It seems that Brian Doxtator and his misguided band of Oneida Seven Generations Corporation supporters may have been able to find enough Tribe members as small-minded as themselves to get the number of signatures required for their spite club to have a whack at trying to punish Chairperson Delgado for being a conscientious leader rather than their preferred brand of corporate cheerleader.
Or maybe Brian Doxtator and his groundless crew simply lied to uninformed Tribe members and suckered them by misrepresenting exactly what the petitioner’s real motivation is:
First, at the time Council member Stevens tried to wield the Media Policy against the Chairperson the Communications Department had been restructured and the document wasn’t (and isn’t) operative and so the Chairperson wasn’t beholden to PR Director Bobbi Webster or other members of the OSGC fan club. That previous policy (which Brandon includes in his memo) says that the order for approving contact with the media began with the Chairperson [4.1 Interviews, d, 1, (A)]. The petitioner’s panties being twisted over wood donations or charitable services to elders rather than OSGC’s $5 million lies to Tribe members, the media, the public & elected officials is very telling.
Second, what standing does habitual criminal, felonious burglar & indigenous woman/fetus beater and serial liar Brandon Stevens have to lecture anyone on the Code of Ethics? Be sure to watch his creepy clown show in the July 24, 2013 OBC Regular Meeting video now posted on the Tribe’s website (and now excerpted on Oneida Eye: Anti-Democracy Clown Show) where he advocates trying to eliminate GTC’s $100 meeting stipend. It’s worth a look whether or not you view it on a $2,000 television purchased with a Business Committee credit card. (Right, Brandon?)
The anti-Delgado hate squad certainly put in plenty of hard effort going door-to-door in Tribal neighborhoods and apartments, trolling family reunions and parties, wandering the Farmers’ Market and stalking the elder meal program site.
They even had someone badger Tribe members who just wanted to pick up their monthly supplemental assistance cards, so apparently perseverance pestering pays off in the short run.
As Oneida Eye has previous stated, it’s very obvious that the primary motivating factor behind the vengeful removal petition is the fact that – despite his faults and shortcomings – Chairperson Delgado believes that the General Tribal Council ought to be able to hold Tribally-owned corporations such as OSGC accountable for their business models, for their misrepresentations and for their misdeeds.
But it’s also obvious that there’s lingering resentment against Chairperson Delgado for the role he played as a Council member and Audit Committee Chair in helping to uncover and address the misuse and abuse of Oneida Tribal Housing Authority funds which resulted in local media coverage and the firing of an Oneida Police officer.
The people associated with the Housing Authority scandal should expect that era to be re-examined on the Oneida Eye, but for now here’s some documents that every Tribe member who supports honesty and justice should print, familiarize themselves with and share:
Tribe members who signed the removal petition without having carefully reviewed the documents being misused for the petitioner’s pathetic attempts to smear the Chairperson should be sure to take a close look at them as dissected in this tongue-in-cheek post:
The Pseudo Scandals of Chairman Delgado (Who Is Guilty Of Being A Dumb Jerk)
Tribal Secretary Patty Hoeft said that she might post the petition forms on the Member’s Only section of the Tribe’s website over the weekend.
Tribe members who now realize they were duped by Brian Doxtator, Karen Smith, Marlene Summers, Richard Summers Jr., Marjorie Stevens, Ronald ‘Tehassi’ Hill Jr., Michelle Hill, Victoria Matson, Don McLester, Loretta Webster, Carole Liggins, Willie Adams, Derick Denny, or anyone who gathered signatures are encouraged to contact the Tribal Secretary’s office at 920-869-4475 and ask that your name be stricken from the removal petition.
Should the Appeals Commission also be duped by Brian Doxtator’s lame claims and decide to schedule a GTC meeting for a vote on the matter, Oneida Eye is fully confident that the General Tribal Council will easily see through and reject his bogus and hypocritical attempts to damage the reputation of Chairperson Delgado and will rightly respond to Brian Doxtator’s vindictiveness with a proverbial swift kick in the pants.
So in advance of that, Brian, here’s a consolation prize:

Chester the Cat says: “You’re gonna need a Gent-L-Tip!”