On Saturday October 12, 2013 the Oneida General Tribal Council will vote on the removal petition that will determine Tribal Chairperson Ed Delgado’s fate. Removal Petition dismissed.
On Sunday December 15, 2013 GTC will vote on the dissolution petition that determines Oneida Seven Generations Corporation’s fate.
Oneida Eye maintains Brian Doxtator’s removal petition is a batsh¡t and bullsh¡t revenge move by a lawbreaking and rat fu¢k¡ng total sleazoid acting out on behalf of OSGC’s Flavor Aid sipping cult freaks.
Brian Doxtator’s meritless petition should fail because it’s motivated by a desire to punish Ed Delgado for statements made and actions taken in support of GTC, but some Oneidas say they’ll vote to remove Ed because he inexplicably silences people who speak the truth in meetings and they question if he’s willing to adequately combat ruthless Tribal forces of greed, corruption and sabotage.
Frankly, Oneida Eye questions why Chairperson Delgado seems willing to defend people (such as Senior Policy Advisor Diane Danforth House) who clearly don’t have the Tribe’s best interests at heart and why he’s unwilling to appropriately confront those (such as Vice-Chair Greg Matson) who endanger Tribal members and their supporters.
It’s not enough to claim you’re ‘For the People’ if you’re not willing to fight for the people by opposing those acting only for themselves and their faction at a high cost to everyone else. Adopting the saying, “I’m a Lover, not a Fighter,” could indicate you’re an inadequate Leader.
While vile Vice-Chair Matson doubled down on his wildly irresponsible false accusations about ‘terrorists’ on camera at the Wednesday August 28, 2013 BC Regular Meeting, Chairperson Delgado bit his tongue and sat on his thumb until being challenged to comment on Matson’s lunacy, but Ed’s response was weak muttering in the face of Greg’s abuse of office and logic, and Ed strangely shut his mouth when thunder¢un+ Melinda Danforth brayed her objection to the topic.
Do Greg & Melinda have joint custody of a jar with Ed’s huevitos?
Oneida Eye is no longer involved in defending Delgado from ouster, and we see no BC members up to the task of maintaining a principled stand against malicious forces because more than half the BC are actively working for evil while the others make wimpy complaints about widespread corruption or remain suspiciously silent.
An Oneida Eye Editor was asked to coordinate the presentation to GTC about the many reasons to dissolve OSGC and agreed to do so on the condition of having final approval over day-to-day message management, because any inaccurate information or out-of-context comments diminish the cause and create unnecessary work, and OSGC has proven they’re willing to twist innocuous inquiries to undermine questioners.
Unfortunately the petition sponsor wouldn’t abide by that agreement and the Editor is no longer involved in preparing a presentation to dissolve OSGC at the December 15, 2013 GTC Meeting.
Instead, Oneida Eye will focus on steadily bringing to light facts about OSGC and its enablers so damning that GTC will hopefully refuse to wait until December to do what’s necessary ASAP.
Oneida Eye has provided daily coverage for three months diagnosing malignant corporate, casino & governmental cancers warranting the immediate removal of certain individuals and we maintain it’s in the best interests of Tribe members to not only dissolve OSGC but – as prescribed in OSGC’s By-Laws – to hold personally and financially accountable those who’ve engaged in misconduct & negligence costing the Tribe millions of dollars.
Oneida Eye has to wonder if there are sufficient numbers of non-corrupt GTC members willing to enforce necessary consequences or if, once again, those who exploit the Tribe’s trust will be let off the hook and allowed to find new ways to damage the Tribe’s resources and reputation while endangering Tribe members’ health, safety and welfare.
Oneida Eye has yet to determine if the majority of Oneidas are willing to engage in ongoing self-defense against infernal internal forces of malfeasance & exploitation.
One gauge is what may happen at the September 21, 2013 GTC Budget Meeting and whether a motion will be made and passed to suspend all Tribal expenditures on behalf of OSGC.
When asked at the August 28, 2013 BC Regular Meeting if OSGC would appeal to the Wisconsin Supreme Court should they lose at the Appeals Court level, OSGC refused to deny the possibility claiming their impending court loss is a mere hypothetical.
How many more hundreds of thousands of dollars will the BC ‘loan’ OSGC from the Tribe’s General Fund to make the entire Oneida Tribe look like deceitful gluttons for punishment and an outright laughing-stock to the degree that OSGC’s vain stupidity doesn’t engender public resentment and fuel boycotts of Tribal endeavors?
Another gauge is whether enough Oneidas will demand access to corporate Disclosure Reports as guaranteed by Chief Counsel Jo Anne House’s February 2011 legal opinion, or if they’ll slink away from insisting that her July 2013 flip-flop demonstrates why she should be dismissed, which is the right and responsibility of the Chairperson to conclude.
Is it possible the Oneida Tribe’s government has outlived its usefulness and any worthwhile functions it provides can be achieved in other ways without hiding behind dubious claims of ‘sovereignty’ simply to perpetuate rank hypocrisy for the benefit of a few at the expense of the many?
Is the Oneida Tribe’s membership willing to do what’s necessary to be an exemplary nation of honor, or will it be little more than a ruse for an extended crime family?
Oneida Eye hopes there are enough courageous Oneidas to outnumber and confront homegrown scoundrels & inside saboteurs but, until we’re convinced the Tribe can move beyond staunching self-inflicted wounds and become a sound source of benevolence, we’re concerned that attempts to save those drowning in their own deceit and denial may result in voluntary rescuers being dragged down by desperate maniacal flailing.
Perhaps that explains Ed Delgado’s willingness to imply whistle-blowing truth tellers are being uncivil while he openly allows internal destroyers of Oneida civilization to rampage unscathed.
Maybe Ed thinks the jig is up and believes the Oneida Tribe is doomed and destined for the rubbish heap (or incinerator) of history.
Oneida Eye’s output will be focused on the seemingly inexhaustible supply of Oneida Tribal foolhardiness and folly.
Looks like Oneida Eye was more right than we knew. Vice-Chair Greg Matson will be on the case, we’re sure. (BTW, Oneida Eye can now reveal Greg’s code name: Secret Agent Double-Oh WTF).
On a serious note, however, Greg was directly asked at the Wednesday August 28, 2013 BC Regular Meeting if it’s true that his Executive Assistant Charles F. ‘Chaz’ Wheelock is not allowed to set foot on the Oneida Nation of New York’s reservation due to concerns by Oneida leaders that Chaz has been involved in arson, and neither Greg nor Chaz would deny that Chaz has been banned. So who’s the real ‘terrorist,’ Greg?

Greg Matson’s Executive Assistant Charles F. ‘Chaz’ Wheelock: Greg’s own Arsonist & Terrorist banned from Oneida Nation, NY?
P.S. It’s Labor Day weekend, Oneida: Do you know if your buffalo have sufficient water?