirt about Artley Skenandore and the OBC as they (should) know about him.
Reminds us of when ONW CFO Larry Barton admitted at the December 9, 2013, Community Discussion regarding the GTC Petition to dissolve OSGC that subsidiary Oneida-Kodiak Construction’s 49% partner Alliance Construction & Design had seized control of 51% OSGC-owned Oneida-Kodiak Construction‘s financial records and wouldn’t give the Tribe access to its own property which is why Oneida-Kodiak was omitted from the $195,000 McGladrey & Pullen audit of OSGC.
Given that CFO Larry Barton also admitted (or at least claimed; he doesn’t always know/tell the truth) that even he didn’t know who all of the people involved with OSGC’s subsidiaries are, is it possible that Ron Van Den Heuvel was associated with any of those Tribally-owned companies?
- January 17, 2014: GTC’s Way Or The Highway
- March 9, 2014: More Questions That Demand Better Answers
But the Oneida Business Committee and CFO Larry Barton should have known exactly how GBRE had been structured through tax shelters in Delaware based on this January 17, 2012 memorandum from Sovereign Finance to the Oneida Business Committee on the subject of ‘ONEIDA ENERGY FINANCING SUMMARY’ which states:
The purpose of this memorandum is to provide the Business Committee of the Oneida Tribe of Indians of Wisconsin with a summary overview of the financial implications of the capital structure proposed by Sentry Financial in their Term Sheet dated January 2, 2012. Bear in mind that these are financial projections and rely upon the assumptions by management and Alliance Construction, therefore actual results could very [sic] materially from what has been presented here. …
…The table on the following page shows anticipated financial returns to OSGC and Sentry based on the capital structure outlined in the Sentry Team Sheet.
The memo to the OBC not only gives detailed ‘Organization Steps’ to develop GBRE, it even contains a organization chart showing the relationships between OSGC, OEI, OEB and GBRE (click to enlarge):
It was not until the surprise emergency meeting held by the OBC on July 12, 2013 that Business Committee member & OSGC Liaison Brandon Stevens finally admitted that Oneida Energy Blocker Corp. and Green Bay Renewable Energy are both 100% owned by OSGC, hence owned by the Oneida Nation in Wisconsin. Until then, Tribe members were not told who owned GBRE.
It was at that same emergency OBC meeting that Chief Counsel Jo Anne House acknowledged that her February 15, 2011 legal opinion had falsely conveyed to General Tribal Council that they would have access to OSGC’s Disclosure Reports which they were subsequently denied.
- July 13, 2013: Breaking Legal News
- July 14, 2013: Mysteries Solved & Sown
- June 26, 2013: OSGC Business Mysteries: Unaccountablity For Acts
The Oneida Business Committee and OSGC are now contending that they aren’t responsible for the actions of GBRE President Kevin Cornelius who was also CEO of OSGC, whose Board serves at the pleasure of the Oneida Business Committee.
Kevin Cornelius was simultaneously CEO of Oneida Energy, Inc. according to page 54 of Wisconsin Economic Development Corp. Contract #SEP-FY10-20265.
Neither OSGC nor the OBC have released an exhaustive list of names of the executives, officers, employees or board members of Oneida Energy Blocker Corp., Oneida Energy, Inc., nor Green Bay Renewable Energy, LLC, to General Tribal Council despite repeated requests.
Does WEDC have access to that information?
Back to the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel:
But Green Box wasn’t done seeking public incentives. The company sought tax-exempt bonds in Wisconsin, Michigan and Georgia, winning preliminary approval from the City of De Pere in April 2014 for $125 million in potential borrowing for a solid-waste disposal and recycling [sic] operation, according to WEDC records.
On May 28, 2014, Mighigan’s Cheboygan Daily Tribune reported that Republican Gov. Rick Snyder had an “exciting” anouncement:
Snyder was talking about the Michigan Strategic Fund approving a resolution for issuance of up to $125 million in private activity bonds to partially finance a $200 million project for Green Box NA Michigan, LLC.
Again, Ron Van Den Heuvel – just like his buddies at OSGC – loves to try to fool people into believing that melting & incinerating plastics or “poly” or other forms of waste so that they go into the sky and your lungs is somehow “clean” or “green” or “recycling.”
It’s not… and it’s fraudulent to claim otherwise.
The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel goes on to note:
In the lawsuit filed in May against Green Box, WEDC and two of the company’s other creditors, Cliffton Equities Inc. of Montreal and Marco Araujo of Green Bay, present an alarming view of Van Den Heuvel’s operations.
The lawsuit says Van Den Heuvel claimed to have 4,500 employees throughout the country but a visit at one site turned up few employees. The plaintiffs said the businessman pledged assets as collateral that had already been pledged to other creditors. …
- Brown Co. Case No. 2015CV769, Marco Araujo; Cliffton Equities; & Wisconsin Economic Development Corporation v. Green Box NA Green Bay, LLC
- Brown Co. Case No. 2015CV474, Ability Insurance v. a LOT of Defendants
- Brown Co. Case No. 2013CV463, Marco Araujo v. Ronald H. Van Den Heuvel; Green Box NA Green Bay, LLC; Patriot Tissue, LLC; & Bayland Bank
Strangely enough, it was Godfrey & Kahn – Oneida Seven Generations Corporation’s own law firm in its fight to foist its waste gasification scheme on the City of Green Bay – who were helping investor Marco Araujo to get his money back from Green Box NA after Dr. Araujo fell for the “puffery” and lies of Ronald Van Den Heuvel, which is basically the same as the puffery and lies that floated freely out of OSGC regarding their own waste gasification misrepresentations.
The following documents from the Araujo v. Van Den Heuvel & Green Box NA lawsuit in Brown County are a fascinating look at the anatomy of a failed investment in a shady waste gasification scheme. It’s a creepy good read!:
- March 20, 2011 Amended Complaint and Jury Trial Demand, Brown Co. Case No, 13CV463, Marco Araujo, M.D. v. Ronald Van Den Heuvel and Green Box N.A.
- April 10, 2013 Answer of Defendents Ron Van Den Heuvel & Green Box NA Green Bay, LLC, Brown Co. Case No. 13CV463, Marco Araujo, M.D. v. Ronald Van Den Heuvel and Green Box N.A.
Affirmative Defense Seven on page 10 of that document is a WARNING to everyone regarding the too-good-to-be-true promises of waste gasification hucksters like Ron Van Den Heuvel’s Green Box and OSGC’s Green Bay Renewable Energy, LLC & Oneida Energy, Inc.:
Plaintiff had the capacity and ability to independently determine whether representations made by Defendents were accurate or mere puffery, but failed to perform due diligence on his own.
- October 2, 2014 Decision and Order, Brown Co. Case No. 13CV463, Marco Araujo, M.D. v. Ronald Van Den Heuvel and Green Box N.A.
- April 9, 2015 Plaintiff’s-Respondent’s Brief, Brown Co. Case No. 13CV463, Marco Araujo, M.D. v. Ronald Van Den Heuvel and Green Box N.A.
Imagine that! Godfrey & Kahn arguing against empty pyrolysis puffery in this case, while defending the misleading puffery of their clients OSGC & GBRE against the City of Green Bay.
(Shall we even wade into the part where Ron Van Den Heuvel’s ‘attorney,’ Ty Willihnganz, who lost his law license in the midst of this and was charged with purchasing unlawful amounts of ephedrine?)
Click here to see a full color version of the pyrolysis puffery that Ron Van Den Heuvel was pitching to Green Box NA’s potential customers in Georgia.
Here are some actual pages and how Oneida Eye interprets them:
Page 20: What Ron Van Den Heuvel and Oneida Seven Generations Corporation are doing when they claim pyrolysis is ‘clean’ and ‘green’

What Green Box NA and Oneida Seven Generations Corporation are doing when they say pyrolysis is clean & green
Page 10: What people get when they do business with Green Box NA and Oneida Seven Generations Corporation

What people get when they do business with Green Box NA and Oneida Seven Generations Corporation
Fortunately for Dr. Araujo and the WEDC, the Court Records of Events in Case No. 15CV769 shows that Judge Thomas Walsh (unlike the majority of the Wisconsin Supreme Court) is willing to hold waste energy hucksters like Ron Van Den Heuvel accountable for misleading puffery and bad business dealings by putting Green Box NA in receivership and on July 8, 2015, Receiver Polsky filed a “Motion to Compel Green Box NA to Turn over Business Records.”
Is the same fate in store for Oneida Seven Generations Corp and its shells/facades/subsidiaries Green Bay Renewable Energy LLC, Oneida Energy Blocker Corp. and Oneida Energy Inc.?
Oneida Eye believes than an honest audit of OSGC and its subsidiaries would offer an ‘alarming view’ in their operations, though it may have to be initiated at a federal level.
But wait! There’s even more similarities between Ron Van Den Heuvel and OSGC in the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel article:
Van Den Heuvel and his wife gave $10,000 to the campaign of Former Gov. Tommy Thompson. One of Van Den Heuvel’s companies, PCDI Oconto Falls Tissue Corp., then received $24 million in tax-free bonding. Thompson later returned the money after being asked about the donations by reporters.
Just like their good buddy & fraud partner Ron Van Den Heuvel, OSGC had its political donation to waste gasification supporter Green Bay Mayor Jim Schmitt returned once it came to light that it was an illegal donation from a corporation becuase it was written directly from the OSGC checkbook with the word “Corporation” on the check.
- January 15, 2015: Green Bay Mayor Jim Schmitt Returns Illegal Campaign Donation To Oneida Tribe Of Indians Of Wisconsin’s Oneida Seven Generations Corporation
Why did WEDC give $4 million to OSGC even though its executives & officers had no discernible background nor experience in the energy field to work on an as-yet unproven commercial waste gasification project and despite the fact that OSGC doesn’t even pay basic bills owed to its owner, the Oneida Nation of Wisconsin?
Why did the WEDC give Oneida Seven Generations Corporation any Wisconsin tax money given that OSGC is a “corporation” in name only due to the fact that its owner, the Oneida Nation of Wisconsin, doesn’t have any corporate laws (other than corporate charters which are designed to protect the corporation, not the public) as admitted at the April 11, 2011 General Tribal Council Meeting?
Did ONW’s relationship (financial or otherwise) with Former Green Bay Mayor Paul Jadin, who went on to become the first head of WEDC, have anything to do with OSGC receiving $4 million in WEDC loans?
Did OSGC include a ‘reference letter’ from Ron Van Den Heuvel with their WEDC application, or did they rely on Fmr. Green Bay Mayor & WEDC Chair Paul Jadin to go to bat for them due to Jadin’s relationship (financial or otherwise) with Ron Van Den Heuvel?
Who are all of the officers, executives and employees of Oneida Seven Generations Corporation and all of its subsidiaries?
Have any of those officers, executives and employees of OSGC and all of its subsidiaries continued to receive salaries (or monies funnelled to them through Sagestone Management, King Solutions, LLC, or any other ‘Agents’ of the ONW/OSGC) since GTC voted to dissolve OSGC in December 2013?
If so, how much?
Why is the OBC using OSGC to continue the tradition of putting people in charge of things they have no expertise in, exactly as was stated regarding Artley Skenandore’s and Ron Van Den Heuvel’s and OSGC’s expensive experiment ‘Nature’s Way’ in the January 7, 2013 WI Tax Appeals Commission Decision and Order (page 8, item 4):
Mr. Skenandore had no expertise in the paper industry. Nevertheless, he was made president.
[Sidenote: Artley Skenandore is currently employed as (…cough…) the Oneida Nation High School Principal (…cough…). His wife/co-debtor, Lisa Drew-Skenandore / Lisa Skenandore, is listed as a Lieutenant in the Oneida Police Department, but some Tribe members have claimed that she still lacks Wisconsin state certification required to be considered an actual ‘officer’ and doesn’t qualify for police pension and benefits. Oneida Eye asked OPD Chief Richard Van Boxtel for comment on an anonymous letter received in 2014 on that topic addressed to the Oneida Police Commission and cc’d to OBC Chair Cristina Danforth, the OBC, and Chief Van Boxtel, but Rick declined. It’s not clear if he ever contacted his direct supervisor, OBC Chair Tina Danforth, to investigate the letter as required by the ONWI’s ‘Anonymous Letters’ policy.]
Artley’s lack of “expertise” (in anything other than losing money) isn’t limited to Nature’s Way and toilet paper. He also found a way to lose hundreds of thousands of dollars heading up the 2011 Indigenous Games:
- August 25, 2013: Games People Play
More “expertise” (in losing money) was shown by Artley Skenandore’s ‘Trout Creek Investors, LLC‘ which owes $110,000 in Fond du Lac Co. Case No. 2010CV347.
Can much more be said for the “expertise” of OSGC executives and Board members Atty. William Cornelius? Kevin Cornelius? Bruce King? Pete King III? Nathan King? Mike Metoxen? Cathy Delgado? Owen Somers? Todd Van Den Heuvel? (Some of whom also worked for and might have received (or be receiving) salaries & stipends from Oneida Energy Inc., Oneida Energy Blocker Corp., Green Bay Renewable Energy, LLC., etc.)
Is OSGC continuing to pay WEDC’s $4 million clawback, or is the ONW covering those bills for OSGC just like the Oneida Casino is having to pay for the roof of a building OSGC owns but leases to the Casino?
- February 26, 2014: Wisconsin Economic Development Corporation’s Clawback Letters To Oneida Seven Generations Corporation
How much did Nature’s Way Tissue cost the Tribe in all? $4 million? More? And while that amount seems small compared to what was lost on Plexus and Airadigm, how many more millions stood to be wasted and lost on OSGC’s waste gasification and plastics-to-oil fraud schemes?
Is the ONWI on the hook for $400 million as a result of the actions of Kevin Cornelius, Bruce King and OSGC/GBRE?
By refusing to hold OSGC’s and its subsidiaries’ executives and officers accountable for their actions and instead violating the lawful orders of General Tribal Council to dissolve OSGC, the current OBC is endangering the Oneida Nation of Wisconsin’s resources & reputation the same way that Ron Van Den Heuvel appears to be damaging his own family’s well-being, which they seem to have unwisely enabled Ron to do just like the OBC is wrongfully enabling OSGC.
But Ron Van Den Heuvel’s family finally reached a breaking point.
Apparently it was a $17 Million breaking point:
- Law360.com: Paper Mill Co. Seeks Void Of $17M IRS Deficiency Notice by Jimmy Hoover
A Wisconsin holding company with stakes in various paper mill enterprises has told the U.S. Tax Court that the Internal Revenue Service wrongly served it with $17 million in deficiencies for the years 2004 to 2010 after wrongly disallowing deductions from bad debt held by an estranged family member.
Family-owned VHC Inc. said that the company owned debt and not equity in relative Ron Van Den Heuvel’s spinoff business, and that the IRS wrongly increased its taxable income during the period while disallowing deductions from the debt, which a series of bad deals had rendered illiquid.
VHC, which was first formed as a contracting firm by Ron’s older relative Raymond Van Den Heuvel, underwent “significant expansion” from the 1980s to the 1990s, prompting Ron to form his own company in 1997 and begin buying paper mill facilities and businesses, the petition said.
Though VHC declined Ron’s investment solicitations in his companies –– saying doing so would conflict with its customer base –– VHC began issuing debt in the form of promissory notes to Ron’s acquired companies for equipment and overhead costs, drawing from his experience as a sales representative for VHC along with potential funding from major banks and companies, including Enron, which ultimately purchased a $5 million stake in the company in 1998, the petition said.
One such credit line came shortly before 2000, when VHC issued a line of credit to Ron’s cotton fiber plant for the installation of a key machine. It did so at the request of United Arab Emirates Investment Ltd., which had made an offer on the plant that would have far exceeded the amount of the company’s debt for the machine. However, UAEI withdrew from the deal at the last minute after the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks, saying the status of a Middle Eastern company in the U.S. at the time was too risky.
Around the same time, Enron, one of the debtor’s key backers, filed for bankruptcy.
“With the collapse of both deals, lenders began contacting petitioner about accelerating repayment of the loans to the debtor’s companies and calling in the guarantees of petitioner,” VHC said.
VHC gave the company even more money following the two collapses to help the debtor get back on its feet, according to the petition.
According to VHC, starting in 2003, the two companies began a series of “often heated” meetings for repayment plans. However, a series of bad deals prevented the payments for years, causing VHC to declare the deductions on each year’s returns.
In 2007, however, it appeared that the debt would be repaid with an offer on the mill from Goldman Sachs-backed ST paper, which offered to purchase Ron’s assets. Believing that the deal would bear fruit, VHC waived its bad debt deduction for its 2006 returns. However, the company recanted when it learned that under a new arrangement, it would only receive promissory notes rather than cash payments for the loans.
VHC said it considered filing a lawsuit against the debt-holder but that, after an attorney consultation, “the conclusion was that there were very few assets that could be recovered and that the debtor and the debtor’s companies’ net worth was very small or non-existent.”
Though the debts are not equity, even if they are, the petition said, “the amounts accrued by petitioner as income from services performed for the debtor’s companies should be reversed.”
VHC is represented by Robert E. Dallman, Daniel B. Geraghty and Thomas R. Vance of Whyte Hirschboeck Dudek SC …
The case is VHC Inc. et al v. Commissioner of Internal Revenue, case number is 004756-15, in U.S. Tax Court.
So Ron Van Den Heuvel (supposedly) had backing from Enron and from United Arab Emirates Investment Ltd. and had offers from Goldman Sachs?
Speaking of the “September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks”…
Can the Wally Hilliard spookmobile be far away?
Or are Wallace J. Hilliard and Ron Van Den Heuvel still fighting over
$ 911 K ?
Maybe Ron & ‘Bishop’ Hilliard can work it out over a cold one at Thornberry Creek at Oneida, the Official Golf Course of the Green Bay Packers!
It should be noted that Whyte Hirschboeck Dudek SC is also currently representing the Oneida Nation of Wisconsin and Tribally-owned Oneida Seven Generations Corporation in the $400 million lawsuit filed in Illinois against them and OSGC subsidiary Green Bay Renewable Energy by ACF Leasing, ACF Services & Generation Clean Fuels (formerly known as Arland Clean Fuels).
In the same way that VHC, Inc. and Ron Van Den Heuvel’s estranged family needed to finally stop bailing Ron out and stop giving him more money to borrow in the hopes that he’ll finally turn his business fortunes around, the General Tribal Council of the Oneida Nation in Wisconsin needs to tell the Oneida Business Committee loud and clear that it’s time to stop funding and defending Oneida Seven Generations Corporation and fully dissolve OSGC as the OBC was ordered to do by GTC on December 15, 2013, after OSGC was discovered (as reported by the local media in November 2013) to have been acting in violation of GTC’s vote on May 5, 2013, to prohibit OSGC and its subsidiaries from engaging in ‘waste gasification’ or ‘plastics-to-oil’ of any kind anywhere on the reservation of the Oneida Nation in Wisconsin.
The OBC, OSGC and Artley Skenandore have put the Oneida Nation family at risk.
GTC must continue to engage in self-defense.
See also: