Following Oneida Eye’s Lead, Council Member David Jordan Finally Starts Defending Job Posting Fairness (Too Little, Too Late, Fleet!)

Oneida Eye has heard that Council member David ‘Fleet’ Jordan isn’t a big fan of the blog and some even claim he’s joined the chorus of those saying ‘something’ has to be done to stop Oneida Eye from reporting about the Oneida Tribe’s government & corporations.

Oneida Eye has to give Council member Jordan credit for his comments at the March 26, 2014 Business Committee Regular Meeting in defense of the need for the Human Resources Dept. to post job positions to the entire Tribe and not just within the department that has a vacancy.

He must have realized that Oneida Eye has been right on that topic when the BC was wrong.

In the video Fleet asks HR Director Geraldine Danforth why she is requesting that a position only be posted internally to the Casino Maintenance Dept. and Personnel Services Manager Wendy Alvarez says that ‘they’ requested it that way to ‘make it fair’ to everyone in the Casino Maintenance Dept.

Who does Wendy Alavarez mean by ‘they’? The ‘senior team’ which is now in charge of deciding what position requests go forward to the BC, or is Wendy Alvarez implying that the request for internal-only posting originated with the Casino Maintenance Dept.?

The Casino Maintenance Dept. did not initiate the request to have the position only posted internally and was instead told by the HR Dept. to make the request that way so it would be more palatable to the BC on the premise that the position would not add a new employee to the Tribal employment base, but the responses to Council member Jordan’s questions show there is no basis for that.

There also seems to be some misunderstanding by some Tribal employees what an ‘internal posting’ means. Some take it mean that the position is only open to existing Tribal employees while others use it to mean that the position is only open to people already employed in a particular department.

Fleet mentions that the latter use of the term had caused concerns about newly created positions in the Workforce Development program which Oneida Eye reported on:

That deviation from Blue Book policy which requires new positions to be posted externally came on the heels of other hiring shenanigans by the HR Dept. and the Oneida Law Office:


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