As Oneida Eye reported, the Oneida Business Committee is scheduled to resume its December 18 & 20 Emergency Meeting today at 1 – 4:30 p.m.
Here is video evidence that – according to Tribal Secretary Patty Hoeft and despite what OSGC fanboys & cheergirls would have you falsely believe – Oneida Seven Generations Corporation refused to make a presentation on its own behalf at the December 15, 2013 GTC Meeting where the General Tribal Council voted to dissolve OSGC.
From the November 13, 2013 BC Regular Meeting video on the Tribe’s website:
Patty Hoeft said this about OSGC’s refusal to make a presentation on its own behalf at the December 15, 2013 GTC Meeting:
I understand that 7 Gens is not expecting to present at this meeting. After talking with Nate King, um, our last shareholder’s meeting, uh, was intended to say that this is our issue to defend, not theirs.
How long before Nathan King’s resignation from the OSGC Board that conversation took place isn’t clear, but as Oneida Eye reported it was Tribal CFO Larry Barton at the Thursday December 5, 2013 Community Discussion at the Anna John Resident Centered Care Community facility who tried to scold the community for having driven Nate to resignation. Of course by the time Larry was wagging his finger and asking elders to sign up to join the OSGC Board at that meeting OSGC President & Board Chair Atty. William ‘Bill’ Cornelius had already resigned on Tuesday December 3, 2013. Maybe nobody told Larry Barton. Then at the Community Discussion on Monday December 9, 2013 it was revealed that OSGC CFO & acting-CEO Bruce King, Nate’s uncle, had also resigned.
One would have to assume that at some point BC member and OSGC Liaison Brandon Yellowbird Stevens was made fully aware of the fact that OSGC wanted the BC to make a presentation on OSGC’s behalf. So why did OSGC’s #1 fan Brandon Stevens fail to make a presentation on OSGC’s behalf at the December 15, 2013 GTC Meeting?

Bill Cornelius & Brandon Stevens meet with Secretary Steven Chu and Indian Energy Director Tracey LeBeau
We know that Brandon Stevens has been willing to pass along OSGC’s lies about its project in emails to Tribe members, even if he later lied at Community Discussions about sending the email containing the lies. We also know that Brandon Stevens has attended public meetings with OSGC’s former President & Board Chair Atty. Bill Cornelius. Here’s a photo of Bill & Brandon meeting with Energy Secretary Steven Chu at a roundtable discussion.
One would think that Brandon would be eager to explain to GTC why OSGC is so wonderful, even if he would have had to admit that their executives and Board members have been mysteriously fleeing the scene.
As noted in the article ‘The Political Philosophy of Brandon Stevens‘ in the August 2013 edition of the Oneida Times, at the March 13, 2013 BC Meeting Brandon Stevens voted against allowing GTC to place on its own agenda the successful petition to prohibit OSGC from building incinerators on the Oneida reservation which GTC passed on May 5, 2013.
At the July 24, 2013 BC Meeting Brandon Stevens also wanted to force GTC to place things he wants on the GTC agenda, including his sneaky underhanded maneuvers to force GTC to vote on whether to rescind its own $100/meeting stipend (all while OSGC Board members collect $200-$250 stipends for their own meetings). As the Oneida Times article concluded,
It seems the political ‘philosophy’ of Mr. Stevens can be best summed up by the cartoon character Cartman on ‘South Park’ when he says: “Respect mah authoritah!”
In response to OSGC being recently discovered allowing another company to illegally conduct an ‘open flame’ waste incineration operation at 1201 O’Hare Blvd, Hobart, WI, Brandon Stevens voted against a BC Resolution that innocuously called for reaffirming GTC’s May 5, 2013 vote to prohibit incinerators on the Oneida reservation which said:
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oneida Business Committee directs that all corporations, entities, and enterprises of the Tribe shall not engage in, or allow tenants or lessees to engage in, the business of operating a waste-to-energy, plastics recycling, or other similar technology on Tribal fee or trust property within the Reservation.
IT IS FURTHER RESOLVED that all corporations, entities, and enterprises of the Tribe who are engaged in, or who have tenants or lessees engaged in the business of operating a waste-to-energy, plastics recycling or other similar technology shall take necessary steps to cease those operations in a reasonable and timely manner.
Now Brandon Stevens is actively participating in an effort to usurp GTC’s December 15, 2013 vote to dissolve OSGC in self-defense. According to comments posted on BC member Melinda Danforth’s Facebook page following the December 15, 2013 GTC decision to dissolve OSGC Brandon said at 4:42 p.m.:
Loretta Metoxen said she will be circulating a petition for reversal tomorrow, I will try and provide more info as I hear it, I will be helping the effort.
But for some reason Brandon Stevens wasn’t interested in “helping the effort” by making a presentation in OSGC’s defense at the December 15, 2013 GTC Meeting even though OSGC made it clear they felt it was the BC’s job to do so. Hmm.
(BTW, if you can stomach it you really should read the rest of those comments in the Facebook exchange involving Melinda, Brandon, Lisa Summers, Racquel ‘Rockhead’ Hill, Ernie Stevens the Turd, the ever clueless Sherrole Benton, and others. It’s chock full o’ nutty foolishness. Also, where does Loretta Metoxen find the time? You’d think she’d be busy dealing with the Tribal cemetery problems & trying to scam more travel expenses from ONVAC. Top honors for staggeringly stoopid comment goes hands-down to Rocky Hill who wrote: “Do the recent legal opinions say GTC can direct the BC to do pretty much anything[?]” No, Rockhead, that would be the Oneida Constitution. Have you ever read it? Might be important to bone up on it given that you’re on the Election Board and all. Simply put: GTC’s job is to tell the BC what to do and the BC’s job is to do it.)
What’s surprising is that so many people, including Tribal Chairperson Stool Delgado, seemed shocked – shocked! – that the cost to the Tribe of dissolving OSGC could be $25.6 million, as purported on Ed’s fill-in-the-blank, Mad Libs, ‘ZOMG! Everyone panic!’ December 17, 2013 Memo insisting on an Emergency GTC Meeting to reconsider GTC’s December 15, 2013 victory against OSGC. Apparently Ed failed to read Tribal CFO Larry Barton’s November 13, 2013 Memo regarding the ‘Financial Impact of Petition – Dissolution of Oneida Seven Generations Corporation’ included in the GTC Meeting packet which plainly states:
TOTAL ESTIMATED IMPACT: $7.8 million – $35,647,700 or more, depending on amount of professional fees.
Seems to us that $25.6 million is a 28% savings on CFO Larry Barton’s reported worst-case scenario based on the McGladrey & Pullen audit. Is the Tribe going to spend another $100,000 for a new financial audit and analysis by McGladrey & Pullen or will they try to hire a firm that promises to come up with an even more dire analysis? (Maybe they’ll include Oneida-Kodiak Construction this time, but we doubt it.)
The reality is this: The five executives and/or Board members who have left OSGC in the past few months and the remaining four OSGC Board members (out of nine seats) as well as Brandon Stevens and the rest of the OSGC supporters on the Business Committee are too cowardly to try to defend OSGC to General Tribal Council because they know they’ll be asked very simple questions that they don’t want to answer, such as:
- Why can’t GTC members view Disclosure Reports as promised by Chief Counsel Jo Anne House?
- Why can’t GTC members attend OSGC shareholder meetings?
- Who are the employees & Board members of each LLC?
- Who are the attorneys for each of the LLCs?
- What are the executive’s salaries in each LLC?
- How much does OSGC owe the Tribe in overdue payments?
- Why did OSGC lie to the Oneida Tribe and the City of Green Bay and will OSGC ever apologize?
- Why have so many OSGC executives & Board members recently jumped ship?
- Why did OSGC allow another company to use 1201 O’Hare Blvd, Hobart, WI to illegally operate open flame waste incineration?
- What are the potential personal liabilities for OSGC executives & Board members who may have engaged in negligence, misconduct or law breaking and will the BC pursue legal action or will they leave it up to GTC to do so?
- Why wasn’t Oneida-Kodiak Construction included in the McGladrey & Pullen audit & analysis and will the BC pursue legal action against OSGC’s partner, Alliance, in order to gain access to the financial documents that the Tribe owns?
- Who are all of the investors in OSGC and all of its subsidiaries so that GTC can know if there are GTC and past & present BC members who are defending OSGC only because it affects their own bottom line?
To that last point, GTC members have reported that they heard others saying after GTC’s vote to dissolve OSGC that the decision affected them personally, including one woman who said, “I just lost $50,000!” That’s exactly why GTC needs to know who the private investors are and how their personal investments might motivate their public support for OSGC.
Obviously these are just a few of the questions that OSGC & the BC should answer and probably never will unless GTC demands it, but – now that there will be a GTC Meeting in February 2014 to ‘reconsider’ GTC’s December 15, 2013 vote – GTC will have another chance to demand that OSGC & the BC provide satisfactory answers to all of those vital questions and more.
The problem is: Who will be brave enough to answer GTC honestly?
UPDATE: Speak of the Devil and she shall appear! Here’s Loretta Metoxen’s petition “To request the General Tribal Council (GTC) to overturn the motion on December 15th, 2013 to dissolve Oneida Seven Generations Corporation (OSGC). Rationale: Huge financial losses of property & services causing lack of credibility of the Oneida Nation for future ventures.“
UPDATE 2: Apparently the BC wasn’t able to conclude its Emergency BC Meeting business and the BC meeting that was started on Dec. 18, continued on Dec. 20 and continued on Dec. 23 will now be continued on December 24, 2013 from 9:00-10:00 a.m.