12/26/03 : NATURE’S WAY TISSUE CORP. registered w/ WDFI; Changed Registered Agent on 12/19/06, and 01/02/07, and 05/19/09 to Artley Skenandore Jr.; Dissolved on 05/09/12
According to the January 27, 2013, Decision & Order of the Wisconsin Tax Appeals Commission, various dockets, Steven Peters, Ronald Van Den Heuvel & Artley Skenandore Jr. v. Wisconsin Dept. of Revenue, re: Nature’s Way Tissue Corp.:
2. Mr. Skenandore was involved in with Nature’s Way [Tissue Corp.] beginning in December of 2003. When Nature’s Way first entered into business, Nature’s Way entered into a Marketing Agreement with Georgia Pacific, as a minority business enterprise. …
3. Of the ownership, only 11 percent (11%) was owned by Artley Skenandore (individually through Swakweko, LLC), 20 percent (20%) was owned by [OSGC], and 20 percent (20%) by Spirit Lake Corporation. The other 49 percent (49%) was held by Custom Tissue. One of the shareholders of Custom Tissue was Steven Peters. A percentage of Custom Tissue was owned by PCDI, one of the [Ron] Van Den Heuvel companies.
4. Mr. Skenandore had no expertise in the paper industry. Nevertheless, he was made president.
2004 : According to the April 24, 2012 Complaint for Violations of the Federal Securities Law, Virginia Securities Law, and Virginia Common Law, Jury Trial Demanded; U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Virginia, Alexandria Division, Case No. 1:12CV451, Frank C. Carlucci III v. Michael S. Han & Envion Inc., regarding a ‘Plastics-to-Oil’ fraud scheme eerily similar to the fraud schemes of Abdul Latif Mahjoob / American Combustion Technologies Inc. / ACTI; Ron Van Den Heuvel / Green Box NA / Reclamation Technology Systems LLC / E.A.R.T.H.; Alliance GC / Alliance Construction & Design / P2O Technologies; Arland Clean Fuels / ACF Leasing / ACF Services / Generation Clean Fuels / Louis Stern / Eric Decator, et al.; and Oneida Seven Generations Corp. / OSGC & subsidiaries Oneida Energy Inc. and Green Bay Renewable Energy LLC:
9. Envion represents itself to the public as a technology company with exclusive patent rights to a unique technology that presents an environmentally sensitive, more efficient, and cost effective option for recapturing energy by converting waste plastic into usable oil.
10. Envion publically represents on its website that the centerpiece of the technology, and the foundation for its entire company, is a “proprietary system, the Envion Oil Generator™, which transforms public waste back to its original form – crude oil.”
11. Envion further describes the Envion Oil Generator on its website as a “proprietary breakthrough technology developed and perfected over the last 14 years” and the “first plastic waste to oil conversion platform of its kind.”
Soliciting Investment Funds
12. In approximately 2003, Mr. Carlucci and Mr. Han met at the Regency Sport & Health Club where they both regularly play tennis.
13. In early 2004, Mr. Han approaced Mr. Carlucci in an attempt to solicit funds for his company, Envion. At the time, Mr. Han described Envion to Mr. Carlucci as a “technology company” that would “bring technology [he] owned to the United States that his uncle had developed in Korea. Mr. Han described that technology as “a patented process involving the conversion of plastic to oil.”
13. Through a series of telephone calls, face-to-face meetings at Mr. Carlucci’s residence and at the Regency Sport and Health Club in early 2004, which were often arranged via telephone calls and/or emails from Mr. Han from his Washington, D.C. office to Mr. Carlucci in Virginia, Mr. Han made numerous material misrepresentations and omissions of material fact in his disclosures to Mr. Carlucci in connection with his attempt to induce Mr. Carlucci to invest in Envion. Mr. Han specifically represented to Mr. Carlucci during these meetings that:
a. He (Mr. Han and Envion) had the exclusive patent for the Envion Oil Generators, which formed the foundation for Envion’s business and success;
b. He (Mr. Han) had lined up the investment banking house, Allen & Company, to raise funds for Envion and that Allen & Company would be an equity investor in the company;
c. He (Mr. Han) had communicated with numerous other investors who were interested in Envion, including Warren Buffet, Bill Gates, Dow Chemical, Morgan Stanley, and Goldman Sachs;
d. Along with Mr. Han, Envion was run by a number of “seasoned and highly regarded executives in the energy, technology, and finance industries, as well as the public sector”;
e. He (Mr. Han) was negotiating a lucrative arrangement with Waste Management Company pursuant to which Waste Management would purchase rights to use the technology;
f. He (Mr. Han) was negotiating a lucrative arrangement with Allied Republic, another waste management firm and competitor of Waste Management;
g. Envion had a backlog of orders for its Oil Generator product; and
h. For each of these reasons, “Envion would be the best return Mr. Carlucci had received on any investment.”
15. As Mr. Carlucci later came to find out, each of these representations was false and Mr. Han knew, or should have known, that they were false at the time they were made.
16. Unaware of the falsity of Mr. Han’s statements, Mr. Carlucci relied upon Mr. Han’s misrepresentations and omissions of material fact, and was justified in doing so, in deciding to invest in Envion. Thus, on March 4, 2004, in direct and reasonable reliance on Mr. Han’s representations and omissions of material fact, Mr. Carlucci made an initial investment in Envion in the amount of $500,000, which was in the form of a Convertible Promissory Note. The 2004 Convertible Promissory Note could be converted at any time by Mr. Carlucci into common stock of Envion – equity in the company.
17. Over the next several years, Mr. Han approached Mr. Carlucci on numerous other occasions seeking additional investment funds for Envion. On each occasion, Mr. Han painted a very rosy picture for Envion, and expressly represented that the company had many favorable business arrangements (Gazprom, among others) that would result in an enormous return on any amounts invested by Mr. Carlucci and stated that Envion had exclusive patent rights over its critical technology. In each instance, Mr. Carlucci again reasonably relied upon Mr. Han’s misrepresentations and omissions of material fact, and was justified in doing so, in deciding to invest in Envion. As Mr. Carlucci came to find out later, however, each of the representations Mr. Han made to induce his investment was false and Mr. Han knew, or should have known, they were false at the time they were made.
18. Specifically, pusuant to a series of convertible promissory notes made by Envion in favor of Mr. Carlucci, between November 2004 and April 2010, Mr. Carlucci invested the following additional funds in Envion through convertible notes issued on the dates indicated:
a. November 11, 2004 – $400,000
b. March 29, 2005 – $300,000
c. June 3, 2005 – $175,000
d. February 21, 2006 – $350,000
e. June 29, 2006 – $250,000
f. August 24, 2006 – $250,000
g. April 1, 2007 – $168,000
h. October 15, 2007 – $300,000
i. August 1, 2008 – $900,000
j. May 27, 2009 – $1,500,000
k. July 29, 2009 – $2,000,000
l. October 21, 2009 – $3,000,000
m. December 27, 2009 – $200,000
n. April 21, 2010 – $1,800,000
19. Each of the investments identified above was evidenced by a convertible promissory note that accrued interest in the range of 8%–1o% annually and could be converted at any time by Mr. Carlucci into common stock of Envion – equity in the company
[More below at 03/2010 regarding Carlucci’s additional $20,000,000 investment in Envion, Inc.’s ‘Plastics-t0-Oil’ trash incinerator fraud scheme]
01/08/04 : FILED – Brown Co. Case No. 02CV2151, Andrew P. Hilliard v. [Jack Schweiner’s] Trout Creek LLC
[Different entity than 06/26/07 : Trout Creek Investors, LLC registered w/ WDFI on 06/26/07; Registered Agent Artley Skenandore Jr.; Principal Office: 3973 Hidden Trail, Oneida, WI; Administratively Dissolved on 06/09/15]
01/16/04 : Oneida Small Business, Inc. registered w/ WDFI (form signed on 01/14/04); Principal Office: 3812 N County Line Road (County Road U), Oneida, WI, 54155; Change of Registered Agent on 05/23/11, and 05/24/12 to Dan Hawk; Delinquent in 2014; Restored to Good Standing and Registered Agent changed on 03/12/2015 to Daniel Hawk (same person)
Officers / Members on 01/14/04:
• President Judy Cornelius (she later married Dan Hawk): 3812 N County Line Road (County Road U), Oneida, WI, 54155
• Vice President Lee Thomas: W463 Hillside Drive, Green Bay, WI, 54155
• Treasurer Claudette Hewson: 2705 He-Nis-Ra Lane, Green Bay, WI, 54304
• Secretary Terry J. Hetzel: 1670 Shawano #24, Green Bay, WI 54303
• Board Member / Director Kendall Barton: N5859 County Road E, DePere, WI, 54115
• Board Member / Director Jessica Oudenhoven: N6413 County Road E, DePere, WI 54115
03/22/04 : Doc-U-Mince, LLC registered w/ WDFI; Registered Agent Ronald H. Van Den Heuvel; Principal Office: 2079-A Lawrence Dr, De Pere, WI; Administratively Dissolved on 03/16/10
[Different entity than Doc-U-Mince of Wisconsin, LLC, Menasha, WI; Reg’d w/WDFI 05/14/09, and Dissolved on 06/12/12; Reg’d Agent Brian J. Jenks]
04/16/04 : William C. Bain gave $250 contribution to David Steffen; Employer VOS Electric
05/24/04 : Crosskeys Investors, LLC changed Registered Agent w/ WDFI, and again on 03/21/05, and 09/21,06, and 02/19/07, and 02/13/14 to Bill Bain’s son-in-law Matthew Olson; Principal Office: 695 Borvan Rd., Green Bay, WI
Silver Creek Development, LLC registered w/ WDFI by Registered Agent Artley Skenandore Jr.; Principal Office: 2245 Shawano Ave, Green Bay, WI [affiliated w/ Matthew Olson, Bill Bain‘s son-in-law]; Dissolved 07/09/07
06/14/04 : FILED – Brown Co. Case No. 04CV1095, NEW Hydro Inc. [Registered Agent Charles F. Alsberg, Neshkoro, WI] v. Oconto Falls Tissue Inc. [Registered Agent Steven C. Peters], Tissue Products Technology Corp. [Registered Agent Ron Van Den Heuvel], and Ronald H. Van Den Heuvel
• DISMISSED on 09/10/04
06/15/04 : FILED – Brown Co. Case No. 04CV1104, Paul O. Gehl v. Ronald H. Van Den Heuvel, Purely Cotton Products Corp., and Evergreen Development LLC
07/12/04 : Partners Concepts Development, Inc. changed Registered Agent w/ WDFI, and again on 12/06/04, and 07/12/06, and 05/21/09, and 06/29/15 to Ronald H. Van Den Heuvel; Amendment filed on 12/21/05
07/13/04 : FILED – Brown Co. Case No. 04CV1278, Neesvig Inc. v. The Chatterhouse LLC, Chat LLC, and Ronald H. Van Den Heuvel
- Oconto Falls Tissue, Inc. changed Registered Agent w/ WDFI, and again on 07/12/06, and 05/21/09, and 04/10/12, and on 11/11/14 to Ronald H. Van Den Heuvel
[Different entity than PCDI Oconto Falls Tissue, LLC which was reg’d w/ WDFI on 10/14/97; Dissolved on 10/24/05; Registered Agent Ron Van Den Heuvel]
07/16/04 : $50,082.18 MONEY JUDGMENT AGAINST RON VAN DEN HEUVEL – Brown Co. Case No. 03CV1780, Fox Bay LLC, 2545 Investments LLC & Tweet Garot Mechanical Inc. v. Ronald H. Van Den Heuvel, Raymond Van Den Heuvel, Evergreen Development LLC, Steven Peters, Oconto Falls Tissue Inc.; Garnishees: Chat LLC, Custom Paper Products Inc., Evergreen Development LLC, Nature’s Way Tissue Corp., PCDI Oconto Falls Tissue LLC, Partners Concepts Development Inc., R&B Inc., Patriot Paper Services Inc., Patriot Services Inc., Patriot Lighting Inc., PCDI Financial Services LLC, Penn Fiber LLC, Purely Cotton Products Corp., Recovering Aqua Resources Inc., VOS Electric Inc., R&B Investments LLC, RE-BOX Packaging LLC, Ron & Bill Investments LLC, Spirit Construction Services Inc., Tissue Prouducts Technology Corp., Recovering Aqua Resources Technologies Inc. [RARTI], and [Oneida Nation of Wisconsin / ONWI owned] Bay Bank
08/05/04 : FILED – Brown Co. Case No. 04CV1442, Malcolm Cohen & Leon Braunstein v. Custom Forest Products Inc. & Ronald Van Den Heuvel
8/12/04 : Kevin Cornelius gave $125 contribution to Mike Huebsch; Employer: Oneida Bingo & Casino
[NOTE: Kevin Cornelius was actually the Oneida Nation of Wisconsin’s Legislative Affairs Director at the time, just prior to OSGC Board member Nathan King being named to the ONWI Legislative Affairs Director position]
FILED – Complaint, Brown Co. Case No. 04CV1486, Ronald H. Van Den Heuvel [Atty. Patrick Shoen] v. Oconto Falls Tissue Inc. [Attys. Michael Kirschling & C. David Stellpflug]; Other: Douglas F. Mann, Receiver for Ron Van Den Heuvel
- FILED – Complaint, Brown Co. Case No. 04CV1487, Ronald H. Van Den Heuvel [Atty. Patrick Shoen] v. Recovering Aqua Resources Technologies Inc. [RARTI; Attys. Michael Kirschling & C. David Stellpflug]; Other: Douglas F. Mann, Receiver for Ron Van Den Heuvel
08/13/04 : VHC, Inc. changed Registered Agent w/ WDFI
09/10/04 : DISMISSED – Brown Co. Case No. 04CV1095, NEW Hydro Inc. [Registered Agent Charles F. Alsberg, Neshkoro, WI] v. Oconto Falls Tissue Inc. [Registered Agent Steven C. Peters], Tissue Products Technology Corp. [Registered Agent Ron Van Den Heuvel], and Ronald H. Van Den Heuvel
09/16/04 : SETTLEMENT BEFORE TRIAL, Outagamie Co. Case No. 03CV154, Voith Paper Inc. v. Raymond T. Van Den Heuvel, Ronald H. Van Den Heuvel, Re-Box Packaging Inc., Partners Concepts Development Inc., Spirit Construction Services Inc., Octonto Falls Tissue Inc., Partners Concepts Development LLC, Oconto Falls Tissue LLC, Tissue Products Technology Corp.; Other: Roger Hoffman
09/22/04 : Custom Tissue, LLC changed Registered Agent w/ WDFI; Changed again on 09/23/05, and on 05/21/09 to Ron Van Den Heuvel; Administratively Dissolved on 11/07/12
09/23/04 : Custom Paper Products, Inc. changed Registered Agent w/WDFI; Changed again on 07/21/06, and on 05/21/09 to Ron Van Den Heuvel; Administratively Dissolved on 11/07/12
09/27/04 : FILED – Washington Co. Case No. 04SC1357, Sysco Food Services of Eastern Wisconsin LLC v. Chat LLC & Ron Van Den Heuvel
• $2,636.84 MONEY JUDGMENT AGAINST CHAT LLC on 12/03/04
10/14/04 : FILED – Brown Co. Case No. 04SC5645, Melotte Dist Inc. v. Chat LLC & Ron Van Den Heuvel
• $4,203.63 MONEY JUDGMENT against Chat LLC on 08/21/07
10/28/04 : IEP, Ltd. Revocation of Authority w/ WDFI; Started on 10/26/01
10/29/04 : FILED – Brown Co. Case No. 04TJ316, Creditor: Sysco Food Services of Eastern Wisconsin LLC; Debtors: CHAT LLC [dba The Chatterhouse Restaurant] & Ron Van Den Heuvel
• $2,636.84 TRANSCRIPT of JUDGMENT AGAINST CHAT, LLC on 12/06/04
11/02/04 : Atty. Carl Artman gave $150 contribution to Jim Doyle; Employer: Oneida Nation
11/15/04 : JURY TRIAL – Outagamie Co. Case No. 03CF583, State of Wisconsin v. Daniel Hawk; Felony C Theft-Movable Property >$2500
• Named Registered Agent of Oneida Small Business, Inc. on 05/24/12 as Dan Hawk
• Named Registered Agent of Oneida Small Business, Inc. on 03/12/15 as Daniel Hawk
11/16/04 : VERDICT – Outagamie Co. Case No. 03CF583, State of Wisconsin v. Daniel Hawk
- DAN HAWK FOUND GUILTY BY JURY of FELONY C Theft-Movable Propery >$2500; Sentence: 4 years Jail; Sentence held, Probation; Restitution ordered in the amount of $22,286.37
- Recovering Aqua Resources, Inc. changed Registered Agent w/ WDFI, and again on 07/12/06, and 05/21/09 to Ron Van Den Heuvel; Dissolved 06/12/12
- [Different entity than Recovering Aqua Resources Technologies, Inc. [RARTI] registered w/ WDFI 02/07/01; Registered Agent Steven C. Peters, 2079-A Lawrence Dr., De Pere, WI; Administratively Dissolved on 08/11/10]
11/23/04 : Kevin Cornelius $100 contribution to Terri McCormick; Employer: Oneida Bingo & Casino
[NOTE: Kevin Cornelius was actually the Oneida Nation of Wisconsin’s Legislative Affairs Director at the time, just prior to OSGC Board member Nathan King being named to the ONWI Legislative Affairs Director position]
12/03/04 : MONEY JUDGMENT – $2,636.84 against CHAT, LLC in Washington Co. Case No. 04SC1357, Sysco Food Services of Eastern Wisconsin LLC v. Chat LLC & Ron Van Den Heuvel
12/06/04 : Partners Concepts Development, Inc. changed Registered Agent w/ WDFI, and again on 07/12/06, and 05/21/09, and 06/29/15 to Ronald H. Van Den Heuvel; Amendment filed on 12/21/05
12/15/04 : $550,020.18 MONEY JUDGMENT AGAINST EVERGREEN DEVELOPMENT, LLC – Brown Co. Case No. 03CV1780, Fox Bay LLC, 2545 Investments LLC & Tweet Garot Mechanical Inc. v. Ronald H. Van Den Heuvel, Raymond Van Den Heuvel, Evergreen Development LLC, Steven Peters, Oconto Falls Tissue Inc.; Garnishees: Chat LLC, Custom Paper Products Inc., Evergreen Development LLC, Nature’s Way Tissue Corp., PCDI Oconto Falls Tissue LLC, Partners Concepts Development Inc., R&B Inc., Patriot Paper Services Inc., Patriot Services Inc., Patriot Lighting Inc., PCDI Financial Services LLC, Penn Fiber LLC, Purely Cotton Products Corp., Recovering Aqua Resources Inc., VOS Electric Inc., R&B Investments LLC, RE-BOX Packaging LLC, Ron & Bill Investments LLC, Spirit Construction Services Inc., Tissue Prouducts Technology Corp., Recovering Aqua Resources Technologies Inc. [RARTI], and [Oneida Nation of Wisconsin / ONWI-owned] Bay Bank
12/20/04 : STIPULATION & ORDER of DISMISSAL – Brown Co. Case No. 04CV1486, Ronald H. Van Den Heuvel [Atty. Patrick Shoen] v. Oconto Falls Tissue Inc. [Attys. Michael Kirschling & C. David Stellpflug]; Other: Douglas F. Mann, Receiver for Ron Van Den Heuvel
- STIPULATION & ORDER of DISMISSAL – Brown Co. Case No. 04CV1487, Ronald H. Van Den Heuvel [Atty. Patrick Shoen] v. Recovering Aqua Resources Technologies Inc. [RARTI; Attys. Michael Kirschling & C. David Stellpflug]; Other: Douglas F. Mann, Receiver for Ron Van Den Heuvel
2005 : Marc Hess leaves WPS Energy Services, Inc.
• International Energy Partners of Caribou, Maine began in 2006.
According to the FY2012 & FY 2017 General Tribal Council Annual Meeting Packets:
In Fiscal Year 2005, the [Oneida] Nation [of Wisconsin] approved a $2,000,000 investment into [Oneida] Seven Generations [Corp.] to become a 20% owner in Nature’s Way [Tissue Corp.] (Glory LLC). Nature’s Way [Tissue Corp.] was a paper converting company that has ownership of a tissue patent.
01/06/05 : Swakweko, LLC changed Registered Agent w/ WDFI
01/26/05 : FILED – Milwaukee Co. Case No. 05CV749, Marine Bank & CIB Marine Capital LLC v. Ron Van Den Heuvel
- FILED – Milwaukee Co. Case No. 05CV750 filed 01/26/05, Marine Bank & CIB Marine Capital LLC v. VHC Inc.
• Milwaukee Co. Case No. 05CV1272 filed 02/16/05, Marine Bank & CIB Marine Capital LLC v. Custom Paper Products Inc., Partners Concepts Development Inc., Re-Box Paper Inc., Purely Cotton Products Corp., PCDI Oconto Falls Tissue LLC, Oconto Falls Tissue LLC, Tissue Products Technology Corp., Ronald Van Den Heuvel, and Nature’s Way Tissue Corp.
02/09/05 : DISMISSED – Intentional Tort Complaint, Brown Co. Case No. 03CV2079, Partners Concepts Development Inc. v. Paul R. Anderson; Third-party Defendants: Ronald H. Van Den Heuvel, Jan Marie Summers Van Den Heuvel
02/11/05 : SETTLEMENT BEFORE TRIAL – Brown Co. Case No. 04CV1104, Paul O. Gehl v. Ronald H. Van Den Heuvel, Purely Cotton Products Corp., and Evergreen Development LLC
02/16/05 : Milwaukee Co. Case No. 05CV1272, Marine Bank & CIB Marine Capital LLC v. Custom Paper Products Inc., Partners Concepts Development Inc., Re-Box Paper Inc., Purely Cotton Products Corp., PCDI Oconto Falls Tissue LLC, Oconto Falls Tissue LLC, Tissue Products Technology Corp., Ronald Van Den Heuvel, and Nature’s Way Tissue Corp.
• Milwaukee Co. Case No. 05CV749, Marine Bank & CIB Marine Capital LLC v. Ron Van Den Heuvel
• Milwaukee Co. Case No. 05CV750 filed 01/26/05, Marine Bank & CIB Marine Capital LLC v. VHC Inc.
03/21/05 : Crosskeys Investors, LLC changed Registered Agent w/ WDFI
03/23/05 : (1 word) EcoFibre, Inc. filed Articles of Dissolution w/ WDFI; Started 05/31/02
[Different entity than (2 words) ‘Eco Fibre, Inc.’ but Ron Van Den Heuvel was Registered Agent for both]
03/28/05 : Re-Box Paper, Inc. renamed Eco Fibre, Inc. w/ WDFI [different than EcoFibre, Inc., but Ron Van Den Heuvel was Registered Agent for both]
04/05/05 : Purely Cotton Products Corp. restored to Good Standing w/ WDFI; Change of Registered Agent, and on 05/19/09 to Artley Skenandore Jr., and on 02/25/16 to Ron Van Den Heuvel
04/12/05 : SETTLEMENT BEFORE TRIAL – Brown Co. Case No. 04CV1442, Malcolm Cohen & Leon Braunstein v. Custom Forest Products Inc. & Ronald Van Den Heuvel
04/21/05 : FILED – Brown Co. Case No. 05CV773, General Electric Capital Corporation v. RVDH Development Corporation, Shopko Stores Inc., and Ronald H. Van Den Heuvel
05/05/05 : White Eagle Sports Bar & Grill, LLC registered w/ WDFI; Registered Agent is Former Oneida Business Committee / OBC Treasurer & Chair Cristina S. Danforth, 4774 County Line Road, Oneida, WI 54155; Tina’s White Eagle was Administratively Dissolved on 06/15/10
…for which the Registered Agent is MARK ANTHONY SWEET…
…who is the Manager of ALL NATIONS DEVELOPMENT ALLIANCE, LLC which is registered w/ Minnesota Secretary of State: Manager: Mark Anthony Sweet; Registered Office: 7241 Ohms Ln. #275, Edina, MN 55439; Principal Office: 350 N. Main Street, Suite 236, Stillwater, MN 55082.
On 05/17/10 White Eagle II, LLC was Registered w/ WDFI, and was renamed All Stars Pub & Grill, LLC on 04/03/12.
White Eagle Sports Bar & Grill was temporarily renamed All Stars Pub & Grill, but has reverted back to the name White Eagle Sports Bar & Grill.
06/08/05 : Atty. Carl Artman gave $100 contribution to Dale Schultz; Employer: Oneida Nation
06/10/05 : FILED – Brown Co. Case No. 05CV1116, Baylake Bank v. Evergreen Development LLC, Source of Savings Inc. [Registered Agent Pedro ‘Pete’ Fernandez], Doc-U-Mince LLC, Paul O. Gehl, Ronald H. Van Den Heuvel
• $296,237.69 MONEY JUDGMENT AGAINST DOC-U-MINCE, LLC on 04/04/08
07/13/05 : OBC adopted OBC Resolution 07-13-05-P, ‘Adoption of Amendment to OSGC Charter’ which Oneida Law Office says allows OSGC to independently create subsidiaries
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the charter of the Oneida Seven Generations Corporation is hereby amended as follows: “…Article VI. (A) To promote and enhance the business and economic diversification directly or as a holding company for real estate and other business ventures of the Nation”
• Milwaukee Co. Case No. 05CV749, Marine Bank & CIB Marine Capital LLC v. Ron Van Den Heuvel
• Milwaukee Co. Case No. 05CV750 filed 01/26/05, Marine Bank & CIB Marine Capital LLC v. VHC Inc.
• Milwaukee Co. Case No. 05CV1272, Marine Bank & CIB Marine Capital LLC v. Custom Paper Products Inc., Partners Concepts Development Inc., Re-Box Paper Inc., Purely Cotton Products Corp., PCDI Oconto Falls Tissue LLC, Oconto Falls Tissue LLC, Tissue Products Technology Corp., Ronald Van Den Heuvel, and Nature’s Way Tissue Corp.
08/04/05 : MONEY JUDGMENTS – Brown Co. Case No. 04CV1278, Neesvig Inc. v. The Chatterhouse LLC, Chat LLC, and Ronald H. Van Den Heuvel
• $2,543.64 AGAINST CHAT LLC
08/12/05 : According to CorporationWiki.com Green Bay Air, Inc. registered w/ Nevada SoS; Primary Address 4601 W. Sahara Ave., Las Vegas, NV; Registered Agent APG, Inc.; Expired 09/01/13
Green Bay Air filed in Florida as a Foreign for Profit Corp. on 08/04/06, Registered Agent Wally Hilliard
Key People in Green Bay Air, Inc.’s history:
• Wally Hilliard: President, Director
• Jack W. Merritt: Director
• Leo Morrison: President
• William S. Reed: President, Chairman, Treasurer, Secretary, Director
• August 13, 2015 ENTRY OF DEFAULT, U.S. District Court for the Western District of Wisconsin Case No. 3:2014-cv-408, United States of America v. Patricia Hilliard, Wallace Hillard, Bank of America NA, Hilliard Limited Partnership, Daniel Hilliard and Andrew Hilliard as Trustees of the Wallace J. Hilliard Flint Trust, and Green Bay Air, Inc.
The Clerk of Court for the United States District Court for the Western District of Wisconsin, having noted that the Defendant Green Bay Air, Inc., has failed to appear, plead or otherwise defend as provided under the Fed. R. Civ. P. and that fact has been made to appear by the motion of the attorney for the Plaintiff,
The Clerk hereby enters the default of Defendant Green Bay Air, Inc., pursuant to Rule 55(a) of the Fed. R. Civ. P. Dated this 13th day of August, 2015.
• September 11, 2015 DEFAULT JUDGMENT Entered in favor of plaintiff United States of America against defendant Green Bay Air, Inc.; U.S. District Court for the Western District of Wisconsin Case No. 3:2014-cv-408, United States of America v. Patricia Hilliard, Wallace Hillard, Bank of America NA, Hilliard Limited Partnership, Daniel Hilliard and Andrew Hilliard as Trustees of the Wallace J. Hilliard Flint Trust, and Green Bay Air, Inc.
ORDERED, ADJUDGED, AND DECREED that default judgment be and hereby is entered in favor of plaintiff, United States of America, and against defendant, Green Bay Air, Inc. Defendant, Green Bay Air, Inc., was a nominee of Wallace J. Hilliard and has no separate interest in the real property located at 9209 Herdner Rd, Eagle River, Oneida County, Wisconsin. Defendant, Green Bay Air, Inc., was not a bona fide purchaser, holder of a security interest, mechanic’s lienor, or judgment lien creditor in regards to property located at a 9209 Herdner Rd., Eagle River, Oneida County, Wisconsin.
08/29/05 : American Renewable Energy Corp. / AREC was registered in the State of Nevada, but operated out of Kansas City, Missouri
- President, Director, Treasuer – Stuart Z. Hirschman
- President – Eduart Z. Itiraclussas
- Secretary – Irving M. Bush
- Director – Abdul Latif Mahjoob
See also:
- American Renewable Energy, Inc. / AREI registered w/ California Sec. of State by Abdul Latif Mahjoob of American Combustion Technology Inc. / ACTI;
• Archive: www.AmericanRenewablEnergy.com

Gerald ‘Gerry’ Danforth
08/31/05 – 08/2008 : New Oneida Business Committee term
- Chair: Gerald Danforth
- Vice-Chair: Kathy Hughes
- Treasurer: Mercie Danforth
Secretary: Patricia Hoeft
- Council Members:
- Melinda J. Danforth
- Vince DelaRosa
- Edward Delgado
- Patricia King
- Paul Ninham
09/06/05 : Hilliard Limited Partnership filed Amendment w/ WDFI, and again on 10/01/08, and 06/23/15
09/23/05 : Custom Tissue, LLC changed Registered Agent w/ WDFI to Ron Van Den Heuvel; Administratively Dissolved on 11/07/12
10/24/05 : SETTLEMENT BEFORE TRIAL – Brown Co. Case No. 05CV773, General Electric Capital Corporation v. RVDH Development Corporation, Shopko Stores Inc., and Ronald H. Van Den Heuvel
- PCDI Oconto Falls Tissue, LLC filed Articles of Dissolution w/ WDFI; Registered Agent Ron Van Den Heuvel
10/27/05 : Atty. Carl Artman gave $200 contribution to Jim Doyle; Employer: Oneida Nation
11/23/05 : Ron Van Den Heuvel gave $1,000 contribution to Mark Green; Employer: VOS Electric
11/30/05 : Atty. Carl Artman gave $200 contribution to Mark Green; Employer: Oneida Nation
12/02/05 : Atty. Carl Artman gave $100 contribution to Luther Olsen; Employer: Oneida Nation
12/08/05 : King Solutions, LLC registered w/ WDFI; Changes of Registered Agent on 08/05/10, and on 06/08/15, and on 10/30/15 to Peter King III, Fmr. OSGC Project Manager for the waste incinerator, and was named by the OBC as the OSGC Managing Agent as of 2016
12/12/05 : FILED – Brown Co. Case No. 05CV2346, Chizek Transport Inc. v. Ronald H. Van Den Heuvel, Eco Fibre Inc., Oconto Falls Tissue Inc., and Nature’s Way Tissue Corp.
12/21/05 : Partners Concepts Development, Inc. filed an Amendment w/ WDFI; Changes of Registered Agent on 07/12/06, and 05/21/09, and 06/29/15 to Ronald H. Van Den Heuvel; Amendment filed on 12/21/05
End of 2005 : Atty. Carl Artman leaves Oneida Law Office Chief Counsel position
2006 : International Energy Partners [IEP] is Registered in CARIBOU, MAINE; See also: CBEnergy.us
• Dwayne Conley was IEP President, and the CEO & Director of Algonquin Energy Services Inc.
• Cory Albrecht was an IEP Marketer
• Marc Hess was an IEP Member
01/24/06 : Swakweko, LLC changed Registered Agent w/ WDFI to Artley Murray Skenandore, Jr., former General Manager of the Oneida Nation of Wisconsin.
Later made Principal of Oneida Nation High School by the ONWI School Board.
02/2006 : Atty. Carl Artman sworn in as the U.S. Dept. of Interior Associate Solicitor for Indian Affairs
02/14/06 : February 14, 2006 Debra S. Stary Notarized $705,000.00 Initial Promissory Note [dated 12/31/05] between Ron Van Den Heuvel’s Evergreen Development, LLC and Wally Hilliard’s Hilliard Limited Partnership [later amended]
03/09/06 : FILED – Outagamie Co. Case No. 03CF583, State of Wisconsin v. Dan Hawk, Felony C Theft-Movable Property >$2500
• Named Registered Agent of Oneida Small Business, Inc. on 05/24/12 as Dan Hawk
• Named Registered Agent of Oneida Small Business, Inc. on 03/12/15 as Daniel Hawk (same person)
- DEFAULT MONEY JUDGMENT for $358,442.82 DUE TO NO ANSWER, Brown Co. Case No. 05CV2346, Chizek Transport Inc. v. Ronald H. Van Den Heuvel, Eco Fibre Inc., Oconto Falls Tissue Inc., and Nature’s Way Tissue Corp.
04/03/06 : JWR, Inc. changed Registered Agent w/ WDFI
04/17/06 : Tissue Technology, LLC registered w/ WDFI; Change of Registered Agent on 05/19/09; Restored to Good Standing on 04/10/12 and on 07/25/14; Change of Registered Agent on 06/29/15 to Ron Van Den Heuvel
According to Advisory Notes provided to Oneida Eye by fmr. OBC Chair Ed Delgado‘s ‘Elder Advisor’ Yvonne Metivier:
Oneida Energy, Inc. (BIA can get $ back)
Oneida Recycling, LLC (BIA cannot get $) …4. Investors and Shareholders
(who will have oversite?)
Must disclose under GTC DirectiveEd,
In 2007, Glory [LLC / OSGC] allowed Nature’s Way [Tissue] Corporation to switch to be TTL, LLC. That way Artley [Skenandore Jr.] et al [i.e. Ron Van Den Heuvel & Steven Peters] could not have personal assets attached for repayment as a corporation, but as an LLC could only have the business’ assets attached. [OSGC CEO] Kevin Cornelius et al plan to do the same with Oneida Energy, Inc. switch to Oneida Recycling [Solutions], LLC.
Highly Suspect
• According to WDFI.org, Oneida Recycling Solutions, LLC was Organized on 01/12/10 and officially Dissolved on 05/29/17; Principal Office: 1239 Flight-Way Dr., De Pere, WI 54115-9596; Registered Agent: Kevin I. Cornelius
04/18/06 : REGISTERED w/ IL – EALF, LLC
[‘EALF’ stands for ‘Equity Asset Leasing Fund’, but this is a different entity than Equity Asset Leasing Fund, LLC reg’d w/ IL on 07/27/01; and Equity Asset Capital, LLC reg’d w/ IL on 10/03/07; and Equity Asset Finance, LLC reg’d w/ IL on 08/30/12]
• Member: Louis Stern
• Registered Agent: Eric R. Decator
05/02/06 : May 2, 2006 Third Amended Complaint, U.S. District Court, Eastern District of Wisconsin, Case No. 2005-CV-694, Kenneth Jossart, Bernie Dahlin, et al. [36 Plaintiff entities] v. Wallace J. Hilliard / Wally Hilliard re: Sunrise Airlines Inc., Florida Air Holdings Inc./FAH, Plane-1 Leasing Co. Inc., & [Rudi] Dekkers Aviation Group Inc.
05/12/06 : Goldman Sachs/Principal Strategies Group UK invests $10 million in Bedminster International
05/18/06 : Northern Investments of WI, LLC registered w/ WDFI; Administratively Dissolved 11/10/10; Reg. Agent Todd Parczick [of Alliance Construction & Design / Alliance GC / Oneida-Kodiak Construction, LLC / P2O Technologies, LLC]
06/23/06 : Ron Van Den Heuvel gave $2,000 contribution to Mark Green; Employer: Tissue Technology
06/26/06 : William C. Bain gave $100 contribution to Mark Green; Employer VOS Electric
07/12/06 : Partners Concepts Development, Inc. changed Registered Agent w/ WDFI, and again on 05/21/09, and 06/29/15 to Ronald H. Van Den Heuvel
- Recovering Aqua Resources, Inc. changed Registered Agent w/ WDFI, and again on 05/21/09 to Ron Van Den Heuvel; Dissolved 06/12/12
[Different entity than Recovering Aqua Resources Technologies, Inc. [RARTI] registered w/ WDFI 02/07/01; Registered Agent Steven C. Peters; Principal Office: 2079-A Lawrence Dr., De Pere, WI; Administratively Dissolved on 08/11/10]
- Oconto Falls Tissue, Inc. changed Registered Agent w/ WDFI, and again on 05/21/09, and 04/10/12, and on 11/11/14 to Ronald H. Van Den Heuvel
[Different entity than PCDI Oconto Falls Tissue, LLC which was reg’d w/ WDFI on 10/14/97; Dissolved on 10/24/05; Registered Agent Ron Van Den Heuvel]
07/21/06 : Custom Paper Products, Inc. changed Registered Agent w/WDFI; Changed again on 05/21/09 to Ron Van Den Heuvel; Administratively Dissolved on 11/07/12
08/04/06 : VHC, Inc. changed Registered Agent w/ WDFI
- According to CorporationWiki.com Green Bay Air, Inc. registered w/ Florida SoS as a Foreign for Profit Corp. on 08/04/06, Registered Agent Wally Hilliard
Key People in Green Bay Air, Inc.’s history:
• Wally Hilliard: President, Director
• Jack W. Merritt: Director
• Leo Morrison: President
• William S. Reed: President, Chairman, Treasurer, Secretary, Director
08/06/06 : William Cornelius $100 to contribution to Jim Doyle; No Employer Identified
Atty. Bill Cornelius is legal counsel for the Oneida Gaming Commission and is the Fmr. President & Chair of Oneida Seven Generations Corp.
08/14/06 : ST Paper, LLC registered w/ WDFI as a Foreign LLC; Principal Office: 106 East Central Ave, Oconto Falls, WI, 54154
Changed name to ‘ST Paper Holdings, LLC‘ on 01/16/07; Changes of Registered Agent on 09/02/09, and 05/19/14, and 03/30/16, and on 03/13/17 to G&K Wisconsin Services, LLC
A different entity also named ‘ST Paper, LLC‘ was registered w/ WDFI on 02/15/07 with the same Principal Office address and Registered Agent as of 03/13/17.
Sharad & Mahinder Tak and family own both.
08/18/06 : White Eagle Sports Bar & Grill, LLC, signed a General Business Security Agreement pledging business assets as collateral for a $48,925.16 Business Note with Oneida Small Business, Inc.; Paul Danforth & [Fmr. OBC Chair & Treas.] Cristina Danforth signed a Continuing Guaranty (Unlimited), personally guaranteeing the loans of White Eagle Sports Bar & Grill, LLC
08/24/06 : American Renewable Energy, Inc. / AREI registered w/ California Sec. of State by Abdul Latif Mahjoob
of American Combustion Technology Inc. / ACTI;
• Archive: www.AmericanRenewablEnergy.com
See also:
- American Renewable Energy Corp. / AREC in Kansas City, MO; President, Director, Treasuer – Stuart Z. Hirschman; President – Eduart Z. Itiraclussas; Secretary – Irving M. Bush; Director – A. Latif Mahjoob
09/05/06 : Isbell Street, LLC registered w/ WDFI; Amendment of 04/18/08; Change of Registered Agent of 09/22/08 to Ron Van Den Heuvel’s brother-in-law Craig Kassner; Administratively Dissolved 09/09/14
09/21/06 : Crosskeys Investors, LLC changed Registered Agent w/ WDFI
09/27/06 : Code of Ethics as Amended by OBC Resolution 09-27-06-E [Adoption of Emergency Amendment]
09/29/06 : Glory, LLC changed Registered Agent w/ WDFI
10/03/06 : Steven Peters gave $100 contribution to Jim Reigel; Employer: PCDI Oconto Falls Tissue
10/07/06 : William C. Bain gave $500 contribution to Mark Green; Employer VOS Electric
10/18/06 : JWR, Inc. restored to good standing w/ WDFI; Change of Registered Agent
10/19/06 : William C. Bain gave $250 contribution to JB Van Hollen; Employer VOS Electric
11/15/06 : Daily Iberian: Test Set for Compost Soil
12/19/06 : Nature’s Way Tissue Corp. changed Registered Agent w/ WDFI
2007 : According to Law360.com, ‘Paper mill seeks void of $17M IRS Deficiency’
In 2007, however, it appeared that [Ron Van Den Heuvel’s] debt [to his family’s company VHC, Inc.] would be repaid with an offer on the mill from Goldman Sachs-backed ST Paper, which offered to purchase Ron’s assets. Believing that the deal would bear fruit, VHC waived its bad debt deduction for its 2006 returns. However, the company recanted when it learned that under a new arrangement, it would only receive promissory notes rather than cash payments for the loans.
- According to the June 25, 2015, AGREED JUDGMENT, Judge Barbara B. Crabb; U.S. District Court, Western District of Wisconsin, Case No. 3:2014-cv-408, United States of America v. Patricia Hilliard, Wallace Hillard, Bank of America NA, Hilliard Limited Partnership, Daniel Hilliard and Andrew Hilliard as Trustees of the Wallace J. Hilliard Flint Trust, and Green Bay Air, Inc.
3. Wallace Hilliard is indebted to the United States for the Form 1040 federal income taxes, penalties and additions to tax assessed against him for the 2007 and 2008 tax years, in the aggregate amounts of $6,018.07 and $3,616.37, respectively as of May 29, 2015, plus interest and other additions to tax allowed by law accruing thereafter under … until paid.
- According to the October 13, 2008 OBC Letter to GTC w/ the May 15, 2008 RSM McGladrey, Inc. Audit Report re: Expenditures of the Oneida Housing Authority Board of Commissioners:
The Oneida Business Committee (OBC) became aware of problems arising from the Oneida Housing Authority and its programs at the end of 2006. Subsequently, the OBC scheduled and held a General Tribal Council meeting to hear concerns by Tribal citizens regarding allegations of inappropriate actions by members of the Oneida Housing Authority. As a result of the meeting, the OBC looked to the Audit Committee to conduct an audit, and the OHA to look at its own actions and programs.
In February 2007, the OBC became aware of a letter from HUD regarding the concerns about the expenditure of Local Funds. The OBC asked the Liaison to look into the matter, requested a legal opinion regarding the authority of the OBC over the OHA, and asked the Audit Committee to prioritize its audits that would look into further specific issues. …
Attached is a report issued by an outside auditor, RSM McGladrey, regarding the activities of the Board of Commissioners of the Oneida Housing Authority from 2006–2007. …
The report identifies actions of the Tribe occurring as of May 2008. …
1 . Criminal Actions. …
2. OIG Audit. …
3. OHA Ordinance. …
4. Individual Balances. …
01/16/07 : ST Paper, LLC renamed ST Paper Holdings, LLC w/ WDFI as a Foreign LLC; Principal Office 106 East Central Ave, Oconto Falls, WI; Changes of Registered Agent on 09/02/09, and 05/19/14, and 03/30/16, and on 03/13/17 to G&K Wisconsin Services, LLC
A different entity also named ‘ST Paper, LLC’ was registered w/ WDFI on 02/15/07, with the same Principal Office and the same Registered Agent as of 03/13/17, G&K Wisconsin Services, LLC
- Sharad & Mahinder Tak and family own:
02/01/07 : Transcript of Nomination Hearing of Atty. Carl Artman for the position of Assistant Secretary of Indian Affairs, wherein Atty. Artman is asked about his role at the failed Airadigm Comunications, over which the Oneida Nation of Wisconsin / ONWI LOST OVER $95 MILLION.
Carl Artman had been Airadigm Communications “Vice-President co-ordinating legal affairs, corporate development, and government relations.”
02/05/07 : MH Resources Corp. registered w/ WDFI; Changes of Registered Agent on 03/03/08, and on 02/03/11 to Marc Hess; Notice of Administrative Dissolution on 01/18/17 RTND UNDELIVERABLE, and remailed on 03/29/17
Marc Hess was a consultant for OSGC’s ‘energy’ project via IEP Development, LLC.
02/06/07 : Utilitarian Enterprises, Inc. [UEI] registered w/ State of California; 7303 Madison St., Paramount, CA, 90723; Registered Agent: DoTan Yoo; President: Christopher Chulwon Lee [see Utilitarian Enterprises Seoul, Korea]
UEI utilizes same promo video as Abdul Latif Mahjoob’s front American Renewable Technology, Inc. / ARTI: www.AmericanRenewableTech.com
NY State MLS Profile – Dotan Yoo NY State MLS Profile: Keller & Williams – DoTan Yoo
Working and living internationally throughout his professional career, from Los Angeles, Barcelona, Hong Kong, Saigon, Seoul and his base, New York, DoTan has amassed a professional savvy through strong personal and professional relationships that serve to benefit his client’s needs and concerns. To further enhance client services, DoTan leverages a network of highly specialized real estate and finance professionals that cater to represent and advocate your needs to Invest in, Manage, Sell and Lease Manhattan properties. …
In his free time DoTan Yoo likes to creatively strategize, invest in and develop Green Technology projects from Waste to Energy, Bio Diesel, Water Treatment and Hydrogen Fuel Cell technology projects. He has developed and financed currently active projects in Los Angeles, USA and Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
02/13/07 : Securities & Exchange Commission [SEC], SPATIALIGHT, INC. ‘S-3/A’ on 2/13/07
02/15/07 : Another ST Paper, LLC registered w/ WDFI as a Foreign LLC; Changes of Registered Agent on 03/17/10, and 03/29/16, and 03/14/17 to G&K Wisconsin Service, LLC
According to www.STPaperLLC.com:
In 2007 ST Paper was founded by Sharad Tak and his son Sahil Tak when the Tak family purchased a Paper Making facility after the mill had recently emerged from an involuntary bankruptcy proceeding in Oconto Falls, WI.
[Differnt entity than original ‘ST Paper’ renamed ST Paper Holdings, LLC, but both owned by Tak Family and Registered Agent for both as of 03/13/17 is G&K Wisconsin Services, LLC.]
02/19/07 : Crosskeys Investors, LLC restored to Good Standing w/WDFI; Change of Registered Agent
• Artley Skenandore Jr. and Bill Bain’s son-in-law Matt Olson
• Carl Artman resigned from that position on 08/23/08
04/11/07 : Tissue Products Technology Corp. restored to Good Standing w/ WDFI; Change of Registered Agent
04/15/07 : According to the April 16, 2009 Decision of Judge Sue Bischel, Brown Co. Case No. 08CV2265, Hilliard Limited Partnership v. Ron Van Den Heuvel & Evergreen Development, LLC
The Complaint in this action alleges that about April 15, 2007, the [Hilliard Limited Partnership] executed a promisory note with [Evergreen Development, LLC & Ron Van Den Heuvel]. The note was in the amount of $759,637.50 and provided for repayment of principle and interest no later than October 15, 2007. The Complaint alleges that both defendants defaulted on the required payment and that the plaintiff is therefore entitled to $910,357.09, jointly and severally.
05/03/07 : Kevin Cornelius gave $100 contribution to Phil Montgomery; Employer: Oneida Bingo & Casino
[NOTE: Kevin Cornelius was actually the Oneida Nation of Wisconsin’s Legislative Affairs Director at the time, just prior to OSGC Board member Nathan King being named to the ONWI Legislative Affairs Director position]
05/04/07 : Plaintiffs’ Proposed Findings of Fact in Support of Motion for Summary Judgment, U.S. District Court, Eastern District of Wisconsin combined Cases:
- #05-C-694, JOHN J. CALNIN, et al. v. Wallace J. Hilliard
- #05-C-784, JOHN F. BUTZ, et al. v. Wallace J. Hilliard
- #05-C-958, GREG J. DECLEENE, et al. v. Wallace J. Hilliard
- #05-C-1092, The REVOCABLE LIVING TRUST OF ROY E. DOWNHAM of 01/30/79, et al. v. Wallace J. Hilliard
- #05-C-1148, GREGORY J. LARSEN v. Wallace J. Hilliard
1. Plaintiffs are prominent Green Bay area residents, with the exception of Stephen Schonke who resides in Maryland. …
18. Defendant, Wallace J. Hilliard, resides at 2610 Bulrush Lane, Naples, FL 34105.
[NOTE: WALLY HILLIARD also resided at:
ONEIDA, WI 54155 ]
21. Hilliard and Rudy Dekkers (“Dekkers“) formed Florida Air Holdings, LLC on December 7, 2000. …
22. Florida Air Holdings, Inc. (“FAH“) was formed in March 2001, and thereafter acquired the assets of Florida Air Holdings, LLC. …
23. Shortly after forming FAH, Hilliard acquired all the shares of Sunrise [Airlines] for $750,000.00 by purchasing suc shares from the Sunrise Liquidation Trust. The only asset that Hilliard acquired from Sunrise was a Federal Aviation Regulation (“FAR“) Part 121 Communter Air Carrier Operating Certificate (“Certificate”) that had been suspended due to inactivity due to Sunrise’s bankruptcy. If the U.S. Department of Transporation (“DOT“) approved the certificate, FAH would be able to operate commuter airlines and establish routes between Florida cities. …
24. FAH operated Sunrise as a subsidiary and Sunrise never received approval to operate a commuter airline. …
25. Sunrise initiated the approval process Certificate on January 15, 2001 …
26. After delays and multiple supplemental filings, the DOT finally issued an “Order to Show Cause” on February 8, 2002 tentatively approving the Certificate unless cause was shown indicting that the application should not be approved. …
27. Following the Order to Show Cause, the Federal Aviation Administration (“FAA”) notified the DOT that there were pending regulatory sanctions against one of Hilliard’s companies, Plane 1. The “Order Vacating Show Cause Order” indicates an explanation was requested concerning the resolution of the pending regulatory sanctions against Plane 1 on February 13, 2002. …
28. An explanation of Plane 1’s civil penalites was received by the DOT more than two months later, on May 30, 2002. …
29. The DOT withdrew its tentaive approval of the Part 121 Certificate reinstatement on July 10, 2002 and cited the unresolved FAA allegations against Plane 1 as a significant contributing factor. …
30. Communications from Hilliard to the Plaintiffs indicated that the Plaintiffs were purchasing an airline that would begin scheduled commuter service soon. …
31. The “Executive Summary” material on page 1 indicated that “Sunrise Airlines (under FAA 121 Rules) will provide scheduled passenger service in key, underserved Florida markets… scheduled… to begin this summer.”…
32. Hilliard failed to disclose the Plane 1 FAA regulatory allegations and the violations committed by Plane 1 to the Plaintiffs when they invested. …
33. The development of a commuter airline with a scheduled service was essential to the business plan of FAH and was forecasted as occurring in September of 2001. …
34. Hilliard owned 100% of Plane 1. …
35. The FAA issued a Notice of Proposed Civil Penalities to Hiliard’s company, Plane 1, in the amount of $90,000.00 on May 9, 2001. …
36. According to Hilliard, he originally self-reported these potential violations to the FAA. …
37. Hilliard was therefore aware of the violations prior to the FAA issuing the Notice of Proposed Civil Penalties to Plane 1. …
38. The DOT only became aware of the proposed civil penalties against Plane 1 five days following the issuance of the Show Cause Order tentatively approving the Certificte. …
39. In the Order Vacating Show Cause Order, the DOT withdrew its tentative approval of the Part 121 Certificate for Sunrise by stating that “shortly after issuance of our Show Cause Order, we received information unknown to us earlier that indicated that, in May 2001, the FAA had issued a Notice of Proposed Civil Penalty (“NPCP”) to Plane 1 alleging that Plane 1 violated the FAR by operating as an air carrier without holding the required FAA operating authority to do so. These allegations,if true are serious.” …
40. While Sunrise was attempting to gain approval from the DOT, Hilliard was actively involved in sales activities to raise money for FAH. …
41. Hilliard failed to disclose the regulatory problems with Plane 1 which could have affected the business plans for FAH to operate a commuter air carrier to the Plaintiffs. …
42. Hilliard did not resolve the FAA allegations against Plane 1 during the application process of Sunrise. The U.S. Attorney’s Office in Florida filed a lawsuit on April 5, 2004 alleging that Plane 1 was operating a charter air service without the proper authority. …
43. Hilliard executed a Stipulated Order admitting to 26 violations of FAA regulations and agreed to a fine of $285,000.00 on behalf of Plane 1. This Stipulated Order is dated March 26, 2005 and is the final outcome of the proposed sanctions issued against Plane 1 on May 9, 2001 …
44. M&I Bank, Northeast, loaned FAH $3,640,000.00 to purchase six aircraft. …
45. As of March 31, 2002, M&I Bank, Northeast, had loans outstanding of approximately $2,700,000.00 to Plane 1 and $1,800,000.00 to Hoffman Aviation, Inc. [different entity than Huffman Aviation?] The FAH loan was $3,640,000.00 and Hilliard executed an unlimited personal guaranty in favor of M&I Bank, Northeast for all of these loans. …
46. A December 31, 2001 letter from David Schlitz to Hilliard outlines problems with the loans, and indicated that the Bank did not want to have a continuing relationship with either Hilliard or FAH and Hilliard readily admitted that the loans were in default. …
47. On March 31, 2002, M&I Bank entered into a Forebearance Agreement with Hilliard, FAH, Dekkers, Hoffman Aviation, Inc., and Plane 1 that provided Hilliard and these companies time to obtain refinancing for these loans. The airplanes owned by FAH servied as collateral for the defaulted loans subject to the Forbearance Agreement. …
48. Hilliard did not disclose the loan defaults or forbearance agreements to prospective investors. …
49. Hilliard admitted that he would have wanted to know the relationship that a corporation had with its bank, and that this information would be important to making an investment decision, and that it would be something “important” to know if investing in a company. …
50. At the end of 2001, Sunrise had approximately $300,000 in payroll taxes outstanding for the periods ended March 31, 2001; June 30, 2001; September 30, 2001; and December 31, 2001. …
51. The DOT was also concerned with payroll tax withholding failures of $12,500.00 relating to a prior position held by the Chief Financial Officer of FAH, Mike Holtzapple. ..
52. The IRS directly contacted Hilliard concerning these payroll taxes. …
53. A letter dated June 1, 2002 was sent to prospective investors describing the transaction for the purchase of Discover Air on page 2. The acquisition was subject to a comprehensive due dilligence. …
54. Although the Executive Summary indicated that “Discover is currently generating revenue in excess of $400,000.00 per month…providing a revenue stream to the corporation, while Sunrise complete its Department of Transporations (“DOT”) approval process for a Part 121 scheduled passenger service to begin this summer,” Discover Air incurred substantial losses throughout 2002. …
55. A lien was filed against Discover in June 2002 for failure to pay debts associated with fuel purchases. …
56. Hilliard also represented that FAH had everything necessary to begin flying except the capital. …
57. FAH’s financial projections for 2002 included income projected after attaining the Certificate. …
58. Page 30 of the Executive Summary states: “All the pieces are in place for successful launch of Sunrise Airlines.” …
59. The DOT withdrew their tentative support of the Sunrise authority to tentatively operate scheduled air service. …
60. Hilliard did not contribute to the DAG hangar … vauled at $400,000. …
61. Hilliard did not contribute $1,000,000.00 in cash. …
62. Hilliard also never owned the airplances for which he is claiming a $1.1. Million equity contribution. …
63. Hilliard contacted prospective investors via the phone and by mail. …
64. Hilliard’s material misrepresentations and omisions occurred in connection with the sale and purchase of FAH stock. …
65. The loans of FAH and Hilliard affiliated companies, Huffman Aviation and Plane 1, were in default as of December 31, 2001 and continuted to be in default through and subject to a Forbearance Agreement effective March 31, 2002. …
66. Hilliard was the guarantor on approximately $4.2 Million in loans between Plane 1 and Huffman Aviation which were also in defaut. …
67. The toal loan defaults of FAH, Huffman Aviation, and Plane 1 reached approximately $8,000,000. …
68. Hilliard executed the Forbearance Agreement with M&I Bank on March 31, 2002 and used the airplanes of FAH to secure such loans. …
69. Threrefore, Hilliard was aware of the potential violations even prior to the Notice of Proposed Civil Penatly issued by the FAA. Since the violations occurred during 1999, Hilliard was aware at all times of these potential violations before any investor invested in FAH but neglected to disclose them. …
70. On Page 5 of the Executive Summary, it is noted that 63% of the $13,000,000.00 or $8,190,000.00 was spent to turn Sunrise into a turn key airline. …
71. FAH’s oustanding payroll taxes concerned the DOT becaues they impacted the ability of the management to effectively run a financially fit airline. The DOT’s concern regarding CFO Mike Holtzapple’s prior problems regarding payroll taxes demonstrates that the ability to effectively handle the financial managements of FAH could potentially affect FAH’s business plan for the DOT approval for scheduled air service. …
72. When FAH and Discover Air merged in May of 2002, Discover Air was already in default on vendor contract. Discover Air was unable to even pay fuel bill and eventually had a lien filed against it in June of 2002. Discover Air incurred approximately $1.3 g in losses from May to December of 2002. …
73. The prospective investor letter Hilliard provided to investors claimed Hilliard contributed cash and assets valued at $4 Million. …
74. Hilliard admitted in deposition testimony that he did not contribue such assets and only supplied Sunrise Airline stock. …
75. Hilliard did not contribute assets valued at $4 Million as the prospective investor letter for that stock claimed. Hilliard did not contribute the DAG hanger valued at $400,000, $1.1 Million in airplane equity, or $1 Million in cash. …
76. At the time of the sale and purchase of FAH stock by Stephen Schonke, his net worth was under $1 million and he had not earned more than $200,000.00 in the previous two years prior to the transaction. …
77. Hilliard knew Rudi Dekkers and loaned him $900,000 for the benefit of Huffman Aviation, a company involved in training pilots. …
78. Plane 1 Leasing, Inc. was created and owned by Hilliard in order to lease planes. …
79. The Plaintiffs identified as Parties in the Document all invested in FAH. …
80. At the time of the sale and purchase of FAH stock by Thomas J. Han, his worth was under $1 million and he had not earned more than $200,000 in the previous two years prior to the transaction. …
81. Judge Sue Bischel, through her holding in Case No. 05-CV01277 from the Brown County Circuit Court, granted summary judgment to a Plaintiff, situated similarly to Plaintiffs in this case, against Wallace J. Hilliard finding that Wallce J. Hilliard omitted material facts. …
Dated this 4th day of May 2007
By: Joseph W. LaFramboise
05/07/07 : Ron Van Den Heuvel gave $500 contribution to Phil Montgomery; Employer: Tissue Technology
06/21/07 : Alternative Technology Advisory Subcommittee./LA Solid Waste Management Committee Integrated Task Force Meeting Minutes re: Utilitarian Enterprises, Inc. 7303 Madison Street, Paramount, CA, 90723; UE President: Christopher Chulwon Lee
Latif Mahjoob of American Combustion Technologies, Inc., provided a brief presentation on Utilitarian Enterprises’ waste conversion system. It was followed by a brief tour of the facility.
The Utitiltarian Enterprises, Inc. video on YouTube is the same video as on the American Renewable Technology, Inc. / ARTI website
- www.AmericanRenewableTech.com [see ‘Information’ section under ‘Who We Are’]
Here’s a promo video of OSGC’s & Ron’s partners Alliance Construction & Design /Alliance Global Conservation, which share principal Todd Parczick with OSGC’s & GBRE’s ‘plastic-to-oil’ scheme partners Broadway Manufacturing, LLC and P2O Technologies, LLC.:
Here’s a supposed ‘demonstration’ video featuring OSGC’s & Ron’s partner Latif Mahjoob of American Combustion Technologies Inc. (ACTI) /American Renewable Technology Inc. (ARTI) / American Renewable Energy Inc. (AREI) / American Renewable Energy Corp. (AREC), among other fronts:
06/26/07 : Trout Creek Investors, LLC registered w/ WDFI; Registered Agent Artley Murray Skenandore Jr.; Principal Office 3973 Hidden Trail, Oneida, WI; Administratively Dissolved on 06/09/15
[Different entity than John D. Schweiner’s Trout Creek, LLC registered w/ WDFI on 01/21/94; Change of Registered Agent on 03/05/99 to John D. Schweiner; Articles of Dissolution filed on 05/09/05]
07/09/07 : Silver Creek Development, LLC administratively Dissolved w/ WDFI; Registered Agent Artley Skenandore Jr.; Principal Office: 2245 Shawano Ave, Green Bay, WI [affiliated w/ Bill Bain’s son-in-law Matthew Olson]
07/20/07 : July 20, 2007 AMENDED & RESTATED PROMISSORY NOTE FOR $759,637.50, NOTARIZED by Debra S. Stary [dated April 15, 2007] between Ron Van Den Heuvel’s EVERGREEN DEVELOPMENT, LLC and Wally Hilliard family HILLIARD LIMITED PARTNERSHIP
[See original 02/14/06 Notarized $705,000.00 Promissory Note dated 12/31/05]
07/28/07 : July 28, 2007 GTC Special Meeting Minutes / Transcript re: Sovereign Immunity of Oneida Tribe of Indians of Wisconsin / Oneida Nation of Wisconsin
Present: Chair Gerald Danforth; Vice Chair Kathy Hughes; Treasurer Mercie Danforth; Secretary Patty Hoeft; Council members Paul Ninham; Trish King; Melinda J. Danforth; Vince Dela Rosa …
Motion by Winifred Thomas to revoke Business Committee Resolution of 12-20-06-J, thereby requiring all appropriate parties to participate in all future proceedings, and enforcement of all decisions, opinions, and rulings rendered by the Oneida Appeals Commission, seconded by Mike Nebraska [sic; Debraska]
For: 92; Opposed: 36; Abstained: 7.
Motion carried.
08/11/07 : August 11, 2007 General Tribal Council Special Meeting Minutes / Transcript
Re: establish Office of GTC to review/monitor all aspects of tribal operations; Pay $100 to GTC attendees; Develop $5k to $10k Per Capita for FY2008
Motion by John Powless, Jr. for a special per capita payment for FY2008, separate from any existing per capita payment and resolutions, in the amount of $5,000 to those Oneida Tribally enrolled members under 62 years of age and older, to be taken from the general reserves and other tribal resources and to be mailed no later than December 12, 2007, with no loss of employment, no reduction in wages and no reduction/loss of services for all Oneida tribally enrolled members, seconded by Cathy Metoxen.
Vote: For: 571; Opposed: 164; Abstained: 7; Total Votes: 742.
Motion carried.Vote on Motion by Madelyn Genskow that a stipend of $100 be paid to any General Tribal Council member who attends a GTC meeting and is eligible to vote and stays until the end of the meeting effective in calendar year 2008 and for all time, seconded by Nancy Skenandore.
Vote: For: 366; Opposed: 134; Abstained: 10; Total Votes: 510.
Motion carried.Vote on Motion by Sherrole Benton to amend the main motion to reduce the [GTC meeting stipend] payment from $100 to $50 dollars, seconded by Christine Kelmmet [sic; Klimmek]
Motion failed.
Note: It was obvious by the Chair that a hand count wasn’t necessary.
08/21/07 : MONEY JUDGMENT – $4,203.63 against CHAT, LLC, in Brown Co. Case No. 04SC5645, Melotte Dist Inc. v. Chat LLC & Ron Van Den Heuvel
09/2007 to 11/2009 : According to the August 5, 2011 Order Granting Motion for Summary Judgment Against Mantria Corporation, Civil Action No. 09-CV-02676, Securities & Exchange Commission v. Mantria Corp., Wragg, Knorr & McKelvy:
This case arises from a Ponzi scheme Defendants are alleged to have perpetrated from September 2007 through November 2009 and through which Defendants are alleged to have defrauded investors over $54 million. Mantria was founded and operated by Defendant Troy B. Wragg, who functioned as Mantria’s Chief Executive Officer, and Defendant Amanda E. Knorr, who functioned as Mantria’s Chief Operating Officer. Defendant Wayde M. McKelvy is the founder and managing member of Speed of Wealth, LLC, which acted as a promoter of Mantria securities. Of the $54,531,488.57 that Mantria raised, Mantria paid a total of $17,500,453.21 to investors, using investors’ own funds to pay those returns. Additionally, Mantria used millions of dollars of investor funds to build non-revenue-generating infrastructure, and to pay Wragg, Knorr, and McKelvy commissions and compensation. Based on the funds raised and the funds paid to investors, Mantria generated a profit of $37,031,035.36. …
Mantria attracted potential investors to seminars held by McKelvy and Speed of Wealth throughout the country, which seminars were advertised by television, radio, Internet, print media, and e-mail. At the seminars, investors were encouraged to liquidate their traditional investments, borrow as much as possible, and invest as much as possible in Mantria’s securities offerings. After these seminars, Defendants McKelvy, Wragg, and Knorr would send attendees e-mails promoting Mantria’s securities and provide written securities offerings in the form of private placement memoranda. Knorr also promoted Mantria securities on an Internet radio broadcast. Mantria’s securities purported to provide an opportunity to invest in Mantria’s various business ventures, including real estate, a financial lending company (that used investor funds to provide down payments for Mantria real estate), and green energy [EternaGreen Global Corp.], in which Mantria’s efforts would be profitable and result in payments to investors. Defendants McKelvy, Wragg, and Knorr described Mantria’s securities as safe, high-yield investments with 17% to hundreds of percent returns, or even infinite returns.
Throughout the course of this scheme, Mantria [Corporation], [Troy] Wragg, [Amanda] Knorr, and [Wayde]McKelvy made material misrepresentations in connection with offers and sales of Mantria’s securities, including that: (1) Mantria generated millions of dollars in annual profits when, in fact, Mantria generated no profits; (2) Mantria is the world’s largest manufacturer and distributor of biochar and that Mantria’s biochar operations were very profitable when, in fact, Mantria never sold any biochar and never made any revenues from biochar; (3) Mantria built the world’s first biorefinery plant in New Mexico when, in fact, Mantria never built or operated such a facility; (4) Mantria’s biochar manufacturing facility in Tennessee is producing $6.2 million annually when, in fact, the facility never generated revenue; (5) Mantria paid investors through profitable ventures when, in fact, it paid investor returns using investors’ money; (6) Mantria was not a Ponzi scheme when, in fact, it was; and (7) McKelvy reviewed Mantria’s books when, in fact, McKelvy did not regularly look at Mantria’s books and did not know what Mantria did with its books. …
In connection with the offers, sales, and purchases of Mantria’s securities, Defendants failed to disclose that McKelvy made 12.5% commissions from Mantria securities sales, which commissions totaled more than $6.2 million. Further, the securities offered and sold were not registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC”), and Mantria, Wragg, Knorr, and McKelvy were not affiliated with any broker dealer registered with the SEC. …
Defendants raised more than $54 million from over 100 investors by egregiously, recklessly, knowingly, and shamelessly perpetrating a fraudulent scheme whereby they used misrepresentations, omissions, and blatant lies to induce unsuspecting and unwitting victim investors to liquidate the equity in their homes and take out bank loans to invest in Defendants’ scheme, which was nothing more than smoke and mirrors. ….
Here’s Mantria Corporation creep Troy Wragg receiving recognition from Bill & Hillary Clinton, and meeting with foreign officials to promote EternaGreen Global & Mantria Corp.:
10/03/07 : OSGC subsidiary Glory, LLC changed Registered Agent w/ WDFI

Cristina Servilla Delgado Danforth
10/06/07 : October 6, 2007 GTC Special Meeting Minutes / Transcript re: FY2008 Budget
Present: Chair Gerald Danforth; Vice Chair Kathy Hughes; Treasurer Mercie Danforth; Secretary Patty Hoeft; Council members Ed Delgado; Paul Ninham; Melinda J. Danforth; Vince Dela Rosa; Trish King
[Fmr. OBC Chair & Treasurer] Cristina Danforth [who was not on the OBC at this time]: I would like a written response to her questions within one week. It’s a request, it’s informal, it’s verbal. The presentation talked of total unrestricted investment amounts, general reserve amounts, operational amounts and closed project amounts. My question is, what has been the growth of our unrestricted investments and our other investments over the last three years? What is the actual dollar growth of those investments and what is the percentage of growth for those investment during the last three years? I’m concerned if we’re making money off our investments or not. These are unrestricted, so I know they get invested in a certain way when you consider liquidity and things like that.
My other question is, is there another per capita plan being formulated by management, Business Committee or sub-committee? I know we have a current one but that’s going to run out soon and I was just hoping we could be a little more pro-active about per capita.
My other questions are about some of the tribe’s investment over the years. I know I’ve been a part of those investments, overseeing them, etc. But I do have some questions about them today.
My first question is about Airidigm investments. That was a $40M investment. What has been the tribe’s return on investment for Airidigm? It’s actually $40M+, there have been other things besides money put into that investment.
My other question is on [Oneida] Seven Generations Corporation. What has been the tribal contribution annually and over the last five years, Seven Generations contribution to the tribe? Every time I look at Seven Generations annual, semi-annual or quarterly reports, they have been vague. I’ve asked specifie questions on the reports and haven’t gotten a lot of feedback over the years. Now, I’m on the other side of the fence and am asking those questions again.
My last question is relative to Seven Generations and its Nature’s Way investment. Oneida Tribe designated $4M to Nature’s Way through Seven Generations. $2M was borrowed, $2M was given in cash through the Venture Fund. What has been the tribe’s return on investment through the Nature’s Way Corporation? Again, I don’t see those numbers reflected in any of the Seven Generation Corporation reports. A quick summary on those numbers; $40M + $44M between Airidigm and Nature’s Way have been invested over the years. That’s half of the per capita distribution being requested today by the $5,000 to $10,000. Thank you. …
[Then OBC Treas.] Mercie Danforth: One of the questions asked is the amount of funds in the unrestrictive and restricted reserve accounts. The majority of these questions, I don’t have at hand to answer these questions today. The unrestricted we did have what we call the general reserve. That’s the main one we do have in calculations of what we’d lose in income from that general reserve, which would be about $6.5 million per year that we’d lose, wouldn’t be able to gain interest on in that account. Those are just according to what were investing and how were investing those accounts. That’s just one area within that. We will prepare information and get it out to membership.
The other areas were asked for all the investments: Airadigm [Communications], [Oneida] Seven Generations [Corp.], General Fund, Nature’s Way [Tissue Corp.]. We are gathering and preparing that information to get out to the membership of what those investments were, what the total funds that were invested and how much of a return we got on those investments. We are gathering that information today. Some of those are older business investments, so we are gathering that information. …
Joyce [Hoes]: Why doesn’t the Business Committee want GTC to get the per capita? This would add to the comfort of lives. This money can help people now. What about the multi-million dollar golf course? Why can’t we have some money instead of a multi-million golf course and all the frivolous spending? We gave all this big money to Art Skenandore who’s living in Thornberry Creek, where are we living? Why is the upper echelon living in luxury and we’re barely getting by? We have single parents struggling. Why don’t you want the people to have the money?
Motion by Dawn Moon Kopetsky to amend the main motion that there are no increases of wages to boards, commissions or committees. And to have the Business Committee bring back to the GTC by the end of January 2008 a complete itemized list of the entire assets and debits of the entire tribe’s affairs every single income and every single debit, seconded by Nancy Skenandore.
Motion carried.Motion by Tina Danforth to amend the main motion to adopt the resolution for the FY08 budget found on page 27-28 of the mail out, seconded by Kathy Hughes.
Motion carried.
10/11/07 : ST Paper II, LLC registered w/ WDFI as a Foreign LLC; Principal Office: 1555 Glory Road, Green Bay, WI; Registered Agent G&K Wisconsin Services, LLC; Filed Intent to Revoke on 08/17/09; Revocation of Certificate of Authority on 10/23/09
- ST Paper Holdings II, LLC registered w/ WDFI as a Foreign LLC; Principal Office: 1555 Glory Road, Green Bay, WI; Registered Agent G&K Wisconsin Services, LLC; Filed Intent to Revoke on 08/17/09 Revocation of Certificate of Authority on 10/23/09
10/24/07 : Oneida Business Committee adopted OBC Resolution 10-24-07-K, Re: Pardon of Brandon Stevens
Grants the Pardon of BRANDON STEVENS, Petitioner and notifies the Oneida Nation and its employing agencies that the Petitioner is recognized as a member of the Oneida Nation to have all the benefits and employment opportunities available to all other person as if the criminal past pardoned by this resolution did not exist.
and WILLINGNESS to LIE to GTC on behalf of the POWERS THAT BE…
• Brown Co. Case. No. 99CM1808, State of Wisconsin v. Brandon L. Stevens
...and striking his girlfriend’s abdomen while she was eight months pregnant:
• Brown Co. Case No. 98CF568, State of Wisconsin v. Brandon L. Yellowbird Stevens
(a) Upon completion of incarceration, parole, probation, and/or deferred prosecution, Tribal members shall be eligible to apply for a pardon.
(b) One (1) year after an act is committed, or affirmed through the conclusion of any appeal process, an indvidual shall be eligible to apply for pardon or forgiveness.
11/02/07 : FILED – Brown Co. Case No. 07CV2007, Karen Katch vs. Melinda Danforth, Paul Ninham, Trish King, Mercie Danforth, Kathy Hughes, Gerald Danforth, Patty Ninham-Hoeft, Carole Liggins, Peril Huff, Wanda Diemel, and Paula King Dessart
- November 1, 2007 Complaint regarding Brown Co. Case No. 07CV2007, Karen Katch vs. Melinda Danforth, Paul Ninham, Trish King, Mercie Danforth, Kathy Hughes, Gerald Danforth, Patty Ninham-Hoeft, Carole Liggins, Peril Huff, Wanda Diemel, and Paula King Dessart
In or around the Fall, 2007, [Karen] Katch learned that the Defendants Melinda Danforth, Paul Ninham, Trish King, Mercie Danforth, Kathy Hughes, Gerald Danforth, Patty Ninham-Hoeft, Carole Liggins, Wanda Diemel and Peril Huff had gained access to her e-mail account and began monitoring her e-mails without her knowledge and without the knowledge of her supervisor, Business Committee Member Vince Dela Rosa.
In or around the Fall, 2007, Katch learned that the Defendants Melinda Danforth, Paul Ninham, Trish King, Mercie Danforth, Kathy Hughes, Gerald Danforth, Patty Ninham-Hoeft, Carole Liggins, Wanda Diemel and Peril Huff had gained access to her cellular telephone and office telephone and began monitoring her telephone usage without her knowledge and without the knowledge of her supervisor, Business Committee Member Vince Dela Rosa.
…The Defendants Melinda Danforth, Paul Ninham, Trish King, Mercie Danforth, Kathy Hughes, Gerald Danforth, Patty Ninham-Hoeft, Carole Liggins, Wanda Diemel and Peril Huff breached the implied covenant of good faith and fair dealing by unlawfully gaining access to and monitoring Katch’s e-mails and telephone usage and by intentionally interfering with Katch’s oral contract for employment with the Oneida Nation Tribe of Indians Business Committee.
On information and belief, on or around October 3, 2007, Defendant Paula King Dessart disclosed information to Marty Antone, Director of Emergency Management Department for the Oneida Tribe of Indians, as a means to take Katch out of the running for a position within the Emergency Management Department. …
The Defendants have formed a conspiracy.
The Defendants’ wrongful acts were completed through the conspiracy.
• SETTLEMENT BEFORE TRIAL paid by the Oneida Nation of Wisconsin to Karen Katch.
11/03/07 : November 3, 2007 GTC Special Meeting Minutes / Transcript:
Plea to Rescind & Replace August 11, 2007 GTC Motions
Present: Chair Gerald Danforth; Vice Chair Kathy Hughes; Tres. Mercie Danforth; Sec. Patty Hoeft; Council members Paul Ninham; Trish King; Melinda J. Danforth; Vince DelaRosa; Ed Delgado
Vote: Motion by Madelyn Genskow to reject the resolution on the floor [that wanted to rescind the $100 GTC Member meeting stipend and the $5k/$10k Per Capita] and sustain the August 11, 2007 decision, seconded by Patricia Olszwsk.
Motion Carried.
12/18/07 : United Recycling Technology Inc. [URTI] moved registration from NV to CA
Registered Agent is URTI President & Treasurer Aram A. Sarkissian; A. Latif Mahjoob is Director & Secretary
2008 : According to the FY2012 & FY 2017 General Tribal Council Annual Meeting Packets OSGC LOST $4 MILLION w/ Ron Van Den Heuvel & Artley Skenandore’s Nature’s Way Tissue Corp. scheme:
In Fiscal Year 2008, a $4,000,000 loss was written off due to the closing of Nature’s Way [Tissue Corp.]. Oneida Seven Generations is currently in litigation against Nature’s Way principals of the corporation. Seven Generations has since regained control of the property and are currently leasing the facility to Schneider International.
Nature’s Way Tissue Corporation’s principals are Ron Van Den Heuvel, Artley Skenandore Jr., and Steven Peters

Kelly Lea Yessman / Kelly Van Den Heuvel
01/17/08 : According to the September 20, 2016 Superseding Indictment, Docket No. 16-CR-064, USA v. Ron & Kelly Van Den Heuvel and Paul J. Piikkila
a. During the period of the scheme, defendant [Paul] Piikkila was employed as a loan officer for Horicon Bank…working at the Appleton, Wisconsin branch. He had authority to make loans up to $250,000 limit. Loans he proposed to make above that limit needed to be approved by the bank’s Business Lenders Committee.
b. …Ron Van Den Heuvel represented himself to be a businessman in the area of Green Bay, Wisconsin. He operated and controlled at least seven purported business entities that he used interchangeably.
c. …Kelly Van Den Heuvel as the wife of Ronald Van Den Heuvel and was also the owner and operator of KYHKJG, a limited liability corporation.
d. In December of 2007, or early January of 2008, Ronald Van Den Heuvel approached Piikkila and asked him to issue loans from the bank to Ronald Van Den Heuvel or his business entities.
e. On or about January 17, 2008, [Paul] Piikkila authorized a loan of $250,000 from [Horicon Bank] to RVDH, Inc., one of Ronald Van Den Heuvel’s business entities. Ronald Van Den Heuvel signed the business note for RVDH, Inc. According to the note, the loan was to be repaid at 7.25% interest by January 15, 2009. It was never repaid and, after collection efforts, the bank charged off a loss of $237,109.
- According to July 1, 2016 Paul Piikkila Plea Agreement in U.S. District Court, Eastern District of Wisconsin Case No. 16-CR-64, United States of America v. Paul J. Piikkila
The evidence to prove this charge comes from several sources. All involved personnel from the Horicon Bank and all individuals serving as straw borrowers to obtain loans have been interviewed. Records have been obtained from the Horicon Bank and other banks which made loans for the benefit of Ron Van Den Heuvel, which loans from Horicon were used to repay. To avoid confusion between the two Van Den Heuvels, this offer of proof will refer to them as Ron and Kelly, respectively.
During the period of the scheme, Paul Piikkila was employed as a loan officer for Horicon Bank … working at the Appleton, Wisconsin branch. He had authority to make loans up to a $250,000 limit. Any loans he proposed above that limit needed to be approved by the bank’s Business Lenders Committee.
Ron is a member of a wealthy and prominent family in Green Bay. During the scheme, he represented himself to be a businessman in the Green Bay area. He operated and controlled at least seven business entities that he used interchangeably.
During the period of the scheme, Kelly Van Den Heuvel was the wife of Ron and was also the owner and operator of KYHKJG, LLC. She is still married to Ron.
In late 2007 or early 2008, Ron approached Piikkila about issuing loans from the bank to Ron or his business entities. All of the witnesses who know Ron characterize him as a charismatic individual who seems to have the ability to get other people to do what he wants. He often convincingly describes his grand plans for major businesses which will make all participants millionaires.
On or about January 17, 2008 Piikkila authorized a loan of $250,000 from the bank to RVDH, Inc., one of Ron’s business entities. Ron signed the business note for RVDH, Inc. …
As a guarantor for the January, 2008 loan of $250,000 to RVDH, Ron submitted a financial statement to Piikkila. That financial statement included assets of more than $115,000,000, a net worth of more than $94,000,000, and an annual income of $2,320,306. The evidence in this case is full of instances in which Ron failed to pay various debts for which he is responsible. That would indicate that this financial statement is dramatically false. If it is true, Ron was failing to repay amounts he could easily pay just from money he claimed to have in various cash accounts.

Atty. William Cornelius
01/26/08 : January 26, 2008 GTC Annual Meeting Report from Oneida Seven Generations Corp. [OSGC]
Brenda Mendolla-Buckley – President
Jennifer Hill-Kelley – Secretary/Treasurer
Tony Messner
Jim VanStippen
William Cornelius …
02/08/08 : WisLawJournal: Who’s Doing What?
The law firm of Godfrey & Kahn, S.C. announced that Donsia Strong Hill has joined the firm as a shareholder with the Corporate Practice Group.
She practices out of the firm’s Milwaukee and Green Bay offices, and provides bond and underwriter’s counsel services to municipalities, housing authorities, investment banking houses, developers and redevelopment authorities. She also assists in the financial sector of Indian Nations work. She received her law degree from John Marshall Law School.
Donsia Strong-Hill is married to Fmr. OBC Chair Rick Hill, whose term as OBC Chair ran from August 2008 – August 2011.
02/25/08 : Bedminster International announces global rights to ‘BioEnergy’ technology w/ Latif Mahjoob & American Combustion Technology Inc. / ACTI, Los Angeles, CA
03/03/08 : MH Resources Corp. changed Registered Agent w/ WDFI, and again on 02/03/11 to Marc Hess; Notice of Administrative Dissolution on 01/18/17 RTND UNDELIVERABLE, and on 03/29/17
• Marc Hess was a consultant for OSGC’s ‘energy’ project via IEP Development, LLC
03/07/08 : Source of Solutions, LLC registered w/ WDFI; Registered Agent Ronald Van Den Heuvel; Delinquent as of 01/01/17
03/20/08 : According to July 1, 2016 Paul Piikkila Plea Agreement in U.S. District Court, Eastern District of Wisconsin Case No. 16-CR-64, United States of America v. Paul J. Piikkila
About two months later, on or about March 20, 2008 Piikkila proposed to the loan committee that the bank loan $7,100,000 to Source of Solutions, LLC, another of Ron’s business entities. Members of the loan committee, who were Piikkila’s superiors at the bank, did due diligence to look into Ron’s creditworthiness. They found that he had a number of judgments against him and that bankers at other banks which Ron had done business advised Horicon Bank against making any loans to Ron. As a result, the loan committee would not approve this loan. Piikkila tried to restructure it a couple of times but that did not change the committee’s decison. Piikkila’s superiors at the bank instructed him that the band did not wish to make any loans to Ron or his businesses so Piikkila should not.
That led Piikkila to authorize a series of loans to other people for Ron’s benefit or the benefit of his companies. The paperwork on these loans was put together in a way that prevented the bank from realizing that Piikkila was authorizing these loans in violation of the instructions not to loan money to Ron or his businesses. It was also in violation of Piikkila’s loan limits. His first loan was to on of Ron’s entities, RVDH, in January of 2008 already reached Piikkila’s limit to loan to any one individual. The subsequent loans for the benefit of Ron through various straw borrowers drastically exceeded that limit.
04/04/08 : MONEY JUDGMENT AGAINST DOC-U-MINCE, LLC for $296,237.69, Brown Co. Case No. 05CV1116, Baylake Bank v. Evergreen Development LLC, Source of Savings Inc. [Registered Agent Pedro ‘Pete’ Fernandez], Doc-U-Mince LLC, Paul O. Gehl, Ronald H. Van Den Heuvel
05/06/08 : May 6, 2008 Court of Appeals of Wisconsin Published Decision, Case No. 08WIAPP85, Herbert J. Cuene, Jr. v. Wallace J. Hilliard
¶29 Hilliard’s omission of his problems with the FAA, Plane 1, and Sunrise’s Part 121 approval made his representation of imminence misleading. We think it evident that a regulatory agency’s reluctance, delay, or postponement of previously anticipated, mandatory approval would be important to a prospective buyer’s business decision. Indeed, the court observed that Sunrise “could not get off the ground” without Part 121 approval. While Hilliard points out that the airline was still flying charter service under a valid Part 135 certificate, the presentation to investors was that Sunrise would be a commuter, not charter, airline. Information about a possible failure to obtain commuter authorization would be necessary for an investor to determine whether, should the approval be withheld, investment in a charter-only airline would nevertheless be prudent.
¶30 Hilliard’s omission about his banking troubles is even more clearly material. “Surely, the materiality of information relating to financial condition, solvency and profitability is not subject to serious challenge.” … A prospective purchaser would undoubtedly be interested to know the company in which he might invest defaulted not once but twice on multimillion-dollar loans, requiring a cash bailout from the founder, and was in forbearance only long enough to find a new lender, as the original lender no longer wished to have the company’s business.
¶31 The court properly concluded the omitted factors were material and disclosure was necessary under WIS. STAT. § 551.41(2). Accordingly, the court properly concluded Hilliard was liable to Cuene under WIS. STAT. § 551.59(1)(a).
By the Court. – Judgment affirmed.
05/07/08 : Non-Tribal member OSGC CEO John Kroner was terminated & sued OSGC in WI Supreme Court Case 2010AP2533, Kroner v. OSGC
According to the August 5, 2011 Order Granting Motion for Summary Judgment Against Mantria Corporation, Civil Action No. 09-cv-02676, SECURITIES & EXCHANGE COMMISSION, Plaintiff, v. MANTRIA CORPORATION, TROY B. WRAGG, AMANDA E. KNORR, SPEED OF WEALTH, LLC, WAYDE M. McKELVY & DONNA M. McKELVY, Defendants:
The SEC has also presented considerable evidence that Mantria, through Wragg, Knorr, and McKelvy, made material misrepresentations and omissions concerning the probable returns on investment and the risks inherent in the securities offerings, all in an effort to foster the above-described fraudulent scheme to the detriment of Mantria’s investors who relied on such information when making their investment decisions. Additionally, the SEC has presented evidence that Mantria, through its officers (Wragg and Knorr), had the requisite scienter, whether by way of an intent to deceive, manipulate or defraud, or by engaging in conduct that was an extreme departure from the standards of ordinary care, such that it misled buyers, and the danger of misleading buyers was so obvious that Mantria, through its officers, must have been aware of it. For example, not only did Defendant Mantria, through the other Defendants, entice victim investors to purchase unregistered securities with illusory promises of improbably high rates of return, Mantria, through its agent’s, Defendant McKelvy’s, presentation at various Mantria investment seminars, encouraged potential investors to liquidate their traditional investments, including the equity in their homes, and to borrow as much money as possible to fund their investments with Mantria. (See, e.g., Transcript of May 7, 2008 Speed of Wealth Seminar, Doc. # 159-13 at 70-86; Transcript of May 21, 2009 Speed of Wealth Seminar, Doc. # 159-14 at 62-64.)
Mantria Corp. fraud victims fought back:
05/15/08 : May 15, 2008 RSM McGladrey, Inc. Audit Report w/ October 13, 2008 OBC Letter to GTC re: Expenditures of the Oneida Housing Authority Board of Commissioners 2006–2007

Wallace J. ‘Wally’ Hilliard – read more at the Hilliard-Weyers Branch of the Brown County Public Library in Howard, WI
05/28/08 : According to Daniel Hopsicker:
The owner of the flight school in Venice FL where the two hijackers who crashed airliners into the World Trade Center took flight lessons, was arrested last May after assaulting his 17-yr old step-daughter outside a sports bar in Naples, Florida.
78-year old Wallace J. Hilliard of Naples FL was charged with misdemeanor battery on May 28 2008, according to Collier County, FL arrest records.
“The victim was sitting on the sidewalk crying,” stated Naples Police officer Melvin Payne, first to arrive at the scene.
Hilliard stopped his car behind the girl as she walked down a street outside the “Sports Clip” bar in Naples, the police report states, and became physically abusive.
He began pushing her, the step-daughter reported. She stated she asked him, “Are you going to push me again like when I was a little kid?”
‘That’s when Hilliard smacked her in the face, stated the police report.
Hilliard and the girl (we’ll protect her name) had been job-hunting.
“He stopped his car behind her as she was walking,” an eyewitness told police. “Then he walked up behind her and hit her twice in the back of the head.”
The witness told Hilliard to stop hitting the girl.
Hilliard’s reply was, “Do you really want to get involved in my personal life?”
“I do if you’re going to hit girls,” said the good Samaritan. Then he called the cops.
The daughter involved in the altercation with Hilliard has since relocated to Utah.
In the wake of Hilliard’s arrest several Naples residents who socialize with Hilliard contacted us to express outrage about his behavior.
“In public, and at church, they are the epitome of a good family,” wrote one disapproving neighbor. “Behind closed doors, not so much.”
From their comments it was possible to piece together an account of the turbulent private life of the 78-year old Hilliard.
His wife, Patricia, is at 46 thirty-two years his junior. She has five children from a previous marriage. After the two wed, Hilliard adopted her children. He also adopted his new bride’s Mormon faith.
Several sources told us that Hilliard moved back to Naples from Apopka, FL last year to file for divorce. Wife Patricia and children soon followed, and the two reconciled.
“Mrs. Hilliard has made it known,” sniffed one local matron who sees her socially. “She is waiting for Hilliard to die so that she can keep his money.”
Making this sordid tale of more than puerile interest: Hilliard played an as-yet undetermined role in the curious choice of Mohamed Atta and his terrorist compatriots to attend a flight school in a sleepy retirement community, Venice, Florida, whose attraction for the hijackers remains an enduring mystery.
After leaving Venice in December of 2000, Mohamed Atta and bodyguard Marwan Al-Shehhi returned there on three separate occasions during the six weeks of their lives, according to Brad Warrick, who rented the duo three separate cars from his car rental agency in Fort Lauderdale.
No one knows why.
05/29/08 : Nature’s Choice Tissue, LLC registered w/ WDFI; renamed Environmental Advanced Reclamation Technology HQ, LLC [E.A.R.T.H. / EARTH] on 07/13/11; briefly renamed Reclamation Technology Services, LLC on 06/14/16; finally renamed Reclamation Technology Systems, LLC [RTS] on 06/17/16; Currently managed by Stephen A. Smith / GlenArbor Partners, Inc. of IL
06/19/08 : Gar-Tech Limited bring revolutionary waste system to South Korea
In a deal with Utilitarian Enterprises, Inc. of Los Angeles, small UK company Gar-Tech [Ltd.] have won a 700,000GBP (US $1,379,975) contract to set up their exciting new ReCyclone Eliminator System in South Korea. The system is capable of turning many different types of waste into useful commodities, and its proven success means that this contract could be the first of many.
07/2008 : According to Wikipedia.org re: Stephen Payne (lobbyist)
Stephen Prentiss Payne (born May 8, 1964) is an American lobbyist from Houston, Texas. He has also served as a governmental, energy, international affairs, and international business development consultant, corporate and political adviser, foreign diplomat, businessman, fundraiser, and former advisor (June 2007 to July 2008) to two of the United States Department of Homeland Security’s Advisory Committees—the Secure Borders and Open Doors Advisory Committee (SBODAC) and the Essential Technology Task Force (ETTF), in connection with which he held a U.S. security clearance.
In July 2008 he attracted international attention after being secretly videotaped discussing a $750,000 lobbying contract offering access to senior U.S. officials and suggesting a $250,000 donation to the future presidential library of U.S. president George W. Bush.
Early life
Payne is the son of Jerry and Marianne Payne, in Houston, Texas. He studied Political Science at Stephen F. Austin State University (1982 to 1987). His father Jerry is a lawyer and was a longtime adviser of the state senator J. E. “Buster” Brown. …Alliance & Co. president of Worldwide Strategic Energy…
[Alliance & Co. is] a sister company to the investment firm
Envion Worldwide…and Strategic Limited Partner for the global investment firm MSH Ventures [owned by Michael S. Han].
The August 4, 2008 archive of the
website lists:
• Michael S. Han, Founder
• Stephen P. Payne, Co-Founder
• Frank C. Carlucci, Senior Advisor
• W. Dieter Zander, Senior Advisor
• Ying Wang, Senior Advisor
Payne’s clients have included JPMorgan Chase, Morgan Stanley, United Space Alliance, SAP Software, Nextel Communications, Continental Airlines, Yukos Oil, Boeing, Lockheed Martin, and Nuclear Solutions, Inc. Payne also represented Itera, one of Russia’s largest independent natural gas producers.
In 2001, Payne served as Senior Advisor to the NASA Administrator on White House and Congressional Affairs.
International relations
Payne has served as Honorary Consul General for the Republic of Latvia for the South central U.S. region (with headquarters in Houston) since 1999, and has served as an adviser to Latvian president Vaira Vike-Freiberga on political and economic issues. In 2004, President Freiberga awarded Payne Latvia’s highest state honor, the Order of the Three Stars, for his work in helping Latvia become a NATO member. For the 2006 NATO Summit in Riga, Latvia, Payne was appointed by NATO to lead a think tank conference panel discussion on energy security and chair a NATO Future Leaders Forum bringing together up-and-coming leaders from 35 NATO member and partner countries. He has also served on the board of directors of the U.S.-Baltic Foundation, which promotes free markets in the Baltic States.
After Sept 11, 2001, according to Pakistan’s President Pervez Musharraf, Payne played a pivotal in U.S. Pakistan relations, serves on behalf of the Pakistan Lobby in the United States through a group called Team Eagle (also known as Team Barakat). Payne worked as a lobbyist for Pakistan to deliver a multibillion-dollar U.S. aid package and to remove U.S. economic and military sanctions against Pakistan that had been in place for several years. Payne also helped Pakistan secure Major non-NATO ally status, which Pakistan received in 2004. Payne also helped to secure F-16s, C-130s and military helicopters for Pakistan.[20]
In April 2006, Payne helped arrange an official meeting between the Azerbaijani president Ilham Aliyev and U.S. president George W. Bush in April 2006, something the Azerbaijani president had been attempting for three years.
He also assisted in having the Uzbek opposition politician Muhammad Salih’s name removed from Interpol’s arrest warrant list and from the U.S.’s terrorist watchlist.
Payne also assisted Turkmenistan in assembling a consortium of nations and international firms to build a natural gas pipeline from Turkmenistan to Pakistan. Payne coordinated a trilateral summit between the Presidents of Turkmenistan, Afghanistan and Pakistan that produced a memorandum of understanding regarding the Turkmen/Afghan natural gas pipeline, restoring the project’s viability after years of dormancy at the hands of the Taliban.
He has also lobbied on behalf of the governments of Turkmenistan and the United Arab Emirates, and performed consulting in Iraq, which he has visited twice. He has also served on the board of the National Defense University Foundation.
The lobbyist Randy Scheunemann has collaborated with Payne’s firms on international matters since 2002, and Payne has also partnered in his various business ventures with Frank Carlucci, Michael S. Han, Ying Wang, and W. Dieter Zander.
In 2010, leading a public relations team, Payne assisted Alexi Ogando, now a starting pitcher for the Texas Rangers (baseball), in obtaining his U.S. visa. Ogando had been permanently banned from the U.S. in 2005 because of his involvement in a human trafficking ring.
In April 2011, Payne co-led a private, non-official U.S. diplomacy delegation to Libya, which included former U.S Congressman Curt Weldon, just after the February 17th uprising. Theirs was the first delegation visiting Tripoli to publicly call for Muammar Gaddafi to step down. …
Bush White House activities
During the 1988 presidential campaign, Payne served as the travel aide to George W. Bush.Payne served The White House as a “senior presidential advance representative” to George W. Bush, traveling with him as a volunteer to Jordan for the Red Sea Summit in June 2003. Payne also traveled with Dick Cheney to the Middle East in 2002 and 2005, to South Korea in 2004, to Kazakhstan in 2006, and to Afghanistan for the inauguration of Hamid Karzai in December 2004. Payne was a part of a small team of Bush operatives, which included former White House Chief of Staff Andy Card, which assisted the 2000 campaign in coordinating the three presidential debates.
He has also been a Dubya Ranch Hand (2003), and was a Bush Ranger in 2004 and a Bush Pioneer in 2000 and 2004.
Other political activities
He is a member of the Republican Party and has been active in various Republican causes since the late 1980s. He was a member of the staff of Kay Bailey Hutchison from 1993 to 1996 and served as State Vice Chairman of her 2000 and 2006 re-election campaigns. In the 1996 presidential election he worked on the Dole-Kemp campaign. He assisted with the 2004 Bush-Cheney campaign, the Senate campaign of Pete Coors for Senate, the Restore America PAC, the Rudolph Giuliani Presidential Committee (on the National Security Advisory Task Force), and the Tom DeLay Congressional Committee.According to Federal Election Commission records, since 1998 Payne has contributed more than $249,000 to Republican candidates and Republican Party committees.
In July 2008 Payne was secretly videotaped discussing a $750,000 lobbying contract and offering access to senior U.S. officials (including Dick Cheney, Condoleezza Rice, and Joe Biden) to the exiled Kazakhstani politician Yerzhan Dosmukhamedov (known as Eric Dos for short), and suggesting a $250,000 donation to the future George W. Bush Presidential Library.In the conversation, which was secretly taped by The Sunday Times at a meeting in the restaurant of The Lanesborough hotel in London, Dosmukhamedov claimed that the former Kyrgyz president Askar Akayev wished to rehabilitate his image and meet with the U.S. officials. Payne has claimed that he did nothing wrong, and stated that he was there to recruit a new legitimate lobbying client and that it was Dos who first raised the issue of a donation in his initial e-mail to Payne. … Payne was asked to resign from the Homeland Security Advisory Committees directly following the July 13, 2008 publication of the article. U.S. Representative Henry Waxman, on behalf of the United States House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, wrote a letter to Payne one day later, on July 14, 2008, requesting further details and background about this incident, and asked Payne to respond to his letter within ten days. Payne responded to the committee within ten days and Congress adjourned two months later without any further action from the House Committee.
07/03/08 : Kevin Cornelius gave $150 contribution to Phil Montgomery; Employer: Oneida Bingo & Casino
[NOTE: Kevin Cornelius was actually employed as the Oneida Nation of Wisconsin / ONWI Legislative Affairs Director]
07/07/08 : July 7, 2008 GTC Semi-Annual Meeting & Report from OSGC
Brenda Mendolla-Buckley – President
Jennifer Hill-Kelley – Secretary/Treasurer
Jim VanStippen
William CorneliusSTIPEND PER MEETING $200
once/month at OSGC offices
07/18/08 : Fiber Solutions, LLC registered w/ WDFI by Daniel Hilliard; it was Administratively Dissolved on 09/13/11
07/30/08 : Duck Creek Coffee Company, LLC registered w/ WDFI; Registered Agent Fmr. OBC Member Paul K. Ninham; Administratively Dissolved on 09/10/13

Richard G. ‘Rick’ Hill
08/2008 to 08/2011 : New Oneida Business Committee term
- Chair: Richard G. Hill
- Vice-Chair: Kathy Hughes
- Treasurer: Cristina Danforth
- Secretary: Patricia Hoeft
- Council Members:
Melinda J. Danforth
- Edward Delgado
- ‘Tehassi’ Ronald Hill Jr.
- Patricia ‘Trish’ King
- Brandon Stevens
08/19/08 : FILED – Brown Co. Case No. 2008CV2028, Chris J. Hartwig v. Ron Van Den Heuvel, Oconto Falls Tissue Inc., Tissue Products Technology Corp., Eco Fibre Inc., Recovering Aqua Resources Inc., Partners Concepts Development Inc., Hilliard Limited Partnership, Bay Bank, AnchorBank FSB, Stockhausen Inc.
• 12/16/07 ORDER: Judgment for money
• Debtor Oconto Falls Tissue Inc. owes $2,956,016.26
• Debtor Ronald H. Van Den Heuvel owes $5,300,000
08/23/08 : Atty. Carl. J Artman resigned as U.S. Dept. of Interior Assistant. Secretary of Indian Affairs;
• Carl Artman had been confirmed for the position on 03/05/07
08/28/08 : ‘Rubbish-into-diesel firm’s Vietnam deal’
A SALTASH waste management firm has won a £1.5million contract to supply two of its waste processing systems to Vietnam. Gar-Tech Company Limited, based in Trematon, yesterday won the contract to supply two of its RE500 Recyclone waste processing systems for use in the Long An province of Vietnam. It is the second success for the company in far Eastern markets in two months, following the announcement in June that the Recyclone system had been selected for use in the processing of general waste in South Korea. Utilitarian Enterprises Inc., Gar-Tech’s agent for the Asia-Pacific area, was awarded the 30-year contract. The news was announced yesterday in the Vietnamese capital, Ho Chi Minh City. The contract is to build, operate and run Vietnam’s first waste renewable energy facility.The 1,000 tonnes of municipal solid waste which will be delivered to the facility every day will be processed to produce an average of 150,000 litres of premium- specification diesel. All the remaining waste will be processed into usable commodities, so that there is no residue left to go to landfill. The throughput of waste in Long An province is roughly equivalent to the amount produced by a county the size of Cornwall. The system being installed in Vietnam, say bosses, will produce sufficient diesel fuel to make the disposal operation not just viable but profitable in its first year, based on wholesale diesel prices. At the heart of the waste management system is the Gar-Tech Recyclone Eliminator. The RE500 variant is capable of processing at least 500 tonnes per day, so two will be required for the Long An facility. Gar-Tech will be responsible for building, installing and commissioning the Recyclone units and for their maintenance through the 30-year period of the agreement. Installation is expected to begin by November, and the systems will be operational from January 2009. Derek Reffell, managing director of Gar-Tech Company, said: “The system that Utilitarian Enterprises has put together for Vietnam’s Long An province is a world first.”
“It takes bagged, mixed municipal solid waste, and turns it into useful, usable commodities, leaving nothing to go to landfill.”
“The Gar-Tech Eliminator has a unique capability and is essential to this process which is for the first time offering a complete environmentally-friendly and profitable solution to the worldwide problem of waste management,” Mr. Reffell continued.

Steven C. Peters
09/12/08 : According to the September 20, 2016 Superseding Indictment, Docket No. 16-CR-064, USA v. Ron Van Den Heuvel, Kelly Van Den Heuvel & Paul Piikkila:
2. On or about September 12, 2008, Piikkila authorized a loan of $100,000 to straw borrower [Steven Peters, partner in Nature’s Way Tissue Corp.]. Proceeds from that loan were transferred to two of Ron Van Den Heuvel’s business entities.
According to July 1, 2016 Paul Piikkila Plea Agreement in U.S. District Court, Eastern District of Wisconsin Case No. 16-CR-64, United States of America v. Paul J. Piikkila:
The first such loan was on or about September 12, 2008, when Piikkila approved a loan of $100,000 to [Steven Peters.] [Steven Peters] was an employee of Ron’s at the time.
…and Steve Peters was also a Partner during this same period of time with Ron Van Den Heuvel, Artley Skenandore Jr., and Oneida Seven Generations Corp. [OSGC] of the Nature’s Way Tissue Corp. fraud scheme that resulted in a $4,000,000 LOSS to General Tribal Council].
These proceeds were immediately transferred to two of Ron’s business entities. [Steven Peters], who also obtained two other loans from Horicon for Ron, fully admits that he was recruited by Ron to be used as a straw borrower. He denies that he received any reward for doing so but did it as a favor for Ron who was his friend and employer. [Steven Peters] fully admits that he, Ron, and Piikkila all had the understanding that none of the money was going to him and that he had no obligation to pay back the loan since they understood that Ron was responsible for that.
FILED – September 12, 2008 Summons & Complaint w/ Exhibit, Brown Co. Case No. 08CV2265, Hilliard Limited Partnership [Godfrey & Kahn] v. Ronald H. Van Den Heuvel & Evergreen Development, LLC
NOW COMES the above-named Plaintiff [Hilliard Limited Partnership], by its attorneys, Godfrey & Kahn, S.C., and as and for a claim against the Defendants [Ron Van Den Heuvel and Evergreen Development, LLC], and each of them, jointly and severally, alleges and shows the Court as follows:
1. The Plaintiff, Hilliard Limited Partnership (“HLP”), is a Wisconsin domestic limited partnership with a principal office address of 320 North Adams Street, Suite A, Green Bay, Wisconsin 54301 and a registred agent of Neal Maccoux.
2. Defendant, Evergreen Development, LLC (“Evergreen”), is a Wisconsin limited liability partnership with a principal office address of 2079-A Lawrence Drive, De Pere, Wisconsin 54115 and a registered agent of Ronald Van Den Heuvel.
3 . Defendant, Ronald Van Den Heuvel [RVDH], is an adult resident of the State of Wisconsin residing at 2303 Lost Dauphin Road, De Pere, Wisconsin, 54115.
4 . On or about April 15, 2007, Evergreen and [RVDH] executed a Promissory Note in favor of HLP for valuable consideration in the principal amount of Seven Hundred Fifty-nine Thousand Six Hundred Thirty-Seven and 50/100 Dollars ($758,637.50)(the “Note”), a copy of which is attached hereto as Exhibit A.
5. The Note provoided for repayment of principal and interest at the rate of eight percent (8%) per annum by no later than October 15, 2007.
6. Evergreen and [RVDH] failed to repay the Note on or before October 15, 2007 in breach of their obligations under the Note.
7. Evergreen and [RVDH]’s failure to adhere to the terms of the Note constitutes default thereunder.
8. Evergreen and [RVDH]’s breach of the terms of the Note requires that all unpaid principal and accrued interes on the Note accrue interest at the rate of eighteen percent (18%) per annum from October 20, 2007 until the date of payment in full.
9. Evergreen’s and [RVDH]’s default on the Note entitles HLP to all reasonable costs of collection, including reasonable actual attorney’s fees and costs incurred in bringing this action.
10. Pursant to the Note, thre is due and owing from Evergreen and [RVDH], jointly and severally, the sum of Nine Hundred Ten Thousand Three Hundred Fifty-seven and 90/100 Dollars ($910,357.90).
WHEREFORE, Plaintiff, Hilliard Limited Partnership, demands judgment against the Defendants, and each of them, jointly and severally, as follows:
A. Compensatory damages in the amount of Nine Hundred Ten Thousand Three Hundred Fifty-seven and 90/100 Dollars ($910,357.90)
B. Post-Judgment interest at the rate of eighteen percent (18%) per annum, from the date of Judgment to the date of payment in full;
C. For all reasonable actual attorney’s fees incurred in the prosecution of this action;
D. For all costs and disbursements incurred in prosecuting this action; and
E. For such other and further relief as the Court may deem just and equitable.
Dated this 12th day of September, 2008
By: Ross J. Nova
09/18/08 : Affidavits of Service to Ron Van Den Heuvel & Evergreen Development, LLC, Brown Co. Case No. 08-CV-2265, Hilliard Limited Partnership [Godfrey & Kahn] v. Ronald H. Van Den Heuvel & Evergreen Development,
09/26/08 : OSGC subsidiary Glory, LLC changed Registered Agent w/ WDFI
10/01/08 : Hilliard Limited Partnership filed Amendment w/ WDFI, and again 06/23/15
10/03/08 : ‘GODFREY & KAHN ANNOUNCES THE ADDITION OF CARL. J. ARTMAN AS SHAREHOLDER IN ITS MILWAUKEE OFFICE; With extensive national experience, Artman will expand the firm’s Indian Nations Practice Group’
Milwaukee, Wisconsin (October 3, 2008) – The law firm of Godfrey & Kahn, S.C. is pleased to announce the addition of Carl J. Artman as shareholder in its Indian Nations and Environmental & Energy Practice Groups.
Prior to joining Godfrey & Kahn, Artman served as the Assistant Secretary of Indian Affairs and the Associate Solicitor for Indian Affairs for the United States Department of the Interior in Washington, D.C.
Prior to his appointments in Washington, Artman served as Chief Legal Counsel for the Oneida Tribe of Indians of Wisconsin in Green Bay.
“Carl will be a great addition to both our Indian Nations and Environmental & Energy Practice Groups,” said Rick Bliss, Managing Partner of Godfrey & Kahn.
“With his extensive background, Carl will be able to offer a broad range of legal services to a variety of our clients, especially in the area of Indian affairs. Carl has represented clients in environmental, corporate, emerging technologies, telecommunications and bankruptcy matters. We are very pleased to have him on board with us.”
Bliss noted that Artman plans to expand the firm’s Indian Nations practice. The mission of the firm’s Indian Nations Practice Group is to support tribal governments and their attorneys in protecting tribal sovereignty, enhancing tribal self-government and promoting the welfare of tribal members.
“Godfrey & Kahn supports organizations dedicated to improving the quality of life in Indian country and I am confident that Carl will be a great asset in accomplishing this mission,” added Bliss.
Artman currently serves on the Board of Directors for the Library of Congress’s American Folklife Center. He has also served on the Board of the Presidential Board of Advisors on Tribal Colleges and Universities, Oneida Nation Electronics, Qubit Technology Inc., Airadigm Communications, Inc. and Personal Communications Industry Association. His past involvement includes serving as Chairman of the Tribal Management Advisory Committee and the Tribal Budget Advisory Committee. He also served as a member of the U.S. Delegation to the United Nation’s Convention to Eliminate Racial Discrimination.
Artman received his J.D. degree from Washington University School of Law and his LLM from the University of Denver School of Law in Environment and Natural Resources. He received his MBA from the University of Wisconsin School of Business and his B.A. from Columbia College.
10/08/08 : October 8, 2008 Defendants’ Evergreen Development, LLC and Ronald Van Den Heuvel’s Notice of Retainer, signed by C. David Stellpflug, Stellpflug Law S.C., Brown Co. Case No. 08CV2265, [Wally Hilliard & Family] Hilliard Limited Partnership [Godfrey & Kahn] v. Ronald H. Van Den Heuvel & Evergreen Development, LLC
10/27/08 : KYHKJG, LLC registered w/ WDFI; Restored to Good Standing & changed Registered Agent to Kelly Van Dn Heuvel, Principal Office: 2077-B Lawrence Dr., De Pere, WI on 03/27/12; Dissolved 12/27/16
10/29/08 : October 29, 2008 DECISION, U.S. Court of Appeals, 7th Circuit, Cases Nos. 07-3863 & 07-3864, AIRADIGM COMMUNICATIONS INC.; Debtor, Airadigm Communications Inc. & Data Systems Inc., Apppellants, v. Federal Communications Commission, Appellee…
in which the Oneida Nation of Wisconsin’s ‘Oneida Economic Development Authority‘
and former Oneida Law Office
had served as Airadigm’s
10/30/08 : CONFIDENTIAL – October 30, 2008 AUDIT of Oneida Seven Generations Corp. and subsidiaries by the ONWI Internal Audit Dept.,
That October 30, 2008 ONWI Internal Audit Dept. Report was later referenced in non-Tribal OSGC Board member Paul Linzmeyer’s November 2011 Email to Fmr. OBC Chair Ed Delgado’s Elder Advisor Yvonne Metivier, Subject: “Actions ED should take” to protect GTC from Tribally-owned OSGC.
Fmr. OBC Chair Ed Delgado failed to heed the advice of non-Tribal OSGC Board member Paul Linzmeyer in 2011 – resulting in tens of millions of dollars in losses to GTC due the fraud schemes of OSGC and Ron Van Den Heuvel.