Below is an excerpt of the September 9, 2015 Joint Legislative Audit Committee meeting regarding Gov. Scott Walker’s Wisconsin Economic Development Corporation’s loans to companies like Ron Van Den Heuvel’s Green Box NA, about which WI State Sen. Julie Lassa said:
[WEDC] had invited Green Box as late as this year to participate in a ‘trade trip’ to Tanzania, even though Green Box is being investigated and it might be something like a Ponzi scheme or a check-kiting organization.
Green Box NA Green Bay LLC Board Chair Ronald Henry Van Den Heuvel’s wife is Kelly Yessman Van Den Heuvel.
Oneida Nation High School Principal Artley Skenandore’s wife is Oneida Police Department Lieutenant Lisa Drew Skenandore / Lisa Skenandore.
[Regarding Artley’s father, the Brown Co. Sheriff’s Dept. website says: “In 1957 with the election of Artley Skenandore, Brown County became the first county to elect a full-blooded Indian to the position of sheriff,” and lists his term as lasting from 1957-1960. (The list of elected Brown Co. Sheriff’s also shows a Henry VandenHeuvel which seems to be Ron Van Den Heuvel’s grandfather.) Lisa Drew Skenandore / Lisa Skenandore is said to have worked undercover for the Brown Co. Sheriff’s Dept. Drug Taskforce prior to working for the OPD, though some Tribe members question her professional credentials and have asked whether she is unfairly receiving preferable treatment by OPD Chief Rich VanBoxtel as opposed to standards that have been applied to others. Oneida Business Committe Chair Cristina Danforth has refused to state whether her office has taken any action in keeping with the Oneida Tribe’s ‘Anonymous Letters Policy’ to investigate the concerns outlined in an an anonymous letter sent to the Oneida Police Commission and cc’d to OPD Chief VanBoxtel and the OBC Chair, and sent to Oneida Eye’s Publisher.]
[Note: On Oct. 1 the Wisconsin Circuit Court Access website disabled hyperlinks to cases (hmm, wonder why? go figure), so we have updated our links below to PDFs from that website and encourage readers to visit the WCCA site for further case information and updates. Apologies for any inconvenience WCCA may have caused our readers.]
The following was sent regarding the May 20, 2015, letter by WI State Sen. Julie Lassa and WI State Assembly Minority Leader Peter Barca which asked U.S. Attorney General Loretta Lynch for a federal criminal investigation into Gov. Scott Walker’s Wisconsin Economic Development Corporation (WEDC)’s loan to Building Committee, Inc. (BCI), due to “possible violations of federal law” including:
• 52 U.S.C. §30122 – “Contributions in Name of Another Prohibited.”
• 18 U.S.C. §666 – “Theft or Bribery Concerning Programs Receiving Federal Funds.”
• 18 U.S.C. §1341 – “Frauds and Swindles.”
• 18 U.S.C. §1343 – “Fraud by Wire, Radio or Television.”
We believe those same concerns should be investigated regarding other entites who received WEDC funds.
September 21, 2015
The Honorable Loretta Lynch
Attorney General
U.S. Department of Justice
950 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20530-0001
Dear Attorney General Lynch,
We, the undersigned enrolled members of the Oneida Tribe of Indians of Wisconsin (OTIW), respectfully and urgently request your attention and action regarding the May 20, 2015, letter to the Department of Justice from Wisconsin State Legislators Peter W. Barca and Julie M. Lassa which asks for a federal investigation of possible violations of law by the Wisconsin Economic Development Corporation (WEDC) and some of the companies to which it has provided funds.
We ask that the USDOJ’s investigation also include WEDC’s loans to Oneida Seven Generations Corporation (OSGC) and Green Box NA Green Bay, LLC (“Green Box”).
OSGC is a Tribally-chartered and wholly-owned corporation of OTIW, and OSGC’s Board was appointed and overseen by the nine elected members of the Oneida Business Committee (OBC).
Green Box was recently put into Receivership under Michael S. Polsky, Esq., in Brown County Case #2015CV769, Dr. Marco Araujo, Cliffton Equities Inc. & Wisconsin Economic Development Corporation v. Green Box NA Green Bay, LLC.
WEDC awarded funds to OSGC and Green Box for projects of a very similar and related nature: the pyrolysis/gasification of waste for energy generation and products based on technology and processes which Green Box Board Chair Ronald Henry Van Den Heuvel has claimed under oath are proprietary and owned by him, and which he must oversee any implementation of in order for him to be able to bestow a company the U.S. Food & Drug Administration’s approval for use.
[See the Supplemental Examination of Ronald H. Van Den Heuvel Before James O’Neil, Court Commissioner, May 8, 2015, 10:00 a.m. to 12:59 p.m. and May 15, 2015, 10:07 a.m. to 11:04 a.m., in Brown Co. Case #2015CV769, in which Ron Van Den Heuvel proclaimed: “I’ve made 74 people in this town millionaires.”; All documents cited herein are posted on along with related documents, links, and transcripts, audio & video of relevant OTIW meetings.]
Ron Van Den Heuvel showed potential Green Box investors flyers citing a pilot system operated by American Combustion Technologies, Inc. at ACTI’s “Paramount (California) facility to test various feed stocks for their energy properties, while providing system demonstrations.” [Exhibit B, page 45, Amended Complaint and Demand for Jury Trial in Brown Co. Case #2013CV463, Dr. Marco Araujo v. Ronald H. Van Den Heuvel & Green Box NA Green Bay, LLC]
At OSGC’s request, Latif Mahjoob addressed OTIW’s General Tribal Council (GTC; comprised of all OTIW members age 21 and up who attend duly called and noticed meetings) during the April 11, 2011 GTC Special Meeting, wherein Latif Mahjoob vouched for and pitched OSGC’s pyrolysis project to GTC in order for OSGC to obtain GTC’s approval to seek multi-million dollar financing from BIA-backed guaranteed loans and other funding sources, including WEDC.
[See Transcript of April 11, 2011 GTC Special Meeting and Green Box flyer.]
At that same meeting, OSGC CEO, OEI CEO & GBRE President Kevin Cornelius stated that OSGC executives and Board members – along with OBC member and OSGC Liaison Brandon Stevens – had visited California to tour a pyrolysis energy plant which was tested with real ‘Wisconsin-style’ garbage in order to prove its safe, energy-generating viability for the region.
Currently, Latif Mahjoob and ACTI are facing claims of fraud in U.S. District Court in Nevada, Las Vegas Office Case #2:2015cv00694, CH2E Nevada, LLC v. American Combustion Technologies of California, Inc. & Latif Mahjoob.
We therefore ask the USDOJ to investigate whether Ron Van Den Heuvel & Green Box and Latif Mahjoob & ACTI engaged in fraud against OTIW, GTC, OBC, and/or OSGC and its subsidiaries, which has resulted in OSGC seeking and becoming the recipient and guarantor for $4 million in combined loans for pursuing pyrolysis energy projects in the State of Wisconsin:
• $2 million in May 2010 from the Wisconsin Dept. of Commerce (WDoC) via Contract #LEG FY10-19812; plus
• $2 million in November 2011 from American Recovery & Reinvestment Act (ARRA) funds on behalf of subsidiary Oneida Energy, Inc., (OEI) via WEDC Contract #SEP FY10-20265.
In 2003, Nature’s Way Tissue Corporation, LLC, (“Nature’s Way”) was formed with 11% owned by OTIW member Artley Skenandore’s company, Swakweko, LLC; 20% owned by OSGC; and 20% owned by Spirit Lake Corporation, with the remaining 49% owned by Custom Tissue, LLC – whose principal owner and operator was Ron Van Den Heuvel.
Custom Tissue, LLC, was administratively dissolved in 2012. That same year, Nature’s Way was administratively dissolved by the Wisconsin Department of Financial Institutions (WDFI) after its operations were shuttered following multiple delinquent state tax warrants, many still unpaid.
[See January 27, 2013, Decision & Order of the Wisconsin Tax Appeals Commission in Steven Peters, Ronald Van Den Heuvel & Artley Skenandore v. Wisconsin Dept. of Revenue outlines Nature’s Way’s ownership percentages and its principals’ failure to pay state taxes.]
Nature’s Way’s collapse resulted in a $4 million loss to OTIW/OSGC. Also, Ron Van Den Heuvel’s Tissue Technology, LLC, still owes $1.2 million to OSGC-subsidiary Glory, LLC, in Brown Co. Case #2009CV439, Glory LLC v. Ron Van Den Heuvel & Tissue Technology LLC. lists Artley Skenandore as being Nature’s Way’s last ‘Registered Agent’ and lists its last physical address as 2107 American Blvd., De Pere, WI, which is a part of the Green Box estate being managed by Receiver Michael S. Polsky, Esq., in Brown County Case #15CV769.
In November 2009, the WDoC awarded OSGC $2 million for its stated plan of providing “waste disposal and energy recovery through the use of technology that harnesses the energy of waste and other economically suitable materials and inverts the energy to electricity. The by-product of this material is a carbon char that can be sold as a value added product,” as described in WDoC Contract #LEG FY10-19812 which also states that the OSGC “reached agreements with several vendors for their placement of proprietary systems for gasification of metropolitan solid waste,” and that OSGC’s project was to be located within Brown County, Wisconsin; the same county in which Ron Van Den Heuvel lives and where Green Box NA Green Bay, LLC, is located.
According to Contract #SEP FY10-2026, WEDC awarded OEI $2 million in loans from the American Reinvestment & Recovery Act (ARRA) on May 19, 2010, although the loan contract documents were not signed until November 16, 2011, perhaps due to the fact that – according to – OEI wasn’t even incorporated/registered in Wisconsin until June 22, 2010.
On October 5, 2011, former Green Bay Mayor Paul Jadin, acting as WEDC’s CEO, signed Contract #WEDC FY-12-21010 awarding Green Box a $1.116 million loan for its operations in the City of De Pere, WI, to “recycle food-contaminated waste to create tissue products, oil, diesel, ethanol compressed syngas, synthetic fuels, sugars, biochar soil enhancement material, paper cups, and electricity” using “pyrolysis,” which is also referred to as “thermal conversion.” [See ]
On March 19, 2012, Green Box later received an additional $191,231 from WEDC via Contract #WEDC FY12-21248 for the same pyrolysis project.
Based on Ron Van Den Heuvel’s involvement with Artley Skenandore’s Swakweko, LLC, and OSGC via the ill-fated Nature’s Way, we believe that the “proprietary systems for gasification” which OSGC, OEI, and GBRE sought to construct – and OSGC-subsidiary IEP Development, LLC, said it had “exclusivity to market” to tribes, counties, and municipalities – are presumably the same technology and processes which Ron Van Den Heuvel has claimed are his to bestow to companies, especially given that OSGC’s and Green Box’s energy projects involved participation by Mr. Latif Mahjoob of American Combustion Technologies (of California) Inc. (ACTI)
It should be noted that, while both OEI and Green Box claim that their systems will allow them to create and sell electricity, the only mention of the primary equipment necessary to generate electricity is the collateral described as a “Cummins model C1750N6C engine generator with 4,160 VAC 3 phase, 4 wire, 60 hertz output for operation on low BTU gaseous fuel. Production Number A030V695” in WEDC Contract #SEP FY10-20205 where it’s listed as belonging to OSGC, and nowhere is the ownership of any generator attributed Ron Van Den Heuvel.
Any pyrolysis project that makes claims regarding the ability to put electricity on the grid would necessarily include a means for generating electricity. However, while Van Den Heuvel’s project cites electricity generation numerous times, no documents cite any generator that he owns nor owned, raising the possibility that the generator attributed to OSGC was perhaps intended for use by Ron Van Den Heuvel and Green Box. The actual physical location and current operational status of OSGC’s generator remains undisclosed to GTC by OBC and OSGC.
Interestingly, court documents in Brown Co. Case #2015CV769 suggest that Ron Van Den Heuvel has used the same “tire or pellet liquefaction thermal degradation units” as collateral for more than one business deal simultaneously, therefore we ask the USDOJ to also investigate who actually owns the Cummins model generator OSGC used as collateral for its WEDC award; where it’s located; if it’s being currently being used; if so, by whom, and what for; and whether it is also being used as collateral in any other deals involving OSGC or Ron Van Den Heuvel.
OSGC/OEI’s and OSGC-subsidiary Green Bay Renewable Energy (GBRE)’s pursuit of pyrolysis energy projects also resulted in a contentious court battle between the City of Green Bay and OSGC & GBRE regarding the Green Bay Common Council’s right to rescind OSGC/GBRE’s Conditional Use Permit to build a municipal waste energy system in Green Bay due to feeling misled by OSGC which has been needlessly costly to all parties, and to the State of Wisconsin.
In Wisconsin Supreme Court Case #2013AP591, the court “conclude[d] that the City’s decision to rescind [OSGC’s] conditional use permit was not based on substantial evidence,” yet WSC Chief Justice Patience Roggensack’s dissenting opinion states that, in addition to the majority ignoring “long-established legal principles that apply to certiorari review,” the evidence clearly shows that OSGC/GBRE did, in fact, mislead the City of Green Bay’s elected officials.
[See May 29, 2015 Wisconsin Supreme Court Majority & Dissenting Opinions in Case #2013AP491, Oneida Seven Generations Corporation & Green Bay Renewable Energy, LLC v. City of Green Bay.]
We agree with Chief Justice Roggensack and we can only conclude that, not only did OSGC and its subsidiaries mislead GTC and the City of Green Bay, OSGC’s entire energy plan seems to be based on frauds perpetrated by Ron Van Den Heuvel & Green Box, and Latif Mahjoob & ACTI.
Due to the long – standing business relationship between Ronald Van Den Heuvel, Artley Skenandore, and OSGC, and given the WEDC’s unwarranted and ill-advised funding of their near simultaneous developments of similar pyrolysis-based waste energy projects that both appear to hinge on the claims, representations, and promises of both Ron Van Den Heuvel and Latif Mahjoob, which not only seem to be scientifically false but also appear to constitute criminal fraud based on the evidence uncovered in the WEDC’s lawsuit seeking receivership of Green Box NA Green Bay LLC, we hereby request that the U.S. Department of Justice investigate WEDC’s awarding of taxpayer funds to OSGC/OEI and to Green Box, especially given the ARRA source of funding for the OSGC/OEI proposal, and any illegal means that may have been used by Ron Van Den Heuvel & Green Box and/or OSGC/OEI to obtain funds.
As OTIW members we are also very concerned that past & present OTIW & OSGC employees and officials, including Artley Skenandore; past & present OBC members, including current OBC Chair Tina Danforth; and past & present employees of the Oneida Law Office (OLO), including current Chief Counsel Jo Anne House (WI State Bar License #1021514), may have believed or known that Ron Van Den Heuvel has been perpetrating fraudulent schemes against OTIW; GTC; OBC; OSGC; and the State of Wisconsin; and/or that they may have participated in furthering and/or defending Ron Van Den Heuvel’s schemes with the expectation of personal or familial financial gain through private side-deals, kickbacks, investments in or ownership of shares of Ron Van Den Heuvel’s various companies, including Environmental Advanced Reclamation Technology HQ, LLC, which Ron Van Den Heuvel refers to as E.A.R.T.H.
Ron Van Den Heuvel claims in court documents that E.A.R.T.H. has over 100,000,000 outstanding shares which he says were independently appraised at $3/per share on the basis of the value of his intellectual property regarding proprietary energy conversion processes, but which Ron Van Den Heuvel claims will one day be worth much more to lucky shareholders.
[See Supplemental Examination of Ronald H. Van Den Heuvel Before James O’Neil, Court Commissioner, May 8, 2015, 10:00 a.m. to 12:59 p.m., and May 15, 2015, 10:07 a.m. to 11:04 a.m., from Brown Co. Case #2015CV769.]
To us, all of this sounds strikingly similar to the Mantria Corporation / EternaGreen Global Corporation / Speed of Wealth, LLC, pyrolysis ‘Ponzi’ scheme, the principals of which the USDOJ filed indictments alleging conspiracy and fraud against on Thursday, September 4, 2015, in the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, Case #2:15-cf-00398-JHS, United States of America v. Troy Wragg, Amanda Knorr & Wayde McKelvy.
We therefore ask the USDOJ investigate whether Ron Van Den Heuvel and/or Latif Mahjoob, or anyone involved in OSGC’s energy projects, were also involved in the Mantria ‘Ponzi’ scheme.
On May 5, 2013, OTIW’s GTC voted to direct the OBC to prohibit OSGC and its subsidiaries from engaging in “pyrolysis” or “waste-to-energy” anywhere on the OTIW Reservation, yet in November 2013 it was discovered that OSGC’s property was being used for those purposes in conjunction with Generation Clean Fuels (GCF; formerly known as Arland Clean Fuels/ACF).
Due to that discovery, and the litigation involving the City of Green Bay, plus GTC members’ belief that OSGC and OBC are hiding important information from GTC, on December 15, 2013, GTC voted to direct the OBC to dissolve OSGC. However, the OBC has refused to do so citing OSGC/GBRE’s litigation against the City of Green Bay (which is now concluded), as well as the $397.5 million lawsuit filed in Cook County, Illinois Case #2014-L-002768, ACF Leasing, LLC, ACF Services, LLC & Generation Clean Fuels, LLC v. Oneida Seven Generations Corporation, Green Bay Renewable Energy, LLC & the Oneida Tribe of Indians of Wisconsin.
That litigation is based on contracts which OSGC CEO, OEI CEO & GBRE President Kevin Cornelius signed on May 6, 2013, the day after he had attended a GTC Meeting on behalf of OSGC, OEI & GBRE, wherein GTC resoundingly voted to prohibit OSGC and its subsidiaries from engaging in any form of “pyrolysis” or “gasification” anywhere on the Oneida Reservation.
As members, we wonder what OTIW’s real liabilities will now be and are concerned that OBC, OLO, and OSGC attorneys might not be mounting a defense based on the best interests of GTC, but is instead designed to protect their own investments, although OTIW members do know that Article IV of the Oneida Tribal Constitution grants GTC the right to veto any encumbrances.
Information regarding the GCF/ACF lawsuit and related lawsuits won by individual investors against GCF/ACF can be found at, along with related information regarding court cases involving Todd Parczick and Mark H. Verhaagh of Alliance Construction & Design, Inc.; and Alliance GC [Global Conservation], LLC; and P2O Technologies, LLC, all of which are connected to GCF/ACF as seen in documents from the following Wisconsin court cases:
• Jefferson Co. Case #2012CV906, David J. Wolf v. Arland Clean Fuels, LLC;
• Jefferson Co. Case #2013CV297, JWR, Inc., v. Alliance Construction & Design, Inc.;
• Jefferson Co. Case #2013CV321, JWR, Inc. v. Arland Clean Fuels, Generation Clean Fuels, LLC, & Eric Decator;
• Jefferson Co. Case #2013CV322, David J. Wolf v. Arland Clean Fuels, LLC & Generation Clean Fuels, LLC;
• Brown Co. Case #2013CV1065, Tina Fritsch v. Generation Clean Fuels, LLC;
• Brown Co. Case #2014SC509, Davis & Kuelthau, SC v. Arland Clean Fuels, LLC.
Principals of Alliance Construction & Design, Inc. & Alliance GC, LLC, own 49% of OSGC-subsidiary Oneida-Kodiak Construction, LLC, and Alliance was working on OSGC/GBRE’s pyrolysis waste energy project on Hurlbut Street in the City of Green Bay, but is now refusing to allow OSGC or OBC to have access to Oneida-Kodiak Construction’s financial records due to an ongoing “dispute,” according to what OTIW CFO Larry Barton has told OTIW members.
OTIW members are concerned as to why the OBC, OLO and OSGC aren’t aggressively seeking access to Oneida-Kodiak’s corporate financial records by pursuing legal action against Alliance Construction & Design Inc. / Alliance GC LLC, just like OBC, OLO, and OSGC seem unaware or disinterested in obtaining Glory LLC’s $1.2 million judgment against Ron Van Den Heuvel.
We therefore ask that the USDOJ also investigate whether fraud against OTIW, GTC, OBC, or OSGC and its subsidiaries has been perpetrated by those businesses and related individuals, including Atty. Eric R. Decator and Atty. Joseph A. Camilli of Evanston, IL-based GCF/ACF.
Both OTIW and OSGC have been dismissed from the Illinois lawsuit on the basis of their claims of ‘Sovereign immunity,’ but Plaintiffs have appealed their dismissal. OBC and OLO continue to withhold information about OSGC/GBRE from GTC, seemingly to protect OSGC from GTC, which only causes OTIW members to further wonder if OBC, OLO, OSGC board members, officers and executives, and/or their families, have bought or been given shares of Ron Van Den Heuvel’s E.A.R.T.H. or his wide array of seemingly fraudulent shell companies with unproven claims and empty promises of future wealth on which people believe their personal fortunes rely.
Yet it’s all at the expense of everyone and everything else.
Leah Sue Dodge and undersigned enrolled members of the
Oneida Tribe of Indians of Wisconsin
‘Energy & Paper & Fraud … Oh My!’
Here’s a Press Release by Oneida PR Director Bobbi Webster‘s former business partner at Leonard, Finco & Webster Communications, Inc., to promote OSGC’s waste gasification projects:
- Oneida Seven Generations Corporation Press Release by Susan Finco of Leonard & Finco Public Relations, Inc.
- June 15, 2015, Green Bay Press Gazette: Green Bay Packers pick Susan Finco for Executive Committee
Finco was a broadcast journalist for WBAY-TV and WFRV-TV for 15 years before launching Leonard & Finco Public Relations 23 years ago with Charlie Leonard, who retired in 2000. The company works with businesses in manufacturing, energy, architecture, government, engineering, retail, entertainment, construction, transportation and health care. One of its specialties is crisis management. …
Green Bay Packers executive committee members are:
• Mark Murphy, Packers president.
• Larry Weyers, vice president and lead director. He is the retired CEO of Integrys Energy Group. [which was an L&F client and is now known as WEC Energy Group Inc. and includes the brands: WE Energies / Wisconsin Public Service / Peoples Gas / North Shore Gas / Michigan Gas Utilities / Minnesota Energy Resources]
• Daniel Ariens, secretary. Ariens is CEO of Airens Co., Brillion, a manufacturer of snow blowers and lawn mowers.
• John Bergstrom, chairman and CEO of Bergstrom Corp., Appleton, which owns auto dealerships throughout Wisconsin.
• Mark McMullen, treasurer, retired vice-chairman of Associated Banc-Corp.
• Thomas Olson, former president and CEO of U.S. Paper Mills Corp.
• Thomas Olejniczak, attorney and managing partner of Conway, Olejniczak & Jerry, S.C.
Green Bay Packers Executive Committee Secretary Dan Ariens – who, like Ron Van Den Heuvel, is a longtime GOP donor – was recently selected as Chair of the Wisconsin Economic Development Corporation (WEDC) Board:
- July 20, 2015, GBPG: Dan Ariens to chair troubled WEDC
“I think staff has acknowledged we made some mistakes very early in the tenure and today it’s a very different organization,” Ariens said.
Later pressed by reporters about what mistakes were made, Ariens declined to list anything specific. He said he welcomes continued public scrutiny.
“It’s our job to turn the court of public opinion,” he said.
Barca and Lassa weren’t satisfied. During their own news conference ahead of the meeting, they called for “significant” change within the agency.
They introduced a pair of motions that would stiffen WEDC policies in a number of areas, including requiring award recipients to show jobs were actually created or retained and requiring the agency to report any fraud observed to prosecutors and verify whether potential recipients face pending legal actions.
The board ultimately chose to send the motions back to its awards administration committee. Ariens said the board may revisit the suggestions at a meeting in September.
Now, suddenly, this is happening:
- Sept. 24, 2015, GBPG: LPGA could be coming to Green Bay area
Specifically, to the Oneida Tribe of Indians of Wisconsin-owned Thornberry Creek at Oneida, the Official Golf Course of the Green Bay Packers.
Without much information being provided, the Oneida Golf Enterprise Corporation (OGEC; which – like OSGC – is a ‘corporation’ in name only, because the Oneida Tribe has no corporate laws) wants OTIW’s General Tribal Council to allow OGEC to borrow $8.65 Million to host the LPGA:
- Oneida Golf Enterprise Corporation’s Ladies Professional Golf Association Proposal to GTC regarding an $8.65 Million Loan to host the LPGA Tour at Thornberry Creek at Oneida, from the GTC FY2016 Budget Meeting Packet which was mailed via USPS to all Oneida Tribe members age 21 and over for the September 21, 2015 GTC Budget Meeting, which was continued on November 14, 2015, and will be continued on Monday December 14, 2015
Click image for full PDF (11 pages):
Is this an example of “crisis management” designed to “turn the court of public opinion” about Oneida Tribally-owned corporations due to the Tribe’s multi-million dollar expenditure securing the naming rights to the Oneida Nation Gate at Lambeau Field?
Why doesn’t OGEC just borrow money from a bank, like Oneida Tribally-owned Bay Bank (whose Board the OBC appoints and oversees, just as it did for OSGC)?
Because – just like sister OSGC – OGEC is a ‘corporation’ in name only and it has no track record of success, and the Oneida Tribe still has no corporate laws despite the $4 million failure of Nature’s Way Tissue scheme and an additional $4 million up in smoke over OSGC’s waste gasification schemes (both of which involved Ron Van Den Heuvel).
Therefore, no Tribal officials nor Tribal corporate officers / executives are ever held personally responsible when money & materials disappear and endeavors fail, a good example being the OGEC’s predecessor Oneida Golf Corporation (of which Bobbi Webster and OBC Treasurer Trish King were members).
Just as OGEC has no experience in the professional golf tour business, OSGC had no experience in the energy business.
So then why did WEDC under Fmr. Green Bay Mayor Paul Jadin give OSGC $4 million for “energy” projects based on Ron Van Den Heuvel’s “business” plans which now looks like nothing more than a pyrolysis Ponzi scheme that was pitched to Tribe members and the City of Green Bay and the State of Wisconsin by – and the clawback of its undeserved millions in state loans now being overseen by – Executive Committee members of the Green Bay Packers?

(back row) Mark J. McMullen, Treasurer; Daniel T. Ariens, Secretary; Mark H. Murphy, President; Thomas M. Olejniczak, Member; John F. Bergstrom, Member; (front row) Susan M. Finco, Member; and Thomas L. Olson, Vice President and Lead Director.
Did the Green Bay Packers organization and Ron Van Den Heuvel or OSGC representatives ever discuss deals to use Lambeau Field’s concessions garbage as feedstock for Green Box NA Green Bay / E.A.R.T.H. or by OSGC / Green Bay Renewable [sic] Energy?
Were any Green Bay Packers Executive Committee members directly involved in or knowledgeable of discussions with OSGC’s or Ron Van Den Heuvel’s various entities regarding paper products industries?
Were any Green Bay Packers Executive Committee members directly involved in or knowledgeable of discussions with OSGC’s or Ron Van Den Heuvel’s various entities’ plans to put energy on the grid via WE Energies or Wisconsin Public Service Corp.?
Are any Green Bay Packers Executive Committee members, or their family members, among the 74 millionaires that Ron Van Den Heuvel claims to have made in the Green Bay area; or investors or partners in companies related to Ron Van Den Heuvel’s or Artley Skenandore’s or the Oneida Tribe’s various … endeavors?
Can you say ‘Conflict of Interests’?
Oh, by the way…
The event is scheduled for 11:30 a.m. to 1:10 p.m. Nov. 12 at the KI Convention Center.
Tickets are $50 each or $450 for a table of 10. Registration can be made by calling Annah Dugan at (920) 437-8256 or at, or go
Of note:
- Green Bay Press Gazette: Ex-D.A.R.E. Officer Kevin Vanden Heuvel appears in court regarding fundraising scam
See also:
- Paper mill co. Van Den Heuvel Holding Company / VHC Inc. seeks void of $17 Million IRS Deficiency Notice
- April 8, 2015 Supplemental Examination of Philip J. Reinhart by Atty. Jonathan Smies (Godfrey & Kahn) before James P. O’Neil, Court Commissioner, w/ Atty. John Petitjean (Hinkfuss, Sickel, Petitjean & Weiting) serving as counsel for Mr. Reinhart (68 pages, missing pg. 5-8) and related Exhibits (See also: Brown Co. Case No. 2014CV783, Jansen Logistics Services LLC vs. Sharad Tak; and the July 1, 2015 Order Denying Motion for Summary Judgment, Case No. 2014CV724, Jansen Logistics Services LLC vs. Sharad Tak)
- Green Bay Mayor Jim Schmitt Returns Illegal Campaign Donation To Oneida Tribe Of Indians Of Wisconsin’s Oneida Seven Generations Corporation (Oneida Eye’s has been informed that Jim Schmitt – who openly supported OSGC’s ‘waste energy’ plans – traveled to Santiago, Dominican Republic, with IEP Development LLC President & CEO Mark Hess on May 7, 2012, to tour a ‘waste energy’ facility, but that Schmitt will only acknowledge that the trip was paid for by “donors.”)
- January 8, 2015 Oral Arguments before the Wisconsin Supreme Court: Oneida Seven Generations Corp. & Green Bay Renewable Energy vs. the City of Green Bay in which Godfrey & Kahn defended OSGC/GBRE against the Common Council’s decision to rescind OSGC/GBRE’s ‘Conditional Use Permit’ to build a waste gasification system (based on Ron Van Den Heuvel’s ‘proprietary’ and ‘patented’ technology) due to misrepresentations and misleading claims made to the City by OSGC/GBRE … in contast to Brown Co. Case 2015CV769 (in which WEDC is now a Plaintiff) wherein Godfrey & Kahn argued on Dr. Marco Araujo’s behalf that Ron Van Den Heuvel had made misrepresentations and misleading claims to individual investors.
For your consideration:
- Courthouse News Service:Law Firms Connected to Ponzi Fraud Owe Big Bucks
Heavy-hitting law firms…will together pay $77.5 million to settle a class action that accused them of aiding a $900 million Ponzi scheme. …
The class said that [the law firms] created “a facade of legitimacy” that allowed the Ponzi scheme to continue.