- December 23, 2014 Chapter 7 Bankruptcy Filing of Oneida Tribe of Indians of Wisconsin’s Business Committee Chair Cristina S. Delgado-Danforth (63 pages), Case No. 14-35043-svk
Here are the latest documents regarding Brown County Case No. 2013CV1838, Oneida Small Business, Inc. vs. White Eagle Sports Bar & Grill, LLC, and Paul & Cristina Danforth:
In addition to Oneida Small Business, Inc., Tina Danforth’s Creditors include Bay Bank which is owned by the Oneida Tribe and whose Board is overseen by the Oneida Business Committee, and also include the law firm Whyte, Hirschboek & Dudek which had been hired by the Oneida Business Committee as counsel for tribally-owned Oneida Seven Generations Corporation.
A Meeting of Creditors is scheduled for 3:30 p.m. on Thursday, January 29, 2015, Green Bay State Office Building, Room 152A, 200 North Jefferson St., Green Bay, WI.
The deadline to object to Debtor’s discharge or to challenge dischargeability of debts is March 30, 2015 and the deadline to object to exemptions is thirty (30) days after the conclusion of the meeting of creditors.
Tina Danforth is also the Board Chair of the Native American Bank, NA, and according the Treasurer’s Report as printed in the 2014 Annual Report (when Tina Danforth was the Treasurer) the Oneida Tribe’s toal investment in the Native American Bank is $1,069,509 but that the ‘Decrease in Equity Value’ is $628,261, and that the ‘Total Return to Tribe’ from the million-plus investment was zero dollars.
As Oneida Eye has previously said:
It seems Tina Danforth thinks she should be able to take out business loans and not repay them, and when she’s taken to court she sees no problem in wasting other people’s time & money with foolish attempts at getting away with her bad business dealings. (Sounds a lot like her heroes at OSGC.)
Perhaps the most ‘outstanding’ thing about Tina Danforth is her debt.
If only the Black Hole of Finance was just losing her own money.
See also:
It was noted in that post that on November 9, 2009, “According to page 1 of WI Dept. of Commerce Contract #LEG FY10-19812: “WHEREAS, 2009 Wisconsin Act 28 authorizes the Department to make an annual grant of $1,000,000.00 in each of the year 2009- 11 biennium to Oneida Seven Generations Corporation from funds encumbered in the appropriation under section 20.143 (kj) in the statutes of previous years but not disbursed for grants to Oneida Small Business Inc. and Project 2000 from the gaming economic diversification grant and loan program.” (2009–2011 WI Dept. of Commerce disbursed $2,000,000.00 to OSGC.)”
The “grant” monies in question – which are actually loans – originate from casino revenues of the Oneida Tribe of Indians of Wisconsin and are disbursed in accordance with Wisconsin gaming compacts with tribes. (See page 4 of 2009-11 Biennial Budget Fact Sheet.)
UPDATE: Several Oneidas have raised questions about whether Tina Danforth is being honest in her bankruptcy filing that she only owns $600 worth of jewelry given that she is often seen wearing many different items that would seem to surpass the amount that Tina testified was all that she owned under penalty of perjury.
Oneida Eye would be shocked if Tina’s jewelry collection actually amounts to less than what one would pay for a common ring, necklace, earrings and watch.