The U.S. Secretary of the Interior’s Secretarial Election Board Chair Scot Cameron has been informed of this strange and possibly illegal ratk¢ufing of the Secretarial Election to remove the Secretary of the Interior from a position of oversight and approval over the illegal shenanigans & chicanery of the Oneida Business Committee.
Scot asked to see more information in writing, even though – mysteriously – both he and his underling, Laura Corbine, seemed to already know that the name on the envelope sent to the Oneida Eye Publisher’s address was an Oneida Tribe member living in Milwaukee and was using the Publisher’s address as a “temporary address” (according to them).
Welcome to, Scot. Herein you’ll discover almost two years of documented writing & reporting. (Pink words are links.)
In fact, U.S. Secretarial Election Board Chair Scot Cameron’s underling, Laura Corbine, told Oneida Eye’s Publisher that the Oneida Tribe member in question had intentionally used the Oneida Eye Publisher’s home address as a “temporary address.”
Funny how that Tribe member has never spoken to the Oneida Eye’s Publisher nor contacted her via email nor traditional mail.
Later on Thursday April 9, 2015, U.S. Secretarial Election Board underling Laura Corbine told Oneida Eye’s Publisher that her receipt of that absentee ballot was due to a BIA “clerical error” and that the Oneida Eye’s Publisher was free to destroy the absentee ballot for the Secretarial Election.
Really, Laura? After you said that specfic Tribe member (whom you somehow knew about and claimed to somehow know of their whereabouts) was (supposedly) intentionally using the Oneida Eye Publisher’s home address as a “temporary address”? W.T.F.?
How many other “clerical errors” involving absentee ballots have occurred regarding this important election about the Secretary of the Interior’s role in oversight of OTIW?
Tribe member Brad Graham has been told that Oneida Business Committee Vice-Chair Melinda Danforth has been going house-to-house on the Oneida reservation to talk to Oneida Tribe members about the Secretarial Election and telling those who also mysteriously received misaddressed absentee ballots that they shouldn’t worry about it and should instead just give those ballots to Melinda Danforth and let Melinda Danforth ‘take care of it.’
Perhaps the U.S. Postmaster General and the FBI should look into this so-called “clerical error” among other similar incidents.
Guess what, General Tribal Council: You might be fooked by “clerical error” with the Secretary of the Interior’s knowledge
(and complicity?).
See also: