At the General Tribal Council Meeting on February 9, 2015, all of members of the Oneida Tribal Judiciary violated the Oneida Tribal Judiciary Canons Of Judicial Conduct by attending the GTC Meeting which is prohibited in Canon 1 (1.2) which says on page 4:
A Judge shall not attend meetings of the General Tribal Council except for the purposes of presenting Judiciary business, presentations, and/or budgets.
None of the Judges made a presentation of any kind, therefore one of the first official acts of the Oneida Tribal Judiciary was to openly, unethically and illegally, violate the Judiciary Canons of Judicial Conduct.
GTC should only expect more of the same from these lawbreaking numbskulls who are either ignorant of their own laws or willing to violate GTC’s rights and the Oneida Tribe of Indians of Wisconsin’s Constitution’s separation of powers, just like the Oneida Business Committee has repeatedly done.
See also:

Multiple-state sex offender Raymond Beans, husband of Oneida Judiciary Trial Court Chief Judge Denice Beans
- Click here for more info about Denice Beans’ husband Raymond Beans’ sex offense conviction in Wisconsin when he was 53-years-old and in which he was also found guilty of ‘Use of Force,’ and click here for info about Raymond Beans’ sex offense conviction in Alaska where the age of consent is 16 (Beans was 38)