Category Archives: Oneida Election Board

INDEFINITE HOLD Placed On Oneida Constitutional Amendment Implementation: Yet More PROOF That The Oneida Business Committee, Oneida Election Board & Oneida Law Office Work Together To Violate The Oneida Constitution & Laws And The Indian Civil Rights Act [Plus AUDIO of the August 17 OBC Special Meeting]

The following OBC Memo was sent today to all Oneida Tribal Division Directors, Boards, Committees and Commissions: August 21, 2015 Internal Memorandum to Business Committee Direct Reports, Boards, Committees and Commissions re: Secretarial Election – Constitutional Amendment Implementation on Hold … Continue reading

Posted in General Tribal Council, Law, OBC Chief Counsel Jo Anne House, Oneida Business Committee, Oneida Constitution, Oneida Election Board, Oneida Law Office, Oneida Nation of Wisconsin / ONWI / Oneida Tribe of Indians of Wisconsin, Oneida Tribal Judiciary, OTIW / ONWI | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Comments Off on INDEFINITE HOLD Placed On Oneida Constitutional Amendment Implementation: Yet More PROOF That The Oneida Business Committee, Oneida Election Board & Oneida Law Office Work Together To Violate The Oneida Constitution & Laws And The Indian Civil Rights Act [Plus AUDIO of the August 17 OBC Special Meeting]