New Legal Woes For Oneida Seven Generations Corp.’s & Artley Skenandore’s Recycled Toilet Paper Fraud Scheme Partner Ron Van Den Heuvel; Even WI Gov. Scott Walker Says: “Somebody Should Be Prosecuted Whether They [Defrauded] The Wisconsin Economic Development Corp., Or Whether They Did It To The Department Of Commerce In The Past Or Whether They Do It To Any Other State Agency That Gives Out Grants”; Who Will Be Prosecuted For Defrauding The Oneida Tribe Of Indians Of Wisconsin’s General Tribal Council?

There are nearly a dozen new court cases filed recently involving Nature’s Way Tissue Corp. partner Ron Van Den Heuvel who is currently under criminal investigation by the Brown County Sheriff’s Dept. (and the FBI, and the SEC, and the IRS) for Fraud against investors including the Wisconsin Economic Development Corporation (WEDC):

  • Brown County Case No. 2016CV33, Environmental Advanced Reclamation Technology HQ LLC (E.A.R.T.H.), Waste Tire Recovery Technology LLC & Green Box NA Green Bay LLC v. Cliffton Equities Inc.


The Wisconsin Assembly held a public hearing on Wednesday, January 13, 2016, about proposed legislation Assembly Bill 669 introduced by Rep. Samantha Kerkman and Sen. Dave Hansen regarding “providing fraudulent information to the Wisconsin Economic Development Corporation and providing a criminal penalty.”

According to the Wisconsin State Journal, WI Gov. Scott Walker told reporters that he supported the bill which would punish those who commit fraud as a Class E felony with up 15 years in prison, fines up to $50,000 and denial of future assistance for seven years, and Gov. Walker said:

For the one or two cases where somebody can point to something like that, absolutely somebody should be prosecuted whether they did it to the Wisconsin Economic Development Corp., or whether they did it to the Department of Commerce in the past or whether they do it to any other state agency that gives out grants…if people give out fraudulent information there should be consequences.

As Oneida Eye has reported, in 2009 Oneida Seven Generations Corporation received $2 million from the Wisconsin Department of Commerce as led by Fmr. Green Bay Mayor Paul Jadin for a proposed pyrolysis waste energy scheme and OSGC’s proposal which apparently relied on the promises, representations, and claims made by Ron Van Den Heuvel which now appears to be part of a fraudulent scheme.

In 2011, OSGC-subsidiary Oneida Energy Inc. received $2 million from the Wisconsin Economic Development Corporation for a variant pyrolysis waste energy scheme, also reliant on the promises, representations, and claims made by Ron Van Den Heuvel which now appear to be part of a fraudulent scheme.

All of this on top of the $5+ Million that OSGC and its subsidiaries lost on its partnership with Artley Skenandore & Ron Van Den Heuvel on the failed Nature’s Way Tissue Corp. which also appears to have been another fraudulent scheme.

The main questions now for enrolled members of the Oneida Tribe of Indians of Wisconsin (OTIW) are these:

  • Did Artley Skenandore & OSGC and its subsidiaries know that Ron Van Den Heuvel was involving Artley Skenandore & OSGC and its subsidiaries in fraudulent schemes to defraud OTIW, the City of Green Bay, the State of Wisconsin, and/or the U.S. federal government?


  • If Artley Skenandore & OSGC and its subsidiaries did not know that Ron Van Den Heuvel was involving Artley Skenandore & OSGC and its subsidiaries in fraudulent schemes, why haven’t Artley Skenandore & OSGC or the Oneida Business Committee filed lawsuits against Ron Van Den Heuvel, including enforcing the $1.2 million judgment that Ron Van Den Heuvel already owes – yet still hasn’t paid – to OSGC-subsidiary Glory LLC?


  • What legal standing do enrolled OTIW members have to sue Ron Van Den Heuvel and/or Abdul Latif Mahjoob & ACTI for defrauding the OTIW General Tribal Council if Artley Skenandore, OSGC and its subsidiaries, and the Oneida Business Committee refuse to do so?


  • What legal standing do enrolled OTIW members have to sue Artley Skenandore & OSGC and its subsidiaries if they were knowingly involved in – or should have been aware of – Ron Van Den Heuvel’s schemes to defraud OTIW, the City of Green Bay, the State of Wisconsin, and/or the U.S. federal government?


  • What legal standing do enrolled OTIW members have to sue the Oneida Business Committee (OBC) if OBC members were aware – or should have been aware – of any schemes by Artley Skenandore, OSGC and its subsidiaries, and/or Ron Van Den Heuvel to defraud OTIW and engage Tribal corporations & agencies in attempts to defraud the City of Green Bay, the State of Wisconsin and/or the U.S. federal government?



OSGC-subsidiaries Oneida Energy Inc. and Oneida Energy Blocker Corp. have now also been named as Defendants in the amended complaint filed in Cook County IL Case # 14-L2768, ACF Leasing LLC, ACF Services LLC & Generation Clean Fuels LLC v. Green Bay Renewable Energy LLC.

Plaintiffs in that case have appealed the dismissal of Defendants Oneida Seven Generations Corporation and the Oneida Tribe of Indians of Wisconsin and the Illinois Court of Appeals ruled in favor of OTIW in upholding the dismissal of OTIW and OSGC. Oneida Eye will publish related motions and decisions when they are made available from the Oneida Law Office as has been requested more than once.


The January 4, 2016 GTC Annual Meeting Action Report draft shows that OTIW’s General Tribal Council voted (by a handcount of 1067 in support; 66 opposed; 86 abstained) to approve the December 15, 2013 GTC Special Meeting Minutes in which GTC voted “to dissolve Oneida Seven Generations Corporation and for Frank Cornelius to assist and work with the Business Committee on the dissolution.”

In violation of the Indian Civil Rights Act, members of the Oneida Business Committee have in their individual capacities illegally, unconstitutionally, and treasonously refused to allow Frank Cornelius, Sr., to assist and work on the dissolution of OSGC as OBC was directed to do by GTC at a duly called and noticed GTC Meeting, the meeting minutes of which have now been approved by GTC.

Frank Cornelius, Sr., asked Oneida Eye to provide GTC members and the public with a copy of the following packet mailed to Rep. Reid Ribble, Sen. Ron Johnson, Sen. Tammy Baldwin, and the Bureau of Indian Affairs:


See also:



Posted in Artley Skenandore, Business, Court, Fmr. OBC Chair Cristina Danforth, Fmr. OBC Sec. Patty Hoeft, General Tribal Council, Green Bay Renewable Energy, Incinerators / Pyrolysis / Gasification / Waste-to-Energy, Law, Mystery, Nature's Way Tissue Corp. LLC, OBC Chief Counsel Jo Anne House, OBC Vice-Chair Brandon Stevens, Oneida Business Committee, Oneida Energy Inc., Oneida Law Office, Oneida Nation of Wisconsin / ONWI / Oneida Tribe of Indians of Wisconsin, Oneida Seven Generations Corporation, Oneida Tribal Justice, OTIW / ONWI, Ron Van Den Heuvel, Sovereignty, Tribal Corruption, Uncategorized, Wisconsin Economic Development Corporation | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Comments Off on New Legal Woes For Oneida Seven Generations Corp.’s & Artley Skenandore’s Recycled Toilet Paper Fraud Scheme Partner Ron Van Den Heuvel; Even WI Gov. Scott Walker Says: “Somebody Should Be Prosecuted Whether They [Defrauded] The Wisconsin Economic Development Corp., Or Whether They Did It To The Department Of Commerce In The Past Or Whether They Do It To Any Other State Agency That Gives Out Grants”; Who Will Be Prosecuted For Defrauding The Oneida Tribe Of Indians Of Wisconsin’s General Tribal Council?