Third Anniversary Of General Tribal Council’s Vote To Prohibit Oneida Seven Generations Corp. & OSGC’s Subsidiaries From Engaging in Pyrolysis, Gasification Or Plastics-To-Oil Anywhere On The Oneida Reservation; ALSO, At May 6 Arraignment For Federal Bank Fraud Scheme Ron & Kelly Van Den Heuvel Claim To Be Worth $700 MILLION But Have Only SIX-HUNDRED DOLLARS In The Bank; PLUS, Was May 5 Emergency OBC Meeting To Approve Hiring Outside Legal Counsel Related To A Whistleblower Report To The FBI & U.S. Sen. Baldwin About Thefts Of HUD Funds & Materials At Oneida Housing Authority, And Retaliatory Physical Violence? UPDATE: Oneida Business Committee Uses $400,000 Of General Tribal Council’s Money To Pay For Outside Legal Counsel As Federal Grand Jury Is Convened



Is this our future?




Here are some clues:


Maybe Bill Bain never learned that old adage:

Neither a ‘Straw Borrower’ nor a ‘Straw Donor’ be.


BILL BAIN’S serial ‘business’ partner & associate, RONALD H. VAN DEN HEUVEL, and Ron’s wife, KELLY YESSMAN VAN DEN HEUVEL, are due to appear in U.S. District Court in Green Bay on FRIDAY MAY 6, 2016 to be arraigned, along with their alleged co-conspirator, PAUL PIIKKILA, on multiple federal counts of BANK FRAUD:

The filing shows Wisconsin Economic Development Corp. as one of 21 creditors. It says Green Box has less than $50,000 in assets and owes between $10 million and $50 million. …

Last week a judge issued an arrest warrant for Van Den Heuvel after he was found in contempt of court for selling company machinery to someone in another state and not being able to repay creditors.

He was also charged with 13 counts of federal bank fraud last week for an alleged scheme dating back to 2008 and 2009. He is due in court May 6.


United States Attorney Gregory J. Haanstad, of the Eastern District of Wisconsin announced that the grand jury has today indicted Ronald Van Den Heuvel (age: 62) of De Pere, his spouse Kelly Van Den Heuvel (age: 52) of De Pere and Paul Piikkila (age: 53), of Appleton on a series of criminal charges based on a scheme to fraudulently obtain loans from Horicon Bank, a federally insured financial institution operating at various Wisconsin locations. The indictment alleges that these loans were obtained on the basis of false representations.

In 2008 and 2009, Ronald Van Den Heuvel was a Green Bay businessman operating various business entities. Kelly Van Den Heuvel was his wife who also had her own corporation.  Paul Piikkila was a loan officer at Horicon Bank.

The indictment alleges that Mr. Piikkila approved a series of loans totaling more than $1 million for the benefit of the Van Den Heuvels and their business entities.  Horicon Bank had instructed Mr. Piikkila not to loan any money to Mr. Van Den Heuvel so none of the loans discussed in the indictment are to him by name.  Many of the loans were made to straw borrowers who did not receive the money and were not expected to pay it back.  The loans were not used for the business purposes represented on the loan applications and the collateral offered by Mr. Van Den Heuvel was inadequate to secure the loans.


Click below to view or download a copy of the Indictments in U.S. District Court, Eastern District of Wisconsin Case No. 2016-CR-064


Overt Acts

In furtherance of the conspiracy and to effect its objects, the defendants performed the following overt acts.

  1. Prior to September 12, 2008, Ronald Van Den Heuvel persuaded his employee, S.P. [STEVEN PETERS, Co-Owner of NATURE’S WAY TISSUE CORP., LLC], to act as a straw borrower to obtain loans for Ronald Van Den Heuvel from Horicon Bank
  2. On or about September 12, 2008, Piikkila authorized a loan of $100,000 to straw borrower [STEVEN PETERS] Proceeds from that loan were transferred to two of Ronald Van Den Heuvel’s business entities.
  3. On or about November 7, 2008, Piikkila authorized two loans of $250,000 and $70,000, respectively, to KYHKJG, LLC.
  4. Prior to January 2, 2009, Ronald Van Den Heuvel persuaded W.B. [WILLIAM C. BAIN / BILL BAIN of VOS ELECTRIC] to act as a straw borrower to obtain a loan for Ronald Van Den Heuvel from Horicon Bank.
  5. On or about January 2, 2009, Piikkila authorized a loan of $240,000 to straw borrower, [WILLIAM C. BAIN], a former relative of Ronald Van Den Heuvel by marriage. These funds were used to pay personal expenses of Ronald Van Den Heuvel and to pay off different loans obtained for Ronald Van Den Heuvel at different banks.
  6. On or about February 11, 2009, Piikkila authorized a loan of $30,000 to straw borrower [STEVEN PETERS] Those funds were promptly used for the benefit of two of Ronald Van Den Heuvel’s business entities.
  7. On or about May 15, 2009, Piikkila authorized a loan of $129,958 to straw borrower [STEVEN PETERS]. This loan consolidated the debts due on the loans noted in paragraphs 2 and 6 above.
  8. Prior to May 15, 2009, Ronald and Kelly Van Den Heuvel persuaded their employee, J.G. [JULIE GUMBAN], to act as a straw borrower to obtain a loan for the Van Den Heuvels from Horicon Bank.
  9. On or about May 15, 2009, Piikkila authorized a loan of $25,000 to straw borrower [JULIE GUMBAN], an employee of Ronald and Kelly Van Den Heuvel. These funds were promptly paid to RVDH, Inc., and KYHKJG, LLC; paid to [STEVEN PETERS] as payment on the loan noted in paragraph 7 above; or paid to [WILLIAM C. BAIN] to be used as payment on the loans noted in paragraph 5 above.
  10. On or about September 11, 2009, Piikkila authorized a loan of $240,000 to Source of Solutions, LLC, one of Ronald Van Den Heuvel’s business entities. Signing the business note for Source of Solutions was D.S. [DEBBIE STARY], Ronald Van Den Heuvel’s adminstrative assistant. These funds were promptly transferred to Ronald Van Den Heuvel’s other business entities, paid out to Ronald Van Den Heuvel’s employees, used to pay off Ronald Van Den Heuvel’s debts to other companies and other banks, and used to make payments against balances due on the loans noted in paragraphs e., 7 and 9 above.
  11. On or about September 25, 2009, Piikkila authorized a loan of $10,000 to RVDH, Inc.. These funds were promptly transferred to another of Ronald Van Den Heuvel’s business entities.

All in violation of Tite 18, United States Code, Section 371.


05/06/2016 UPDATE:

De Pere businessman Ron Van Den Heuvel, his wife Kelly Van Den Heuvel, and banker Paul Piikkila all pleaded not guilty to charges of bank fraud in federal court on Friday. …

Eastern District of Wisconsin Judge William Griesbach ordered all three defendants to surrender their passports and scheduled trials to begin July 11.

While no bond was required for Kelly Van Den Heuvel or Piikkila, U.S. Attorney Mel Johnson requested a $300,000 property bond for Ron Van Den Heuvel, saying that a number of factors about him “give the government pause” including: a warrant issued for his arrest last month in a civil case involving unpaid loans loans from the Wisconsin Economic Development Corp. and other lenders, his decision to file for bankruptcy for one of his companies to quash the warrant, and Van Den Heuvel’s consistent over-inflation of his wealth and business interests.

Johnson said Van Den Heuvel listed more than $800 million in assets in court documents, but less than $700 in cash.

Griesbach agreed to set the property bond, until Nancy De Podesta [of Arnstein & Lehr LLP], Van Den Heuvel’s defense attorney, said he did not actually own the house in the town of Lawrence that was to be posted as bond. Wisconsin Circuit Court records indicate the house on Lost Dauphin Road was foreclosed on by Manchester Mortgage Co. in 2009.

“His financial statement listed the house as an asset with no mortgage,” Johnson said.

Griesbach said he will revisit the bond issue when the case continues at 3:30 p.m. May 16.



Prosecutors say loan officer Paul Piikkila provided more than $1 million in loans to Ron and Kelly Van Den Heuvel and their businesses even after the bank Piikkila worked for told him not to.

A federal indictment says they used other people — often the Van Den Heuvels’ relatives or employees — to apply for loans but the money would actually go to the Van Den Heuvels. The US Department of Justice says the loans were never repaid, except for one, and the bank lost nearly $1 million on loans to the Van Den Heuvels and their straw borrowers.

An arrest warrant was issued for Ron Van Den Heuvel when he failed to respond to law enforcement, but that was dismissed after Van Den Heuvel filed for bankruptcy late last month.

He was noticeably agitated after entering not guilty pleads to the 13 counts against him. He told his attorney it was difficult to listen to the accusations made against him, to a point his attorney even told him to keep his voice down. …

The federal court in Green Bay ordered them to surrender their passports and check in regularly with a court officer.

Their trial is scheduled to start July 11 and take about a week, but defense attorneys said they may need more time to prepare.

Neither the defendants nor their attorneys would comment after the proceedings.


During court, the U.S. attorney said, “There are a number of factors of Mr. Van Den Heuvel that give the government pause.”

The attorney went on to say Van Den Heuvel claimed his net worth to be more than $700 million but after further review, the court found he only had around $682 in his bank account. 

The judge ordered Ron Van Den Heuvel to pay a property bond of $300,000. The court says Van Den Heuvel owned his home but the defense disagreed and told the judge he does not own the home. 

The judge noted both sides will have until May 16 to come to an agreement on bond. 

Van Den Heuvel’s and Piikkila did not comment after court. A trial date was set for July 11

If convicted Van Den Heuvel could face a maximum penalty of 365 years and Kelly could face up to 65 years behind bars

Piikkila could face up to five years behind bars if convicted.

Search warrants indicate Van Den Heuvel also defrauded the state’s economic development agency.



Does this…

Whistleblower’s Report to the FBI about alleged theft of HUD funds & materials from the Oneida Housing Authority, as well as claims of retaliatory physical violence:


… have anything to do with today’s OBC Emergency Meeting?

A. New Business

 1. Approve limited waiver of sovereign immunity – Attorney Retainer Contract # 2016-0470
Sponsor: Jo Anne House, Chief Counsel



From the Draft of the OBC’s Emergency Meeting Minutes:

Present: Vice-Chairwoman Melinda J. Danforth, Secretary Lisa Summers, Council members Fawn Billie, Tehassi HIll, David Jordan, Jennifer Webster;

Not present: Councilman Brandon Stevens;

Arrived at: Chairwoman Tina Danforth at 3:17 p.m., and Treasurer Trish King at 3:08 p.m.

Others present: Dale Wheelock, Scott Denny, Jim Bittorf, RaLinda Ninham-Lamberies, Larry Barton, Jo Anne House …

Chairwoman Tina Danforth arrives at 3:17 and assumes responsibility of the Chair.

Councilman Tehassi Hill departs at 3:40 p.m. …

A. New Business

1. Approve limited waiver of sovereign immunity – Attorney Retainer Contract # 2016-0470
Sponsor: Jo Anne House, Chief Counsel

Motion by Jennifer Webster to approve the limited waiver of sovereign immunity – Attorney Retainer Contract # 2016-0470, seconded by Trish King. Motion carried unanimously:

Ayes: Melinda J. Danforth, Fawn Billie, David Jordan, Trish King, Lisa Summers, Jennifer Webster

Not present: Tehassi Hill, Brandon Stevens

Motion to have the Chair and Vice-Chair as additional primary points of contact for this issue.

Ayes: Fawn Billie, David Jordan, Trish King, Lisa Summers, Jennifer Websrer

Abstained: Melinda J. Danforth

Not Present: Tehassi Hill, Brandon Stevens


Politicians & Attorneys lawyering up on GTC’s dime … 

… to cover up their own crime.

That’s fun.


UPDATE: Sources tell Oneida Eye that the Oneida Business Committee has used almost $400,000 of GTC’s money to increase a Purchase Order originally created in Fiscal Year 2014 [RDO-67350-14-PO] to pay for the services of law firm Whyte Hirschboek & Dudek, and that a federal grand jury has been convened regarding illegal activities at the Oneida Housing Authority as well as the Oneida Business Committee’s refusal to provide information & documentation to HUD and to the FBI.

It remains unclear when – or if – the Finance Committee voted to approve OBC’s use of increasing the purchase order to the amount of $400,000 of Tribal money.


See also:

  • Sauk Co. Case No. 2013CF208State of Wisconsin vs. Spencer A. Cornelius; Substantial Battery / Intend Bodily Harm (Felony; Repeater), regarding Spencer Cornelius’ brutal assault on fellow OHA employee Jonathan Delabreau during an OHA training trip to the Wisconsin Dells when harassment & intimidation of Jonathan just wasn’t enough to satisfy Spencer’s bloodlust, and was allegedly done in order to please Spencer’s and Jonathan’s boss, former OHA Construction Superintendent Jay Fuss. That assault wasn’t the first time Spencer Cornelius has violently attacked people as seen by Brown Co. Case No. 2009CF630


Posted in Court, Fmr. OBC Chair Cristina Danforth, Fmr. OBC Chair Ed Delgado, Incinerators / Pyrolysis / Gasification / Waste-to-Energy, Indian Civil Rights Act, Law, OBC Chief Counsel Jo Anne House, OBC Vice-Chair Brandon Stevens, Oneida Business Committee, Oneida Housing Authority | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Comments Off on Third Anniversary Of General Tribal Council’s Vote To Prohibit Oneida Seven Generations Corp. & OSGC’s Subsidiaries From Engaging in Pyrolysis, Gasification Or Plastics-To-Oil Anywhere On The Oneida Reservation; ALSO, At May 6 Arraignment For Federal Bank Fraud Scheme Ron & Kelly Van Den Heuvel Claim To Be Worth $700 MILLION But Have Only SIX-HUNDRED DOLLARS In The Bank; PLUS, Was May 5 Emergency OBC Meeting To Approve Hiring Outside Legal Counsel Related To A Whistleblower Report To The FBI & U.S. Sen. Baldwin About Thefts Of HUD Funds & Materials At Oneida Housing Authority, And Retaliatory Physical Violence? UPDATE: Oneida Business Committee Uses $400,000 Of General Tribal Council’s Money To Pay For Outside Legal Counsel As Federal Grand Jury Is Convened