Oneida Eye is hearing reports that Oneida Tribal Chairperson Ed Delgado is still insisting on usurping family members of Oneida code talkers and demanding they forego their reserved seating so that a non-family member may occupy a place for which they are not qualified.
It’s been claimed that Delgado’s office is denying seating to code talker family members – including grandchildren – who are paying their own travel expenses to go to Washington D.C. for the November 20, 2013 Code Talker Coin ceremony because Delgado is bound and determined to make sure that one of the family members’ seats is misused to improperly accommodate Tribe member Dan King.
The email from U.S. Treasury Dept. representative William Norton to ONVAC Chair Loretta Metoxen was unambiguous:
Based on this, logistically, we ask that the individual receiving the medal on behalf of the tribe be seated in the front row. Ten seats per tribe will be designated near or behind the front row for code talkers or their family members and everyone else will be seated in the general admission.
That means eleven seats total and ten of them are specifically reserved for CODE TALKERS AND THEIR FAMILIES ONLY, not for Dan King nor anyone else who is not a family member of a code talker.
What part of that does Dementia-addled Delgado not comprehend?
If Ed Delgado is so desperate to make sure Dan King’s ass sits near the front then Ed Delgado could allow Dan to take his place in the front row and receive the gold medal on behalf of the Oneida Tribe and Ed Delgado can go sit his dumb ass in general admission.
Or, more appropriately, Ed Delgado could recuse himself and allow an Oneida code talkers’ family member to accept the gold medal from the President of the United States on behalf of the Oneida Tribe.
Is Dan King now claiming to be a relative of a code talker?
Or is Ed Delgado simply too cowardly to tell Dan King that he isn’t allowed to displace code talkers’ family members and shouldn’t sit in that specially designated section even if there was an open seat?
It’s like the bartender at a wedding reception insisting that he not only be allowed to pose in the wedding party photos but also be invited on the honeymoon, yet much more disturbing.
Perhaps Ed & Dan & Loretta have their own code, but it is certainly not one of ethics.
Stop disrespecting the Oneida code talkers and their families, Ed & Dan & Loretta, and stop disgracing the Oneida Tribe with actions that make you three look like steaming piles of dishonorable discharge.