Emergency Oneida Business Committee Meeting 1 PM Friday May 9

Here’s the Agenda for the Emergency BC Meeting:

The two items on the agenda are:

1. Frank Cornelius: Request to be on agenda for June 16, 2014 special GTC meeting

2. Approve June 16, 2014 special GTC meeting materials packet for printing and distribution

Oneida Eye had been hearing that Loretta Metoxen had withdrawn her petition for General Tribal Council to “reconsider” its December 15, 2013 decision to agree with Frank Cornelius’ petition to dissolve Oneida Seven Generations Corporation, but perhaps that isn’t the case.

If Loretta Metoxen’s petition is on the June 16, 2014 GTC Meeting Agenda then obviously Frank Cornelius should be allowed to make a presentation as well.

Or perhaps Frank Cornelius’ request to be on the June 16 GTC Meeting agenda has to do with the way in which the BC has failed to abide by GTC’s December 15 directive for the BC to allow Frank Cornelius to “assist and work with the Business Committee on the dissolution” rather than just have the BC keep Frank informed of what the BC is deciding without Frank’s input as has been the BC’s defiant insubordination of the supreme governing authority of the Tribe – GTC.

Oneida Eye has reported on BC Chair Ed Delgado’s deceitfulness about needing for the BC to pay for him to rent a car in Arizona to visit Frank when Ed didn’t even bother to call Frank on that trip until Ed was already on his way back to Wisconsin in a van he purchased in Arizona.

To be fair, though, it’s not like Ed is the only creepy, unethical, and less-than-honest member of the Business Committee:

And let’s not forget that on April 11, 2013 the BC bizzarely voted UNANIMOUSLY to RE-AFFIRM the BC Resolution to build DIOXIN-EMITTING INCINERATORS on the Oneida Reservation and falsely claimed that it did so in support of building those toxic incinerators in Green Bay despite the fact that the first page of the resolution they voted to reaffirm says, “corporations wholly owned by the Tribe constructing this facility on the Oneida Reservation[.]” Maybe they just didn’t bother to read the resolution, but more likely they just thought they could pull a fast one.

Not to mention that both of the BC’s approvals of that dangerously foolish pro-incinerator resolution violate the intentions of BC Resolution 11-08-00-B, Dioxin & Persistant organic Pollutants, which says:

…[T]he ability of our Native Community to be protected from the effects of dioxin poisoning is critical to the future of our tribal nations and all life that sustains us…. [T]ribal communities and families continue to be disproportionately exposed to dioxin and other persistent organic pollutants. Many of our tribal members are more susceptible to these dangerous toxins due to our land based culture and subsistence practices, and…dioxin has been classified as a ‘known human carcinogen’ with the ‘highest’ level of certainty by the International Agency for Research on Cancer, and acknowledged by the World Health Organization that dioxin exposure is linked to severe health effects[.]

NOW, THERE, BE IT RESOLVED: that the Oneida Tribe of Indians of Wisconsin requests that the United States State Department pursue ending the production and release of Dioxin and other Persistent Organic Pollutants in the United States.

All of this is why, in Oneida Eye’s opinion, the entire current Business Committee not only deserves to be voted out of office, but they – along with the executives and board members of OSGC & Green Bay Renewable Energy – must be held personally responsible if the Tribe is found to be liable for any damages in any lawsuits resulting from the actions of the Tribe’s corporations.

A clean slate for the Oneida Business Committee is possible, but only if the Oneida people are truly unwilling to continue being ignored, taken for granted, and endangered by the members of current BC who are running for re-election.


This entry was posted in Environment, General Tribal Council, Green Bay Renewable Energy, Incinerators / Pyrolysis / Gasification / Waste-to-Energy, Oneida Business Committee, Oneida Seven Generations Corporation, Safety & Welfare, Tribal Health, Vision and tagged , . Bookmark the permalink.

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