First, here’s a helpful tutorial:
Next… a pop quiz:
Speaking of which, look what the Oneida ss Committee is trying to keep secret & hide now:
3. Accept Chief Counsel report – Jo Anne House, Chief Counsel …
c) Determine how to address YouTube video postings of General Tribal Council meetings
Motion by Jennifer Webster to approve the Tribal Secretary filing copyright and any other legal requests to remove General Tribal Council videos from YouTube channel, seconded by Tehassi Hill. Motion carried unanimously.
Ayes: Tehassi Hill, David Jordan, Trish King, Jennifer Webster
Not present: Tina Danforth, Fawn Billie, Brandon Stevens, Lisa Summers
In OBC Chair Cristina Delgado-Danforth’s absence, the OBC Executive Session was chaired by OBC Vice-Chair Melinda J. Danforth.
Here’s some free legal advice for the OBC:
Copyrights don’t protect criminal activities.
Also, there’s this:
The Oneida Business Committee and Chief Counsel Jo Anne House of the Oneida Law Office don’t want the General Tribal Council to know the facts surrounding the $397 MILLION lawsuit against Tribally-owned Oneida Seven Generations Corporation and its subsidiaries that might all be part of an EXTORTION SCHEME LINKED TO THE FRAUD SCHEMES OF RON VAN DEN HEUVEL that certain Tribe members and officials – including Ron’s partners & investors in Tribally- & federally-funded ventures – may have stood to personally benefit from…
…or could be personally held financial & legally liable for due to their possibly premeditated participation in predatory PYRAMID & PONZI SCHEMES aimed at individuals and municipalities, as well as targeting Native American tribes.
In short, OSGC CEO KEVIN CORNELIUS’ reckless (& illegal?) actions as CEO & President of OSGC-subsidiary ONEIDA ENERGY INC. and GREEN BAY RENEWABLE ENERGY LLC resulted in a $397 MILLION lawsuit against the Oneida Tribe of Indians of Wisconsin being filed in Cook Co. Illinois by GENERATION CLEAN FUELS LLC (formerly doing business as ARLAND CLEAN FUELS LLC), ACF LEASING INC. and ACF SERVICES INC. – which may very well turn out to be fraud schemes of their own.
Nevertheless, Oneida Tribe member John Breuninger was mysteriously made the ‘Sole Agent’ for OSGC’s subsidiaries entered into an undisclosed settlement payment agreement somewhere between $5 – $15 MILLION STOLEN from the General Tribal Council of the Oneida Nation in Wisconsin, even though GTC had been promised in an official letter from the OBC that the OBC would bring any settlement offer in the Illinois lawsuit matter before GTC in order for GTC to decide how to take action.
- Letter dated SEPTEMBER 23, 2015 – but not mailed until MID-OCTOBER 2015 – from the Oneida Business Committee to General Tribal Council regarding litigation update in Cook Co. Illinois case, ACF Leasing, ACF Services & Generation Clean Fuels v. Green Bay Renewable Energy, Oneida Energy Inc., Oneida Energy Blocker Corporation, Oneida Seven Generations Corporation & Oneida Tribe of Indians of Wisconsin
The [OBC] received a request from the plaintiffs to consider settlement. The complain alleges $400 million in damages; the settlement offer was $9 million. We discussed this settlement in Executive Session on August 26, 2015, and rejected this offer. We believe that the Tribe has not damaged ACF in any way and was not a party to the contract. As a result, the settlement offier is too high to be considered. We do not make a counter-offer as we continue to believe that the Tribe will prevail in this matter. However, if a settlement offer is presented which we think fairly represents the risk and cost of continuing versus concluding this matter, we have committed to bringing that to the General Tribal Council for action.
Below watch as Oneida Eye’s Publisher asks the OBC about John Breuninger’s undisclosed multimillion settlement agreement using Tribal money and possible links to Ron Van Den Heuvel’s extensive fraud schemes at the MONDAY APRIL 11, 2016 General Tribal Council Meeting, five years to the day that OSGC brought Abdul Latif Mahjoob to a GTC Meeting to pitch Mahjoob’s, OSGC’s & Ron Van Den Heuvel’s fraudulent trash energy scheme in order to trick GTC – the supreme governing body of the Oneida Nation in Wisconsin – into allowing the OBC & OSGC to borrow OVER $20 MILLION in BIA-backed loans.
GTC SAID NO, but the OBC still allowed OSGC to borrow $4 MILLION FROM GOV. SCOTT WALKER’S WI DoC & WEDC for RON’S CONS.
[Note: Ron’s & OSGC’s business associate Abdul Latif Mahjoob has registered a new company in California. American Combustion Technologies, Inc. / ACTI has re-branded itself as American Renewable Technologies, Inc. / ARTI, after ACTI was sued for Fraud.]
Notice how OBC Chair & OSGC fraud scheme travelling cheerleader Cristina Danforth ran away from the stage right after she acknowledged Leah Sue Dodge at the microphone, abandoning OBC Vice-Chair Melinda J. Danforth to chair the meeting and try to keep GTC in the dark by ordering Oneida Eye’s Publisher’s microphone cut off (though you can still hear Dodge in the background asking OSGC fraud scheme cheerleader Melinda Danforth what she’s trying to hide from GTC):
That’s not the first time an OBC Vice-Chair has bullied GTC members and refused to allow them to speak during a GTC Meeting to keep GTC in the dark about the $397 MILLION lawsuit by GCF/ACF against OSGC in Illinois …which actually seems more like an EXTORTION RACKET that OSGC officers & executives personally entangled the Oneida Nation in Wisconsin in, along with OSGC’s local business partners in Oneida-Kodiak Construction, LLC, which was supposed to build OSGC’s proposed trash incinerators based on Ron Van Den Heuvel’s ‘patented’ technology.
Just like Fmr. OBC Vice-Chair Greg Matson, current OBC Vice-Chair Melinda Danforth prevented GTC’s knowledge & discussion about the bogus GCF/ACF lawsuit – and the $uper $ecret $ettlement agreement – in a doomed attempt to prevent OBC’s & Oneida Seven Generations Corporation’s corruption & fraud from being exposed to the light of day, even after GTC has already voted to direct the OBC to fully dissolve OSGC.
Obviously, the OBC lied to the GTC in writing about bringing any settlement decision before GTC for action, and the result of the OBC’s & OSGC’s ongoing corruption scandals is the mysterious loss of many more MILLIONS of dollars of GTC’s money at Tribe member John Breuninger’s sole discretion for a possible SHAKEDOWN in an EXTORTION SCHEME that might be linked to Ron Van Den Heuvel’s expansive & pervasive fraud schemes.
The following excerpt is from the December 9, 2013 Community Meeting just prior to the December 15, 2013 GTC Meeting in which GTC voted to direct the OBC to work with Oneida Tribe member Frank Cornelius, Sr., in order to fully dissolve OSGC:
Generation Clean Fuels made OUTRAGEOUS projections of profitability to its individual investors who SUED GCF/ACF for its false claims and WON THEIR INVESMENT MONEY BACK, including an investor who was supposed to suppply equipment for the bogus Generation Clean Fuels/Arland Clean Fuels/P2O Technologies ‘plastics-to-oil’ scheme:
OBC SECRETARY LISA M. OUDENHOVEN SUMMERS has completely failed – purposefully or otherwise – since 2014 to update the Tribe members’ only section of the Tribe’s webpage that is supposed to host streaming videos of what are supposed to be open-to-the-public OBC Regular Meetings.
The last OBC Regular Meeting video posted was for the Wednesday September 10, 2014 Meeting, as seen in this webcapture:
- 4/29/2016 Evidence of OBC Secretary Lisa Summers’ FAILURE SINCE TWO-THOUSAND AND FOURTEEN to post public OBC Regular Meetings on the Tribe’s website for enrolled members to be able to log in and watch
Here’s Lisa Jong-Un in action during the August 26, 2016 OBC Regular Meeting:
Now you can understand why the OBC voted to try to censor videos on YouTube.
Apparently the OBC don’t know about The Streisand Effect…
- Wisconsin State Journal: Company at center of WEDC fraud investigation files for bankruptcy
The filing shows Wisconsin Economic Development Corp. as one of 21 creditors. It says Green Box has less than $50,000 in assets and owes between $10 million and $50 million. …
Last week a judge issued an arrest warrant for Van Den Heuvel after he was found in contempt of court for selling company machinery to someone in another state and not being able to repay creditors.
He was also charged with 13 counts of federal bank fraud last week for an alleged scheme dating back to 2008 and 2009. He is due in court May 6.
- Green Bay Press Gazette: Ron Van Den Heuvel’s Green Box files for bankruptcy
Paul Swanson, the Oshkosh bankruptcy attorney representing Green Box, said Van Den Heuvel has resigned his position with the company. …
“I believe that we can reorganize this,” Swanson said. “There are other people behind this that have resources and believe in the underlying business. I think it’s a matter of getting our arms around this and figuring it out.” …
[C]ivil lawsuits allege Van Den Heuvel and Green Box failed to repay loans, shifted collateral among several companies he controlled to evade creditors, incurred tax liens and double-pledged revenue streams and collateral. Green Box was placed under the control of a court-appointed receiver on June 2 and its employees and executives were instructed not to dispose of any of the company’s assets.
The warrant was issued after Zakowski ruled Van Den Heuvel in contempt for failing to produce a $650,000 piece of equipment…that Cliffton Equities claimed was missing from a Green Box plant in De Pere. …
Swanson said he understands that asking creditors that have sued Green Box to negotiate a solution will be tough.
“I’m hopeful we can bring some organization to this and bring everyone back to the table to sort this out and find a reasonable solution,” he said. “I understand all the water that’s going under the bridge here.”
Ron the Con’s bridge is what’s ‘under water.’
You can keep trying to polish that felonious turdpile…
…but you cannot discharge any debts created through criminal fraud…
…and you cannot just try to ‘get your arms around’ a Pyramid scheme…
…or simply ‘reorganize’ a Ponzi scheme.
The end result would be ‘reorganized crime.’
Also, waste incineration is NOT the same thing as ‘recycling’ nor is it part of ‘zero waste.’
Those deceitful claims are the foundation of Ron’s cons, and the media should stop repeating his lies about his imaginary products & services.
- WFRV: (No recent stories about crooks named ‘Van Den Heuvel’ other than former Brown County Sheriff’s Dept. Officer Kevin Van Den Heuvel, the disgraced D.A.R.E. Officer who stole department money through his fake Packers parking passes scheme)
- WGBA: Indicted De Pere businessman filed for bankrupcy protection
- WBAY: Van Den Heuvel files for bankruptcy protection
- WLUK: Indicted businessman filed for bankruptcy protection
- April 27, 2016 Official Form 201, Voluntary Petition Chapter 11 Bankruptcy for Green Box NA Green Bay, LLC listing 21 known creditors
- SEPTEMBER 30, 2011 WISCONSIN ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT CORP. Contract #WEDC FY12-21010, Loan Agreement Between the Wisconsin Economic Development Corporation and Green Box NA Green Bay, LLC with exhibits, amendments and General Business Security Agreement with Ron Van Den Heuvel’s signed personal Unlimited Guaranty, along with the signature of Fmr. Green Bay Mayor & Fmr. WEDC CEO Paul Jadin, and renegotiation contract singed by WEDC Vice-President Jake Kuester

The sheriff’s office says the arrest warrant was issued a week ago because he failed to comply with a court order.
They say Van Den Heuvel hasn’t contacted law enforcement despite several attempts to reach him.
Anyone with information on his whereabouts or that could help the investigation should call authorities.
THANK YOU to all who’ve provided invaluable & actionable information about WI Gov. Scott Walker’s Wisconsin Economic Development Corporation (WEDC)-funded fraud scams of Ron Van Den Heuvel, Green Box NA et al., Oneida Seven Generations Corporation, and OSGC subsidiaries including Oneida Energy Inc. & Green Bay Renewable Energy.
Now let’s help bring Ron and his co-conspirators to justice before they all decide to ‘ride like the wind…’
Maybe creepy GOP candidate Ted Cruz’s Vice-Presidential pick Carly Fiorina knows where Ron is hiding these days. (Jupiter, Florida, mebbe?)

MARCH 31, 2016 – Fugitive con artist Ron Van Den Heuvel mugging with fired Hewlett-Packard CEO & failed GOP candidate Carly Fiorina stumping in De Pere for Lyin’ creep Ted Cruz. Also, Patrick Hoffman, owner of The Creamery, and his poor wife & kids. (Little guy in front knows what’s up.)
Reminds Oneida Eye of this scam artist Ponzi schemer:

Bill Clinton recognizes Troy Wragg, found guilty by the SEC in 2011 of running a Ponzi schme & indicted by the DOJ in 2015 as a principal of the Mantria Corporation / EternaGreen waste energy fraud scheme, eerily similar to Ron’s & OSGC’s fraud shemes.
- ARREST WARRANT ISSUED FOR RON VAN DEN HEUVEL IN BROWN CO. CASE # 2015CV769, Dr. Marco Araujo, Cliffton Equities Inc. & Wisconsin Economic Development Corp. (WEDC) v. Green Box NA Green Bay LLC; Receiver: Michael S. Polsky, Esq.
YOU ARE HEREBY DIRECTED to take into custody RONALD H. VAN DEN HEUVEL, at 2303 Lost Dauphin Road, Wisconsin 54115 and/or 2077 Suites A and B Lawrence Drive, DePere, Wisconsin 54115, and/or such other locations as he may be found.
TO BEGIN EXECUTION of the sentence to the Brown County Jail for Contempt of Court in violation of this Court’s Order of Contempt and Writ of Bodily Attachment for Cliffton Equities, Inc., entered on March 18, 2016 order. …
DOB: March 16, 1954 SSN: XXX-XX-2170
Media coverage:
- Wisconsin State Journal: Judge issues arrest warrant for Ron Van Den Heuvel, by Matthew DeFour
- Green Bay Press Gazette: Judge issues warrant in Green Box case; Van Den Heuvel in contempt of court, by Jeff Bollier
- WTAQ 1350 AM: Legal Troubles Continue To Pile Up For De Pere Businessman, by Robert Kennedy
There’s “getting smoked up,” and then there’s “getting smoked out.”
Ron’s not getting the fun kind.

Happy 4/20 … unless you happen to be Ron Van Den Heuvel. Remember, Kids: DON’T SMOKE!! ~VAPE & EAT~!!!
Does this mean that Ron was or wasn’t available for the FRIDAY April 22, 2016 Calendar call in Brown Co. Case No. 2015CV1639, Green Box Wisconsin LLC v. Howard Bedford?
See also:
- Brown Co. Case No. 2011CV2299, Stonehill Converting LLC & SHF XII LLC v. Howard Bedford & Tissue Depot LLC
As Oneida Eye reported, ‘Green Box Wisconsin, LLC’ – previously known as ‘Green Box NA Wisconsin OP, LLC’ – is currently registered with the Wisconsin Dept. of Financial Institutions as ‘EcoHub USA, LLC’ …
… and Ron recently started a new website to display his latest shade of lipstick on a criminal pig:
Creation Date: 2016-02-15
Registrant Organization: TISSUE DEPOT
Registrant Street: 2077B LAWRENCE DRIVE
Registrant City: DE PERE
Registrant State/Province: WI
Registrant Postal Code: 54115
Registrant Country: US
Registrant Phone: +1.9203473838
This entity is connected with George Gitschel‘s Ecohub Houston, LLC & Organic Energy Corp. scams:
- SEC Form D for EcoHub, LLC in Houston, TX – George Gitschel, Chief Executive Officer & Director
- GreenTech Investor’s Forum: More info about the players behind EcoHub LLC – George Gitschel, Craig F. Harris, Rob Watson, Gelvin Stevenson, and Atty. Jeff Smith
- Organic Energy Corp. also promotes its dirty business model under the name ‘Ecolution’
- Dept. of Justice, United States Attorney’s Office, Eastern District of Wisconsin: Horicon Bank Loan Officer Paul Piikkila & De Pere couple Ron & Kelly Van Den Heuvel indicted for mulitple Federal Counts of Bank Fraud
United States Attorney Gregory J. Haanstad, of the Eastern District of Wisconsin announced that the grand jury has today indicted Ronald Van Den Heuvel (age: 62) of De Pere, his spouse Kelly Van Den Heuvel (age: 52) of De Pere and Paul Piikkila (age: 53), of Appleton on a series of criminal charges based on a scheme to fraudulently obtain loans from Horicon Bank, a federally insured financial institution operating at various Wisconsin locations. The indictment alleges that these loans were obtained on the basis of false representations.
In 2008 and 2009, Ronald Van Den Heuvel was a Green Bay businessman operating various business entities. Kelly Van Den Heuvel was his wife who also had her own corporation. Paul Piikkila was a loan officer at Horicon Bank.
The indictment alleges that Mr. Piikkila approved a series of loans totaling more than $1 million for the benefit of the Van Den Heuvels and their business entities. Horicon Bank had instructed Mr. Piikkila not to loan any money to Mr. Van Den Heuvel so none of the loans discussed in the indictment are to him by name. Many of the loans were made to straw borrowers who did not receive the money and were not expected to pay it back. The loans were not used for the business purposes represented on the loan applications and the collateral offered by Mr. Van Den Heuvel was inadequate to secure the loans.
Count One of the indictment charges all three defendants with conspiring to carry out this illegal scheme in violation of Title 18 United States Code § 371. The maximum penalty for Count One is imprisonment for not more than five years, a fine of not more than $250,000, or both, plus a mandatory $100 special assessment and a period of supervised release not to exceed three years.
Counts Two, Four, Six, Eight, Ten, Twelve and Thirteen each charge Ronald Van Den Heuvel with executions of a bank fraud scheme in violation of Title 18 United States Code § 1344. Kelly Van Den Heuvel is charged only in Count Ten. On each of these counts, a convicted defendant would face imprisonment for not more than 30 years, a fine of not more than $1 million, or both, plus the mandatory $100 special assessment and a term of supervised release not to exceed five years.
Counts Three, Five, Seven, Nine, and Eleven each charge Ronald Van Den Heuvel with making false statements to influence the action of a federal insured financial institution on a loan in violation of Title 18 United States Code § 1014. Kelly Van Den Heuvel is charged only in Count Eleven. Anyone convicted on any of these counts, would face imprisonment for not more than 30 years, a fine of not more than $1 million, or both, plus a mandatory $100 special assessment and a term of supervised release not to exceed five years.
This case is being investigated by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation. The case will be prosecuted by Assistant United States Attorneys Mel S. Johnson and Matthew D. Krueger.
Click for the a copy of the Indictments in U.S. District Court, Eastern District of Wisconsin Case No. 2016-CR-064
From on or about January 1, 2008 through or on about September 30, 2009, in the sate and Eastern District of Wisconsin,
knowingly conspired with each other and others to:
a. Devise and participate in a scheme to defraud Horicon Bank and to obtain money under the custody and control of Horicon Bank, the accounts of which were insured by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, by means of false and fraudulent pretenses, representations, and promises, in violation of Title 18, United States Code, Section 1344; and
b. Make material false statements to Horicon Bank, the deposits of which were insured by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, for the purpose of influencing the bank to issue loans, in violation of Title 18, United States Code, Section 1014.
The scheme in this count is as follows:
a. Durring the period of the scheme, defendant Piikkila was employed as a loan officer for Horicon Bank (hereinafter “the bank”), working at the Appleton, Wisconsin branch. He had authority to make loans up to a $250,000 limit. Loans he proposed to make above that limit needed to be approved by the bank’s Business Lenders Committee.
b. During the period of the scheme, defendant Ronald Van Den Heuvel represented himself to be a businessman in the area of Green Bay., Wisconsin. He operated and controlled at least seven purported business entities that he used interchangeably.
c During the period of the scheme, Kelly Van Den Heuvel was the wife of Ronald Van Den Heuvel and was also the owner and operator of KYHKJG, a limited liability corporation.
d. In December of 2007, or early January 2008, Ronald Van Den Heuvel approached Piikkila and asked him to issue loans from the bank to Ronald Van Den Heuvel or his business entities.
e. On or about January 18, 2008 Piikkila authorized a loan of $250,000 from the bank to RVDH, Inc., one of Ronald Van Den Heuvel’s business entities. Ronald Van Den Heuvel signed the business note for RVDH, Inc., According to the note, the loan was to be repaid at 7.25% interest by January 15, 2009. It was never repaid and, after collection efforts, the bank charged off a loss of $237,109.
f. In March of 2008, Piikkila proposed that the bank loan $7,100,000 to Source of Solutions, LLC, another of Ronald Van Den Heuvel’s business entitites. The bank’s Business Lenders Committee refused to authorize that loan because their attempts to investigate Ronald Van Den Heuvel’s financial records convinced them that Ronald Van Den Heuvel was not a good credit risk.
g. Piikkila made attempts to restructure this $7,100,000 loan but those attempts did not gain the approval of the Business Lenders Committee. Eventually, Piikkila’s superiors instructed him not to make any loans to Ronald Van Den Heuvel or his business entitites.
h. After that, Piikkila made a series of loans from the bank for the benefit of Ronald Van Den Heuvel and his business entities. All of these subsequent loans were $250,000 or less so were within Piikkila’s lending authority and did not have to be appoved by higher authorities within the bank. None of them were to Ronald Van Den Heuvel personally and most of them were to individuals who were not actually receiving the loan proceeds and did not regard themselves as responsible for repaying the loans (hereinafter referred to as “straw borrowers”). The conspiritors knew that these loans were not actually giong to the straw borrowers because the funds were being used by Ronald Van Den Heuvel and his business entitites.
i. A predominant share of the money from these loans was disbursed for the purposes of Ronald Van Den Heuvel and his business entities even though they were not represented to be borrowers. The loan proceeds were used for purposes other than those represented on the loan requests to the bank.
j. With one exception, the loans made as part of this scheme were not repaid. The straw borrowers regarded the debts as Ronald Van Den Heuvel’s so felt no duty to repay the bank. Ronald Van Den Heuvel did not repay the bank even though the loan money was used for his benefit and the benefit of his business entitites.
k. Collateral pledged as security for these loans actually belonged to Ronald Van Den Heuvel but was not sufficient to allow the bank to recover the principal or interest on these loans.
l. Despite the bank’s efforts to collect, the loans granted as part of this scheme resulted in losses for the bank exceeding $700,000.
Overt Acts
In furtherance of the conspiracy and to effect its objects, the defendants performed the following overt acts.
- Prior to September 12, 2008, Ronald Van Den Heuvel persuaded his employee, S.P. [STEVEN PETERS, Co-Owner of NATURE’S WAY TISSUE CORP., LLC], to act as a straw borrower to obtain loans for Ronald Van Den Heuvel from Horicon Bank
- On or about September 12, 2008, Piikkila authorized a loan of $100,000 to straw borrower [STEVEN PETERS] Proceeds from that loan were transferred to two of Ronald Van Den Heuvel’s business entities.
- On or about November 7, 2008, Piikkila authorized two loans of $250,000 and $70,000, respectively, to KYHKJG, LLC.
- Prior to January 2, 2009, Ronald Van Den Heuvel persuaded W.B. [WILLIAM C. BAIN / BILL BAIN of VOS ELECTRIC] to act as a straw borrower to obtain a loan for Roanld Van Den Heuvel from Horicon Bank.
- On or about January 2, 2009, Piikkila authorized a loan of $240,000 to straw borrower, [WILLIAM C. BAIN], a former relative of Ronald Van Den Heuvel by marriage. These funds were used to pay personal expenses of Ronald Van Den Heuvel and to pay off different loans obtained for Ronald Van Den Heuvel at different banks.
- On or about February 11, 2009, Piikkila authorized a loan of $30,000 to straw borrower [STEVEN PETERS] Those funds were promptly used for the benefit of two of Ronald Van Den Huevel’s business entities.
- On or about May 15, 2009, Piikkila authorized a loan of $129,958 to straw borrower [STEVEN PETERS]. This loan consolidated the debts due on the loans noted in paragraphs 2 and 6 above.
- Prior to May 15, 2009, Ronald and Kelly Van Den Heuvel persuaded their employee, J.G. [JULIE GUMBAN], to act as a straw borrower to obtain a loan for the Van Den Heuvels from Horicon Bank.
- On or about May 15, 2009, Piikkila authorized a loan of $25,000 to straw borrower [JULE GUMBAN], an employee of Ronald and Kelly Van Den Heuvel. These funds were promptly paid to RVDH, Inc., and KYHKJG, LLC; paid to [STEVEN PETERS] as payment on the loan noted in paragraph 7 above; or paid to [WILLIAM C. BAIN] to be used as payment on the loans noted in paragraph 5 above.
- On or about September 11, 2009, Piikkila authorized a loan of $240,000 to Source of Solutions, LLC, one of Ronald Van Den Heuvel’s business entities. Signing the business note for Source of Solutions was D.S. [DEBBIE STARY], Ronald Van Den Heuvel’s adminstrative assistant. These funds were promptly transferred to Ronald Van Den Heuvel’s other business entities, paid out to Ronald Van Den Heuvel’s employees, used to pay off Ronald Van Den Heuvel’s debts to other companies and other banks, and used to make payments against balances due on the loans noted in paragraphs e., 7 and 9 above.
- On or about September 25, 2009, Piikkila authorized a loan of $10,000 to RVDH, Inc.. These funds were promptly transferred to another of Ronald Van Den Heuvel’s business entities.
All in violation of Tite 18, United States Code, Section 371.
Media coverage:
- Milwaukee Journal Sentinel: Businessman who landed $1.2 Million in state Wisconsin Economic Development Corp. loans indicted
- Wisconsin State Journal: De Pere businessman, under investigation for WEDC loan, charged with bank fraud
- Green Bay Press Gazette, Local Christian businessman & businesswife indicted for bank fraud
- NBC 26 WGBA: Loan officer, De Pere couple indicted for bank fraud
As far as the federal indictment, the U.S. Attorney’s Office says the arraignment for Van Den Heuvel, his wife Kelly and Piikkila is scheduled for May 6.
If convicted, Kelly Van Den Heuvel faces up to 65 years in prison; Ron Van Den Heuvel faces a maximum penalty of 365 years; and Piikkila faces up to five years in prison.
- VIDEO OF WLUK FOX 11 REPORT (Why it’s hosted on FOX 6 Milwaukee’s website instead of on FOX 11 isn’t clear. Oh, well…)
- Brown Co. Case No. 2012CV479, Julie Gumban v. Ron Van Den Heuvel, Kelly Van Den Heuvel, Tissue Technology LLC, Tissue Products Technology Corp. & KYHKJG LLC
- Brown Co. Case No. 2011CV2445, Julie Gumban v. Ron Van Den Heuvel, Kelly Van Den Heuvel, Tissue Technology LLC, Tissue Products Technology Corp. & KYHKJG LLC
- Brown Co. Case No. 2011CV2197, Capital One Bank USA NA v. Debbie Stary; Garnishees: Green Box NA Green Bay LLC & National Packaging Services Corp.
- Brown Co. Case No. 2011CV1524, Citibank NA v. Debbie S. Stary
- Brown Co. Case No. 2012CV505, Horicon Bank v. Kelly Van Den Heuvel
- Dodge Co. Case No. 2012CV40, Horicon Bank v. Kelly Van Den Heuvel
- Brown Co. Case No. 2010CV2538, Horicon Bank v. Source of Soultions LLC & Nature’s Choice Tissue LLC
- Brown Co. Case No. 2010CV2506, Horicon Bank v. Ron Van Den Heuvel & RVDH Inc.
- Brown Co. Case No. 2010CV2154, Ronald Van Den Heuvel v. Horicon State Bank & Steven Eatough / Steve Eatau
- Brown Co. Case No. 2010CV2490, Horicon Bank v. William C. ‘Bill’ Bain (of Ron Van Den Heuvel’s VOS Electric, Inc.) & (Sharad Tak’s) TAK Investments LLC
- Brown Co. Case No. 2010CV2489, Horicon Bank v. Steven Peters
- Brown Co. Case No. 2010CV2487, Horicon Bank v. (Kelly Van Den Heuvel’s company) KYHKJG LLC, Chris Hartwig & United States of America Internal Revenue Service
- January 7, 2013 Wisconsin Tax Appeals Commission Decision and Order in the Matter of Steven Peters, Ronald Van Den Heuvel & Artley Skenandore v. Wisconsin Dept. of Revenue
See also:
- Price Co. Case No. 2012TJ18, BLC Community Bank vs. Ron & Bill Investments LLP, William C. Bain, Ronald H. Van Den Heuvel, Weid Trust of 1996, Gerald M. Wied & Christine M. Wied
- Debtor Name: Ron & Bill Investments LLP; Amount: $1,143,510.20
- Brown Co. Case No. 2012CV944, BLC Community Bank vs. Ron & Bill Investments LLP, William C. Bain, Ronald H. Van Den Heuve, Wied Trust of 1996 UDO February 20 1996, Gerald M. Wied & Christine M. Wied
- Debtor Name: Ron & Bill Investments LLP; Amount: $1,119,211,20
- Brown Co. Case No. 2010CV2026, Gerald M. Wied, Christine M Wied & Wied Trust of 1996 v. William C. Bain, Cynthia Bain, Matthew R. Olson & VOS Electric Inc.
- Debtors Names: William C. Bain, Cynthia Bain & Matthew R. Olson; Amount: $427,607.90
- Shawano Co. Case No. 2014CV163, AnchorBank FSB & Wagner 22 LLC v. William C. Bain, Matthew R. Olson, Wayne J. Clark, Lewis & Clark, Daniel D. Decaster, Joseph R. Kandravi, Howard L. Wagner, Anthony C. Wied, Gerald M. Wied, Gene Frederickson Trucking & 22 Shawano
- Multiple Debtors; Amounts: $126,186.88 – $2,146,131,80
- Brown Co. Case No. 2009CV179, Associated Bank v. Ronald H. Van Den Heuvel, Kelly Y. Van Den Heuvel, Ryan Smoot, Carrie Smoot, Patriot Services Inc., Chat LLC, Frantz Building Services Inc., Daffinson Inc., HRI Inc., Jensens Carpet Care & Restoration, AnchorBank FSB, State of Wisconsin Dept. of Revenue
- Brown Co. Case No. 2010CV2318, SC Aquistition Company LLC v. Ronald H. Van Den Heuvel, Chris J. Hartwig, Pat Murphy, Ann (Van Den Heuvel) Murphy, Brian A. Everson, Hilliard Limited Partnership, Nature’s Way Tissue Corp., Custom Paper Products Inc., Parnters Concepts Development Inc., Eco Fibre Inc., Tissue Products Technology Corp, Oconto Falls Tissue Inc., Tissue Technology LLC, Wisconsin Public Service Corp., Cordova Ventures, Industrial Technology Ventures LP, Stackhausen Inc., Sterling Industrial Sales LLC, Yales Materials Handling Green Bay Inc., State of Wisconsin Dept. of Workforce Development, United States of America, AnchorBank FSB, Oneida Tribally-owned Bay Bank; Other: SHF XII LLC
- Debtor Name; Amount:
- Custom Paper Products Inc.; $2,046,012.18
- Eco Fibre Inc.; $4,343,816.02
- Partners Concepts Development Inc.; $4,543,342.96
- Tissue Products Technology Corp.; $4,596,131.60
- Custom Paper Products Inc.; $12,767,916.88
- Brown Co. Case No. 2008CV1999, AnchorBank FSB v. Ronald H. Van Den Heuvel, State of Wisconsin, Patriot Services Inc., Recovering Aqua Resources Inc., American Payment Solutions Inc., Frantz Building Services Inc., HRI Inc., Jensens Carpet Care & Restoration, Industrial Technology Ventures LP, Partners Concepts Development Inc., Patriot Papter Services, Inc., Doc U Mince LLC, ST Paper LLC, Associated Banc Corp.; Garnishees: Partners Concepts Development Inc., VOS Electric, Spirit Construction Services Inc., Baylake Bank, Nicolet National Bank, Johnson Bank, Oneida-Tribally owned Bay Bank
- Debtor Name; Amount:
- Patriot Services Inc.; $2,702,535.47
- Patriot Paper Services Inc.; $127,951.80
- Doc U Mince LLC; $175,129.43
- Partners Concepts Development Inc.; $1,950,366.74
- Recovering Aqua Resources Inc.; $2,702,535.47
- Ronald H. Van Den Heuvel; $2,783,728.47
As Oneida Eye reported, Ron Van Den Heuvel has testified:
[Attorney Smies:] So if on average it’s on a weekly basis you’re receiving cash, gifts from friends and family and in the last instance I think you said it was $1,200 cash gift from your two brothers; is that fair?
[Ron Van Den Heuvel:] Went grocery shopping. had to pay for some groceries, electric bill, and a few things got paid last month. At the start of last week I mean.
[Attorney Smies:] Is that the typical amount you receive as a gift every week, $1,200? Somebody might come by and
[Ron Van Den Heuvel:] Somebody might come by and Jim Rottier might come by and I don’t need anything. You don’t need anything? You’re doing alright? Yeah.
[Attorney Smies:] It’s always – It’s your testimony it’s always these other people asking you, taking the initiative, do you need anything. It’s never you asking anyone for cash?
[Ron Van Den Heuvel:] I’ve made 74 people in this town millionaires.
[Attorney Smies:] How did you do that?
[Ron Van Den Heuvel:] Gave them shares in companies I’ve owned, Vos [Electric Inc.], Spirit Construction Services Inc.], Best Built [Inc]. All kinds of people owe what they have due to my hard work. They want to do something for me? I accept it.
Like when Gov Scott Walker’s Wisconsin Economic Development Corporation mysteriously wanted to give Ron Van Den Heuvel – the business partner of straw borrower William C. ‘Bill’ Bain of VOS Electric Inc. – OVER $5 MILLION from WEDC for the various Green Box NA / EcoHub USA / Oneida Seven Generations Corp. / Oneida Energy Inc. / Green Bay Renewable Energy fraud schemes?
Gee, wonder if these campaign contributions to WI Gov. Scott Walker, WI Atty. Gen.Brad Schimel, and Fmr. WI Atty. Gen. J.B. Van Hollen (among other Republicans of note) from William C. Bain, the Business Partner of – and Bank Fraud ‘straw borrower’ for – Ronald Van Den Heuvel, have anything to do with WEDC’s feigned ignorance & insane generosity toward the fraud schemes known as Green Box NA and Oneida Seven Generations Corporation and subsidiaries:
- William C. Bain’s Wisconsin campaign contributions ($13,600.00)
- VOS Electric Inc. employees’ Wisconsin campaign contributions, including from Ronald H. Van Den Heuvel & Britney Van Den Heuvel ($28,050.00)
(What was Bertney thinking?)
Guess who’s given a campaign donation to Gov. Walker’s former Admistration Secretary and WEDC inside advocate, Mike Huebsch?
Kevin Cornelius, whose roles in Ron Van Den Heuvel’s & OSGC’s extensive & pervasive fraud schemes include:
• CEO of Oneida Seven Generations Corp. (which received $2 Million from WEDC for Ron’s fraud scheme)
• President & CEO of OSGC-subsdiary Oneida Energy, Inc. (which received another $2 Million from WEDC for Ron’s fraud scheme)
• President of OSGC-subsidiary Green Bay Renewable Energy (which took the City of Green Bay to the WI Supreme Court to defend Ron’s WEDC-funded frauds schemes using the law firm Godfrey & Kahn… the very same law firm that Dr. Marco Araujo used to defend himself against Ron Van Den Heuvel’s fraud schemes in his lawsuit with Co-Plaintiff WEDC, BROWN CO. CASE # 2015CV769)
Wow! Talk about “job creation”! That’s 3 whole jobs for just one con-man! If you had 5 companies, one that owned the other, and you hired the same four guys at to work each one, you’d have ‘created’ 20 ‘jobs’! Add a secretary or two, and you’ve come up with the 22 jobs that OSGC was supposed to create with money from WEDC, and they did fill positions…with the same people.
But when it comes to making up work (or making work up), let’s not forget the lawyers that have been hired on all sides on Ron’s fraud schemes.
By the way, WEDC’s Chief Legal Counsel is Atty. Hanna Renfro, formerly of Godfrey & Kahn.
Seeing a pattern, yet?
If not, you can use this handy guide on how Native American tribes can be used use their tax exemption status to build trash incinerators which they can supposedly later sell to non-tribal businesses, brought to you from the law firm of … you guessed it!
Kevin Cornelius’ reckless actions as CEO of Oneida Energy Inc. resulted in a $397 MILLION lawsuit against the Oneida Tribe of Indians of Wisconsin being filed in Cook Co. Illinois by Generation Clean Fuels, LLC (formerly Arland Clean Fuels, LLC), ACF Leasing Inc. and ACF Services, Inc. – which may very well be fraud schemes of their own.
Nevertheless, Oneida Tribe member John Breuninger was mysteriously made the ‘Sole Agent’ for OSGC’s subsidiaries entered into an undisclosed settlement payment agreement somewhere between $5 – $15 MILLION STOLEN from the General Tribal Council of the Oneida Nation in Wisconsin, even though GTC had been promised in an official letter from the OBC that the OBC would bring any settlement offer in the Illinois lawsuit matter before GTC in order for GTC to decide how to take action.
Below watch as Oneida Eye’s Publisher asks the OBC about the undisclosed multimillion settlment agreement and its possible links to Ron Van Den Heuvel’s extensive fraud schemes at the MONDAY APRIL 11, 2016 General Tribal Council Meeting, five years to the day that OSGC brought Abdul Latif Mahjoob to a GTC Meeting to pitch ACTI’s & Ron Van Den Heuvel’s fraudulent trash energy scheme to trick the Supreme governing body of the Oneida Nation in Wisconsin into allowing the OBC & OSGC to borrow OVER $20 MILLION in BIA-backed loans.
GTC SAID NO, but the OBC still allowed OSGC to borrow $4 MILLION FROM GOV. SCOTT WALKER’S WI DoC & WEDC for RON’S CONS.
[Note: Ron’s & OSGC’s business associate Abdul Latif Mahjoob has registered a new company in California. American Combustion Technologies, Inc. / ACTI has re-branded itself as American Renewable Technologies, Inc. / ARTI, after ACTI was sued for Fraud.]
Notice how OBC Chair & OSGC fraud scheme travelling cheerleader Cristina Danforth ran away from the stage right after she acknowledged Leah Sue Dodge at the microphone, abandoning OBC Vice-Chair Melinda J. Danforth to chair the meeting and try to keep GTC in the dark by ordering Oneida Eye’s Publisher’s microphone cut off (though you can still hear Dodge in the background asking OSGC fraud scheme cheerleader Melinda Danforth what she’s trying to hide from GTC):
That’s not the first time an OBC Vice-Chair has bullied GTC members and refused to allow them to speak during a GTC Meeting to keep GTC in the dark about the $397 MILLION lawsuit by GCF/ACF against OSGC in Illinois …which actually seems more like an EXTORTION RACKET that OSGC officers & executives personally entangled the Oneida Nation in Wisconsin in, along with OSGC’s local business partners in Oneida-Kodiak Construction, LLC, which was supposed to build OSGC’s proposed trash incinerators based on Ron Van Den Heuvel’s ‘patented’ technology.
Just like Fmr. OBC Vice-Chair Greg Matson, current OBC Vice-Chair Melinda Danforth prevented GTC’s knowledge & discussion about the bogus GCF/ACF lawsuit – and the $uper $ecret $ettlement agreement – in a doomed attempt to prevent OBC’s & Oneida Seven Generations Corporation’s corruption & fraud from being exposed to the light of day, even after GTC has already voted to direct the OBC to fully dissovle OSGC.
Obviously, the OBC lied to the GTC in writing about bringing any settlement decision before GTC for action, and the result of the OBC’s & OSGC’s ongoing corruption scandals is the mysterious loss of many more MILLIONS of dollars of GTC’s money at Tribe member John Breuninger’s sole discretion for a possible SHAKEDOWN in an EXTORTION SCHEME that might be linked to Ron Van Den Heuvel’s expansive & pervasive fraud schemes.
The following excerpt is from the December 9, 2013 Community Meeting just prior to the December 15, 2013 GTC Meeting in which GTC voted to direct the OBC to work with Oneida Tribe member Frank Cornelius, Sr., in order to fully dissolve OSGC:
Generation Clean Fuels made OUTRAGEOUS projections of profitability to its individual investors who SUED GCF/ACF for its false claims and WON THEIR INVESMENT MONEY BACK, including an investor who was supposed to suppply equipment for the bogus Generation Clean Fuels/Arland Clean Fuels/P20 Technologies ‘plastics-to-oil’ scheme:
OSGC has hired other con-men & con-women who, like Kevin Cornelius, also wear several hats, including Pete King III of King Solutions, LLC.
Speaking of which…
- Brown Co. Case No. 2013CV927, Oneida Tribally-owned Bay Bank v. Ronald H. Van Den Heuvel
Say… is former OSGC fraud scheme Project Manager Pete King III – whose sham King Solutions, LLC, the Oneida Business Committee appointed as ‘Managing Agent’ of OSGC – still an OBC-appointed Board member of the Oneida Nation in Wisconsin-owned Bay Bank?
Source of Solutions?
Or Mo’ Money, Mo’ Problems?
Below are excerpts and links to copies of Court filings in Brown Co. Case No. 2015CV1614; Responsible Official: Judge John P. Zakowski:
- November 24, 2015 Motion for Return of Property, Brown Co. Case No. 2015CV1614, In the Matter of the Return of Property to Ronald Van Den Heuvel
Ronald Van Den Heuvel, by his attorneys Michael J. Fitzgerald and Michael Steinle, pursuant to Wis. Stat. §968.20, moves the Court for an order returning to him all property taken in the execution of search warrants on July 2, 2015, at the following locations:
• 2077 Lawrence Drive, Suite A;
• 2077 Lawrence Drive, Suite B;
• 500 Fortune Avenue;
• 2107 American Boulevard;
• 2303 Lost Dauphin Road.
…The 2077 Lawrence Drive location houses the offices of Van Den Heuvel’s business, Green Box, as well as the offices of at least two other separate businesses. The building at 2107 American Boulevard is the address of Patriot Tissue, and 500 Fortune Avenue is the address for Eco Fibre. Van Den Heuvel is the majority owner of Green Box, Patriot Tissue and Eco Fibre. … 2303 Lost Dauphin Road is Van Den Heuvel’s home in the town of Lawrence.
[Footnote: Judge Zuidmulder issued a sixth search warrant on July 2, 2015, for a multi-unit warehouse at 821 Parkview Drive in Ashwaubenon. Van Den Heuvel does not believe that any documents or computers were seized from that location. Accordingly, that warrant is not a part of this motion.]
All five warrants were issued on the application of Sgt. Mary Shartner of the Brown County Sheriff’s Department …. The warrants authorized the seizure of a broad array of documents and computers, which were allegedly used in the commission of, or constituted evidence of the crime of theft under Wis. Stats. §943.20(1)(d) and securities fraud under Chapter 551 of the Wisconsin Statutes.
…Schartner and the other officers seized a vast amount of documents and numerous computers from these five locations, estimated to be five truck loads. …
The search warrants issued by Judge Zuidmulder were overbroad on their face with respect to the seizure of documents, and the seizure and searching of computers. Any limitations on the face of the warrants were flagrantly disregarded by the officers executing the warrants. The overbroad warrants, along with the manner in which they were executed, constituted a general search in violation of the Fourth Amendment. …
[A]ll evidence obtained pursuant to the execution of the warrants was obtained illegally by the police. Consequently, at no point in the future can the seized materials be used as evidence in any criminal proceeding. …
Page 14:
Indeed, Schartner acknowledged that she decided to cast “a wide net[.]” This meant that even persons who were not named in the warrant at all, like Jeremy McGown, had his property taken because he was associated with “a crook like Ron Van Den Heuvel,” not because it was authorized by the warrants. …
Page 17:
As [Green Box Human Resources Director Philip] Reinhart points out, all Green Box computer hard drives were physically removed from the premises, as was the main server. … Additionally, numerous individuals had their personal phones, iPads, and laptops taken.
On July 28, 2015, several of those individuals filed their own motion for return of property. See. In re: Ty Willihnganz, et al., Brown County case no. 15-CV-1066. … It was brought by four Green Box employees (Savannah Brault, Mike Garsow, Nancy Van Lanen, Meng Qiao), a lawyer who maintains a separate law practice with offices at 2077 Lawrence Drive, Suite B (Ty Willihnganz), and the owner of a separate information technology business, Evolve MTS, LLC, who has an office there as well (Jeremy McGown). …
When one of those employees, Brault, tried to explain to an officer that her laptop was only for personal use, the officer responded that they were taking “all electronic equipment on the Green Box premises” …. Another officer told Reinhart that the officers would take all electronic and paper files in both suites. …
Reinhart was also told by an officer that “there will be nothing left for your employees to do when we are done. Companies do not recover when we are done” ….
The inventory provided by the clerk for the search of 2107 American Boulevard lists eleven file boxes of documents taken, another miscellaneous file box, and “samples of oils/chemicals” ….
Page 20:
The scope of items seized from the Van Den Heuvel family, including Van Den Heuvel’s wife and minor children, from their home and from Van Den Heuvel’s office was beyond any reasonable interpretation of the terms of the search warrant. Nothing could be more indicative of a general search, or of conduct flagrantly in disregard of the terms of the search warrant.
The Court should order: (1) that all evidence obtained in the execution of these warrants be returned to Van Den Heuvel, (2) that no law enforcement agency (local, state or federal) or prosecutorial authority (state or federal) be allowed to retain copies of this evidence, and (3) that no law enforcement agency or prosecutorial authority be allowed to make any further investigative use of this evidence, including any and all fruits and leads derived from it.
- January 29, 2016 State’s Reply to Defendant’s Motion for Return of Property, Brown Co. Case No. 2015CV1614, In the Matter of the Return of Property to Ronald Van Den Heuvel
The State of Wisconsin, by District Attorney David L. Lasee and Special Prosecutor Bryant M. Dorsey, hereby submits this brief in opposition to…Mr. Van Den Heuvel’s Motion for Return of Property. …
The State argues that the search and seizure of Mr. Van Den Heuvel’s property was legally valid [and] the State contends the seized property contains a significant number of items of evidentiary value that are highly relevant to the State’s on-going criminal investigation against Mr. Van Den Heuvel. … Alternatively, if the search warrant is invalid, the State asserts that the evidence recovered is not subject to return or suppression because the good faith exception applies. …
The search warrants expressly limited the scope of items to be seized to all business and financial records for organizations associated with Mr. Van Den Heuvel from December 31, 2010 to present, that may constitute evidence of the crime of Theft committed in violation of Wis. Stat. 943.20(1)(d) and Securities Fraud under Chapter 551 of Wisconsin Statutes.
The affidavits presented by the State demonstrate that Mr. Van Den Heuvel was soliciting investment and loans from others for his various Green Box entities under the guise that these entities were operational. The affidavits demonstrate that Mr. Van Den Heuvel’s Green Box entities were not operational. The affidavits demonstrate multiple material misrepresentations Mr. Van Den Heuvel made to investors and lenders for the purposes of obtaining investments and loans for Green Box. The affidavits demonstrate that once Mr. Van Den Heuvel obtained investments and loans, he converted the proceeds for his own personal use. The affidavits were based upon information obtained from individuals who had been victimized by Mr. Van Den Heuvel or had been employed by Mr. Van Den Heuvel. The victims include Dr. Marco Araujo ($600,000), WEDC (approximately $1,300,000), Ken Dardis ($500,000), Dodi Management LLC ($100,000), and multiple foreign EB-5 investors. The employee-witness include Daniel Thames, an employee who was responsible for various office and accounting tasks; Guy LoCascio, a former contract accountant for Green Box NA Green Bay, LLC; Steven Huntington, former Chief Financial Officer for Green Box NA Green Bay, LLC; and Tami Phillips, an accountant for Green Box.
To highlight, the affidavits established that Mr. Van Den Heuvel made a series of knowingly false representation to Dr. Marco Araujo, a citizen witness who operates a medical practice in Brown County, Wisconsin, for the purpose of inducing Dr. Araujo to make a $600,000 investment in one of Mr. Van Den Heuvel’s business enterprises, Green Box NA Green Bay, LLC. … Further information contained within these affidavits indicates that Mr. Van Den Heuvel used a substantial portion of Dr. Araujo’s investment proceeds to pay personal debts and expenditures.
The affidavits established that Mr. Van Den Heuvel made a series of knowingly false representations to the Wisconsin Economic Development Corporation (WEDC), a public/private entity operated in part by the State of Wisconsin, for the purposes of obtaining a $1,300,000 loan from WEDC for his business enterprise, Green Box NA Green Bay LLC. …Further information provided by Guy LoCascio, a former accountant for Green Box NA Green Bay, LLC, highlight Mr. Van Den Heuvel’s material misrepresentations to WEDC. … The information provided by LoCascio indicates that Mr. Van Den Heuvel used WEDC loan proceeds to pay personal debts and expenditures. … LoCascio also provided information that Mr. Van Den Heuvel ordered his employees at this various business enterprises to falsify financial transaction information for his various business enterprises. …
The affidavits established that Mr. Van Den Heuvel made a series of knowingly false representations to prospective foreign EB-5 investors. … Further information provided by Daniel Thames, a Green Box NA Green Bay, LLC, employee, who was responsible for various office and accounting tasks, indicate that during the course of his employment he witnessed Mr. Van Den Heuvel obtain foreign investor’s money through the federal EB-5 visa program, and subsequent[ly] converted those foreign investment funds into his own personal accounts. … Information provided by Thames also indicates that Mr. Van Den Heuvel represented to prospective investors that his Green Box NA Green Bay enterprise was operational, when in fact, there was no operating Green Box facility, nor was there technology behind Green Box’s purported business model function as represented by Mr. Van Den Heuvel. … Information provided by Thames also indicates that he witnessed Mr. Van Den Heuvel give tours to potential investors, where Mr. Van Den Heuvel would make false statements, including the statement that Green Box process was a fully functional process with fully functioning facilities across the United States. …
The affidavits established that Steven Huntington, former Chief Financial Officer for Green Box NA Green Bay, LLC, discovered through the course of employment that Mr. Van Den Heuvel obtained a $500,000 Green Box investment from Ken Dardis. Information provided by Huntington indicates that Mr. Van Den Heuvel used $200,600 of Dardis’ investment proceeds for his own personal debts and expenditures. … Huntington also discovered that Mr. Van Den Heuvel obtained a $100,000 investment from Dodi Management, LLC, a family estate firm, for one of his business enterprises. Information provided by Huntington indicates that Mr. Van Den Heuvel used $73,547.34 for personal debts and expenditures. …
The affidavits established that Tami Phillips, an accountant for Green Box, provided information that Mr. Van Den Heuvel instructed her to knowingly manipulate financial records for his various business enterprises. … Information provided by Phillips indicates that Mr. Van Den Heuvel would use the various business facilities he owned and operated to further his fraudulent investment scheme. … [A]s well as Daniel Thames, provided information that Mr. Van Den Heuvel would use machines housed at various facilities in Green Box demonstrations to defraud prospective investors. Information provided by both Phillips and Thames indicate that demonstrations occurred at 2107 American Boulevard, De Pere, Wisconsin, and 821 Parkview Drive, Ashwaubenon, Wisconsin. …
In summary, the affidavits clearly indicate that Mr. Van Den Heuvel was soliciting investments from others under the guise that he was operating legitimate business enterprises that produced revenue generating products. The affidavits clearly indicate that Mr. Van Den Heuvel was not operating legitimate business enterprises and that he knowingly made material misrepresentations to others for the purposes of obtaining investment funds. The affidavits clearly indicate that once Mr. Van Den Heuvel obtained investment funds from others, he converted the investment proceeds for his own personal use.
Following the search and seizure of Mr. Van Den Heuvel’s properties, law enforcement commenced a substantial investigation, and has been cataloging and examining the voluminous materials that have been seized. Multiple agencies have contributed significant time and resources to this active investigation, which includes personnel reviewing what are likely to be hundred of thousands of documents, and analyzing the contents of multiple electronic devices. Investigators have identified a significant number of items of evidentiary value and these finding have reinforced the notion that there is probable cause to believe Mr. Van Den Heuvel, through his entities, was engaged in pervasive fraud as demonstrated in the search warrant affidavits. However, it is important to note, that the State has and will make efforts to return property that is deemed irrelevant to the investigation as soon as it is practical to do so. …
Courts have explained that such broad parameters for search warrants executed against such business enterprises are reasonable, in part, because cases involving complex schemes to defraud, “may require piecing together, like a jigsaw puzzle, a number of bits of evidence which if taken alone might show comparatively little.” …
The State’s affidavits supporting the search warrant applications clearly demonstrate that Mr. Van Den Heuvel, through his forty-four business entities, was engaged in a pervasive scheme to defraud investors and lenders, contrary to Wis. Stat. 943.20(1)(d) and Chapter 551 of Wisconsin Statutes. The affidavits demonstrate that only one of Mr. Van Den Heuvel’s business entities, Patriot Tissue, was producing a revenue-generating product. …
[Yet, according to the April 11, 2016 Intervenor Plaintiff’s Notice of Motion & Motion for Relief Against the Injunction Against Creditors, Patriot Tissue, LLC – Ponzi Ron’s only “revenue-generating” company – still fails to pay rent to its ‘landlord,’ (…get this…) Green Box NA Green Bay, LLC.]
The affidavits demonstrate probable cause to support the conclusion that Mr. Van Den Heuvel made a series of fraudulent representations to others as part of his plan to solicit investment and loans into his various business entities, including his various Green Box entities. … These alleged misrepresentations include: pledging encumbered property as unencumbered property…; guaranteeing property interests in real estate owned by others…; claiming ownership of unowned patents on technology for his Green Box entities as legitimate and accurate. … The affidavits demonstrate allegations that Mr. Van Den Heuvel represents to investors and lenders that his Green Box entities are fully functional business enterprises with fully functional facilities throughout the United States., when there are none. … The affidavits also allege that Mr. Van Den Heuvel represents to investors and lenders that the technology behind the Green Box entities purported business model exists, when in fact it does not. … The affidavits contain allegations demonstrating that once Mr. Van Den Heuvel obtains investments and loans from others for his Green Box entities, he uses the funds for personal expenditures and personal debts. … These specific investment and loan conversion allegations include: Dr. Marco Araujo’s $600,000 equity investment into Green Box, WEDC’s $1,300,000 loan for Green Box, foreign EB-5 investments into Green Box, Ken Dardis’ $500,000 investment into Green Box, Dodi Management, LLC’s $100,000 investment into Green Box. The affidavits also include allegations that Mr. Van Den Heuvel instructs employees to manipulate Green Box financial records and transfer business funds and assets between his various business and personal accounts. … Ultimately, the affidavits clearly demonstrate probable cause supporting the existing of a pervasive scheme Mr. Van Den Heuvel employed to defraud investors and lenders. …
The affidavits demonstrate that Mr. Van Den Heuvel operates his various Green Box entities out of the offices located at 2077 Lawrence Drive, Suites A and B. The affidavits demonstrate that witnesses have observed evidence of criminal wrongdoing in records and on computers located at 2077 Lawrence Drive, Suites A and B. … The affidavits contain allegations that Mr. Van Den Heuvel would transfer Green Box assets between 2077 Lawrence Drive, Suites A and B, and 2107 American Boulevard. … The affidavits demonstrate witnesses observed Mr. Van Den Heuvel use 2107 American Boulevard premises to store documents related to his various Green Box entities. … The affidavits allege that Mr. Van Den Heuvel used machines housed at 821 Parkview Dr. for Green Box demonstrations to prospective investors. … The affidavits demonstrate that witnesses observed Mr. Van Den Heuvel use these machines during Green Box demonstrations at 821 Parkview Drive. … The affidavits contain supported allegations that Mr. Van Den Heuvel transferred Green Box funds and assets for his own personal use, and 2303 Lost Dauphin Road is Mr. Van Den Heuvel’s personal residence. … Ultimately the alleged facts clearly indicate that there was probable cause to believe items of evidentiary value would be located at each of the properties listed above, and further, that those documents and devices would be numerous. As such, the State asserts that law enforcement did not exceed the scope of the serach warrant by seizing all relevant records and electronic devices from the locations above. …
Multiple witnesses and victims throughout the United States provided information about Mr. Van Den Heuvel and his Green Box entities. Voluminous records were obtained and analyzed by law enforcement to corroborate information and identity Mr. Van Den Heuvel’s criminal conduct.
District Attorney David Lasee, Assistant District Attorney Karyn Behling, and Special Prosecutor Bryant Dorsey all reviewed the warrant application to ensure that it contained a factual basis for finding probable cause.
Thus, even if the Court finds that the search warrant was invalid, the evidence located during the search is not subject to suppression and return under Wis. Stat. 968.20 because the officers reasonably relied upon a warrant issued by Judge Zuidmulder to seize the items in quesiton.
By the way, here’s Ron & Kelly Van Den Heuvels’ shared criminal lair on Lost Dauphin Road along the Fox River:

Ron & Kelly Van Den Heuvels’ Criminal Lair. Click the picture to read Ron’s testimony about how people mysteriously & anonymously pay his and his wife’s property taxes for them, which average more than $30,000 per year.
Nice digs for the #81 Top Tax Delinquent in the State of Wisconsin.
For the lulz:
- February 12, 2016 Van Den Heuvel’s Response to the State’s Reply to Motion for Return of Property, Brown Co. Case No. 2015CV1614, In the Matter of the Return of Property to Ronald Van Den Heuvel
Dream on, Ponzi Ron.
You’re finished.
Take OSGC & Artley with you.
See also:
- January 7, 2013 Wisconsin Tax Appeals Commission Decision and Order in the Matter of Steven Peters, Ronald Van Den Heuvel & Artley Skenandore v. Wisconsin Dept. of Revenue
Mr. Skenandore had no expertise in the paper industry. Nevertheless, he was made president.
- Paper Mill Co. Seeks Void Of $17 Million IRS Deficiency Notice regarding the tax problems Ron Van Den Heuvel created for his family’s company VHC, Inc. after ENRON and the UNITED ARAB EMIRATES INVESTMENT LTD. bailed on Ron. No … Really. Read it for yourself.

Wallace J. ‘Wally’ Hilliard, Ronald H. Van Den Heuvel, Enron, United Arab Emerites, 9/11… You do the math. (Here’s a hint: Operation Northwoods for a New American Century)
- April 8, 2015 Supplemental Examination of Philip J. Reinhart by Atty. Jonathan Smies (Godfrey & Kahn) before James P. O’Neil, Court Commissioner, w/ Atty. John Petitjean (Hinkfuss, Sickel, Petitjean & Wieting) serving as counsel for Mr. Reinhart (68 pages, missing pg. 5-8) and related Exhibits (See also: Brown Co. Case No. 2014CV783, Jansen Logistics Services LLC vs. Sharad Tak; and the July 1, 2015 Order Denying Motion for Summary Judgment, Case No. 2014CV724, Jansen Logistics Services LLC vs. Sharad Tak)
- Part 1, Supplemental Examination of Ronald H. Van Den Heuvel before James O’Neil, Court Commissioner, May 8, 2015 10:00 a.m. to 12:59 p.m in Brown Co. Case #2015CV769
- Part 2, Supplemental Examination of Ronald H. Van Den Heuvel before James O’Neil, Court Commissioner, May 15, 2015, 10:07 a.m. to 11:04 a.m. in Brown Co. Case #2015CV769
- Cristina Danforth & Oneida Seven Generation Corporation’s Travelling Variety Show [UPDATE], with current OBC Chair Tina Delgado-Danforth’s love letter praising Ron Van Den Heuvel’s & OSGC’s scam that she travelled to promote to other tribes while Tina was OBC Tribal Treasurer … and while her sister, Tsyosha?aht Cathy Delgado, sat on OSGC’s Board of Directors which is appointed and overseen by the Oneida Business Committee and included:
- Atty. William Cornelius (President & Board Chair & current Counsel for the Oneida Gaming Commission)
- Kevin Cornelius (CEO)
- Bruce King (CFO)
- Mike Metoxen (Secretary)
- Tsyosha?aht Cathy Delgado
- Owen Somers (Dir. of ONW’s Internal Security Dept.)
- Todd Van Den Heuvel
- Paul Linzmeyer
- November 25, 2011 Email from OSGC Board member Paul Linzmeyer to Fmr. OBC Chair Ed Delgado’s Elder Advisor Yvonne Metivier, Subject: “Actions ED should take” to protect the Oneida Nation in Wisconsin from Tribally-owned Oneida Seven Generations Corp. which Ed Delgado failed to do, resulting in millions of dollars in losses to the Oneida Tribe
- Fortunately, GENERAL TRIBAL COUNCIL – the Supreme Governing Body of the Oneida Nation in Wisconsin – VOTED IN SELF-DEFENSE to PROHIBIT Tribal corporations from engaging in any kind of trash incineration anywhere on the ONW Reservation… but OSGC & its subsidiaries did so anyway.
- Therefore, ONW’s GTC exercised its rights at a duly noticed & held GTC Meeting and VOTED TO DIRECT THE ONEIDA BUSINESS COMMITTEE TO FULLY DISSOLVE OSGC… which the Unapologetic, Treacherous & Treasonous OBC refuses to do:
- Audio & Transcripts Of General Tribal Council Meetings Regarding Oneida Seven Generations Corporation (OSGC) Held On April 11, 2011; May 5, 2013; & December 15, 2013
- The 4 Valves at the Heart of Darkness:
- Bobbi Powless-Webster
- Artley Skenandore
- Jo Anne House
- Rick Hill
- Ron Van Den Heuvel’s Green Box NA and Oneida Seven Generations Corporation’s Green Bay Renwable Energy waste energy business fraud schemes were always peddling an admittedly toxic and … quite frankly … genocidal combination of this…
…and this…
…even if they had worked as deceptively advertised…
…given this:
The Oneida Business Committee, under the apparent guidance and direction of OBC Chief Counsel Jo Anne House the Oneida Law Office, has steadfastly advocated for, and aided & abetted Oneida Seven Generations Corporation’s & Ron Van Den Heuvel’s predatory fraud schemes, as well as provided Tribal & federal monies to facilitate & benefit from those frauds.
Speaking of “a mule with a spinning wheel”:
A pot of cash that’s already improved the area’s environmental health during the past 15 years just grew by more than 76 percent.The money has already been used to preserve and restore thousands of acres of wetlands to help stock fish in area waters and to construct hiking trails, wildlife viewing platforms and fishing piers, among other things.Now there’s $46 million more to spend, and if you have some ideas of how, federal and state agencies and the Oneida and Menominee tribes want to hear from you.
Um, how about the Oneida Business Committee of the Oneida Nation in Wisconsin…
…which voted to proudly support locating OSGC’s & GBRE’s toxic trash incinerator on the shoreline of Green Bay…
…reimburse the City of Green Bay & the State of Wisconsin for taking Ron Van Den Heuvel’s, Artley Skenandore’s & OSGC’s fraudulent & racist trash scam all the way to the Wisconsin Supreme Court … where the handpicked, bought-and-paid-for Servants of the Corrupt Wississippi Confederacy of Dunces predictably endorsed Politically-Motivated, State-Funded Corporate Fraud above and against Reason, Logic, Science & Law, in Violation of the Personal Rights, Interests, Health, Safety & Welfare of Citizens and Taxpayers.
For your consideration:
- Courthouse News Service: Law Firms Connected to Ponzi Fraud Owe Big Bucks
Heavy-hitting law firms Greenberg Traurig and Quarles & Brady will together pay $77.5 million to settle a class action that accused them of aiding a $900 million Ponzi scheme. …The class said that [the law firms] created “a facade of legitimacy” that allowed the Ponzi scheme to continue.
under color of official right
You set me up for a comeback son
Pass the box fill the money up
Sing a sad song
You filled him full of confidence
Over confidence is a parasite
You made it in your image there
Set them up for failure here
And there’s no one left
to bury the dead and
clean the bones
And there’s no one left
to light the lamps and
guard the tombs where we
all live