Oneida Eye’s Publisher, along with several other Tribe members, attended the FRIDAY February 19, 2016, public meeting that hosted U.S. Senator Tammy Baldwin and dozens of her staff members at the Oneida Nation in Wisconsin’s Norbert Hill Center which serves as the Tribe’s government building and the Oneida Nation High School, the Principal of which is Artley Skenandore, whose wife is Oneida Police Department Lieutenant Lisa Drew Skenandore / Lisa Skenandore.
Oneida Business Committee Vice-Chair Melinda J. Danforth was the highest ranking OBC member in attendance.
A presentation was given by Oneida Nation in Wisconsin’s Legislative Affairs Dept. Director Nathaniel ‘Nate’ King, who formerly was simultaneously an Oneida Seven Generations Corporation Board member when OSGC gave an illegal campaign donation to Green Bay Mayor Jim Schmitt.
The FRIDAY February 19, 2016 Oneida Police Department Incident Report by Officer Brandon Vandehei identifies Legislative Affairs Dept. Lobbyist Tana D. Aguirre as the ‘Reportee’ regarding Oneida Tribal Police Dept. officers removing 74-year-old Tribe member Madelyn Genskow from the meeting for ‘Disorderly Conduct’ after Genskow asked for and was granted the opportunity to meet with Sen. Baldwin following planned presentations.
More on that incident – including video – below.
Legislative Affairs Director Nathan King is also the former Director of OSGC-subsidiary Oneida Energy, Inc., which was added as a Respondent in a $397 Million lawsuit filed in Illinois over contracts that were signed by Fmr. OSGC CEO & Fmr. Green Bay Renewable Energy President Kevin Cornelius in May & June 2013, for a ‘plastics-to-oil’ endeavor which General Tribal Council had voted on May 5, 2013, to forbid OSGC and its subsidiaries from pursuing anywhere on the Oneida Nation in Wisconsin’s reservation.
Kevin Cornelius is also the former CEO of Oneida Energy, Inc., and he, along with former OSGC President & Chair William Cornelius, Esq., who is also former President & Chairman of Oneida Energy, Inc., attended that May 5, 2013 GTC Meeting and therefore knew full well that GTC had voted and ordered that OSGC and its subsidiaries not engage in waste pyrolysis nor ‘plastics-to-oil’ anywhere on the Oneida Nation in Wisconsin’s Reservation.
Despite GTC’s clear prohibition, OSGC and its subsidiaries allowed and participated in that prohibited endeavor anyway at OSGC’s facility on O’Hare Boulevard in violation of GTC’s May 5, 2013 directive, and in violation of local zoning ordinances as was reported by the local media.
Some OBC members and OBC Chief Counsel Jo Anne House defended OSGC’s actions desipte OSGC acting in violation of the directive of the supreme governing body of the Oneida Tribe…
…which resulted in GTC voting on December 15, 2013, to direct the OBC to work with GTC-appointed representative to fully and finally dissolve Oneida Seven Generations Corporation.
Instead, the OBC chose to fund a lawsuit by OSGC and its subsidiary Green Bay Renewable Energy, LLC, against the City of Green Bay which wound up before the Wisconsin Supreme Court, and the ‘Citizens United’-curated court foolishly defended OSGC’s & GBRE‘s misleading misrepresentations to the City of Green Bay…
…which were the same misrepresentations made by OSGC’s business partner Ron Van Den Heuvel to investors including Dr. Marco Araujo, for which Araujo successfully sued Ron Van Den Heuvel for the return of his investment, which also resulted in Green Box NA Green Bay, LLC, being taken into receivership in Brown County Case No. 2015CV769, Dr. Marco Araujo, Cliffton Equities and Wisconsin Economic Development Corporation (WEDC) v. Green Box NA Green Bay, LLC.
UPDATE regarding OSGC subsidiaries’ Illinois litigation settlement:
On Monday, February 22, 2016, Oneida Eye’s Publisher was informed by Oneida Law Office Deputy Chief Counsel James Bittorf that at some point in time (although Atty. Bittorf did not say when, other than indicate that it was after the companies’ Boards had been dissolved) Former Tribal Planning Director John Breuninger was made ‘Sole Director’ of Oneida Energy Inc., Oneida Energy Blocker Corp. & Green Bay Renewable Energy LLC (although OLO Dept. Chief Counsel Bittorf did not say by whom), and that John Breuninger single-handedly made the decision to pay an undisclosed amount of Tribal money (although Atty. Bittorf said he was “not comfortable” revealing how many millions of dollars) to settle the lawsuit filed against those OSGC subsidiaries by Evanston, IL-based Generation Clean Fuels, ACF Leasing & ACF Services against OSGC’s subsidiaries.
John Breuninger is the husband of the Oneida Law Office’s Senior Paralegal, Jeri Bauman.
After ignoring several previous requests by Oneida Eye’s Publisher for updated copies of the lawsuit’s court filings, OLO Dept. Chief Counsel Bittorf finally provided Oneida Eye’s Publisher with a copy of the Order for Dismissal when she went to his office in person:
- February 1, 2016 Order for Dismissal Pursuant to Settlement, Cook County IL Case # 14-L2768, ACF Leasing LLC, ACF Services LLC & Generation Clean Fuels LLC v. Green Bay Renewable Energy LLC, Oneida Energy Inc. & Oneida Energy Blocker Corp.
HOWEVER, as Oneida Eye has reported, on October 21, 2015, Oneida Tribe members received a letter in the mail from the Oneida Business Committee (which was dated September 23, 2015) stating that the OBC had declined a settlement offer by the Plaintiffs which would have allowed the Oneida Tribe to settle the matters described above for $9 million:
The OBC’s letter clearly stated regarding the latter lawsuit:
The Oneida Business Committee received a request from the plaintiffs to consider settlement. The complaint alleges $400 million in damages; the settlement offer was $9 million. We discussed this settlement in Executive Session on August 26, 2015, and rejected this offer. We believe that the Tribe has not damaged ACF in any way and was not a party to the contract. As a result, the settlement offer is too high to be considered. We do not make a counter-offer as we continue to believe that the Tribe will prevail in this matter. However, if a settlement offer is presented which we think fairly represents the risk and cost of continuing versus concluding this matter, we have committed to bringing that to the General Tribal Council for action.
Then how & why was John Breuninger allowed to make the decision on his own, rather than the OBC bringing that matter before GTC for action as the OBC plainly told GTC that they would?
It’s MORE PROOF of the OBC’s LIES and VIOLATIONS of General Tribal Council’s authority & Tribe members’ rights…
…all while the OBC & the OLO are PROTECTING CORRUPT TRIBAL CORPORATIONS – whose Boards the OBC appoint & oversee – that POCKET and WASTE TENS OF MILLIONS of the Tribe’s dollars on EXECUTIVES’ INFLATED SALARIES … and LAWSUITS … and PYROLYSIS PONZI SCHEMES … and ENERGY SCAMS with local NOT-SO-GOOD-OL’-BOYS.
Why didn’t the OBC tell GTC about the settlement that John Breuninger paid with the Tribe’s money to Generation Clean Fuels, ACF Leasing & ACF Services at the SATURDAY, February 20, 2016 continuation of the GTC Annual Meeting?
OBC Chair Cristina Danforth claimed to Oneida Eye’s Publisher on MONDAY, February 22, 2016, that she was not informed nor aware of a settlement of any kind being paid by the Tribe nor its corporations. Is that true?
Did any other members of the OBC know about a settlement? None of the five who were at the WEDNESDAY, February 24, 2016 OBC Regular Meeting mentioned it – including OBC Chair Tina Delgado-Danforth.
Surely the Oneida Law Office knew and it was brought up during the TUESDAY, February 23, 2016 OBC Executive Session? Right, OLO? Right, Atty. Bittorf? Right, Chief Counsel Jo Anne House? Right, Tina? Hello?
So when & what will OBC tell GTC, eventually?
Especially now that there is no longer any litigation involving OSGC – which the OBC said was necessary to conclude before they could comply with GTC’s unambiguous December 15, 2013 directive to OBC to completely DISSOLVE OSGC?
So when will OBC FINALLY do what GTC – THE SUPREME GOVERNING BODY OF THE ONEIDA NATION IN WISCONSIN – voted to direct the OBC to do over two years ago?
ALSO on MONDAY, February 22, Oneida Eye’s staff and Oneida Nation in Wisconsin members attended the Contempt Hearing in Brown Co. Case No. 2015CV769, Dr. Marco Araujo, Cliffton Equities & Wisconsin Economic Development Corp. (WEDC) vs. Green Box NA Green Bay, LLC, where attendees observed Atty. John Petitjean and fellow attorneys discuss Ron Van Den Heuvel’s various “shell games” involving properties of businesses (belonging to Ron Van Den Heuvel for which Artley Skenandore was the Registered Agent until it was changed to Ron Van Den Heuvel on FRIDAY February 26, 2016) and the unauthorized transportation of multi-collateralized property (that Ron Van Den Heuvel claims to own) being moved from Wisconsin to North Carolina – of all places – in violation & contempt of the Receivership agreement.
- The Court found Ron Van Den Heuvel to be in Contempt.
- The attorney for Wisconsin Economic Development Corp. / WEDC who attended via speakerphone said nary a word after heartily laughing at Judge John P. Zakowski’s joke that his role as the latest judge in the revolving door of recusals reminded him of the Herman’s Hermits’ song ‘I’m Henry the 8th I Am.’
- Atty. Petitjean was recused as Green Box NA Green Bay, LLC’s counsel.
Then, the Eye’s peeps stayed and watched as attorneys discussed before Judge Zakowski Brown Co. Case No. 2013CV463, Dr. Marco Araujo vs. Ron Van Den Heuvel & Green Box NA Green Bay, LLC; Garnishees Patriot Tissue, LLC, International Forest Products, LLC & Baylake Bank, LLC.
Specifically, whether it would be best to allow Baylake Bank to disburse money that allegedly belongs to Ron Van Den Heuvel in order to pay the debt Ron owes former energy scam investor Dr. Marco Araujo, or whether Baylake Bank or another entity should hold onto the money while everything gets sorted out about where the money might have actually come from, who it might actually belong to, and whether other investors, creditors and employees might have rightful claims to it as well, which is all currently being sorted out by Brown County District Attorney David Lasee, as well as the IRS, the SEC, and the FBI.
Judge Zakowski, who seemed a bit out-of-the-loop on the Brown County Sheriff’s Dept.’s investigation and the District Attorney’s assessment not to mention the interstate & international extent of schemes that seem very similar to the Mantria Corporation ‘green energy’ pyrolysis/biochar Ponzi scheme, ordered that:
- Dr. Marco Araujo will get $814,508.84 back from his misspent investment in Ron Van Den Heuvel’s Green Box NA Green Bay, LLC, from Baylake Bank (who seem to be relieved to be able to relinquish Ron’s questionably sourced cash)
- Godfrey & Kahn SC represented Dr. Marco Araujo against the energy scams of Ron Van Den Heuvel throughout this case and at this hearing; the same Godfrey & Kahn that also defended the same energy scams of Ron Van Den Heuvel as perpetrated by Oneida Seven Generations Corp. when OSGC sued the City of Green Bay all the way to Wisconsin Supreme Court for the right to not tell the truth and still demand a Conditional Use Permit. The Wisconsin Supreme Court upheld OSGC’s & Green Bay Renewable Energy’s right to do so.
Think about that:
Godfrey & Kahn defended the energy scams of Ron Van Den Heuvel & OSGC – which were funded by Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker’s Wisconsin Economic Development Corp./WEDC – in front of the Wisconsin Supreme Court to argue against the City of Green Bay’s right to revoke a Conditional Use Permit due to feeling misled…
…all while Godfrey & Kahn was also defending Dr. Araujo against Ron Van Den Heuvel’s energy scams – which were also funded by Scott Walker’s Wisconsin Economic Development Corp./WEDC, resulting in WEDC becoming a co-plaintiff of Dr. Araujo against Ron Van Den Heuvel because he misled individual investors and the State of Wisconsin.
More on all of this in an upcoming post, and be sure to see Oneida Eye’s previous coverage of the long-standing pattern of Wisconsin taxpayer’s money mysteriously going to Ron Van Den Heuvel.
Back to the FRIDAY AFTERNOON, February 19, 2016 meeting hosting Sen. Tammy Baldwin (seen in blue on the left side of the photo below) and dozens of her staff members from Wisconsin and Washington, D.C. …
(Photo from the Oneida Nation in Wisconsin’s Facebook page)
At one point between planned presentations, Madelyn Genskow stood up and wanted to address some concerns to Sen. Baldwin, who readily agreed to meet with Madelyn later, and Madelyn sat down.
Then the following happened:
(Video courtesy of Cathy L. Metoxen)
The video shows that OPD Officers Justine Mehojah & Rachel Smith, and an unidentified male OPD officer picked Madelyn Genskow up, took her out of the Business Committee Conference Room, and put her on the floor in the hallway where she was told to stay until the end of the meeting with U.S. Sen. Tammy Baldwin.
To her credit, Sen. Baldwin appeared to try to motion to Tribal police officers and to Tribal officials conducting the meeting that she did not want OPD officers to forcibly remove Madelyn from the room, but to no avail.
The OPD obviously had their marching orders to infringe on Madelyn’s civil rights, yet – despite being asked several times by Oneida Eye’s Publisher – OPD officers repeatedly refused to state exactly whose egregious command they were unlawfully acting upon.
Presumably Madelyn Genskow wanted to speak with Sen. Baldwin about the following concerns, including Tribal voting rights among other topics:
Sen. Baldwin did finally meet with Madelyn Genskow later in the day and received her February 19, 2016 Letter to Sen. Baldwin, in which Madelyn writes:
What will you do to restore American Civil Rights to American Indians?
There is corruption in the tribe. The U.S. Government allows the Tribe to decide if a criminal is prosecuted even if there is a Federal Connection. Why is that allowed to happen?
The continuation of the 2016 General Tribal Council Annual Meeting was held on Saturday, February 20, 2016 at 10:00 a.m. at the Oneida Casino Radisson Hotel & Conference Center in Green Bay, WI.
Madelyn Genskow created a handout to explain what she wanted to discuss with Sen. Baldwin, her concerns for GTC members given the dismissal of her appeal at the Interior Board of Indian Appeals and her take on what she was subjected to by OBC & OPD at the Norbert Hill Center:
- March 1, 2016 Statement by Madelyn Genskow including February 19, 2016 Oneida Police Dept. Incident Report by Officer Brandon S. Vandehei identifying ONW Legislative Affairs Department Lobbyist Tana D. Aguirre as the ‘Reportee’
Madelyn Genskow has also provided Oneida Eye with a copy of her Statement regarding what Genskow perceived as “threats” delivered to Oneida Elder Cathy L. Metoxen from Oneida Election Board Chair & Land Commission Member Racquel Hill during the Wednesday March 9, 2016 Oneida Business Committee Regular Meeting – as seen on video below:
The note that Racquel ‘Rocky’ Hill gave to Cathy L. Metoxen during the March 9, 2016 OBC Regular Meeting from local ‘psychic’ scam artist Veronica Young, and which appears to have been printed from Rockhead Hill’s own Facebook account and includes Young’s contact info:
This is what she stated to a group of us Monday night:
“This kid is coming through all the time. Josh. She offered 15 minutes free for his Mom. He needs her to do some changing or she won’t be here anymore. He’s worried about 2 little kids. He had a message for Brett Metoxen – “Hey bro. You were more like a brother to me than my real family.” She saw them shaking hands and hitting each on the backs. She said he comes through at so many readings she does. He has a message for his Mom. He’s frantic. She does automatic writings where what comes through is in the person’s writing.
Brett Metoxen just happens to be Rocky Hill‘s half-nephew via his mother, Elaine Parker.
Brett Metoxen’s father is Wayne Metoxen, the Oneida Total Integrated Enterprises (OTIE) Board member who was simultaneously & improperly made the Oneida Tribe’s Project Manager for the Hwy 54 OneStop project despite the undeniable & egregious conflict of interest created given that fact that OTIE was the project’s General Contractor.
A Tribal official personally delivering a hoaxer’s message – supposedly from a deceased son to their surviving mother – during an OBC Regular Meeting discussion about the OBC’s failure to secure the integrity of that mother’s son’s resting place, which includes language that could easily be perceived as a veiled threat of the possibility of disenrollment, banishment, or perhaps worse against the deceased person’s mother, is a new low…
…even for Racquel ‘Rockhead’ Hill.
Here is video documenting Oneida Tribal employees’ & officials’ outrageously unethical harassment and intimidation attempts against the bereaved during the March 9, 2016 OBC Regular Meeting:
- Click here to download the 926-page non-chronological data dump of various documents & reports as delivered following inquiry by families of the interred regarding ongoing standing water issues at the Oneida Tribal Cemetery (recently re-named ‘Oneida Sacred Burial Grounds’) which the Oneida Business Committee & Oneida Land Commission inexplicably yet collectively chose to locate near what OBC Vice-Chair Melinda J. Danforth admitted during the March 9, 2015 OBBC Regular Meeting are “deep water wetlands.”

OPD Chief Rich Van Boxtel
UPDATE 03/03/2016: No Oneida Nation in Wisconsin officials have yet taken responsiblity for authorizing Oneida Police Dept. officers to remove Madelyn Genskow from a public meeting as seen in one of the videos posted above, but OPD Chief Richard Van Boxtel did release the following official OPD statement on THURSDAY March 3, 2016:
Who came up with that desperate Public Relations gimmick? (PR? P.U.!)
Who cares about Indian Civil Rights Act protections when YOU might be one of the HUNDREDS of PEOPLE to whom the Oneida Police Dept. might give…
Should Oneida Elders just get extra cheesesticks, buffalo wings & chicken poppers after they’ve been hauled off by OPD officers and dumped on hallway floors despite not having broken any laws?
Instead of justice… how about the OPD bribe you a Brookie when your civil rights are violated by a Rookie?
Extra Large when you’re falsely charged by the Sarge!
Why don’t the Oneida Business Committee and Oneida Police Dept. start obeying the Law and the General Tribal Council’s directives?
What kind of ‘lures,’ ‘rewards’ & ‘bribes’ could be motivating the OBC’s and the OPD’s reckless, unethical, and unlawful actions?
Oneida Eye cannot confirm any claim that the following is secret footage of pizza distribution by OPD Chief Richard G. Van Boxtel:
Oneida Eye readers report that some OBC fans have taken to social media to criticize Madelyn Genskow’s exercise of free speech, including Ernest Lloyd Stevens III who was formerly employed as the Oneida Nation in Wisconsin’s Executive Specialist for Communications and then became the Executive Director for Native American Tourism of Wisconsin (NATOW), and can be seen in a dark blue shirt standing in the back of the room near the uniformed OPD officers on the right side of the photo of the Friday, February 19, 2016 meeting with Sen. Baldwin and her staff posted above. Ernie Stevens III is said to have posted the following on Facebook on Sunday, February 21, 2016:
Ernie Stevens III was a Co-Producer of the film Crooked Arrows, and his LinkedIn page says he is currently a Co-Host/Producer for the television show Native Report, produced by PBS stations WDSE & WRPT.
Ernie’s father is Ernie Stevens Jr., National Indian Gaming Association (NIGA) Chair & Spokesperson And Tribal Advisor To Consulting Firm Blue Stone Strategy Group.
Here’s what Haskell Indian Nations University Board of Regents Member & Oneida Business Committee Member Brandon Yellowbird Stevens‘ half-brother, Ernie Stevens III, had to say about Oneida Eye back in August 2013 while Ernie III was still in a deferred prosecution agreement in Brown Co. Case No. 13CM1711 regarding a domestic violence incident involving the use of dangerous weapon [Click here for Oneida Police Dept. report]:
Is this why the Oneida Business Committee wanted GTC to support via the BIA Secretarial Election an Oneida Tribal Constitution amendment that “has removed federal oversight authority and responsibility that was held by the Secretary of the Interior“?
To abuse the power to banish enrolled members from the Oneida Nation in Wiscsonsin’s reservation and to vengefully exercise authority over disenrollment?
Is the video of an Oneida Elder being dragged away by Tribal police what GTC can expect from OBC Secretary Lisa M. Summers‘ proposed Sergeant-at-Arms at GTC Meetings if she and other OBC members feel they are being ‘disrespected’ according to their so-called Rules of Decorum?
Unfortunately for Lisa and her authoritarian ilk, Oneida Elder Brad Graham (who was recently appointed to the Oneida Personnel Commission) successfully motioned to remove the Sergeant-at-Arms/Rules of Decorum item from the January 4, 2016 GTC Annual Meeting Agenda, and the issue was not even mentioned at the February 20, 2016 continuation of the Annual Meeting.
In other words, the efforts of Lisa Jong-Un and her co-conspirators to enact a ‘Police State’ during GTC meetings went over thusly:

Lisa Jong-Un Summers watches OBC’s ‘Goon Squad’ legislation testing.
Yet, based on the OBC’s & OPD’s actions at the February 19, 2016 meeting hosting Sen. Baldwin – none of which is a laughing matter – it appears that the OBC’s intent to employ a ‘Goon Squad’ to restrict informed free speech & dissent is now as undeniable as it is indefensible.
Here is a video excerpt of the August 26, 2015 OBC Regular Meeting in which OBC Sec. Lisa Oudenhoven-Summers states she will not tolerate anyone being discordant nor disrespectful to the OBC, and would seek to have them removed for Lisa’s and her staff’s “safety.”
The video also shows Oneida Elders reacting to Lisa Summers’ threats to violate their rights:
At the 5 minute mark in that video you can see Oneida Trust/Enrollment Committee Vice-Chair Carole Liggins making an uglier-than-usual-face during an Elder’s statements about the OBC’s violations of the Indian Civil Rights Act, thereby proving another Elder’s claims that Tribal employees often mock and make fun of Oneida Elders behind their backs, and that friends & family of OBC members (such as Fawn Billie’s partner Tim Ninham) actively try to discourage Oneida Elders from speaking at public meetings.

Carole Liggins, mother of OBC Sec. Lisa Summers’ Executive Asst. Lisa Liggins, openly mocks Elders during the August 26, 2015 OBC Regular Meeting
Oneida Trust/Enrollment Committee Vice-Chair Carole Liggins happens to be the mother of Lisa Liggins, who happens to be the Executive Asst. of OBC Sec. Lisa Summers, who happens to be the former Executive Asst. of Vice-Chair Melinda J. Danforth, who was not present at the August 26, 2015 meeting but had attended the July 8 & 22, 2015 OBC Meetings during which OBC members lied about OBC Sec. Summers’ actions & mishandlings causing unjust delay due process against a GTC Petitioner, and the August 17, 2015 Special OBC Meeting during which Oneida Eye’s Publisher had to explain to the OBC why – among many other problems – their contract with Tribally-owned Oneida Total Integrated Enterprises [OTIE] embodied a blatant conflict of interest that had to be resolved.
Was Carole Liggins coaching Lisa Summers to cut an Elder off?
Or was Carole Liggins just being an ass (as usual)?
Ask yourself why – since Lisa Summers was sworn in as OBC Secretary in August 2014 – the Oneida Business Committee has altogether ceased posting any videos of OBC Regular Meetings in the ‘Members Only’ area of the Tribe’s website? (For a screenshot taken on 02/21/2016 click here.)
Instead, enrolled Oneida Nation in Wisconsin (ONW) members are required to PAY for copies of videos of public OBC meetings … IF recordings exist … and yet purchased copies of meetings made by Records Management Director Steve Webster often DON’T WORK!
Can you say ‘censorship‘…without getting dragged away?
It’s important to note that OBC Sec. Lisa Summers curtailed the posting of OBC public meeting videos during the crucial period of time that the OBC & the BIA Dept. Regional Director of Indian Services Scott Sufficool were conducting the BIA Secretarial Election regarding changes to the Oneida Constitution, and while OBC and the Oneida Election Board were giving GTC members false and misleading information via posting, mailings & notices in the Tribal newspaper about Tribal elections, including the inaugural Oneida Tribal Judiciary election, and all while the OBC was actively attempting to disenfranchise voters.
The OBC obviously wants information lockdown in order to keep the ONW General Tribal Council in the dark… and that’s the ONE & ONLY THING the OBC has been truly successful at.
During the July 6, 2015 GTC Semi-Annual Meeting, Janice DeCorah identified and rightly called out the OBC for what Oneida Eye considers to be the OBC’s unmistakable attempt to use the proposed ‘GTC Meetings Law‘ to unlawfully empower the OBC in ways which blatantly violate the Oneida Constitution, and she importantly notes that these clearly illegal powergrabs remain in the version presented to GTC after FIVE years and FOUR drafts of the law by the Legislative Operating Committee, which was under the direction of Fmr. LOC Chair Melinda Danforth and current LOC Chair Brandon Stevens:
Janice DeCorah, who worked for the Oneida Business Committee for 16 years including serving as the Recording Secretary for OBC meetings, correctly noted the unconstitutional changes that the OBC and the Legislative Operating Committee (LOC; made up primarily of five OBC members and currently chaired by OBC member Brandon Stevens) have proposed making regarding how GTC Meetings are conducted:
The way [the LOC’s draft of the GTC Meeting Law] reads, it violates the Oneida Constitution and gives more power to the Business Committee over the Constitution. …You violated the Constitution twice. You infringed on the petition process itself by not having it clear what happens to them if you cancel a meeting, and you infringe upon the Chair’s ability to to call a [GTC] meeting by saying that the rest of you, the eight of you [OBC members] will determine when or if. No! The Constitution says the Chair can call that meeting. …I’m so amazed that it’s even in there, that it took over four to five years to write it. You had four drafts. Within the four drafts why didn’t one of you say, “Hey! We’re violating the Constitution!”? It didn’t occur.
General Tribal Council members have to come to grips with the inevitable conclusion that the actions of the OBC & LOC and OBC Chief Counsel Jo Anne House and the Legislative Review Office (LRO) provide sufficient convincing evidence of this fact:
The OBC, OBC Chair Cristina Danforth, and OBC Chief Counsel Jo Anne House do not deserve the benefit of doubt when it comes to their continuous efforts to undermine the authority of General Tribal Council and violate the Constitution & Laws of the Oneida Tribe of Indians of Wisconsin, as well as violate the Indian Civil Rights Act.
As stated, the February 19, 2016 meeting with Sen. Baldwin was presided over by OBC Vice-Chair Melinda Danforth, but OBC Chair Cristina Danforth allowed & endorsed similar actions by OBC & OPD at the August 26, 2015 OBC Regular Meeting resulting in OPD Sergeant Nathan Ness unjustly detaining and making a false charge against an Oneida Eye writer & editor in the Outagamie County Court system, most likely out of retaliation in an attempt to try to publicly harm a critic’s reputation.
Why even bother with a Sergeant-at-Arms when the Oneida Business Committee is willing to unlawfully use Officers and Sergeants of the Oneida Police Department – who are cross-deputized by the Brown County & Outagamie County Sheriffs’ Departments – to blatantly violate people’s civil rights?
All in plain view of a sitting U.S. Senator and her staff, no less.
Despite having the chance to do so, none of the 9 members of the Oneida Business Committee wanted to admit at the February 20, 2016 GTC Meeting to having been responsible for unjustifiably ordering OPD to forcibly remove an Oneida Elder from a public meeting in violation of her civil rights.
The OBC currently consists of the following:
- Chair: Cristina Danforth (aka Tina Delgado-Danforth)
- Vice-Chair: Melinda J. Danforth
- Treasurer: Trish Stevens-King
- Secretary: Lisa Oudenhoven-Summers
- Member: Brandon Yellowbird Stevens
- Member: Ron ‘Tehassi’ Hill, Jr.
- Member: Jennifer McLester-Webster
- Member: Fawn Billie
- Fmr. & Illegal member: David ‘Fleet’ Jordan
As David ‘Fleet’ Jordan himself has said for the record regarding the lack of government accountablity within the Oneida Nation in Wisconsin:
Such a lack of ethics in this entire organization.
The observations by Fmr. OBC Member Vince Dela Rosa in the mp3 below about the ONW government’s lack of proper auditing, enforcement, and accountablity are worth a listen as he explains why:
[I]f you only knew what was going on underneath the surface here, as Tribal members you would be horrified. I’m promising you that.
See also: