Apparently Brian Doxtator (yes, that Brian Doxtator) has been violating zoning laws by running Owista Oneida Taxes out of his home at 112 Riverdale Drive, Oneida, WI, 54155.
Hence the recent Notification issued by the Oneida Land Commission that the property owner has filed for, “A variance to allow a commercial business to be operated at a personal residence.”
What better way to hold someone accountable for having violated zoning laws than by rewarding them with a permit?
It seems that shortly after Oneida Eye focused on the fact that Oneida Tribal Internal Services Director Joanie Buckley was (is?) using Brian Doxtator’s residential and improperly-zoned business address for her own business, Strateglobe, LLC, as well as strangely using it for her Wisconsin Driver’s License, that the website changed the ‘Home Office’ address to P.O. 200, Oneida, WI 54155 (They must be thinking outside the ‘Box’).
However there are still remnants on showing that Joanie Buckley’s Strateglobe, LLC, listed Brian Doxtator’s 112 Riverdale Drive, Oneida, WI residence as their business address.
The question remains: Where does Joanie Buckley actually reside? Because if it’s not on the Oneida Reservation then Strateglobe, LLC, had better stop claiming that it is “a business-consulting firm located on a Native American reservation in Oneida, Wisconsin” and it had better not have been nor currently be attempting tax evasion by making that claim either. Just having a P.O. Box on the reservation doesn’t cut it, sugar.
And along with that question about whether Joanie Buckley actually resides on the Oneida Reservation remain these questions which should be answered before the Land Commission makes any decision about Brian Doxtator’s application for a zoning variance:
- What is Strateglobe, LLC’s actual place of business?
- Why is Strateglobe, LLC, no longer registered with the WI Dept. of Financial Institutions?
- Was Brian Doxtator aware that Joanie Buckley was using a driver’s license listing the address of his residence as her own residence as late as April 23, 2012?
- How many people does Brian Doxtator allow to use his residential address for their driver’s licenses and/or businesses?
- Has Joanie Buckley obtained a new driver’s license listing her actual place of residence since the ticket she received in 2012?
- Have Joanie Buckley and/or Brian Doxtator been involved in an attempt at tax evasion or fraud?
Speaking of the Oneida Land Commission, word is that members of the Land Commission and the Land Management team are lawyering up in the wake of a criminal investigation into their activities under the leadership of Land Commission Chairperson Amelia Cornelius. (Maybe they can hire Atty. Bill Cornelius.)
Is this related to the recent unexpected resignation by Dept. of Land Management Director Fred Muscavitch and the vote by the Oneida Business Committee to suspend all DOLM land acquisition purchases? Does it explain why Raquel Hill did not seek reelection to the Land Commission this year?
As for Brian Doxtator’s application for a zoning variance so that he can finally stop violating zoning laws, doesn’t he know that Oneida Seven Generations Corporation has plenty of office space available for his business to rent?
Brian Doxtator should have enough money to pay rent after taking a nice severance package from the Tribe before turning around and getting another paid position with the Tribe in the Oneida Nation High School Library and now as a Middle School Math Teacher.
Maybe Joanie Buckley’s Strateglobe, LLC, can pitch in to help Brian cover the rent in an OSGC building as well.