Vice-Chair Greg Matson: Equine Enthusiast
Most people who have spoken to Greg Matson for more than a few minutes quickly realize that he has the wisdom of a rusty doorknob and has the sparkling wit of wet manure sitting in the noonday sun. Now, acting in his official capacity as the Vice-Chairperson of the Oneida Tribe of Indians of Wisconsin, Greg Matson has used his official Tribal email account at 4:33 p.m. on Monday August 12, 2013 to baselessly and bizarrely accuse a non-Tribal Editor of OneidaEye.com of being a “Terrorist” who is “acting in ways of espionage.”
When wisely cautioned by Linda Dallas, a Senior Policy Advisor to the Tribal Chairperson, that he should be “very careful with your statement/allegations as an elected official,” Greg Matson replied by saying “I am willing to own my statements[.]”
It’s difficult to determine whether Greg Matson’s emails are hard evidence of his long-suspected mental instability and his urgent need for emergency psychiatric intervention or simply the kind of rambling bravado found at the bottom of a bottle of cheap liquor (or aftershave as the case may be).
Maybe Greg Matson has had one too many horse kicks to the head. Word is that happens when you’re doing something inappropriate to their backside.
Greg Matson is likely upset about Oneida Eye reporting that his wife, Victoria ‘Lady Macbeth’ Matson, was one of the signature gatherers for Brian Doxtator’s meritless petition to remove Tribal Chairperson Ed Delgado and that her electioneering seems inappropriate given that Greg Matson would replace Ed Delgado were the removal petition to be adopted by General Tribal Council.
Or Greg Matson could be hot-under-the-collar regarding an email sent to him and the Oneida Business Committee by an Oneida Eye editor at 12:31 p.m. on Monday August 12, 2013 which said:
Vice-Chairperson Matson,
I would appreciate if you would apologize for your actions at the working meeting on Friday July 12, 2013 regarding the petition to dissolve OSGC which did not comport with the Code of Ethics.
Specifically, your comment to an attendee: ‘Better I shush you than that I rush you.’
The obvious intent of your statement was to convey that, in your mind, the logical alternative to impatiently attempting to silence a dissenting view was to make the undignified suggestion that you had considered assaulting the person who held an opposing opinion.
Allow me to remind you of what the Tribe’s Code of Ethics says:
3.3-3. (c) (2): A government official should use the following standards in relation to the duties of office: be patient, dignified and courteous to constituents, co-officials, and others with whom the official deals in an official capacity, and should require similar conduct of others in official proceedings and those personnel subject to the official’s discretion and control.
I take that to mean that you’re not only responsible for your own actions but also that if you are aware that Chaz Wheelock has been behaving impatiently, in an undignified manner or discourteously to others by yelling at them, sticking his finger in their faces, acting as though he was going to leap across a table at them, making snide remarks or any statements regarding saving up his anger and aggression to unleash in the workplace it is your responsibility to quash and discipline that behavior because not doing so puts you in clear violation of the Code of Ethics.
Do you really think you’ve been abiding by the Code of Ethics in that regard?
Please inform me of your intent to issue an apology for your own impatient, undignified and discourteous conduct on Friday July 12, 2013 and assure me of your intentions to keep yourself and your Executive Assistant in check.
Speaking of possible ‘terrorists,’ perhaps it was Greg Matson’s Executive Assistant and rabid chihuahua Chaz Wheelock who hacked into Greg’s email account and sent the mentally unbalanced missive attributed to Greg. Reports are that Chaz ‘wears the pants’ in Greg’s office.

Greg Matson’s Assistant Charles F. ‘Chaz’ Wheelock: Greg’s own Arsonist & Terrorist banned from Oneida Nation, NY?
[On a serious note: Reports are that Greg Matson’s Executive Assistant, Charles F. ‘Chaz’ Wheelock, is banned from entering the Oneida Nation of New York’s reservation due to concerns by their leadership that Chaz has been involved in arson. When asked about it in a Business Committee Regular Meeting recorded on tape, neither Greg nor Chaz would deny that Chaz has been banned from Oneida Nation, NY due to suspected arson. See more: So Here We Are.]
In any case, Brian Doxtator’s whining about ‘defamation’ and Greg Matson’s moronic warning about ‘terrorists/spies’ are just examples of the old saying: “If you’re taking flak, you’re over the right target.”
Oneida Seven Generations Corporation and their disciples are scared.
Good. They should be.
GTC will defend itself.
For now, enjoy(?) an episode of Greg Matson’s favorite television program: Horse Apples