Here is information that went out to all Oneida Management regarding the Oneida Tribe’s
“Voices For Oneida, a political conduit fund dedicated to raising money for state and local political candidates. The conduit exists to send a message to candidates throughout Wisconsin that we as a Tribe are not bystanders, but active and engaged participants in the political process.“
What better way to demonstrate that one is an active and engaged participant in the political process than for a Tribal employee to surrender hard-earned money to the knuckleheads at Norbert Hill Center for them decide where political contributions should go?
Can you think of any better use for the 44¢/hour raise that Tribal employees were supposed to receive beginning October 1, 2013 but that won’t be reimbursed (supposedly) until February 2014?
And who can resist the allure of possibly winning one of two $25 or a single $50 retail gift card for doing the laziest thing possible politically?
Here’s a question:
Hypothetically, of course, what would the stance of VFO’s preferred candidate for Wisconsin Attorney General be regarding an Oneida Chief Counsel hiring a non-attorney as a ‘Staff Attorney’ and that non-attorney purporting and advertising themselves to be an ‘Attorney-At-Law’ when they don’t have a State Bar License and are therefore acting in violation of State Statute 757.30, Penalty for practicing without license?