Why was Tribal Treasurer Tina Danforth still trying to pimp Oneida Seven Generations Corporation’s toxic incinerator projects during the Community Discussion regarding the Tribe’s budget last night in Milwaukee at the Southeastern Oneida Tribal Services (SEOTS) building?
Oneida Eye has previously reported how Tina has been taking her pro-incinerator lounge act on the road trying to entice other tribes to invest in their own genocide:

From the Tribe’s website on 9-13-2013
Is one of the reasons the Tribe’s website has not added the video of the August 28, 2013 BC Regular Meeting (even though it’s listed on the right sidebar on the front page) because Tina Danforth gave a false or misleading answer when the BC was asked directly by SEOTS & Oneida Total Integrated Enterprises (OTIE) Board member Jackie Zalim if OSGC is still trying to promote incinerator projects to other tribes?
It seems that Tina Danforth either doesn’t understand that when General Tribal Council votes ‘No!’ to incinerators they mean ‘No!’ or else she refuses to come to grips with reality.
Obviously this is one of many issues that need to be brought up at the September 21, 2013 GTC Budget Meeting, including another question that was posed to OBC & OSGC by a Tribal member and went unanswered:
If OSGC loses at the Appeals Court level, do they plan on trying to take their lame case against the City of Green Bay to the Wisconsin Supreme Court, and do they expect to get another loan for hundreds of thousands of dollars (if not over $1 million) from the Tribe’s General Fund?
Of course, the problem for OSGC if they lose their appeal (which seems highly likely given that their own attorneys at Godfrey & Kahn admitted they only had at best a 40% chance of success) is that at the WI Supreme Court level new evidence can be presented, including the fact that on May 5, 2013 GTC voted against OSGC building any kind of incinerator anywhere on the Oneida reservation.
As Oneida Eye has reported, there may also be several other items of interest for Green Bay to use in its self-defense against OSGC.
GTC members interested in self-defense should attend the Community Discussions scheduled for Oneida:
- Monday September 16, BC Conference Room, 5:30-8:00 p.m. (Why shouldn’t this meeting be broadcast to SEOTS?)
- Thursday September 19, BC Conference Room, 6:00-8:30 p.m. (Supposedly this meeting will have video conferencing with SEOTS. We’ll see.)
GTC should take decisive self-defensive action at next Saturday’s GTC Meeting to prevent Treas. Tina Danforth from abusing the General Fund as if its OSGC’s slush fund for legal fees and fueling further damage to the Oneida Tribe’s reputation & relationship with surrounding communities as well as other tribes.
Oneida Eye will be focusing on other issues that should be addressed at the September 21 GTC Budget Meeting over the coming week.
Thank you for reading & sharing.