On the agendas for the Tuesday March 11, 2014 BC Executive Session and the Wednesday March 12, 2014 BC Regular Meeting is the following item:
4. Oneida Seven Generations Corporation: – Gene Keluche, Agent
Excerpt from Feb. 26, 2014: Motion by Patty Hoeft to accept the recommendation regarding the ACF, LLC demand letter and direct that Agent and Oneida Law Office to report on the status at next Business Committee meeting, seconded by Brandon Stevens. Motion carried with two abstentions.
‘ACF, LLC’ might actually be ACF Services, LLC, which the Wisconsin Dept. of Financial Information lists as registering as a ‘Foreign LLC’ on July 9, 2013 out of the State of Delaware and having its principal offices at 2711 Centerville Rd, Ste. 400, Wilmington, DE, 19808, and having its Wisconsin offices as 1201 O’Hare Blvd., Hobart, WI, 54115.
WDFI.org lists the Registered Agent of ACF Services, LLC, as Atty. Joseph A. Camilli, and LinkedIn.com lists him working in the ‘Oil & Energy’ area out of Evanston, IL, and lists his current positon as Compliance Manager and Assistant General Counsel at GCF Resources, LLC.

Atty. Joseph Camilli
1201 O’Hare Blvd., Hobart, WI is owned by Oneida Seven Generations Corp. and is located on the Oneida Tribe’s reservation and is where an illegal open flame operation was discovered in November 2013 despite the Oneida General Tribal Council’s May 5, 2013 vote which prohibited OSGC from operating any incinerators on the Oneida reservation:
‘ACF‘ seems to be an acronym for ‘Arland Clean Fuels‘ and ‘GCF‘ seems to be an acronym for ‘Generation Clean Fuels.’
Arland Clean Fuels, LLC’s Articles of Organization in the State of Colorado is listed as being registered on April 21, 2011, and records show that it merged with Arland Clean Fuels, LLC, of Delaware in June of 2012, yet there is no Arland Clean Fuels, LLC, listed on the Delaware Division of Corporations, only ACF Services, LLC, which lists a registration date of June 20, 2012.
Generation Clean Fuels, LLC, is listed as having registered with the State of Delaware on May 16, 2012 and, like ACF Services, LLC, its address is also listed as 2711 Centerville Rd., Ste. 400, Wilmington, DE, 19808.

Atty. Eric R. Decator
According to public documents in Brown County Case No. 2013CV1065, Tina Fritsch vs. Generation Clean Fuels, LLC, Defendant Generation Clean Fuels, LLC is “a Delaware limited liability company formerly known as Arland Clean Fuels, LLC,” and the attorney for Generation Clean Fuels, LLC, is listed as Joseph Camilli.
The related court documents include a February 20, 2014 affidavit by Atty. Eric R. Decator, whom LinkedIn.com lists as ‘General Counsel, Chief Financial Officer and Director of Corporate Development’ of an unnamed ‘Renewable Energy Company’ in – you guessed it – Evanston, IL.
Mrs. Fritsch is shown to have invested $250,000 in Generation Clean Fuels, LLC, and to have been told that she would receive $250,000 per year for seven years afterward for her investment, but she has received nothing.
According to Eric R. Decator’s February 20, 2014 affidavit, the reason Mrs. Fritsch has received nothing to date is due to “a breach of the P2O Contract by P2O Technologies, LLC.”
Documents regarding P2O Technologies, LLC, in the Tina Fritsch vs. Generation Clean Fuels, LLC, lawsuit show contracts with signatures by P2O Technologies, LLC, Managing Member Todd Parczick, who is the Registered Agent and President of Alliance Construction & Design.
Alliance Construction & Design (or Alliance GC, short for Alliance Global Conservation) is the 49% shareholder in Oneida-Kodiak Construction, LLC, of which Oneida Seven Generations Corp. is the 51% shareholder, yet – as far as anyone seems to know – OSGC has not been able to access Oneida-Kodiak’s financial records for some time due to a dispute between Alliance and OSGC.
Oneida-Kodiak was slated to build OSGC/Oneida Energy, Inc.‘s waste gasification system in Green Bay before the project had its Conditional Use Permit rescinded by the City of Green Bay due to multiple misrepresentations made to the public and elected officials.
- Decision Hearing Court Transcript & Order
- Don’t Let The Doors Hit You
- Is Oneida-Kodiak Construction Dead?
- GTC’s Way Or The Highway
WDFI.org lists P2O Technologies, LLC’s Registered Agent as Mark H. Verhaagh, who is also Vice-President of Operations at – you guessed it – Alliance Construction & Design.
While the Tina Fritsch vs. Generation Clean Fuels, LLC, lawsuit is still ongoing, David J. Wolf has successfully won a judgment for $258,029.98 in Jefferson Co. Case No. 2012CV906, David J. Wolf vs. Arland Clean Fuels, LLC, which seems like $250,000 plus court costs.
Did ‘ACF, LLC’/’ACF Services, LLC’ issue a demand letter against OSGC because OSGC was forced, due to the media attention generated by Oneida Eye’s reporting, to stop allowing P2O Technologies to illegally attempt to demonstrate or test without a proper permit its ‘plastics-to-oil’ incinerator at 1201 O’Hare Blvd., Hobart, WI?
Were OSGC and Oneida Energy, Inc., part of a plan to get people to invest $250,000 in shady ‘plastics-to-oil’ schemes promising investors returns of $1,750,000? Did any Oneida Tribe members take the bait?
What all was going on at 1201 O’Hare Blvd. and who was doing it? Oneida Eye was informed by the BC Chair’s office that utilities for the building were in the name of Generation Clean Fuels but we’ve seen nothing to prove that.
As seen in the clip below, Oneida Eye’s Publisher asked BC Chair Delgado and BC Sec. Hoeft directly, ‘Did OSGC know who was doing what in their own building?,’ but Sec. Hoeft said the BC asked OSGC the same questions and “got basically a reply that wasn’t satisfactory to us.” Ed Delgado claimed the companies were reputable.
Oneida Eye decided to do our own research and discovered the information in this post to try to give GTC members a sense of what may have been going on and which parties may have been involved, as well as a guess what the ‘ACF, LLC’ demand letter to OSGC could be about.
Oneida Eye will provide more information as it becomes available, but we encourage readers, the public, and the media to attend the 9 a.m. Wednesday March 12, 2014 BC Regular Meeting in the BC Conference Room on the 2nd Floor of Norbert Hill Center and to ask the questions that the BC and OSGC’s Agent, Gene Keluche, should be required to answer which – as the video below suggests – OSGC has so far refused to honestly address and the BC seems to want to keep secret.
Of course, racist liar Ed ‘Dirtbag’ Delgado acted as if OSGC was a legitimate company even though he knew about – but failed to address – serious problems spelled out for him by a non-Oneida OSGC Board member: